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    案例简介:背景 Dunkin和Oreo在滚动社交提要时必须引起用户的注意,从而在整个激活过程中保持关注。人们喜欢通过Twitter告诉品牌出了问题。奥利奥 (Oreo) 和邓肯 (Dunkin') 都拥有全球公认的徽标和超过200万的追随者。切换Twitter提要自然会导致粉丝呼唤我们,并自愿在帮助我们切换中发挥积极作用。我们知道他们会建议奥利奥 (Oreo) 和邓肯 (Dunkin') 走到一起,这要归功于经典电影《怪异的星期五》 (Freaky Friday) 的著名情节。 描述创意 (投票30%) Dunkin' 需要突破社交功能,以建立新的奥利奥口味。因此,Dunkin' 和Oreo交换了Twitter帐户,这让他们超过200万个Twitter追随者感到非常惊讶。他们在12个小时内切换了字体,颜色和帖子,知道粉丝会帮助我们切换回去。追随者建议我们共同努力消除故障,例如在Freaky Friday的情节中。因此,Dunkin' 和Oreo互相提出了可能的合作,粉丝们对每个帖子进行了批评,直到最终发布了新的Oreo甜甜圈和热巧克力,从而将twitter反馈恢复正常。 描述策略 (投票20%) Dunkin' 希望利用他们与奥利奥的合作伙伴关系,超越产品创新,吸引人们对社交的关注。他们想在Twitter上针对当前的Dunkin' 和Oreo粉丝,他们正在无意识地浏览新闻提要并快速传递品牌内容。他们正在寻找的可交付成果是Twitter广告系列或激活,旨在通过Dunkin' 和Oreo的合作取悦粉丝。 描述执行 (投票20%) 这是在2018年10月2日上进行的为期一天的Twitter活动。一天开始时,每个品牌都发布了一个 “小故障” 的GIF,该GIF莫名其妙地交换了Dunkin' 和Oreo的标志性徽标。然后,Dunkin' 开始发布奥利奥推文。奥利奥开始发布Dunkin' 推文。粉丝们注意到了这一点,并加入了对话,让品牌知道事情发生了。Dunkin' 和Oreo意识到,就像电影中一样,他们必须共同努力才能回到正常的自我。他们必须通过图像帖子和插图模型来交换产品协作。嘲讽的建议包括撒满奥利奥的马铃薯煎饼和用奥利奥粘在一起制成的巨大甜甜圈。最后,他们进行了正确的产品合作,推出了奥利奥甜甜圈和热巧克力。故障已撤消,秩序已恢复。 列出结果 (投票30%) “怪异的星期二” 激活导致了92,249的参与,120,038的观点和1,168,890的印象。以少数横幅广告的价格首次执行,吸引了众多观众。成功是针对Twitter优化激活,入侵徽标,包含有趣的技术插图以及我们向粉丝展示的整体独特性的累积结果。


    案例简介:Background Dunkin and Oreo had to catch users’ eyes as they scrolled their social feed, keeping their attention throughout the activation. People love to tell brands something’s wrong through Twitter. Both Oreo and Dunkin’ have globally recognized logos and a over two million combined followers. Switching Twitter feeds naturally led fans to call us out and volunteer an active role in helping us switch back. We knew they’d suggest Oreo and Dunkin’ come together, thanks to the well-known plot of the classic movie Freaky Friday. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Dunkin’ needed to break through on social to build buzz for their new Oreo flavors. So, in a complete surprise to their over two million combined Twitter followers, Dunkin’ and Oreo swapped Twitter accounts. For 12 hours they switched fonts, colors, and posts knowing fans would help us switch back. Followers suggested we work together to undo the glitch, like in the plot of Freaky Friday. So Dunkin’ and Oreo pitched each other possible collaborations, with fans critiquing each post, until finally the new Oreo donut and hot chocolate were posted, switching the twitter feeds back to normal. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Dunkin’ wanted to leverage their partnership with Oreo beyond product innovation to capture attention on social. They wanted to target current Dunkin’ and Oreo fans on Twitter who are scrolling mindlessly through their newsfeeds and quick to pass branded content. The deliverable they were looking for was a Twitter campaign or activation designed to delight fans with the Dunkin’ and Oreo collaboration. Describe the execution (20% of vote) This was a daylong Twitter campaign that ran on October 2, 2018. The day began with each brand posting a GIF of a “glitch” that inexplicably swapped Dunkin’ and Oreo’s iconic logos. Then, Dunkin’ began posting Oreo tweets. Oreo began posting Dunkin’ tweets. Fans took notice and joined the conversation, letting the brands know that something was up. Dunkin’ and Oreo realized that, just like in the movie, they would have to work together to switch back to their normal selves. They got to work exchanging product collaborations via image posts and illustrated mock-ups. Tongue-in-cheek proposals included Oreo-dusted hashbrowns and a giant donut made of stuck together Oreos. Finally, they landed on the right product collaborations, launching the Oreo Donut and Hot Chocolate. The glitch was undone and order was restored. List the results (30% of vote) The “Freaky Tuesday” activation resulted in 92,249 engagements, 120,038 views, and 1,168,890 impressions. This large audience was reached by a first-of-its-kind execution all for the price of a few banner ads. The success was a cumulative result of optimizing an activation specifically for Twitter, hacking the logos, the inclusion of interesting technical illustrations, and the overall uniqueness of what we were presenting to fans.

