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    Poker Crash Caps装置,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 支持友谊的品牌利用了这种渠道,这种渠道允许它直接与消费者交谈,以传达一种意识和负责任的饮酒信息: 他们的一瓶啤酒。在消费者打开一瓶啤酒的那一刻使用瓶盖,使得传递一个有影响力的信息成为可能。让它的产品成为主角,与消费者一起产生行动,为品牌带来了重要的成果,实现了看到 50,000 名朋友平安回家的目标。 背景 在哥伦比亚的最后一年,酒后驾车造成了 887 人死亡。此外,据报道,每 10 名酒后驾车相关事故的受害者中,就有 7 名是醉酒驾驶的司机的朋友。考虑到这一点,支持友谊的品牌以新颖的方式传达经典的 “不要酒后驾车” 信息,主要目的是在年终庆祝活动中减少道路交通事故的数量,哥伦比亚人增加酒精消费的时代。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 据报道,哥伦比亚发生了 887 起酒后驾车造成的道路交通事故,这些事故的 10 名受害者中有 7 名是负有责任的司机的朋友。支持友谊的品牌旨在结束朋友杀害朋友的行为。使用它的产品,它将打开啤酒瓶的行为转化为车祸的象征性演示,并提醒当醉酒司机开车送他/她的朋友回家时会发生什么。这是通过将传统的啤酒瓶盖换成黑色的特别版本来完成的,上面折叠着各种汽车正面的图像,或者在开瓶器打开时 “崩溃” (从瓶子里喝是哥伦比亚人喝啤酒的主要方式)。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 该品牌生产了 4亿多个特别版瓶盖,黑色,正面印有各种汽车烤架图像。印在帽子背面的是可兑换的代码,用于出租车应用程序。这样,计划喝酒的人有一个安全的回家方式,不会拿自己和朋友的生命冒险。这个活动信息也在街道上,广告牌广告和社交媒体上做广告,人们被邀请使用瓶盖代码以避免饮酒后开车。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 事先,在不同的印刷和数字媒体中,该品牌放置了数百个黑点,其中包含有关饮酒和驾驶后果的信息。这在媒体和公众中产生了好奇心,而人们却不知道背后有一个品牌。发布会与年终庆祝活动同时举行,这是一个高酒精消费的时期。超过 4亿的特别版瓶盖被生产出来,是哥伦比亚人口的 10 倍多。此外,该品牌联系了影响者和意见领袖,给了他们带有新啤酒瓶盖的个性化套件,并解释了代码背后的想法,它们可以用来免费打车回家。通过这种方式,消费者可以在照顾他/她的朋友方面发挥作用。最后,这条信息通过不同的媒体得到了加强,比如OOH和社交媒体。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 人们看到了品牌如何冒险使用其产品来传递意识和负责任消费的有效信息。结果是,超过 50,000 人使用啤酒瓶盖背面的出租车代码安全到家,与去年同期相比,交通事故减少了 5%。该活动还创造了 260万美元的媒体收入。我们使用啤酒瓶盖作为渠道,以不同的方式传播巧妙的信息。我们给哥伦比亚人传递了经典的 “不要酒后驾车” 信息,但这次有了结果。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The brand that supports friendship took advantage of the channel that allowed it directly speak to its consumers to give a message of awareness and responsible drinking: their bottle of beer. Using the bottle cap at the very moment consumers opened a bottle of beer, made the delivery of an impactful message possible. To allow its product be the protagonist and generate an action with the consumer brought important results for the brand and achieved the objective to see 50,000 friends arrive home safe and sound. Background In the last year in Colombia, drunk-driving was responsible for 887 deaths. Moreover, according to reports, 7 out of every 10 victims of drunk-driving related accidents were friends of the driver driving in an intoxicated state. With this in mind, the brand that supports friendships communicated in a novel way the classic “Don’t drink and drive” message with the main objective of reducing the number of road traffic accidents during the end-of-year festivities, a time when Colombians increase their consumption of alcohol. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) 887 road traffic accidents due to drunk-driving were reported in Colombia, 7 out of 10 victims of these accidents were friends of the driver responsible. The brand that supports friendships proposed to put an end to friends killing friends. Using its product, it converted the act of opening a beer bottle into a symbolic demonstration of a car crash and a reminder of what can happen when a drunk-driver drives his/her friends home. This was done by changing the tradition beer-bottle caps for a special edition in black color with images of various car fronts that folded over, or “crashed” at the moment of opening with a bottle opener (drinking from a bottle is the main way Colombians drink beer). Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The brand produced more than 400 million of these special-edition bottle caps, black-colored with various car grill images printed on the front. Printed on the back of the caps were redeemable codes to use for a taxi app. In this way, people planning to drink had a safe way to get home and didn’t risk their lives nor those of their friends. This campaign message was also advertised on the streets, in billboard advertising and on social media people were invited to use the bottle cap codes to avoid driving after drinking alcohol. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In advance, in different print and digital media, the brand put hundreds of black points containing messages about the consequences of drinking and driving. This generated curiosity in both the media and general public, without people knowing that a brand was behind it. The launch coincided with the end-of-year festivities, a time when there is a high-alcohol consumption. More than 400 million of the special-edition bottle caps were produced, that’s over 10 times the population of Colombia. In addition, the brand contacted influencers and opinion leaders, giving them personalized kits with the new beer bottle caps and explaining the idea behind the codes, that they could be used to get a free taxi ride home. In this way the consumer could play a part in taking care of his/her friends. Finally, the message was reinforced via different media such as OOH and social media. List the results (30% of vote) People saw how the brand took the risk to use its product to send an impactful message of awareness and responsible consumption. The result was that more than 50,000 people arrived home safely using the taxi codes on the back of the beer bottle caps with a 5% reduction in road accidents compared to the same period the previous year. The campaign also generated 2.6 million dollars in earned media. We used the beer bottle caps as a channel for an ingenious message, spread in a different way. We gave the classic “Don’t drink and drive” message to Colombians, but this time with results.

