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    科切拉空投行动: 阿迪达斯Originals x幼稚甘比诺

    案例简介:背景 Adidas Originals希望奖励Coachella的唐纳德 · 格洛弗粉丝,让他们使用一个有趣的drop mechanic提前获得他即将发布的adidas Originals合作。所有的目光都集中在他的Coachella套装上,我们的主要目标是创造一种独特的运动鞋掉落体验,这种体验可以消除节日的噪音,既亲密又令人惊讶,准确反映了唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性价值观和身份。 鉴于科切拉的连接问题,我们利用了lo-fi技术,创造了一种不依赖高速和安全措施的体验。就在唐纳德 · 格洛弗 (Donald Glover) 的头饰套装之前,我们随机向空投粉丝展示了他的一款标志性adidas Originals运动鞋,并给他们60分钟时间来挑选鞋子。我们以非传统的炒作方式让他的粉丝感到惊讶和高兴,并给了他们想要的社交货币: 炒作产品和标志性时刻。 描述创意 我们在世界上最大的舞台之一推出了独家运动鞋,具有创新的运动鞋掉落体验,可以消除节日的噪音,既亲密又令人惊讶,准确地反映了唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性价值观和身份,以一种 “反炒作” 的方式,微妙而非常规。我们解决了最大的挑战之一,连接和安全措施,通过玩仍然与Coachella集团完全共鸣的lo-fi技术。使用简单的空投作为运动鞋降落机械师,激励并允许粉丝在社交网站上分享照片和截图。空投的直接性不需要应用程序、下载或复杂的技术,这样我们就能直接接触到真正的粉丝。我们还利用运动鞋和街头服装媒体,他们在整个活动中一直关注唐纳德 · 格洛弗,并通过这种微妙的游击策略颠覆了传统的大惊喜。 描述策略 主要观众是唐纳德 · 格洛弗的粉丝,科切拉的与会者构成了次要观众。我们希望避免只为克做这件事的参与者。为了直接接触到唐纳德 · 格洛弗的真正粉丝,并尽可能有机地接触到他,我们对他的身份和粉丝基础进行了广泛的研究。我们超越了他音乐的粉丝,研究了他的子漩涡,分析了观众如何解释、推测和分享他的输出。 我们设计了AirDrop,说它来自Donald Glover的iPhone并使用了Donald Glover标志,以便实际的粉丝可以认识到这是合法的订婚。当那些敢于冒险接受随机空投的球迷意识到他们已经完全认识到并理解唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性愿景,相信这一策略时,就创造了一个真正亲密的时刻。 描述执行 我们花了一周的时间来构思和策划完美的运动鞋掉落体验,这将引起幼稚的甘比诺的粉丝和整个科切拉文化的共鸣。在战略阶段,我们考虑了如何消除60多个品牌在电影节上的噪音,臭名昭著的连接问题以及粉丝对独家时刻和产品的渴望。我们又花了一周的时间来设计和两周的生产和执行,以确保每个接触点都有意义,并添加到adidas Originals和Donald Glover品牌中。 当粉丝开始接受空投时,我们有一个定制的CMS来实时跟踪库存。为了防止过度拥挤和混乱,我们仔细考虑了从实际跌落到取货地点和指示的一切,为了实现唐纳德 · 格洛弗的目标,让粉丝们真正穿上他的鞋子。 列出结果 我们以亲密的方式让真正的粉丝感到惊讶和高兴,并给他们想要的社交货币: 大肆宣传的产品和标志性的时刻。我们偷偷摸摸的空投操作是在科切拉被谈论最多的激活,并在网上迅速传播,导致了《时尚先生》、《时尚与复杂》等出版物的5.27亿个编辑印象,以及4700万个社交媒体印象。一些Instagram最大的病毒迷因账户,如卡莱萨拉德,也分享了空投。在一条显示空投截图的推文中,有超过307,000个喜欢和50,000个转发。 简单的空投机械师激励并允许粉丝在社交网站上分享照片和截图,将他们的独家产品胜利展示给其他节日与会者和朋友。无论如何,我们利用运动鞋和街头服装媒体,他们在整个活动中一直关注唐纳德 · 格洛弗,并通过这种微妙的游击策略颠覆了传统的大惊喜。