    Freaky Tuesday

    案例简介:背景 Dunkin和Oreo在滚动社交提要时必须引起用户的注意,从而在整个激活过程中保持关注。人们喜欢通过Twitter告诉品牌出了问题。奥利奥 (Oreo) 和邓肯 (Dunkin') 都拥有全球公认的徽标和超过200万的追随者。切换Twitter提要自然会导致粉丝呼唤我们,并自愿在帮助我们切换中发挥积极作用。我们知道他们会建议奥利奥 (Oreo) 和邓肯 (Dunkin') 走到一起,这要归功于经典电影《怪异的星期五》 (Freaky Friday) 的著名情节。 描述创意 (投票30%) Dunkin' 需要突破社交功能,以建立新的奥利奥口味。因此,Dunkin' 和Oreo交换了Twitter帐户,这让他们超过200万个Twitter追随者感到非常惊讶。他们在12个小时内切换了字体,颜色和帖子,知道粉丝会帮助我们切换回去。追随者建议我们共同努力消除故障,例如在Freaky Friday的情节中。因此,Dunkin' 和Oreo互相提出了可能的合作,粉丝们对每个帖子进行了批评,直到最终发布了新的Oreo甜甜圈和热巧克力,从而将twitter反馈恢复正常。 描述策略 (投票20%) Dunkin' 希望利用他们与奥利奥的合作伙伴关系,超越产品创新,吸引人们对社交的关注。他们想在Twitter上针对当前的Dunkin' 和Oreo粉丝,他们正在无意识地浏览新闻提要并快速传递品牌内容。他们正在寻找的可交付成果是Twitter广告系列或激活,旨在通过Dunkin' 和Oreo的合作取悦粉丝。 描述执行 (投票20%) 这是在2018年10月2日上进行的为期一天的Twitter活动。一天开始时,每个品牌都发布了一个 “小故障” 的GIF,该GIF莫名其妙地交换了Dunkin' 和Oreo的标志性徽标。然后,Dunkin' 开始发布奥利奥推文。奥利奥开始发布Dunkin' 推文。粉丝们注意到了这一点,并加入了对话,让品牌知道事情发生了。Dunkin' 和Oreo意识到,就像电影中一样,他们必须共同努力才能回到正常的自我。他们必须通过图像帖子和插图模型来交换产品协作。嘲讽的建议包括撒满奥利奥的马铃薯煎饼和用奥利奥粘在一起制成的巨大甜甜圈。最后,他们进行了正确的产品合作,推出了奥利奥甜甜圈和热巧克力。故障已撤消,秩序已恢复。 列出结果 (投票30%) “怪异的星期二” 激活导致了92,249的参与,120,038的观点和1,168,890的印象。以少数横幅广告的价格首次执行,吸引了众多观众。成功是针对Twitter优化激活,入侵徽标,包含有趣的技术插图以及我们向粉丝展示的整体独特性的累积结果。

    Freaky Tuesday

    案例简介:Background Dunkin and Oreo had to catch users’ eyes as they scrolled their social feed, keeping their attention throughout the activation. People love to tell brands something’s wrong through Twitter. Both Oreo and Dunkin’ have globally recognized logos and a over two million combined followers. Switching Twitter feeds naturally led fans to call us out and volunteer an active role in helping us switch back. We knew they’d suggest Oreo and Dunkin’ come together, thanks to the well-known plot of the classic movie Freaky Friday. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Dunkin’ needed to break through on social to build buzz for their new Oreo flavors. So, in a complete surprise to their over two million combined Twitter followers, Dunkin’ and Oreo swapped Twitter accounts. For 12 hours they switched fonts, colors, and posts knowing fans would help us switch back. Followers suggested we work together to undo the glitch, like in the plot of Freaky Friday. So Dunkin’ and Oreo pitched each other possible collaborations, with fans critiquing each post, until finally the new Oreo donut and hot chocolate were posted, switching the twitter feeds back to normal. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Dunkin’ wanted to leverage their partnership with Oreo beyond product innovation to capture attention on social. They wanted to target current Dunkin’ and Oreo fans on Twitter who are scrolling mindlessly through their newsfeeds and quick to pass branded content. The deliverable they were looking for was a Twitter campaign or activation designed to delight fans with the Dunkin’ and Oreo collaboration. Describe the execution (20% of vote) This was a daylong Twitter campaign that ran on October 2, 2018. The day began with each brand posting a GIF of a “glitch” that inexplicably swapped Dunkin’ and Oreo’s iconic logos. Then, Dunkin’ began posting Oreo tweets. Oreo began posting Dunkin’ tweets. Fans took notice and joined the conversation, letting the brands know that something was up. Dunkin’ and Oreo realized that, just like in the movie, they would have to work together to switch back to their normal selves. They got to work exchanging product collaborations via image posts and illustrated mock-ups. Tongue-in-cheek proposals included Oreo-dusted hashbrowns and a giant donut made of stuck together Oreos. Finally, they landed on the right product collaborations, launching the Oreo Donut and Hot Chocolate. The glitch was undone and order was restored. List the results (30% of vote) The “Freaky Tuesday” activation resulted in 92,249 engagements, 120,038 views, and 1,168,890 impressions. This large audience was reached by a first-of-its-kind execution all for the price of a few banner ads. The success was a cumulative result of optimizing an activation specifically for Twitter, hacking the logos, the inclusion of interesting technical illustrations, and the overall uniqueness of what we were presenting to fans.



    Freaky Tuesday






    广告公司: 天联 (美国 纽约)




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