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    案例简介:革命美容品牌Billie Razors问 '如果我们不再为自己的外表道歉怎么办?' 在PRETTYBIRD英国制作的锁定Instagram电影中 伦敦,2019年5月13日 -- PRETTYBIRD UK为新客户Billie Razors制作了一部Instagram电影,该电影完美地捕捉到了与社交媒体相关的身体形象焦虑是如何随着锁定视频通话而增加的。 随着冠状病毒像海啸一样席卷全球,人们撤退到家中,甚至变得更加粘在屏幕上,用变焦聊天和家庭聚会电话取代了物理互动。对于被完美名人和社交媒体影响者形象包围的一代千禧一代来说,这些理想化的面孔和身体的过滤版本只会加剧那些经常患有身体变形障碍的年轻人的焦虑。因此,清洁美容品牌Billie的新电影展示了不同世代的女孩,女性和非二元女性嘲笑他们不太完美的头发,皮肤或化妆,清爽的电影,鼓励我们所有人停止为简单的自我道歉。 PRETTYBIRD UK在新型冠状病毒肺炎封锁期间被要求制作比莉的电影,并且不顾检疫期间对拍摄的限制,远程为该品牌制作了一部Instagram电影。这部电影已经有近80,000次观看,并且真实地捕捉检疫迫使我们通过锁定视频聊天来看待自己的自我形象。 比利的联合创始人乔治娜 · 古利在注意到每次家庭会议上的变焦工作都是从人们为自己的长相道歉开始的。她说,部分原因是 “与自己的脸面对面,比你在普通办公室工作时要频繁得多”。 这次活动的拍摄是在Zoom上完成的,其中包括人们在美国,英国,以色列,西班牙和俄罗斯的家中拍摄。为了捕捉人与人之间更自然的互动,参与者被要求招募他们的朋友加入电话,这给了这个活动一个用演员无法实现的真实性。 Billie是一个革命性的全新清洁美容品牌,通过重新定义美容的常规定义,打破一些更传统的美容产品广告的疲惫刻板印象而成名。在注意到女性为剃刀支付过高的费用并因拥有体毛而感到羞愧之后,他们移除了 “粉红色税” 并在屏幕上显示脱毛。比利的主要人口由18-35岁的女性和非二元女性组成。 PRETTYBIRD英国新业务主管Mia Powell说: “我们非常高兴能与Billie合作,Billie正成为可持续美容行业的主要参与者之一。与一个成功推动对话并重塑美丽理想的品牌合作真是太好了。我们期待着与他们合作开展更多的活动,反映他们重新思考我们定义和想象未来美丽的方式。" 比利说: “很多时间花在变焦上 = 很多时间看着自己 = 很多下意识地为我们的样子道歉。对不起,我的包!我的根!我的灰色!你说吧,我们已经为此道歉了。但是当我们为那些事情道歉的时候,我们不是真的只是为看起来像…… 我们自己道歉吗?"


    案例简介:Revolutionary Beauty Brand Billie Razors Ask ‘What If We Stopped Apologizing for Looking Like Ourselves?’ in Lockdown Instagram Film Produced by PRETTYBIRD UK London, 13 May 2019 – PRETTYBIRD UK have produced an Instagram film for new client Billie Razors, which perfectly captures how body image anxiety associated with social media has increased with lockdown video calls. As Coronavirus swept over the planet like a Tsunami, people retreated into their homes and became even more glued to their screens, replacing physical interaction with zoom chats and house party calls. For a generation of Millennials surrounded by images of perfect celebrities and influencers on social media, these filtered versions of idealised faces and bodies only serve to exacerbate the anxiety of young people who are often already suffering from body dysmorphic disorder. So a new film for clean beauty brand Billie showing girls, women and non-binary of different generations laughing about their less than perfect hair, skin or makeup, the refreshing film, encourages us all to stop apologising for simply being ourselves. PRETTYBIRD UK were asked to make the Billie film during the Covid-19 lockdown, and against the odds worked around the restrictions placed on filming during quarantine, remotely producing an Instagram film for the brand. The film has already had close to 80,000 views, and captures with authenticity the way quarantine has forced us to look at our own self-image with the lockdown video chats. Billie co-founder Georgina Gooley came up with the idea for the campaign after noticing that every Zoom work from home meeting began with people apologising for the way they looked. Part of that comes from being “face-to-face with your own face, so much more often than you would be if you were just working in a normal office,” she said. The shoots for this campaign were done over Zoom, featuring people filming from their homes in the USA, UK, Israel, Spain and Russia. To try to capture a more natural interaction between people, the participants were asked to recruit their friends to join the calls, giving the campaign an authenticity that wouldn’t be achieved using actors. Billie are a revolutionary new clean beauty brand making a name for themselves for redefining the conventional definition of beauty, and breaking out of the tired stereotypes of some more traditional beauty product advertising. After noticing that women were overpaying for razors and being shamed for having body hair, they removed the ‘Pink Tax’ and showed body hair removal on screen. Billie’s main demographic is comprised of women and non-binary in the 18–35 age range. PRETTYBIRD UK Head of New Business Mia Powell said: “We’re so thrilled to be working with Billie who are becoming one of the key players in the sustainable beauty industry. It’s been great to work with a brand who are succeeding in moving the conversation forward and reshaping beauty ideals. We are looking forward to collaborating with them on more campaigns that reflect their ethos of rethinking the way we define and visualise beauty in the future.” Billie say: “A lot of time spent on Zoom = a lot of looking at ourselves = a lot of knee jerk apologies for how we look. Sorry for my bags! my roots! my grays! You name it, we’ve apologized for it. But when we say sorry for that stuff, aren’t we really just apologizing for looking like… ourselves?”


