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    Street Level微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 这部电影以一辆全新的Formula E第二代汽车开场。在最初的十秒钟内,刻度显示它实际上是汽车的微型1/10刻度遥控版本。 在遇到竞争对手另一辆RC车之前,这辆车猛烈地占领了这座城市。他们在史诗般的街头战斗中与之抗衡,以微型规模拍摄-以电影方式拍摄。 在电影的结局中,介绍了全尺寸汽车,这是叙事中的关键时刻,它回应了将E方程式与 “玩具车” 进行比较的赛车运动纯粹主义者。最后一幕显示了RC汽车撞向全尺寸汽车的后部。残酷而故意抽出的倒车将RC汽车压碎了。这是一种象征性的行为,让观众知道,现在是第5季,Formula E意味着生意,游戏时间已经结束。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 从历史上看,E方程式赛车受到赛车运动纯粹主义者的严厉批评,对电动锦标赛的需求受到了媒体的质疑。我们经常被称为 “牛奶漂浮物”,“吹风机”,甚至 “玩具车”! 实际上,e级方程式比赛是在城市街道上进行的激烈而全面的战斗。所有的赛车都具有相同的动力,这意味着最好的车手获胜,比赛可以超过60次超车,这不是游行,这是一项激动人心的全接触运动,只需45分钟即可完成。人们一旦听到它,他们真的很想看它,一旦他们看了它,他们就会喜欢它。 现在已经进入第5个赛季,Formula E都长大了一辆全新的第二代汽车,看起来就像是从蝙蝠侠电影的片场开始的。这些令人难以置信的机器经过专门设计,可以像以前一样在城市街道上行驶。 告诉评审团生产过程中使用的创新和进步。您可能希望对创造性地使用新技术或现有技术来增强最终执行情况发表评论。 在2.5个月的时间里,我们使用了全尺寸Gen 2汽车的原始CAD数据来创建我们的1/10比例RC版本。我们还使用了用于拍摄汽车广告的装备,并将其缩小到微型1/10比例。 俄罗斯手臂的微型版本是使用RC跟踪车和设计用于容纳小型相机的定制安装座创建的,以接近动作。此外,还调试了微型低装载机和手推车,用于捕获汽车鼻子和后部的锁定特写。 我们找不到可以实时播放内容的设备,以我们的规模进行移动时可以远程查看。因此,我们通过卸下螺旋桨并将其安装到辅助稳定的RC车辆上,来重新调整无人机的用途。无线远程摄像头使我们能够实时播放动作,同时提供可见性和敏捷的拍摄控制。


    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the film The film opens on what looks like a brand-new Formula E 2nd Generation car. Within the first ten seconds, a scale reveal shows that it’s actually a miniature 1/10th scale remote-control version of the car. The car fiercely takes on the city before meeting its rival, another RC car. They battle it out in a street fight of EPIC proportions, captured at a miniature scale – filmed in a cinematic way. In the finale of the film the full-scale car is introduced, a pivotal moment in the narrative that responds to motorsport purists who compare Formula E to ‘Toy Cars’. The final scene shows the RC car smash into the rear of the full-scale car. A cruel and intentionally drawn out reverse crushes the RC car to smithereens. A symbolic act that lets viewers know that now in its 5th Season, Formula E means business, that playtime is over. Cultural/Context information for the jury Historically Formula E has come under heavy criticism from motorsport purist, the need for an electric championship has been questioned in the media. We’ve often been called ‘Milk Floats’, ‘Hairdryers’, even ‘Toy Cars’! In reality Formula E races are intense, full-on battles that play out on the city streets. All the cars have the same power which means that the best driver wins, races can have over 60+ overtakes, it’s not a procession, it’s a thrilling full contact sport all delivered in just 45 mins. Once people hear about it, they really want to watch it, and once they watch it, they love it. Now in its 5th Season, Formula E is all grown up with a brand-new 2nd Generation car that looks like it’s straight from the set of a Batman film. These incredible machines are specifically engineered to take on the city streets like nothing else before them. Tell the jury about the innovation and advancements used during production. You may wish to comment on the inventive use of new or existing technology to enhance the final execution. Over 2.5 months we used the original CAD data from the full size Gen 2 car to create our 1/10th scale RC versions. We also took the gear used to film car commercials and shrunk them down to a miniature 1/10th scale too. A miniature version of a Russian Arm was created using an RC tracking car and custom mounts designed to hold small cameras, to get close to the action. Additionally, miniature low loaders and trolleys were commissioned which were used to capture locked close ups of the nose and rear of the car. We couldn’t find gear that could live stream content to review remotely whilst on the move at our scale. So, we repurpose a drone by removing the propellers and mounted it to a secondary stabalised RC vehicle. The wireless remote camera allowed us to stream the action live whilst giving visibility and agile filming control.