    Poker Crash Caps

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 支持友谊的品牌利用了这种渠道,这种渠道允许它直接与消费者交谈,以传达一种意识和负责任的饮酒信息: 他们的一瓶啤酒。在消费者打开一瓶啤酒的那一刻使用瓶盖,使得传递一个有影响力的信息成为可能。让它的产品成为主角,与消费者一起产生行动,为品牌带来了重要的成果,实现了看到 50,000 名朋友平安回家的目标。 背景 在哥伦比亚的最后一年,酒后驾车造成了 887 人死亡。此外,据报道,每 10 名酒后驾车相关事故的受害者中,就有 7 名是醉酒驾驶的司机的朋友。考虑到这一点,支持友谊的品牌以新颖的方式传达经典的 “不要酒后驾车” 信息,主要目的是在年终庆祝活动中减少道路交通事故的数量,哥伦比亚人增加酒精消费的时代。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 据报道,哥伦比亚发生了 887 起酒后驾车造成的道路交通事故,这些事故的 10 名受害者中有 7 名是负有责任的司机的朋友。支持友谊的品牌旨在结束朋友杀害朋友的行为。使用它的产品,它将打开啤酒瓶的行为转化为车祸的象征性演示,并提醒当醉酒司机开车送他/她的朋友回家时会发生什么。这是通过将传统的啤酒瓶盖换成黑色的特别版本来完成的,上面折叠着各种汽车正面的图像,或者在开瓶器打开时 “崩溃” (从瓶子里喝是哥伦比亚人喝啤酒的主要方式)。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 该品牌生产了 4亿多个特别版瓶盖,黑色,正面印有各种汽车烤架图像。印在帽子背面的是可兑换的代码,用于出租车应用程序。这样,计划喝酒的人有一个安全的回家方式,不会拿自己和朋友的生命冒险。这个活动信息也在街道上,广告牌广告和社交媒体上做广告,人们被邀请使用瓶盖代码以避免饮酒后开车。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 事先,在不同的印刷和数字媒体中,该品牌放置了数百个黑点,其中包含有关饮酒和驾驶后果的信息。这在媒体和公众中产生了好奇心,而人们却不知道背后有一个品牌。发布会与年终庆祝活动同时举行,这是一个高酒精消费的时期。超过 4亿的特别版瓶盖被生产出来,是哥伦比亚人口的 10 倍多。此外,该品牌联系了影响者和意见领袖,给了他们带有新啤酒瓶盖的个性化套件,并解释了代码背后的想法,它们可以用来免费打车回家。通过这种方式,消费者可以在照顾他/她的朋友方面发挥作用。最后,这条信息通过不同的媒体得到了加强,比如OOH和社交媒体。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 人们看到了品牌如何冒险使用其产品来传递意识和负责任消费的有效信息。结果是,超过 50,000 人使用啤酒瓶盖背面的出租车代码安全到家,与去年同期相比,交通事故减少了 5%。该活动还创造了 260万美元的媒体收入。我们使用啤酒瓶盖作为渠道,以不同的方式传播巧妙的信息。我们给哥伦比亚人传递了经典的 “不要酒后驾车” 信息,但这次有了结果。

