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    Love Cam短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 前几年,“没有标签的爱” 运动通过电影影响了文化,这些电影教会人们重新思考自己的内部偏见。今年,这项运动的目标是对文化产生实际影响:特别是一个文化偶像,不知不觉地增强了人们的内部偏见。通过使用爱情摄像头来构建观众认为是一对夫妇的东西,然后重新构建以找到不那么令人期待的爱情类型,我们向人们展示了他们自己的假设比他们意识到的更有偏见。在每一个接触点,观众都通过哈佛大学设计的一个简单的在线测验来重新思考他们的偏见。 结果 -超过 4200万个组合视图-超过 150万股-超过 550 的媒体印象,爱的信息迅速通过文化传播,开始了关于偏见和美国爱情的对话。如此之多,以至于我们正在与美国的每个主要体育联盟 (NFL 、 NBA 、 NHL 、 MLS) 推出爱情摄像头合作伙伴关系,将他们的亲吻摄像头变成爱情摄像头。意思是,我们不只是把我们的信息插入文化,我们改变了文化。通过与 NFL 合作 (以拥有更传统和保守的粉丝而闻名),我们能够吸引右翼和左翼媒体和观众:随着我们的爱的信息成为福克斯电视台和布莱巴特新闻网的特色故事,一直到《纽约时报》、《今日美国》、《赫芬顿邮报》,甚至艾伦 · 德杰尼勒斯。-86% 的网站访问是新访客 活动描述 “吻摄像头” 是美国体育的传统。但它们也以 “传统” 的爱的概念而闻名: 主要展示直接的、相同的种族关系。在奥兰多的 2017 NFL 职业碗,我们与 NFL 合作,将他们的 Kiss Cam 变成了 Love Cam。爱情摄像头没有在大屏幕上展示传统类型的情侣接吻,而是展示了各种形式的爱情。情人节那天,我们在网上发布了我们的特技电影 -- 让数百万人重新思考他们的内在偏见和对美国爱情的观念。 概要 大多数美国人同意人们应该受到尊重和公平的对待。然而,美国许多人仍然报告说感到受到歧视。其中一个主要原因是因为我们实际上是在无意中进行歧视。我们在潜意识中做 98% 的思考,这就是我们收集和储存内隐偏见的地方。内隐偏见影响人们如何被对待以及他们如何相互作用。它还可以通过改变某人找工作、获得贷款、租公寓或获得公平审判的能力来延续差异。为了结束偏见,我们需要首先意识到它,尤其是我们自己。 “爱” 运动没有针对所有美国人的标签,旨在打击偏见,通过用固有的非偏见信息淹没文化。他们的目标是通过将这些类型的爱整合到他们产生的内容中,使所有类型的爱和关系正常化。 执行 《爱的凸轮》最初是在奥兰多的 2017 美国橄榄球联盟职业碗上的现场特技表演,这是美国最大的体育赛事之一。60,000 现场粉丝变成了数百万,我们在情人节在线发布了一部特技电影。


    案例简介:Strategy In previous years, the Love Has No Labels campaign has impacted culture through films that teach people to rethink their own internal bias.This year, the goal of the campaign was to actually have an effect on culture: specifically a cultural icon that unknowingly enhances people’s own internal bias.By using the Love Cam to frame up what viewers assumed was a couple, and then reframing to find less expected types of love, we showed people that their own assumptions were more biased than they realized. At every touch point, viewers were driven to rethink their bias through a simple online quiz that was designed by Harvard University. Outcome - Over 42 million combined views - Over 1.5 million shares- Over 550+ million earned media impressionsOur message of love quickly spread through culture, starting a conversation about bias, and what love looks like in America. So much so, that we are rolling out Love Cam partnerships with every major sports league in America (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS) to transform their Kiss Cams into Love Cams. Meaning, we didn’t just insert our message into culture, we changed culture.By partnering with the NFL (known for having more traditional and conservative fans), we were able to appeal to both right and left winged media and viewers: with our message of love being a featured story by the likes of Fox TV and Breitbart News Network, all the way to the New York Times, USA Today, Huffington Post and even Ellen DeGeneres. - 86% of site visits were new visitors CampaignDescription “Kiss Cams” are a tradition of American sports. But they’re also known for featuring “traditional” notions of love: mainly showcasing straight, same race relationships. At the 2017 NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, we partnered with the NFL to turn their Kiss Cam into the Love Cam. Instead of featuring traditional types of couples kissing on the big screen, the Love Cam showcased love in all its forms.On Valentine’s Day, we released our film of the stunt online – causing millions to rethink their internal bias and notions of what love looks like in America. Synopsis Most Americans agree that people should be treated respectfully and fairly. Yet many people in the United States still report feeling discriminated against. One of the main reasons is because we’re actually discriminating unintentionally. We do 98% of our thinking in our subconscious mind, and that’s where we collect and store implicit biases.Implicit bias influences how people are treated and how they interact with each other. It can also perpetuate disparities by altering someone’s ability to find a job, secure a loan, rent an apartment or get a fair trial.To end bias, we need to become aware of it first, especially in ourselves.The Love Has No Labels campaign targets all Americans and aims to combat bias, by flooding culture with messages that are inherently non-bias. They aim to normalize all types of love and relationships simply by integrating these types of love into the content they produce. Execution The Love Cam began as a live stunt at the 2017 NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, one of America’s biggest sporting events. 60,000 live fans turned into millions, with a film of the stunt that we released online for Valentine’s Day.

