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    案例简介:概要 菲尔莫剧院和圣安德鲁斯音乐厅长期以来一直是底特律摇滚偶像。这个海报活动和书籍汇编帮助他们获得传奇的地位,并将其与当今流行文化的敏感性融合在一起,这种敏感性超出了他们自己能做的任何事情。我们的设计师和艺术总监让他们掌握了视觉工艺。这种视觉火炬结合了菲尔莫尔丰富的音乐历史和每个乐队的文化影响,使得每一场演出都不仅仅是乐队全国巡演的一个当地站。它让底特律的表演成为菲尔莫尔作为场地和出席的每一位粉丝的独特之处。500 份被印刷并出售给摇滚爱好者,他们可能会用海报装饰阁楼、公寓或房子,或者作为咖啡桌书。 结果 粉丝们得到了底特律独有的东西,因此也得到了他们独有的东西,加深了他们与他们热爱的音乐和他们称之为家的城市的联系。把这些海报做成书的形式, 底特律可以通过展示一个城市的骄傲和音乐场景如何在艺术家和粉丝欣赏的独特当代设计活动中结合起来,在流行文化中获得了翻滚的效果。 执行 这本书本身是从当地供应商 French paper Co 印刷的。这是一本大型软封面书,带有全尺寸海报,故意不绑定,并在绑定边缘打孔,以允许取景。它是由吉他和橡皮筋固定在一起的,便于拆卸。这本书的实际封面是丝网印刷的,所以它是一张可以装裱或挂起来的大海报。 活动描述 汽车城催生了一部明星百科全书,菲尔莫尔一直是他们庆祝音乐的地方。艺术总监被指示将标志性的底特律图像、符号和隐喻纳入海报中,以便做出具有穿透力的、关于他们的城市和与之密切相关的音乐的图形陈述。海报不仅仅是活动促销,这一点至关重要。他们需要将底特律市和音乐艺术家无缝地融合在一起。一个不能主宰另一个。


    案例简介:Synopsis The Fillmore Theatre and St Andrews Hall have long been Detroit rock icons. This poster campaign and book compilation helps them to take their legendary status and fuse it with a present-day pop culture sensibility in a way that’s outside of anything they could do on their own. Our designers and art directors bring to them a mastery of the visual craft. That visual flare combined with the Fillmore’s rich musical history and each band’s cultural impact allows every show to be more than just a local stop on a band’s nationwide tour. It lets the Detroit show be something that is unique both to the Fillmore as venue, and to every single fan in attendance. 500 copies were printed and sold to rock and roll aficionados who would likely use the posters to decorate a loft, apartment or house, or as a coffee table book. Outcome Fans get something unique to Detroit, and thus unique to them, furthering their connection with the music they love and this city they call home. By having these posters in book form, Detroit can be seen for the roll it’s had in pop culture by showing how one city’s pride and music scene have combined in this uniquely contemporary design exercise in artist and fan appreciation. Execution The book itself is printed on paper from French Paper Co, locally sourced vendor. It's a large format soft cover book, with full-sized posters, purposefully left unbound and perforated at the binding edge, to allow removal for framing. It's held together by a guitar pick and rubber band, for easy dismantle. The actual cover of the book was screen printed and made so that its a large poster that can be framed or hung up. CampaignDescription The Motor City has spawned an encyclopedia of stars and the Fillmore has always been a place where their music was celebrated. The art directors were instructed to include iconic Detroit images, symbols and metaphors into the posters so as to make a penetrating, graphic statement about both their city and the music that is so closely associated with it. It was crucial that the posters be more than event promotions. They needed to fuse together the city of Detroit and the musical artists seamlessly. One couldn't dominate the other.

    Fillmore Poster Book

    案例简介:概要 菲尔莫剧院和圣安德鲁斯音乐厅长期以来一直是底特律摇滚偶像。这个海报活动和书籍汇编帮助他们获得传奇的地位,并将其与当今流行文化的敏感性融合在一起,这种敏感性超出了他们自己能做的任何事情。我们的设计师和艺术总监让他们掌握了视觉工艺。这种视觉火炬结合了菲尔莫尔丰富的音乐历史和每个乐队的文化影响,使得每一场演出都不仅仅是乐队全国巡演的一个当地站。它让底特律的表演成为菲尔莫尔作为场地和出席的每一位粉丝的独特之处。500 份被印刷并出售给摇滚爱好者,他们可能会用海报装饰阁楼、公寓或房子,或者作为咖啡桌书。 结果 粉丝们得到了底特律独有的东西,因此也得到了他们独有的东西,加深了他们与他们热爱的音乐和他们称之为家的城市的联系。把这些海报做成书的形式, 底特律可以通过展示一个城市的骄傲和音乐场景如何在艺术家和粉丝欣赏的独特当代设计活动中结合起来,在流行文化中获得了翻滚的效果。 执行 这本书本身是从当地供应商 French paper Co 印刷的。这是一本大型软封面书,带有全尺寸海报,故意不绑定,并在绑定边缘打孔,以允许取景。它是由吉他和橡皮筋固定在一起的,便于拆卸。这本书的实际封面是丝网印刷的,所以它是一张可以装裱或挂起来的大海报。 活动描述 汽车城催生了一部明星百科全书,菲尔莫尔一直是他们庆祝音乐的地方。艺术总监被指示将标志性的底特律图像、符号和隐喻纳入海报中,以便做出具有穿透力的、关于他们的城市和与之密切相关的音乐的图形陈述。海报不仅仅是活动促销,这一点至关重要。他们需要将底特律市和音乐艺术家无缝地融合在一起。一个不能主宰另一个。

    Fillmore Poster Book

    案例简介:Synopsis The Fillmore Theatre and St Andrews Hall have long been Detroit rock icons. This poster campaign and book compilation helps them to take their legendary status and fuse it with a present-day pop culture sensibility in a way that’s outside of anything they could do on their own. Our designers and art directors bring to them a mastery of the visual craft. That visual flare combined with the Fillmore’s rich musical history and each band’s cultural impact allows every show to be more than just a local stop on a band’s nationwide tour. It lets the Detroit show be something that is unique both to the Fillmore as venue, and to every single fan in attendance. 500 copies were printed and sold to rock and roll aficionados who would likely use the posters to decorate a loft, apartment or house, or as a coffee table book. Outcome Fans get something unique to Detroit, and thus unique to them, furthering their connection with the music they love and this city they call home. By having these posters in book form, Detroit can be seen for the roll it’s had in pop culture by showing how one city’s pride and music scene have combined in this uniquely contemporary design exercise in artist and fan appreciation. Execution The book itself is printed on paper from French Paper Co, locally sourced vendor. It's a large format soft cover book, with full-sized posters, purposefully left unbound and perforated at the binding edge, to allow removal for framing. It's held together by a guitar pick and rubber band, for easy dismantle. The actual cover of the book was screen printed and made so that its a large poster that can be framed or hung up. CampaignDescription The Motor City has spawned an encyclopedia of stars and the Fillmore has always been a place where their music was celebrated. The art directors were instructed to include iconic Detroit images, symbols and metaphors into the posters so as to make a penetrating, graphic statement about both their city and the music that is so closely associated with it. It was crucial that the posters be more than event promotions. They needed to fuse together the city of Detroit and the musical artists seamlessly. One couldn't dominate the other.



    Fillmore Poster Book






    广告公司: 麦肯 (美国)




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