    Poker Crash Caps

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The brand that supports friendship took advantage of the channel that allowed it directly speak to its consumers to give a message of awareness and responsible drinking: their bottle of beer. Using the bottle cap at the very moment consumers opened a bottle of beer, made the delivery of an impactful message possible. To allow its product be the protagonist and generate an action with the consumer brought important results for the brand and achieved the objective to see 50,000 friends arrive home safe and sound. Background In the last year in Colombia, drunk-driving was responsible for 887 deaths. Moreover, according to reports, 7 out of every 10 victims of drunk-driving related accidents were friends of the driver driving in an intoxicated state. With this in mind, the brand that supports friendships communicated in a novel way the classic “Don’t drink and drive” message with the main objective of reducing the number of road traffic accidents during the end-of-year festivities, a time when Colombians increase their consumption of alcohol. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) 887 road traffic accidents due to drunk-driving were reported in Colombia, 7 out of 10 victims of these accidents were friends of the driver responsible. The brand that supports friendships proposed to put an end to friends killing friends. Using its product, it converted the act of opening a beer bottle into a symbolic demonstration of a car crash and a reminder of what can happen when a drunk-driver drives his/her friends home. This was done by changing the tradition beer-bottle caps for a special edition in black color with images of various car fronts that folded over, or “crashed” at the moment of opening with a bottle opener (drinking from a bottle is the main way Colombians drink beer). Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The brand produced more than 400 million of these special-edition bottle caps, black-colored with various car grill images printed on the front. Printed on the back of the caps were redeemable codes to use for a taxi app. In this way, people planning to drink had a safe way to get home and didn’t risk their lives nor those of their friends. This campaign message was also advertised on the streets, in billboard advertising and on social media people were invited to use the bottle cap codes to avoid driving after drinking alcohol. Describe the execution (20% of vote) In advance, in different print and digital media, the brand put hundreds of black points containing messages about the consequences of drinking and driving. This generated curiosity in both the media and general public, without people knowing that a brand was behind it. The launch coincided with the end-of-year festivities, a time when there is a high-alcohol consumption. More than 400 million of the special-edition bottle caps were produced, that’s over 10 times the population of Colombia. In addition, the brand contacted influencers and opinion leaders, giving them personalized kits with the new beer bottle caps and explaining the idea behind the codes, that they could be used to get a free taxi ride home. In this way the consumer could play a part in taking care of his/her friends. Finally, the message was reinforced via different media such as OOH and social media. List the results (30% of vote) People saw how the brand took the risk to use its product to send an impactful message of awareness and responsible consumption. The result was that more than 50,000 people arrived home safely using the taxi codes on the back of the beer bottle caps with a 5% reduction in road accidents compared to the same period the previous year. The campaign also generated 2.6 million dollars in earned media. We used the beer bottle caps as a channel for an ingenious message, spread in a different way. We gave the classic “Don’t drink and drive” message to Colombians, but this time with results.



    Poker Crash Caps






    广告公司: 恒美 (哥伦比亚 波哥大) 制作公司: 恒美




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