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    The Honest Proposal短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 外汇: 年轻人说话的商场扬声器桑德拉!桑德丽塔!我是卡洛斯。是的,亲爱的,是我。你总是告诉我不要做疯狂的事情,但我这样做是为了你。宝贝,你知道我爱你,我们在一起已经很久了!这就是为什么我想在我们的关系中迈出下一步。我知道你现在在听我说话,你知道我是怎么知道的吗?因为我监视着你。是的,我看到你了。我知道你在这些商店里不寒而栗,买衣服,但这些衣服不是我看的,对吗?这是给别人看的。但是桑德拉,你只是我的。所以听我说,我的爱。你知道我需要你,你也知道我爱你。但是我更喜欢当你爬行来请求我的原谅,因为你让我感到嫉妒。你知道吗?我想让你知道,我别无选择,只能打败你,这样你就能学会尊重我。相信我。你会学会尊重我。这就是为什么桑德丽塔,你愿意嫁给我吗?FX: 画外音: 女性侵略者没有警告,所以,在第一次出现骚扰或任何形式的暴力迹象时,报告它。通过免费拨打电话 100 获取来自弗洛拉 · 特里斯坦的信息 实施 这个想法使用音频作为媒介,让人们相信事情是真实发生的。引起愤怒,然后意识到一个在这个国家很大的问题。我们用音频震惊妇女,让她们理解报告暴力案件的重要性。 EntrySummary 去年,秘鲁报告了 100,000 起虐待妇女的案件。但当局计算,未报告的案件必须超过 100万。简报是如何引起许多人的注意,并提高对这样一个巨大问题的认识。如何实现一个非常令人震惊的信息,可以在人们之间快速分享,并在不同的媒体上产生新闻?如何让许多秘鲁妇女暴力受害者很快明白他们应该报告自己的案件?目标显然是增加报告的案件数量。 简要解释 我们把音频放在不同购物中心扬声器的闭路网络中。音频包括一个男人拿着麦克风,向一个应该在商场里的女人宣布他的爱。音频是现场直播的,起初这是一个非常浪漫和美好的求婚,商场的人对此反应非常好,但后来这个男人展示了他的真实意图。他告诉她,他要打她,侮辱她,羞辱她,他要摧毁她的自尊。人们对这一宣布感到震惊。那一刻,信息出现了: 施虐者没有发出警告。因此,暴力的第一个迹象,谴责你的侵略者。免费拨打电话 100 弗洛拉 · 特里斯坦非政府组织的信息


    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish FX: Young Man speaks by mall loudspeaker Sandra! Sandrita! I am Carlos. Yeah honey, it's me. You are always telling me to never do crazy things, but I´m doing this for you. Babe you know that I love you and we have been together for a while, Long time! That's why I want to take the next step in our relationship. I know you're listening to me right now, Do you know how I know? Because I have you under surveillance. Yes, I am seeing you. I know you're chilling and walking through these stores, buying clothes But those clothes are not for me to see, right? It is for others to see. But Sandra, you're going to be just mine. So listen to me, my love. You know I need you And you also know that I love you. But I love much more when you ask me for forgiveness by crawling because you have made me feel jealous. And you know what? I want you to know that I have no choice but to beat you, So that you learn to respect me. And believe me. You will learn to respect me. That's why Sandrita, will you marry me? FX: VOICEOVER: Woman AGGRESSORS DO NOT WARN SO, AT THE FIRST SIGN OF HARASSMENT OR ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE, REPORT IT. GET INFORMED BY CALLING FREE TO THE LINE 100 A MESSAGE FROM FLORA TRISTÁN Implementation The idea uses audio as a medium to make people believe that the thing was happening for real. Generating indignation and then awareness about a problem that is huge in the country. We shocked women with audio to make them understand the importance of report their cases of violence. EntrySummary Last year in Peru, 100,000 cases of abuse against women were reported. But the authorities calculate that the non-reporting cases must be over one million. The brief was how to draw the attention of many people and raise awareness about such a tremendous problem. How to achieve a very shocking message that can be quickly shared among people and generate news in different media? How to make many Peruvian women victims of violence quickly understand that they should report their cases? The objective clearly is to increase the number of cases reported. BriefExplanation We put an audio in the closed-circuit network of the loudspeakers of different shopping centers. The audio consisted of a man holding the microphone and declaring his love to a woman who was supposed to be in the mall. The audio was live and at the beginning it was a very romantic and nice marriage proposal to which the people of the mall reacted very well, but then the man was showing his true intentions. He told her that he was going to beat her, insult her, humiliate her and that he was going to destroy her self-esteem. People were shocked by the announcement. At that moment, the message appeared: ABUSERS DO NOT WARN. THEREFORE, THE FIRST SIGN OF VIOLENCE, DENOUNCE YOUR AGGRESSOR. CALL THE LINE 100 FREE OF CHARGE A MESSAGE FROM FLORA TRISTAN NGO

