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    Igniting a Global Conspiracy to #GetNZontheMap活动广告营销案例



    点燃全球阴谋 # GetNZontheMap

    案例简介:背景 新西兰是一个位于太平洋底部的孤立小国,经济严重依赖旅游业。 通过Reddit线程 (r/MapsWithoutNZ),我们发现我们的国家被排除在世界地图之外,超过25k的订户分享了成千上万的丢失NZ的地图示例-来自宜家的壁图,星巴克壁画,公司徽标等产品,以及流行电影和电视节目中的场景。 虽然这可能被认为是新西兰旅游业的噩梦,但我们认为这是促进新西兰成为旅游目的地的机会。 目标: 从新西兰主要的国际市场 (美国,澳大利亚,英国和欧洲) 增加对新西兰的旅行考虑,同时克服我们的主要旅行障碍,即与世隔绝,以至于我们无法作为旅行目的地。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 我们的想法是发起一场社会运动,将不幸的新西兰被排除在世界地图之外的问题变成了全球阴谋,这表明嫉妒是其他国家将我们排除在地图之外的原因。 在新西兰总理杰辛达 · 阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 和我国最受欢迎的演员之一里斯 · 达比 (Rhys Darby) 的带领下,我们的社交电影轻松地使这个问题成为了国家的重要问题,并引起了人们对新西兰的一些主要旅游属性的关注。世界可能会嫉妒。 然后,我们鼓励观众通过使用 # getNZonthemap标签分享访问我们国家的所有重要理由,帮助我们回到地图上。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们的目标受众来自新西兰旅游局的主要市场 (美国,澳大利亚,英国和欧洲),他们可能听说过新西兰,但认为距离新西兰太远了。 我们的策略不是依靠典型的风景和活动旅游主题,而是在他们对小国的热爱背后团结世界。 通过一个简单的标签 (# getNZonthemap),我们给了过去的游客,并倡导了全球舞台,认可新西兰是一个不应该被遗忘的地方,并呼吁那些让新西兰脱离地图的品牌。 为了提高与观众的相关性,我们与新西兰总理兼演员Rhys Dsrby一起开展了竞选活动,他们都在新西兰旅游局的主要市场中吸引了社会追随者。 为了引发社交对话,我们编写了社交电影的脚本,轻松地将手指指向我们的主要市场,这表明他们特别嫉妒新西兰所提供的服务。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) 我们的社交活动完全集中在一部2-3分钟的社交电影上。 通过 $0的媒体支出,我们通过我们的人才-新西兰总理Jacinda Ardern和演员Rhys Darby的个人Facebook帐户发行了社交电影。 知道它们在新西兰旅游局的主要国际市场中的受欢迎程度,这意味着我们对最初的关注充满信心。 但是我们的下一阶段完全是由用户生成的,依靠我们的社交电影的号召性用语来 “帮助我们 # getnzonthemap”,以激发我们国家继续我们的运动的倡导者。 社交电影和主题标签都引起了人们对新西兰错过世界地图的认识,但也引发了正确的社交对话,即为什么新西兰应该成为每个人的旅行目的地。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -0美元的媒体支出 -价值1000万美元的媒体 -全球1100万次有机观看 (并在不断增加) -13亿总覆盖范围 -66:1投资回报率 凭借 $0的PR和媒体支出,我们的单个视频通过纯粹的有机社交共享和媒体获取吸引了全世界的注意力。 新西兰立即成为头条新闻,其媒体来自新西兰主要国际市场的多个主要新闻出版物: 美国 (纽约时报,福克斯新闻,上周今晚与约翰 · 奥利弗,康德纳斯特旅游),英国 (BBC,《卫报》,《独立报》,《电讯报》),澳大利亚(悉尼先驱晨报,Mashable,孤独星球,日出早餐),欧洲 (EuroNews,Business Insider,Le Monde,Berliner Zeitung)。还有很多很多。

