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    The Snacker Hacker短视频广告营销案例



    Snacker 黑客

    案例简介:活动描述 从电视到匿名,黑客被视为编码中最酷的一面。冰箱突袭者利用这一点创造了世界上第一个现场黑客冒险,这是一个秘密的教室。六周以来,玩家进行了九次挑战,追捕一名黑客。每一个挑战都是一堂伪装的课,与领先的欧盟编码学校制造商学院合作建造。这场冒险以史诗般的摊牌告终,粉丝们用他们的新技能击败了黑客。直到那时,才发现他们已经被控制了 & 事实上已经学会了 Python 的基础知识,Python 是英国学校选择的编码语言。 战略 《冰箱奇兵》有着悠久的 “增强” 游戏玩家的历史,从 2013年开始,他们发现英国每天有 2.09 青少年在放学后玩游戏和小吃。2016 年,他们想把这个目的提升到一个新的水平 & 应对英国面临的编码危机。编码通常很枯燥,很难学习,所以我们决定给玩家提供动力,让学习变得有趣。还有什么比游戏更有趣呢?所以,我们决定把娱乐变成教育,创造世界上第一个黑客冒险,在互联网上直播。一次冒险,他们成为世界上第一个黑掉六个游戏超级巨星的品牌,同时秘密地教成千上万的玩家编码的基础知识。。 执行 你如何吸引世界上最分心的观众,青少年的注意力?我们决定创建世界上第一个 YouTube 封锁,同时击败他们在世界上最大的六个游戏超级明星。他们的 6000万,现在歇斯底里,粉丝在网上发送了一个线索的面包屑试验。一旦所有的线索都解决了,他们就落在了黑客的巢穴上,这是这场运动的核心开始。在六周的时间和九个挑战中,粉丝们试图揭开黑客的面纱。秘密地,每一个挑战都是由领先的欧盟学校制造商学院共同创造的编码课程。直到那时,才发现他们已经被控制了 & 事实上已经学会了 Python 的基础知识,Python 是英国学校选择的编码语言。 概要 英国正面临一场数字技能危机,每年导致英国经济损失约 63 亿英镑。这场危机的核心是编码,数字时代的命脉。学习代码通常是枯燥和困难的,大多数高中教师 (根据教师工会的 81%) 感到装备不良。冰箱突袭者有使用 MMM3000 (世界上第一个为玩家准备零食的头盔) 和 FRHANK (世界上第一个人工智能游戏机器人) 为青少年游戏玩家提供动力的历史。他们想知道他们是否能通过提高数字技能来实现这一目标,并为青少年提供动力? 结果 冰箱突袭者利用其目的来应对英国的数字技能危机,让 1000 的青少年获得动力和编码。这项运动产生了超过 20 万的浏览量 (x5 比英国青少年人口多),吸引了超过 135,000 名独特的访客,并进行了 77,000 次编码课程 (相当于 3,800 个教室)。最重要的是,这项运动在全国许多学校得到了开展和使用,并帮助一名学生获得了编码员的全职工作。谁说学校一定很无聊!

    Snacker 黑客

    案例简介:CampaignDescription From TV to Anonymous, hacking is seen as the cool side of coding. Fridge Raiders leveraged this to create the world’s first live hacking adventure, which was secretly a classroom. Over six weeks players undertook nine challenges, chasing down a Hacker. Each challenge was a lesson in disguise, co-built with Makers Academy, a leading EU coding schools. The adventure culminated in an epic showdown were fans used their new skills, to take the Hacker down. Only then was it revealed they had been trolled & had in fact learnt the basics of Python, the coding language of choice in schools across the UK. Strategy Fridge Raiders has a long history of ‘powering up’ gamers, beginning in 2013 when they discovered that 2.09M teens in the UK game & snack after school every single day. In 2016 they wanted to take this purpose to the next level & take on the coding crisis facing the UK. Coding is often dull & difficult to learn, so we decided to power up gamers and make learning fun….and what could be more fun than a game? So, we decided to turn entertainment into education and create the world’s first hacking adventure, live on the Internet. An adventure that saw them become the first brand in the world to hack six gaming superstars, whilst secretly teaching thousands of gamers the basics of coding. . Execution How do you capture the attention of the most distracted audience in the world, teenagers? We decided to create the world’s first YouTube blackout, taking down six of their biggest gaming superstars in the world at once. Their sixty million, now hysterical, fans where sent a breadcrumb trial of clues across the Internet. Once all clues were solved they landed on the Hacker’s lair, here is where the heart of the campaign began. Over six weeks, and nine challenges, fans attempted to unmask the Hacker. Secretly, each challenge was a coding lessons in disguise co created with Makers Academy, a leading EU school. Only then was it revealed they had been trolled & had in fact learnt the basics of Python, the coding language of choice in schools across the UK. Synopsis The UK is facing a digital skills crisis, costing the UK economy around £63bn a year. At the heart of this crisis is coding, the lifeblood of the digital age. Learning to code is often dull and difficult and most high school teachers (81% according to the Teachers Union) feel ill equipped. Fridge Raiders has a history of powering up teen gamers with the MMM3000 (world’s first snacking helmet for gamers) & FRHANK (world’s first AI gaming robot). They wondered if they could take this purpose to the next level and power up teens by improving their digital skills? Outcome Fridge Raiders used its purpose to take on the UK’s digital skills crisis, getting 1000s of teens powered up & coding. The campaign generated over 20M views (x5 greater than the UK teen population), attracted over 135,000 unique visitors and 77,000 coding lessons were undertaken (equivalent to 3,800 classrooms). Best of all the campaign was picked up and used in numerous schools across the country and helped one student secure full time employment as a coder. Who says school had to be boring!