    The Honest Proposal

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish 外汇: 年轻人说话的商场扬声器桑德拉!桑德丽塔!我是卡洛斯。是的,亲爱的,是我。你总是告诉我不要做疯狂的事情,但我这样做是为了你。宝贝,你知道我爱你,我们在一起已经很久了!这就是为什么我想在我们的关系中迈出下一步。我知道你现在在听我说话,你知道我是怎么知道的吗?因为我监视着你。是的,我看到你了。我知道你在这些商店里不寒而栗,买衣服,但这些衣服不是我看的,对吗?这是给别人看的。但是桑德拉,你只是我的。所以听我说,我的爱。你知道我需要你,你也知道我爱你。但是我更喜欢当你爬行来请求我的原谅,因为你让我感到嫉妒。你知道吗?我想让你知道,我别无选择,只能打败你,这样你就能学会尊重我。相信我。你会学会尊重我。这就是为什么桑德丽塔,你愿意嫁给我吗?FX: 画外音: 女性侵略者没有警告,所以,在第一次出现骚扰或任何形式的暴力迹象时,报告它。通过免费拨打电话 100 获取来自弗洛拉 · 特里斯坦的信息 实施 这个想法使用音频作为媒介,让人们相信事情是真实发生的。引起愤怒,然后意识到一个在这个国家很大的问题。我们用音频震惊妇女,让她们理解报告暴力案件的重要性。 EntrySummary 去年,秘鲁报告了 100,000 起虐待妇女的案件。但当局计算,未报告的案件必须超过 100万。简报是如何引起许多人的注意,并提高对这样一个巨大问题的认识。如何实现一个非常令人震惊的信息,可以在人们之间快速分享,并在不同的媒体上产生新闻?如何让许多秘鲁妇女暴力受害者很快明白他们应该报告自己的案件?目标显然是增加报告的案件数量。 简要解释 我们把音频放在不同购物中心扬声器的闭路网络中。音频包括一个男人拿着麦克风,向一个应该在商场里的女人宣布他的爱。音频是现场直播的,起初这是一个非常浪漫和美好的求婚,商场的人对此反应非常好,但后来这个男人展示了他的真实意图。他告诉她,他要打她,侮辱她,羞辱她,他要摧毁她的自尊。人们对这一宣布感到震惊。那一刻,信息出现了: 施虐者没有发出警告。因此,暴力的第一个迹象,谴责你的侵略者。免费拨打电话 100 弗洛拉 · 特里斯坦非政府组织的信息

    The Honest Proposal

    案例简介:ScriptInEnglish FX: Young Man speaks by mall loudspeaker Sandra! Sandrita! I am Carlos. Yeah honey, it's me. You are always telling me to never do crazy things, but I´m doing this for you. Babe you know that I love you and we have been together for a while, Long time! That's why I want to take the next step in our relationship. I know you're listening to me right now, Do you know how I know? Because I have you under surveillance. Yes, I am seeing you. I know you're chilling and walking through these stores, buying clothes But those clothes are not for me to see, right? It is for others to see. But Sandra, you're going to be just mine. So listen to me, my love. You know I need you And you also know that I love you. But I love much more when you ask me for forgiveness by crawling because you have made me feel jealous. And you know what? I want you to know that I have no choice but to beat you, So that you learn to respect me. And believe me. You will learn to respect me. That's why Sandrita, will you marry me? FX: VOICEOVER: Woman AGGRESSORS DO NOT WARN SO, AT THE FIRST SIGN OF HARASSMENT OR ANY KIND OF VIOLENCE, REPORT IT. GET INFORMED BY CALLING FREE TO THE LINE 100 A MESSAGE FROM FLORA TRISTÁN Implementation The idea uses audio as a medium to make people believe that the thing was happening for real. Generating indignation and then awareness about a problem that is huge in the country. We shocked women with audio to make them understand the importance of report their cases of violence. EntrySummary Last year in Peru, 100,000 cases of abuse against women were reported. But the authorities calculate that the non-reporting cases must be over one million. The brief was how to draw the attention of many people and raise awareness about such a tremendous problem. How to achieve a very shocking message that can be quickly shared among people and generate news in different media? How to make many Peruvian women victims of violence quickly understand that they should report their cases? The objective clearly is to increase the number of cases reported. BriefExplanation We put an audio in the closed-circuit network of the loudspeakers of different shopping centers. The audio consisted of a man holding the microphone and declaring his love to a woman who was supposed to be in the mall. The audio was live and at the beginning it was a very romantic and nice marriage proposal to which the people of the mall reacted very well, but then the man was showing his true intentions. He told her that he was going to beat her, insult her, humiliate her and that he was going to destroy her self-esteem. People were shocked by the announcement. At that moment, the message appeared: ABUSERS DO NOT WARN. THEREFORE, THE FIRST SIGN OF VIOLENCE, DENOUNCE YOUR AGGRESSOR. CALL THE LINE 100 FREE OF CHARGE A MESSAGE FROM FLORA TRISTAN NGO



    The Honest Proposal






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (秘鲁 利马) 制作公司: Sin Anestesia , Sangre




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