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    案例简介:概要 Chobani 是美国领先的酸奶品牌。它以其企业慷慨而闻名: 公共服务、照顾难民以及努力让健康和营养的食物负担得起。但是它的食品、包装和品牌被模仿了。消费者认为没有理由支付乔巴尼的价格溢价。品牌指标被侵蚀。成交量下降。利润缩水。简介: 在 319 个产品 sku 、 3 个零售咖啡馆、 4 个数字房产、全国广告活动、购物者营销和社交/客户关系管理内容中重塑公司。预算: $520k 时间表: 1 年目标: 区分 Chobani 货架上的希腊酸奶 * 激发公众成长 Chobani 的家庭渗透率 1 分 结果 目标: 以让人兴奋的方式区分乔巴尼。•10.5B 总印象 (27 毫米是付费印象) 490 个位置,击败 150 媒体位置的公关目标 95% 积极的在线情绪 (3% 中性), 这打破了我们的 75% 目标流行品牌出版品牌新称赞,“这是最好的革命之一 -- 螺旋进化!-在其类别中处于领先地位的产品,进一步将其从竞争中分离出来,并以自己独特的声音这样做。 “社交视频完成率在 Instagram 上超过基准 29%,在 Facebook 上超过基准 19% 社交媒体上的广告召回比对照组目标增加了 20%:Grow Chobani 的家庭渗透率 1 分 HHP 与 2017年底相比达到了 36.9% + 3.8pts 的历史高点。(尼尔森数据) 尽管销量下降了 15%,但乔巴尼两次打破了历史月度销售记录。•出货量增长 10.5%: 2017年12月 -- 2018年2月 (新品牌推出 11/28/17) 执行 新品牌的目标是感受一部分童话和一部分现实生活 -- 魔法和民粹主义的混合物。•乔巴尼的文字标记和产品名称是基于最民粹主义的字体: 时代新罗马定制的字体。我们增加了重量、温暖、怀旧的暗示和美国的氛围。•19 世纪的民间艺术 -- 特别是大西洋中部的被子作品 -- 启发了图形语言。这种 “人民的艺术” 原产于乔巴尼创建的地区。•图形对象是来自乔巴尼制造设施地区的剪影植物和动物。•柯达 ektragrome 电影启发了我们的摄影方法。这部电影给物体一个闪闪发光的,神奇的质量。•乔巴尼的印刷声音是一种定制的字体,仿照 19 世纪童话书籍的标本。•Chobani 的五种食品中的每一种都获得了适合其主张和消费者的独特设计系统。一致性是通过普通字体和手工插图实现的。 活动描述 “永远幸福” 是品牌重塑背后的概念,原因有二: 它反映了美国不断发展的食物观。美国人越来越多地寻求改善身体 (天然食物) 、人际关系 (社会饮食) 、社区 (当地食物) 和环境 (可持续生长的食物) 的食物。消费者相信更好的食物是通往更幸福未来的道路。这是真实的乔巴尼美国遭受食物不平等。大多数美国人不能经常吃天然的新鲜食物。因此,每 7 个美国人中就有 1 个肥胖,每 5 个孩子中就有 1 个无法正常获得食物,每年花费 3670亿美元用于治疗糖尿病。Hamdi Ulukaya 成立 Chobani 来对抗这些事实。他相信更好的食物会创造更好的未来。