    科切拉空投行动: 阿迪达斯Originals x幼稚甘比诺

    案例简介:Background adidas Originals wanted to reward Donald Glover fans at Coachella with early access to his soon-to-be released adidas Originals collaboration using a fun drop mechanic. With all eyes on him for his Coachella set, our key objective was to create a unique sneaker drop experience that cuts through the noise of the festival, is intimate yet surprising, and accurately reflects Donald Glover’s creative values and identity. We played off of lo-fi tech in light of Coachella’s connectivity issues and created an experience that doesn’t depend on high speeds and security measures. Just ahead of Donald Glover’s headlining set we unveiled one of his signature adidas Originals sneakers by AirDropping fans at random and giving them 60 minutes to pick up the shoes. We surprised and delighted his fans in a non-conventionally hype way, and gave them their desired social currency: hyped product and iconic moments. Describe the creative idea We unveiled exclusive sneakers on one of the biggest stages in the world with an innovative sneaker drop experience that cut through the noise of the festival, was intimate yet surprising, and accurately reflected Donald Glover’s creative values and identity, in a way that was “anti-hype”, subtle and unconventional. We tackled one of the biggest challenges, connectivity and security measures, by playing off of lo-fi tech that still completely resonated with the Coachella group at large. Using a simple AirDrop as a sneaker drop mechanic motivated and allowed fans to share photos and screenshots on social. The directness of AirDrop does not necessitate an app, download or complicated technology so we were able to get straight to the true fans. We also leveraged sneaker and streetwear press who were following Donald Glover throughout the event anyways, and flipped the narrative of conventional, big surprise drops through this subtle guerilla tactic. Describe the strategy The primary audience was fans of Donald Glover and Coachella attendees made up the secondary audience. We wanted to avoid participants who would only do it for the gram. In order to get straight to the true fans of Donald Glover and to make the reach as organic as possible, we conducted extensive research into his identity and fan base. We went beyond just the fans of his music and looked into his subreddits to analyze how the audience interprets, speculates and shares his output. We designed the AirDrop to say that it was from Donald Glover’s iPhone and used the Donald Glover logo so that actual fans could recognize that it was a legitimate engagement. A truly intimate moment is created when the fans who were adventurous enough to accept a random AirDrop realize that they had fully recognized and understood Donald Glover’s creative vision by trusting this tactic. Describe the execution It took us one week to concept and strategize for the perfect sneaker drop experience that would resonate with Childish Gambino’s fans and Coachella culture at large. During the strategy phase we considered how we would cut through the noise of over 60 brands present at the festival, the notorious connectivity issues and the fans’ desire for exclusive moments and products. It took us another week to design and two weeks of production and execution to ensure every touchpoint was meaningful and added to the adidas Originals and Donald Glover brands. We had a custom-built CMS to keep track of inventory in real-time as fans began to accept the AirDrops. Everything from the actual drops to pick up locations and instructions were carefully considered in order to prevent overcrowding and confusion, and to achieve Donald Glover’s goal of getting the fans to actually wear the shoes for his set. List the results We surprised and delighted true fans in an intimate way and gave them their desired social currency: hyped product and iconic moments. Our sneaky AirDrop operation was the most talked about activation at Coachella and went viral online, resulting in 527 million editorial impressions from publications like Esquire, Vogue and Complex, and 47 million social media impressions. Some of Instagram’s largest viral meme accounts, such as kalesalad, shared the AirDrop as well. There were over 307,000 likes and 50,000 retweets on a single tweet showing the screenshot of the AirDrop. The simple AirDrop mechanic motivated and allowed fans to share photos and screenshots on social, flexing their exclusive product win to other festival attendees and friends. We leveraged sneaker and streetwear press who were following Donald Glover throughout the event anyways, and flipped the narrative of conventional, big surprise drops through this subtle guerilla tactic.