    The Snacker Hacker

    案例简介:活动描述 从电视到匿名,黑客被视为编码中最酷的一面。冰箱突袭者利用这一点创造了世界上第一个现场黑客冒险,这是一个秘密的教室。六周以来,玩家进行了九次挑战,追捕一名黑客。每一个挑战都是一堂伪装的课,与领先的欧盟编码学校制造商学院合作建造。这场冒险以史诗般的摊牌告终,粉丝们用他们的新技能击败了黑客。直到那时,才发现他们已经被控制了 & 事实上已经学会了 Python 的基础知识,Python 是英国学校选择的编码语言。 战略 《冰箱奇兵》有着悠久的 “增强” 游戏玩家的历史,从 2013年开始,他们发现英国每天有 2.09 青少年在放学后玩游戏和小吃。2016 年,他们想把这个目的提升到一个新的水平 & 应对英国面临的编码危机。编码通常很枯燥,很难学习,所以我们决定给玩家提供动力,让学习变得有趣。还有什么比游戏更有趣呢?所以,我们决定把娱乐变成教育,创造世界上第一个黑客冒险,在互联网上直播。一次冒险,他们成为世界上第一个黑掉六个游戏超级巨星的品牌,同时秘密地教成千上万的玩家编码的基础知识。。 执行 你如何吸引世界上最分心的观众,青少年的注意力?我们决定创建世界上第一个 YouTube 封锁,同时击败他们在世界上最大的六个游戏超级明星。他们的 6000万,现在歇斯底里,粉丝在网上发送了一个线索的面包屑试验。一旦所有的线索都解决了,他们就落在了黑客的巢穴上,这是这场运动的核心开始。在六周的时间和九个挑战中,粉丝们试图揭开黑客的面纱。秘密地,每一个挑战都是由领先的欧盟学校制造商学院共同创造的编码课程。直到那时,才发现他们已经被控制了 & 事实上已经学会了 Python 的基础知识,Python 是英国学校选择的编码语言。 概要 英国正面临一场数字技能危机,每年导致英国经济损失约 63 亿英镑。这场危机的核心是编码,数字时代的命脉。学习代码通常是枯燥和困难的,大多数高中教师 (根据教师工会的 81%) 感到装备不良。冰箱突袭者有使用 MMM3000 (世界上第一个为玩家准备零食的头盔) 和 FRHANK (世界上第一个人工智能游戏机器人) 为青少年游戏玩家提供动力的历史。他们想知道他们是否能通过提高数字技能来实现这一目标,并为青少年提供动力? 结果 冰箱突袭者利用其目的来应对英国的数字技能危机,让 1000 的青少年获得动力和编码。这项运动产生了超过 20 万的浏览量 (x5 比英国青少年人口多),吸引了超过 135,000 名独特的访客,并进行了 77,000 次编码课程 (相当于 3,800 个教室)。最重要的是,这项运动在全国许多学校得到了开展和使用,并帮助一名学生获得了编码员的全职工作。谁说学校一定很无聊!

    The Snacker Hacker

    案例简介:CampaignDescription From TV to Anonymous, hacking is seen as the cool side of coding. Fridge Raiders leveraged this to create the world’s first live hacking adventure, which was secretly a classroom. Over six weeks players undertook nine challenges, chasing down a Hacker. Each challenge was a lesson in disguise, co-built with Makers Academy, a leading EU coding schools. The adventure culminated in an epic showdown were fans used their new skills, to take the Hacker down. Only then was it revealed they had been trolled & had in fact learnt the basics of Python, the coding language of choice in schools across the UK. Strategy Fridge Raiders has a long history of ‘powering up’ gamers, beginning in 2013 when they discovered that 2.09M teens in the UK game & snack after school every single day. In 2016 they wanted to take this purpose to the next level & take on the coding crisis facing the UK. Coding is often dull & difficult to learn, so we decided to power up gamers and make learning fun….and what could be more fun than a game? So, we decided to turn entertainment into education and create the world’s first hacking adventure, live on the Internet. An adventure that saw them become the first brand in the world to hack six gaming superstars, whilst secretly teaching thousands of gamers the basics of coding. . Execution How do you capture the attention of the most distracted audience in the world, teenagers? We decided to create the world’s first YouTube blackout, taking down six of their biggest gaming superstars in the world at once. Their sixty million, now hysterical, fans where sent a breadcrumb trial of clues across the Internet. Once all clues were solved they landed on the Hacker’s lair, here is where the heart of the campaign began. Over six weeks, and nine challenges, fans attempted to unmask the Hacker. Secretly, each challenge was a coding lessons in disguise co created with Makers Academy, a leading EU school. Only then was it revealed they had been trolled & had in fact learnt the basics of Python, the coding language of choice in schools across the UK. Synopsis The UK is facing a digital skills crisis, costing the UK economy around £63bn a year. At the heart of this crisis is coding, the lifeblood of the digital age. Learning to code is often dull and difficult and most high school teachers (81% according to the Teachers Union) feel ill equipped. Fridge Raiders has a history of powering up teen gamers with the MMM3000 (world’s first snacking helmet for gamers) & FRHANK (world’s first AI gaming robot). They wondered if they could take this purpose to the next level and power up teens by improving their digital skills? Outcome Fridge Raiders used its purpose to take on the UK’s digital skills crisis, getting 1000s of teens powered up & coding. The campaign generated over 20M views (x5 greater than the UK teen population), attracted over 135,000 unique visitors and 77,000 coding lessons were undertaken (equivalent to 3,800 classrooms). Best of all the campaign was picked up and used in numerous schools across the country and helped one student secure full time employment as a coder. Who says school had to be boring!

    Snacker 黑客


    The Snacker Hacker










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