    Love Cam

    案例简介:战略 前几年,“没有标签的爱” 运动通过电影影响了文化,这些电影教会人们重新思考自己的内部偏见。今年,这项运动的目标是对文化产生实际影响:特别是一个文化偶像,不知不觉地增强了人们的内部偏见。通过使用爱情摄像头来构建观众认为是一对夫妇的东西,然后重新构建以找到不那么令人期待的爱情类型,我们向人们展示了他们自己的假设比他们意识到的更有偏见。在每一个接触点,观众都通过哈佛大学设计的一个简单的在线测验来重新思考他们的偏见。 结果 -超过 4200万个组合视图-超过 150万股-超过 550 的媒体印象,爱的信息迅速通过文化传播,开始了关于偏见和美国爱情的对话。如此之多,以至于我们正在与美国的每个主要体育联盟 (NFL 、 NBA 、 NHL 、 MLS) 推出爱情摄像头合作伙伴关系,将他们的亲吻摄像头变成爱情摄像头。意思是,我们不只是把我们的信息插入文化,我们改变了文化。通过与 NFL 合作 (以拥有更传统和保守的粉丝而闻名),我们能够吸引右翼和左翼媒体和观众:随着我们的爱的信息成为福克斯电视台和布莱巴特新闻网的特色故事,一直到《纽约时报》、《今日美国》、《赫芬顿邮报》,甚至艾伦 · 德杰尼勒斯。-86% 的网站访问是新访客 活动描述 “吻摄像头” 是美国体育的传统。但它们也以 “传统” 的爱的概念而闻名: 主要展示直接的、相同的种族关系。在奥兰多的 2017 NFL 职业碗,我们与 NFL 合作,将他们的 Kiss Cam 变成了 Love Cam。爱情摄像头没有在大屏幕上展示传统类型的情侣接吻,而是展示了各种形式的爱情。情人节那天,我们在网上发布了我们的特技电影 -- 让数百万人重新思考他们的内在偏见和对美国爱情的观念。 概要 大多数美国人同意人们应该受到尊重和公平的对待。然而,美国许多人仍然报告说感到受到歧视。其中一个主要原因是因为我们实际上是在无意中进行歧视。我们在潜意识中做 98% 的思考,这就是我们收集和储存内隐偏见的地方。内隐偏见影响人们如何被对待以及他们如何相互作用。它还可以通过改变某人找工作、获得贷款、租公寓或获得公平审判的能力来延续差异。为了结束偏见,我们需要首先意识到它,尤其是我们自己。 “爱” 运动没有针对所有美国人的标签,旨在打击偏见,通过用固有的非偏见信息淹没文化。他们的目标是通过将这些类型的爱整合到他们产生的内容中,使所有类型的爱和关系正常化。 执行 《爱的凸轮》最初是在奥兰多的 2017 美国橄榄球联盟职业碗上的现场特技表演,这是美国最大的体育赛事之一。60,000 现场粉丝变成了数百万,我们在情人节在线发布了一部特技电影。

    Love Cam

    案例简介:Strategy In previous years, the Love Has No Labels campaign has impacted culture through films that teach people to rethink their own internal bias.This year, the goal of the campaign was to actually have an effect on culture: specifically a cultural icon that unknowingly enhances people’s own internal bias.By using the Love Cam to frame up what viewers assumed was a couple, and then reframing to find less expected types of love, we showed people that their own assumptions were more biased than they realized. At every touch point, viewers were driven to rethink their bias through a simple online quiz that was designed by Harvard University. Outcome - Over 42 million combined views - Over 1.5 million shares- Over 550+ million earned media impressionsOur message of love quickly spread through culture, starting a conversation about bias, and what love looks like in America. So much so, that we are rolling out Love Cam partnerships with every major sports league in America (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS) to transform their Kiss Cams into Love Cams. Meaning, we didn’t just insert our message into culture, we changed culture.By partnering with the NFL (known for having more traditional and conservative fans), we were able to appeal to both right and left winged media and viewers: with our message of love being a featured story by the likes of Fox TV and Breitbart News Network, all the way to the New York Times, USA Today, Huffington Post and even Ellen DeGeneres. - 86% of site visits were new visitors CampaignDescription “Kiss Cams” are a tradition of American sports. But they’re also known for featuring “traditional” notions of love: mainly showcasing straight, same race relationships. At the 2017 NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, we partnered with the NFL to turn their Kiss Cam into the Love Cam. Instead of featuring traditional types of couples kissing on the big screen, the Love Cam showcased love in all its forms.On Valentine’s Day, we released our film of the stunt online – causing millions to rethink their internal bias and notions of what love looks like in America. Synopsis Most Americans agree that people should be treated respectfully and fairly. Yet many people in the United States still report feeling discriminated against. One of the main reasons is because we’re actually discriminating unintentionally. We do 98% of our thinking in our subconscious mind, and that’s where we collect and store implicit biases.Implicit bias influences how people are treated and how they interact with each other. It can also perpetuate disparities by altering someone’s ability to find a job, secure a loan, rent an apartment or get a fair trial.To end bias, we need to become aware of it first, especially in ourselves.The Love Has No Labels campaign targets all Americans and aims to combat bias, by flooding culture with messages that are inherently non-bias. They aim to normalize all types of love and relationships simply by integrating these types of love into the content they produce. Execution The Love Cam began as a live stunt at the 2017 NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, one of America’s biggest sporting events. 60,000 live fans turned into millions, with a film of the stunt that we released online for Valentine’s Day.



    Love Cam





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