    Operation AirDrop at Coachella: adidas Originals x Childish Gambino

    案例简介:背景 Adidas Originals希望奖励Coachella的唐纳德 · 格洛弗粉丝,让他们使用一个有趣的drop mechanic提前获得他即将发布的adidas Originals合作。所有的目光都集中在他的Coachella套装上,我们的主要目标是创造一种独特的运动鞋掉落体验,这种体验可以消除节日的噪音,既亲密又令人惊讶,准确反映了唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性价值观和身份。 鉴于科切拉的连接问题,我们利用了lo-fi技术,创造了一种不依赖高速和安全措施的体验。就在唐纳德 · 格洛弗 (Donald Glover) 的头饰套装之前,我们随机向空投粉丝展示了他的一款标志性adidas Originals运动鞋,并给他们60分钟时间来挑选鞋子。我们以非传统的炒作方式让他的粉丝感到惊讶和高兴,并给了他们想要的社交货币: 炒作产品和标志性时刻。 描述创意 我们在世界上最大的舞台之一推出了独家运动鞋,具有创新的运动鞋掉落体验,可以消除节日的噪音,既亲密又令人惊讶,准确地反映了唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性价值观和身份,以一种 “反炒作” 的方式,微妙而非常规。我们解决了最大的挑战之一,连接和安全措施,通过玩仍然与Coachella集团完全共鸣的lo-fi技术。使用简单的空投作为运动鞋降落机械师,激励并允许粉丝在社交网站上分享照片和截图。空投的直接性不需要应用程序、下载或复杂的技术,这样我们就能直接接触到真正的粉丝。我们还利用运动鞋和街头服装媒体,他们在整个活动中一直关注唐纳德 · 格洛弗,并通过这种微妙的游击策略颠覆了传统的大惊喜。 描述策略 主要观众是唐纳德 · 格洛弗的粉丝,科切拉的与会者构成了次要观众。我们希望避免只为克做这件事的参与者。为了直接接触到唐纳德 · 格洛弗的真正粉丝,并尽可能有机地接触到他,我们对他的身份和粉丝基础进行了广泛的研究。我们超越了他音乐的粉丝,研究了他的子漩涡,分析了观众如何解释、推测和分享他的输出。 我们设计了AirDrop,说它来自Donald Glover的iPhone并使用了Donald Glover标志,以便实际的粉丝可以认识到这是合法的订婚。当那些敢于冒险接受随机空投的球迷意识到他们已经完全认识到并理解唐纳德 · 格洛弗的创造性愿景,相信这一策略时,就创造了一个真正亲密的时刻。 描述执行 我们花了一周的时间来构思和策划完美的运动鞋掉落体验,这将引起幼稚的甘比诺的粉丝和整个科切拉文化的共鸣。在战略阶段,我们考虑了如何消除60多个品牌在电影节上的噪音,臭名昭著的连接问题以及粉丝对独家时刻和产品的渴望。我们又花了一周的时间来设计和两周的生产和执行,以确保每个接触点都有意义,并添加到adidas Originals和Donald Glover品牌中。 当粉丝开始接受空投时,我们有一个定制的CMS来实时跟踪库存。为了防止过度拥挤和混乱,我们仔细考虑了从实际跌落到取货地点和指示的一切,为了实现唐纳德 · 格洛弗的目标,让粉丝们真正穿上他的鞋子。 列出结果 我们以亲密的方式让真正的粉丝感到惊讶和高兴,并给他们想要的社交货币: 大肆宣传的产品和标志性的时刻。我们偷偷摸摸的空投操作是在科切拉被谈论最多的激活,并在网上迅速传播,导致了《时尚先生》、《时尚与复杂》等出版物的5.27亿个编辑印象,以及4700万个社交媒体印象。一些Instagram最大的病毒迷因账户,如卡莱萨拉德,也分享了空投。在一条显示空投截图的推文中,有超过307,000个喜欢和50,000个转发。 简单的空投机械师激励并允许粉丝在社交网站上分享照片和截图,将他们的独家产品胜利展示给其他节日与会者和朋友。无论如何,我们利用运动鞋和街头服装媒体,他们在整个活动中一直关注唐纳德 · 格洛弗,并通过这种微妙的游击策略颠覆了传统的大惊喜。