    点燃全球阴谋 # GetNZontheMap

    案例简介:Background New Zealand is a small isolated nation at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean with an economy that heavily relies on tourism. Through a Reddit thread (r/MapsWithoutNZ), we discovered that our country was being left off world maps, with over 25k subscribers sharing thousands of examples of maps missing NZ – from products like wall maps at Ikea, Starbucks murals, company logos, and scenes in popular movies and TV shows. While this could be considered a nightmare scenario for New Zealand tourism, we saw this as an opportunity to promote New Zealand as a tourist destination. Objective: Increase travel consideration to New Zealand from Tourism New Zealand’s key international markets (USA, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe), while overcoming our main travel barrier of being so isolated that we’re off the radar as a travel destination. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Our idea was to create a social campaign that turned the unfortunate issue of New Zealand being left off world maps into a global conspiracy, suggesting jealousy as the reason for other countries’ leaving us off the map. Fronted by New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and one of our country’s most popular actors, Rhys Darby, our social film light-heartedly made this issue a matter of national importance and brought attention to some of NZ’s key tourist attributes that the world may be jealous of. We then encouraged viewers to help put us back on the map, by sharing all the great reasons to visit our country using the hashtag #getNZonthemap. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target audience were based in Tourism NZ’s key markets (USA, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe) who may have heard of New Zealand, but presumed it was too far away to visit. Rather than relying on the typical tourist themes of landscapes and activities, our strategy was to rally the world behind their love of a small nation. Through a simple hashtag (#getNZonthemap), we gave past visitors and advocates the global stage to endorse NZ as a place that shouldn’t be forgotten about, and call out brands that have left NZ off maps. To increase relevance with our audience, we fronted our campaign with NZ’s Prime Minister and actor Rhys Dsrby, who both have captive social followings across Tourism NZ’s key markets. To spark social conversation, we scripted our social film to light-heartedly point fingers at our key markets, suggesting they were particularly jealous of what NZ has to offer. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Our social campaign was entirely centred around one single 2-3 minute social film. With $0 media spend, to generate mass social reach we launched our social film via the personal Facebook accounts of our talent – NZ’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and actor, Rhys Darby. Knowing their combined popularity in Tourism NZ’s key international markets meant that we were confident of an initial burst of attention. But our next phase was entirely user-generated, relying on our social film’s call-to-action to ‘Help us #getNZonthemap’ to spark advocates for our country to continue our campaign. Both the social film and hashtag generated the awareness about New Zealand missing off world maps, but also ignited the right social conversation about why New Zealand should be on everyone’s radar as a travel destination. List the results (30% of vote) - $0 Media Spend - $10 Million Worth of Earned Media - 11 Million+ Organic Views Worldwide (and counting) - 1.3 BILLION Total Reach - 66:1 Return on Investment With $0 PR and media spend, our single video captured the attention of the world through purely organic social sharing and media pickup. New Zealand instantly became headline news with earned media from multiple leading news publications across Tourism New Zealand’s key international markets: USA (New York Times, Fox News, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Conde Nast Travel), UK (BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph), Australia (Sydney Morning Herald, Mashable, Lonely Planet, Sunrise Breakfast), Europe (EuroNews, Business Insider, Le Monde, Berliner Zeitung). And many, many more.

    Igniting a Global Conspiracy to #GetNZontheMap

    案例简介:背景 新西兰是一个位于太平洋底部的孤立小国,经济严重依赖旅游业。 通过Reddit线程 (r/MapsWithoutNZ),我们发现我们的国家被排除在世界地图之外,超过25k的订户分享了成千上万的丢失NZ的地图示例-来自宜家的壁图,星巴克壁画,公司徽标等产品,以及流行电影和电视节目中的场景。 虽然这可能被认为是新西兰旅游业的噩梦,但我们认为这是促进新西兰成为旅游目的地的机会。 目标: 从新西兰主要的国际市场 (美国,澳大利亚,英国和欧洲) 增加对新西兰的旅行考虑,同时克服我们的主要旅行障碍,即与世隔绝,以至于我们无法作为旅行目的地。 描述创意 (30% 的选票) 我们的想法是发起一场社会运动,将不幸的新西兰被排除在世界地图之外的问题变成了全球阴谋,这表明嫉妒是其他国家将我们排除在地图之外的原因。 在新西兰总理杰辛达 · 阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 和我国最受欢迎的演员之一里斯 · 达比 (Rhys Darby) 的带领下,我们的社交电影轻松地使这个问题成为了国家的重要问题,并引起了人们对新西兰的一些主要旅游属性的关注。世界可能会嫉妒。 然后,我们鼓励观众通过使用 # getNZonthemap标签分享访问我们国家的所有重要理由,帮助我们回到地图上。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们的目标受众来自新西兰旅游局的主要市场 (美国,澳大利亚,英国和欧洲),他们可能听说过新西兰,但认为距离新西兰太远了。 我们的策略不是依靠典型的风景和活动旅游主题,而是在他们对小国的热爱背后团结世界。 通过一个简单的标签 (# getNZonthemap),我们给了过去的游客,并倡导了全球舞台,认可新西兰是一个不应该被遗忘的地方,并呼吁那些让新西兰脱离地图的品牌。 为了提高与观众的相关性,我们与新西兰总理兼演员Rhys Dsrby一起开展了竞选活动,他们都在新西兰旅游局的主要市场中吸引了社会追随者。 为了引发社交对话,我们编写了社交电影的脚本,轻松地将手指指向我们的主要市场,这表明他们特别嫉妒新西兰所提供的服务。 描述执行 (20% 的选票) 我们的社交活动完全集中在一部2-3分钟的社交电影上。 通过 $0的媒体支出,我们通过我们的人才-新西兰总理Jacinda Ardern和演员Rhys Darby的个人Facebook帐户发行了社交电影。 知道它们在新西兰旅游局的主要国际市场中的受欢迎程度,这意味着我们对最初的关注充满信心。 但是我们的下一阶段完全是由用户生成的,依靠我们的社交电影的号召性用语来 “帮助我们 # getnzonthemap”,以激发我们国家继续我们的运动的倡导者。 社交电影和主题标签都引起了人们对新西兰错过世界地图的认识,但也引发了正确的社交对话,即为什么新西兰应该成为每个人的旅行目的地。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) -0美元的媒体支出 -价值1000万美元的媒体 -全球1100万次有机观看 (并在不断增加) -13亿总覆盖范围 -66:1投资回报率 凭借 $0的PR和媒体支出,我们的单个视频通过纯粹的有机社交共享和媒体获取吸引了全世界的注意力。 新西兰立即成为头条新闻,其媒体来自新西兰主要国际市场的多个主要新闻出版物: 美国 (纽约时报,福克斯新闻,上周今晚与约翰 · 奥利弗,康德纳斯特旅游),英国 (BBC,《卫报》,《独立报》,《电讯报》),澳大利亚(悉尼先驱晨报,Mashable,孤独星球,日出早餐),欧洲 (EuroNews,Business Insider,Le Monde,Berliner Zeitung)。还有很多很多。