    案例简介:革命美容品牌Billie Razors问 '如果我们不再为自己的外表道歉怎么办?' 在PRETTYBIRD英国制作的锁定Instagram电影中 伦敦,2019年5月13日 -- PRETTYBIRD UK为新客户Billie Razors制作了一部Instagram电影,该电影完美地捕捉到了与社交媒体相关的身体形象焦虑是如何随着锁定视频通话而增加的。 随着冠状病毒像海啸一样席卷全球,人们撤退到家中,甚至变得更加粘在屏幕上,用变焦聊天和家庭聚会电话取代了物理互动。对于被完美名人和社交媒体影响者形象包围的一代千禧一代来说,这些理想化的面孔和身体的过滤版本只会加剧那些经常患有身体变形障碍的年轻人的焦虑。因此,清洁美容品牌Billie的新电影展示了不同世代的女孩,女性和非二元女性嘲笑他们不太完美的头发,皮肤或化妆,清爽的电影,鼓励我们所有人停止为简单的自我道歉。 PRETTYBIRD UK在新型冠状病毒肺炎封锁期间被要求制作比莉的电影,并且不顾检疫期间对拍摄的限制,远程为该品牌制作了一部Instagram电影。这部电影已经有近80,000次观看,并且真实地捕捉检疫迫使我们通过锁定视频聊天来看待自己的自我形象。 比利的联合创始人乔治娜 · 古利在注意到每次家庭会议上的变焦工作都是从人们为自己的长相道歉开始的。她说,部分原因是 “与自己的脸面对面,比你在普通办公室工作时要频繁得多”。 这次活动的拍摄是在Zoom上完成的,其中包括人们在美国,英国,以色列,西班牙和俄罗斯的家中拍摄。为了捕捉人与人之间更自然的互动,参与者被要求招募他们的朋友加入电话,这给了这个活动一个用演员无法实现的真实性。 Billie是一个革命性的全新清洁美容品牌,通过重新定义美容的常规定义,打破一些更传统的美容产品广告的疲惫刻板印象而成名。在注意到女性为剃刀支付过高的费用并因拥有体毛而感到羞愧之后,他们移除了 “粉红色税” 并在屏幕上显示脱毛。比利的主要人口由18-35岁的女性和非二元女性组成。 PRETTYBIRD英国新业务主管Mia Powell说: “我们非常高兴能与Billie合作,Billie正成为可持续美容行业的主要参与者之一。与一个成功推动对话并重塑美丽理想的品牌合作真是太好了。我们期待着与他们合作开展更多的活动,反映他们重新思考我们定义和想象未来美丽的方式。" 比利说: “很多时间花在变焦上 = 很多时间看着自己 = 很多下意识地为我们的样子道歉。对不起,我的包!我的根!我的灰色!你说吧,我们已经为此道歉了。但是当我们为那些事情道歉的时候,我们不是真的只是为看起来像…… 我们自己道歉吗?"


    案例简介:Revolutionary Beauty Brand Billie Razors Ask ‘What If We Stopped Apologizing for Looking Like Ourselves?’ in Lockdown Instagram Film Produced by PRETTYBIRD UK London, 13 May 2019 – PRETTYBIRD UK have produced an Instagram film for new client Billie Razors, which perfectly captures how body image anxiety associated with social media has increased with lockdown video calls. As Coronavirus swept over the planet like a Tsunami, people retreated into their homes and became even more glued to their screens, replacing physical interaction with zoom chats and house party calls. For a generation of Millennials surrounded by images of perfect celebrities and influencers on social media, these filtered versions of idealised faces and bodies only serve to exacerbate the anxiety of young people who are often already suffering from body dysmorphic disorder. So a new film for clean beauty brand Billie showing girls, women and non-binary of different generations laughing about their less than perfect hair, skin or makeup, the refreshing film, encourages us all to stop apologising for simply being ourselves. PRETTYBIRD UK were asked to make the Billie film during the Covid-19 lockdown, and against the odds worked around the restrictions placed on filming during quarantine, remotely producing an Instagram film for the brand. The film has already had close to 80,000 views, and captures with authenticity the way quarantine has forced us to look at our own self-image with the lockdown video chats. Billie co-founder Georgina Gooley came up with the idea for the campaign after noticing that every Zoom work from home meeting began with people apologising for the way they looked. Part of that comes from being “face-to-face with your own face, so much more often than you would be if you were just working in a normal office,” she said. The shoots for this campaign were done over Zoom, featuring people filming from their homes in the USA, UK, Israel, Spain and Russia. To try to capture a more natural interaction between people, the participants were asked to recruit their friends to join the calls, giving the campaign an authenticity that wouldn’t be achieved using actors. Billie are a revolutionary new clean beauty brand making a name for themselves for redefining the conventional definition of beauty, and breaking out of the tired stereotypes of some more traditional beauty product advertising. After noticing that women were overpaying for razors and being shamed for having body hair, they removed the ‘Pink Tax’ and showed body hair removal on screen. Billie’s main demographic is comprised of women and non-binary in the 18–35 age range. PRETTYBIRD UK Head of New Business Mia Powell said: “We’re so thrilled to be working with Billie who are becoming one of the key players in the sustainable beauty industry. It’s been great to work with a brand who are succeeding in moving the conversation forward and reshaping beauty ideals. We are looking forward to collaborating with them on more campaigns that reflect their ethos of rethinking the way we define and visualise beauty in the future.” Billie say: “A lot of time spent on Zoom = a lot of looking at ourselves = a lot of knee jerk apologies for how we look. Sorry for my bags! my roots! my grays! You name it, we’ve apologized for it. But when we say sorry for that stuff, aren’t we really just apologizing for looking like… ourselves?”









    广告公司: PrettyBird (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: PrettyBird




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