    Operation AirDrop at Coachella: adidas Originals x Childish Gambino

    案例简介:Background adidas Originals wanted to reward Donald Glover fans at Coachella with early access to his soon-to-be released adidas Originals collaboration using a fun drop mechanic. With all eyes on him for his Coachella set, our key objective was to create a unique sneaker drop experience that cuts through the noise of the festival, is intimate yet surprising, and accurately reflects Donald Glover’s creative values and identity. We played off of lo-fi tech in light of Coachella’s connectivity issues and created an experience that doesn’t depend on high speeds and security measures. Just ahead of Donald Glover’s headlining set we unveiled one of his signature adidas Originals sneakers by AirDropping fans at random and giving them 60 minutes to pick up the shoes. We surprised and delighted his fans in a non-conventionally hype way, and gave them their desired social currency: hyped product and iconic moments. Describe the creative idea We unveiled exclusive sneakers on one of the biggest stages in the world with an innovative sneaker drop experience that cut through the noise of the festival, was intimate yet surprising, and accurately reflected Donald Glover’s creative values and identity, in a way that was “anti-hype”, subtle and unconventional. We tackled one of the biggest challenges, connectivity and security measures, by playing off of lo-fi tech that still completely resonated with the Coachella group at large. Using a simple AirDrop as a sneaker drop mechanic motivated and allowed fans to share photos and screenshots on social. The directness of AirDrop does not necessitate an app, download or complicated technology so we were able to get straight to the true fans. We also leveraged sneaker and streetwear press who were following Donald Glover throughout the event anyways, and flipped the narrative of conventional, big surprise drops through this subtle guerilla tactic. Describe the strategy The primary audience was fans of Donald Glover and Coachella attendees made up the secondary audience. We wanted to avoid participants who would only do it for the gram. In order to get straight to the true fans of Donald Glover and to make the reach as organic as possible, we conducted extensive research into his identity and fan base. We went beyond just the fans of his music and looked into his subreddits to analyze how the audience interprets, speculates and shares his output. We designed the AirDrop to say that it was from Donald Glover’s iPhone and used the Donald Glover logo so that actual fans could recognize that it was a legitimate engagement. A truly intimate moment is created when the fans who were adventurous enough to accept a random AirDrop realize that they had fully recognized and understood Donald Glover’s creative vision by trusting this tactic. Describe the execution It took us one week to concept and strategize for the perfect sneaker drop experience that would resonate with Childish Gambino’s fans and Coachella culture at large. During the strategy phase we considered how we would cut through the noise of over 60 brands present at the festival, the notorious connectivity issues and the fans’ desire for exclusive moments and products. It took us another week to design and two weeks of production and execution to ensure every touchpoint was meaningful and added to the adidas Originals and Donald Glover brands. We had a custom-built CMS to keep track of inventory in real-time as fans began to accept the AirDrops. Everything from the actual drops to pick up locations and instructions were carefully considered in order to prevent overcrowding and confusion, and to achieve Donald Glover’s goal of getting the fans to actually wear the shoes for his set. List the results We surprised and delighted true fans in an intimate way and gave them their desired social currency: hyped product and iconic moments. Our sneaky AirDrop operation was the most talked about activation at Coachella and went viral online, resulting in 527 million editorial impressions from publications like Esquire, Vogue and Complex, and 47 million social media impressions. Some of Instagram’s largest viral meme accounts, such as kalesalad, shared the AirDrop as well. There were over 307,000 likes and 50,000 retweets on a single tweet showing the screenshot of the AirDrop. The simple AirDrop mechanic motivated and allowed fans to share photos and screenshots on social, flexing their exclusive product win to other festival attendees and friends. We leveraged sneaker and streetwear press who were following Donald Glover throughout the event anyways, and flipped the narrative of conventional, big surprise drops through this subtle guerilla tactic.

    科切拉空投行动: 阿迪达斯Originals x幼稚甘比诺


    Operation AirDrop at Coachella: adidas Originals x Childish Gambino






    广告公司: JAM3 (加拿大 多伦多) 制作公司: JAM3 , Pixelpusher




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