    案例简介:Synopsis Chobani is America’s leading yogurt brand. It is famous for its corporate generosity: public service, caregiving of refugees and fight to make healthy and nutritious food affordable. But its food, packaging, and branding had been imitated. Consumers saw no reason to pay Chobani’s price premium. Brand metrics eroded. Volume declined. Margin shrank. Brief: Rebrand the company across 319 product SKUs, 3 retail cafés, 4 digital properties, national advertising campaigns, shopper marketing, and social/CRM content. Budget: $520k Timeline: 1 year Objectives: • Differentiate Chobani’s Greek yogurt on shelf * Excite the public • Grow Chobani’s household penetration 1 point Outcome OBJECTIVE: Differentiate Chobani in a manner that excites people. • 10.5B total impressions (27MM were paid impressions) • 490 placements, beat PR goal of 150 media placements • 95% positive online sentiment (3% neutral), which beat our 75% goal • Popular branding publication Brand New praised, "It’s one of the best revolutions — screw evolution! — of a leading product in its category that further separates it from the competition and it’s doing so in its own unique voice.” • Social video completion rates outperformed benchmarks by 29% on Instagram, 19% on Facebook • Ad recall on social media increased by 20% vs. control group OBJECTIVE: Grow Chobani’s household penetration 1 point • HHP reached an all-time high 36.9% +3.8pts vs end of 2017. (Nielsen Data) • Chobani twice broke all-time monthly sales record despite 15% category declines. • 10.5% growth in shipments: December 2017--February 2018 (new brand launched 11/28/17) Execution • The new brand aims to feel part fairytale and part real life—a mixture of magical and populist. • The Chobani wordmark and product names are set in a bespoke typeface based on the most populist typeface: Times New Roman. We added weight, warmth, nostalgic cues, and an Americana vibe. • 19th-century folk art—specifically mid-Atlantic quilt work—inspired the graphic language. This “art of the people” is native to the region in which Chobani was founded. • Graphic objects are silhouetted plants and animals from the region of Chobani’s manufacturing facilities. • Kodak Ektrachrome film inspired our photography approach. This film gives objects a shimmering, magical quality. • Chobani’s typographic voice is a bespoke typeface modeled after specimens from 19th-century fairytale books. • Each of Chobani’s five food products received a unique design system appropriate to its proposition and consumers. Consistency is achieved through common typography and handmade illustration. CampaignDescription “For Happiness Ever After” is the concept behind the rebrand for two reasons: It reflects America’s evolving view of food. Americans increasingly seek food that improves their bodies (natural food), their relationships (social eating), their communities (local food), and the environment (sustainably grown food). The consumer’s belief is that better food is the path to happier future. It is authentic to Chobani America suffers from food inequality. Most Americans cannot afford to regularly eat natural, fresh food. As a result, 1 in 7 Americans are obese, 1 in 5 children don’t have regular access to food, and $367 billion dollars is spent annually to medically treat diabetes. Hamdi Ulukaya founded Chobani to combat these facts. His belief is that better food creates a better future.

    Chobani Rebrand

    案例简介:概要 Chobani 是美国领先的酸奶品牌。它以其企业慷慨而闻名: 公共服务、照顾难民以及努力让健康和营养的食物负担得起。但是它的食品、包装和品牌被模仿了。消费者认为没有理由支付乔巴尼的价格溢价。品牌指标被侵蚀。成交量下降。利润缩水。简介: 在 319 个产品 sku 、 3 个零售咖啡馆、 4 个数字房产、全国广告活动、购物者营销和社交/客户关系管理内容中重塑公司。预算: $520k 时间表: 1 年目标: 区分 Chobani 货架上的希腊酸奶 * 激发公众成长 Chobani 的家庭渗透率 1 分 结果 目标: 以让人兴奋的方式区分乔巴尼。•10.5B 总印象 (27 毫米是付费印象) 490 个位置,击败 150 媒体位置的公关目标 95% 积极的在线情绪 (3% 中性), 这打破了我们的 75% 目标流行品牌出版品牌新称赞,“这是最好的革命之一 -- 螺旋进化!-在其类别中处于领先地位的产品,进一步将其从竞争中分离出来,并以自己独特的声音这样做。 “社交视频完成率在 Instagram 上超过基准 29%,在 Facebook 上超过基准 19% 社交媒体上的广告召回比对照组目标增加了 20%:Grow Chobani 的家庭渗透率 1 分 HHP 与 2017年底相比达到了 36.9% + 3.8pts 的历史高点。(尼尔森数据) 尽管销量下降了 15%,但乔巴尼两次打破了历史月度销售记录。•出货量增长 10.5%: 2017年12月 -- 2018年2月 (新品牌推出 11/28/17) 执行 新品牌的目标是感受一部分童话和一部分现实生活 -- 魔法和民粹主义的混合物。•乔巴尼的文字标记和产品名称是基于最民粹主义的字体: 时代新罗马定制的字体。我们增加了重量、温暖、怀旧的暗示和美国的氛围。•19 世纪的民间艺术 -- 特别是大西洋中部的被子作品 -- 启发了图形语言。这种 “人民的艺术” 原产于乔巴尼创建的地区。•图形对象是来自乔巴尼制造设施地区的剪影植物和动物。•柯达 ektragrome 电影启发了我们的摄影方法。这部电影给物体一个闪闪发光的,神奇的质量。•乔巴尼的印刷声音是一种定制的字体,仿照 19 世纪童话书籍的标本。•Chobani 的五种食品中的每一种都获得了适合其主张和消费者的独特设计系统。一致性是通过普通字体和手工插图实现的。 活动描述 “永远幸福” 是品牌重塑背后的概念,原因有二: 它反映了美国不断发展的食物观。美国人越来越多地寻求改善身体 (天然食物) 、人际关系 (社会饮食) 、社区 (当地食物) 和环境 (可持续生长的食物) 的食物。消费者相信更好的食物是通往更幸福未来的道路。这是真实的乔巴尼美国遭受食物不平等。大多数美国人不能经常吃天然的新鲜食物。因此,每 7 个美国人中就有 1 个肥胖,每 5 个孩子中就有 1 个无法正常获得食物,每年花费 3670亿美元用于治疗糖尿病。Hamdi Ulukaya 成立 Chobani 来对抗这些事实。他相信更好的食物会创造更好的未来。