    Igniting a Global Conspiracy to #GetNZontheMap

    案例简介:Background New Zealand is a small isolated nation at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean with an economy that heavily relies on tourism. Through a Reddit thread (r/MapsWithoutNZ), we discovered that our country was being left off world maps, with over 25k subscribers sharing thousands of examples of maps missing NZ – from products like wall maps at Ikea, Starbucks murals, company logos, and scenes in popular movies and TV shows. While this could be considered a nightmare scenario for New Zealand tourism, we saw this as an opportunity to promote New Zealand as a tourist destination. Objective: Increase travel consideration to New Zealand from Tourism New Zealand’s key international markets (USA, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe), while overcoming our main travel barrier of being so isolated that we’re off the radar as a travel destination. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Our idea was to create a social campaign that turned the unfortunate issue of New Zealand being left off world maps into a global conspiracy, suggesting jealousy as the reason for other countries’ leaving us off the map. Fronted by New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and one of our country’s most popular actors, Rhys Darby, our social film light-heartedly made this issue a matter of national importance and brought attention to some of NZ’s key tourist attributes that the world may be jealous of. We then encouraged viewers to help put us back on the map, by sharing all the great reasons to visit our country using the hashtag #getNZonthemap. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Our target audience were based in Tourism NZ’s key markets (USA, Australia, United Kingdom and Europe) who may have heard of New Zealand, but presumed it was too far away to visit. Rather than relying on the typical tourist themes of landscapes and activities, our strategy was to rally the world behind their love of a small nation. Through a simple hashtag (#getNZonthemap), we gave past visitors and advocates the global stage to endorse NZ as a place that shouldn’t be forgotten about, and call out brands that have left NZ off maps. To increase relevance with our audience, we fronted our campaign with NZ’s Prime Minister and actor Rhys Dsrby, who both have captive social followings across Tourism NZ’s key markets. To spark social conversation, we scripted our social film to light-heartedly point fingers at our key markets, suggesting they were particularly jealous of what NZ has to offer. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Our social campaign was entirely centred around one single 2-3 minute social film. With $0 media spend, to generate mass social reach we launched our social film via the personal Facebook accounts of our talent – NZ’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and actor, Rhys Darby. Knowing their combined popularity in Tourism NZ’s key international markets meant that we were confident of an initial burst of attention. But our next phase was entirely user-generated, relying on our social film’s call-to-action to ‘Help us #getNZonthemap’ to spark advocates for our country to continue our campaign. Both the social film and hashtag generated the awareness about New Zealand missing off world maps, but also ignited the right social conversation about why New Zealand should be on everyone’s radar as a travel destination. List the results (30% of vote) - $0 Media Spend - $10 Million Worth of Earned Media - 11 Million+ Organic Views Worldwide (and counting) - 1.3 BILLION Total Reach - 66:1 Return on Investment With $0 PR and media spend, our single video captured the attention of the world through purely organic social sharing and media pickup. New Zealand instantly became headline news with earned media from multiple leading news publications across Tourism New Zealand’s key international markets: USA (New York Times, Fox News, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Conde Nast Travel), UK (BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph), Australia (Sydney Morning Herald, Mashable, Lonely Planet, Sunrise Breakfast), Europe (EuroNews, Business Insider, Le Monde, Berliner Zeitung). And many, many more.

    点燃全球阴谋 # GetNZontheMap


    Igniting a Global Conspiracy to #GetNZontheMap






    广告公司: Augusto (新西兰 奥克兰) 制作公司: Augusto




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