    Street Level

    案例简介:写一个关于电影中发生的事情的简短总结 这部电影以一辆全新的Formula E第二代汽车开场。在最初的十秒钟内,刻度显示它实际上是汽车的微型1/10刻度遥控版本。 在遇到竞争对手另一辆RC车之前,这辆车猛烈地占领了这座城市。他们在史诗般的街头战斗中与之抗衡,以微型规模拍摄-以电影方式拍摄。 在电影的结局中,介绍了全尺寸汽车,这是叙事中的关键时刻,它回应了将E方程式与 “玩具车” 进行比较的赛车运动纯粹主义者。最后一幕显示了RC汽车撞向全尺寸汽车的后部。残酷而故意抽出的倒车将RC汽车压碎了。这是一种象征性的行为,让观众知道,现在是第5季,Formula E意味着生意,游戏时间已经结束。 陪审团的文化/背景信息 从历史上看,E方程式赛车受到赛车运动纯粹主义者的严厉批评,对电动锦标赛的需求受到了媒体的质疑。我们经常被称为 “牛奶漂浮物”,“吹风机”,甚至 “玩具车”! 实际上,e级方程式比赛是在城市街道上进行的激烈而全面的战斗。所有的赛车都具有相同的动力,这意味着最好的车手获胜,比赛可以超过60次超车,这不是游行,这是一项激动人心的全接触运动,只需45分钟即可完成。人们一旦听到它,他们真的很想看它,一旦他们看了它,他们就会喜欢它。 现在已经进入第5个赛季,Formula E都长大了一辆全新的第二代汽车,看起来就像是从蝙蝠侠电影的片场开始的。这些令人难以置信的机器经过专门设计,可以像以前一样在城市街道上行驶。 告诉评审团生产过程中使用的创新和进步。您可能希望对创造性地使用新技术或现有技术来增强最终执行情况发表评论。 在2.5个月的时间里,我们使用了全尺寸Gen 2汽车的原始CAD数据来创建我们的1/10比例RC版本。我们还使用了用于拍摄汽车广告的装备,并将其缩小到微型1/10比例。 俄罗斯手臂的微型版本是使用RC跟踪车和设计用于容纳小型相机的定制安装座创建的,以接近动作。此外,还调试了微型低装载机和手推车,用于捕获汽车鼻子和后部的锁定特写。 我们找不到可以实时播放内容的设备,以我们的规模进行移动时可以远程查看。因此,我们通过卸下螺旋桨并将其安装到辅助稳定的RC车辆上,来重新调整无人机的用途。无线远程摄像头使我们能够实时播放动作,同时提供可见性和敏捷的拍摄控制。

    Street Level

    案例简介:Write a short summary of what happens in the film The film opens on what looks like a brand-new Formula E 2nd Generation car. Within the first ten seconds, a scale reveal shows that it’s actually a miniature 1/10th scale remote-control version of the car. The car fiercely takes on the city before meeting its rival, another RC car. They battle it out in a street fight of EPIC proportions, captured at a miniature scale – filmed in a cinematic way. In the finale of the film the full-scale car is introduced, a pivotal moment in the narrative that responds to motorsport purists who compare Formula E to ‘Toy Cars’. The final scene shows the RC car smash into the rear of the full-scale car. A cruel and intentionally drawn out reverse crushes the RC car to smithereens. A symbolic act that lets viewers know that now in its 5th Season, Formula E means business, that playtime is over. Cultural/Context information for the jury Historically Formula E has come under heavy criticism from motorsport purist, the need for an electric championship has been questioned in the media. We’ve often been called ‘Milk Floats’, ‘Hairdryers’, even ‘Toy Cars’! In reality Formula E races are intense, full-on battles that play out on the city streets. All the cars have the same power which means that the best driver wins, races can have over 60+ overtakes, it’s not a procession, it’s a thrilling full contact sport all delivered in just 45 mins. Once people hear about it, they really want to watch it, and once they watch it, they love it. Now in its 5th Season, Formula E is all grown up with a brand-new 2nd Generation car that looks like it’s straight from the set of a Batman film. These incredible machines are specifically engineered to take on the city streets like nothing else before them. Tell the jury about the innovation and advancements used during production. You may wish to comment on the inventive use of new or existing technology to enhance the final execution. Over 2.5 months we used the original CAD data from the full size Gen 2 car to create our 1/10th scale RC versions. We also took the gear used to film car commercials and shrunk them down to a miniature 1/10th scale too. A miniature version of a Russian Arm was created using an RC tracking car and custom mounts designed to hold small cameras, to get close to the action. Additionally, miniature low loaders and trolleys were commissioned which were used to capture locked close ups of the nose and rear of the car. We couldn’t find gear that could live stream content to review remotely whilst on the move at our scale. So, we repurpose a drone by removing the propellers and mounted it to a secondary stabalised RC vehicle. The wireless remote camera allowed us to stream the action live whilst giving visibility and agile filming control.



    Street Level






    广告公司: Iris (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Kode Media




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