    Chobani Rebrand

    案例简介:Synopsis Chobani is America’s leading yogurt brand. It is famous for its corporate generosity: public service, caregiving of refugees and fight to make healthy and nutritious food affordable. But its food, packaging, and branding had been imitated. Consumers saw no reason to pay Chobani’s price premium. Brand metrics eroded. Volume declined. Margin shrank. Brief: Rebrand the company across 319 product SKUs, 3 retail cafés, 4 digital properties, national advertising campaigns, shopper marketing, and social/CRM content. Budget: $520k Timeline: 1 year Objectives: • Differentiate Chobani’s Greek yogurt on shelf * Excite the public • Grow Chobani’s household penetration 1 point Outcome OBJECTIVE: Differentiate Chobani in a manner that excites people. • 10.5B total impressions (27MM were paid impressions) • 490 placements, beat PR goal of 150 media placements • 95% positive online sentiment (3% neutral), which beat our 75% goal • Popular branding publication Brand New praised, "It’s one of the best revolutions — screw evolution! — of a leading product in its category that further separates it from the competition and it’s doing so in its own unique voice.” • Social video completion rates outperformed benchmarks by 29% on Instagram, 19% on Facebook • Ad recall on social media increased by 20% vs. control group OBJECTIVE: Grow Chobani’s household penetration 1 point • HHP reached an all-time high 36.9% +3.8pts vs end of 2017. (Nielsen Data) • Chobani twice broke all-time monthly sales record despite 15% category declines. • 10.5% growth in shipments: December 2017--February 2018 (new brand launched 11/28/17) Execution • The new brand aims to feel part fairytale and part real life—a mixture of magical and populist. • The Chobani wordmark and product names are set in a bespoke typeface based on the most populist typeface: Times New Roman. We added weight, warmth, nostalgic cues, and an Americana vibe. • 19th-century folk art—specifically mid-Atlantic quilt work—inspired the graphic language. This “art of the people” is native to the region in which Chobani was founded. • Graphic objects are silhouetted plants and animals from the region of Chobani’s manufacturing facilities. • Kodak Ektrachrome film inspired our photography approach. This film gives objects a shimmering, magical quality. • Chobani’s typographic voice is a bespoke typeface modeled after specimens from 19th-century fairytale books. • Each of Chobani’s five food products received a unique design system appropriate to its proposition and consumers. Consistency is achieved through common typography and handmade illustration. CampaignDescription “For Happiness Ever After” is the concept behind the rebrand for two reasons: It reflects America’s evolving view of food. Americans increasingly seek food that improves their bodies (natural food), their relationships (social eating), their communities (local food), and the environment (sustainably grown food). The consumer’s belief is that better food is the path to happier future. It is authentic to Chobani America suffers from food inequality. Most Americans cannot afford to regularly eat natural, fresh food. As a result, 1 in 7 Americans are obese, 1 in 5 children don’t have regular access to food, and $367 billion dollars is spent annually to medically treat diabetes. Hamdi Ulukaya founded Chobani to combat these facts. His belief is that better food creates a better future.



    Chobani Rebrand










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