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    案例简介:概要 背景谷歌街景在法罗群岛并不存在。但是在 2017年,法罗群岛推出了绵羊景观来创造街景。项目成功了。现在,一年后,法罗羊在谷歌的帮助下,在街景中增加了道路和小径。这项运动成为世界各地的头条新闻,导致旅游业大幅增长。挑战羊视图解决了一个挑战,但创造了一个新的。现在参观 18 个小岛的游客是法罗群岛居民的两倍。游客自然不会说法罗语。游客增加了对不到 80,000 人使用的小型语言的现有威胁。但是游客在参观法罗群岛时确实想学习一点当地语言。他们只是没有这种可能性。因为谷歌翻译不翻译法罗语。 战略 媒体预算总额为 0 美元,我们不得不完全依赖公关,并获得了病毒传播。我们向 20 家世界领先的新闻媒体发送了带有定制视频翻译的个性化新闻稿。一天之内,法罗群岛与谷歌的斗争就成了全世界的头条新闻。我们接着讲述了法罗语的故事和正在进行的翻译。制作新的标题,比如: “为雾学习 40 个法罗语单词” 、 “让法罗语说任何话” 、 “志愿者在一周内翻译了 40% 的法罗语”。新闻报道启动了网站的流量。然后网站的自然病毒接管了。翻译电影不断通过社交媒体传播,产生了新的访问者,他们要求新的翻译电影,这再次产生了更多的流量。一个好的圆圈。 相关性 我们没有媒体预算,所以我们只做了公关活动。我们制造了世界上第一个实时视频翻译系统,并让法罗群岛人民参与了拯救他们语言的运动。这是公关活动的核心,它在全世界引起了人们对鲜为人知的法罗群岛及其语言和文化的认识。 结果 公关倡议在全球范围内实现了 14亿人,分布在新闻媒体的 200 多篇报道/文章中。法罗群岛翻译有大约。611,000 在网上提到,估计 pr值为 DKK 1.5亿。该系统为 130万个不同国家的人民提供了 181 多份翻译,法罗群岛总人口的 41% 参与了这项运动。从 10月4日到今天,通过机场用户衡量的法罗群岛游客人数比前一年增加了 29%。最后 -- 也许是最好的 -- 大规模的国际新闻报道和兴趣足以引起谷歌的注意。我们现在正在一起努力将 Faroese 添加到谷歌翻译中。所有的电影翻译仍然可以在网上获得,这意味着人们将永远能够在 far上体验法罗语 执行 看起来像谷歌翻译,只有人们能得到实时视频翻译而不是文本。文本框下面是一个视频翻译库,自动调整以适应一个人要求翻译的内容。当请求翻译时,使用 Google Translate 将请求自动翻译成英语,以便志愿者能够理解请求。请求被发送到一个只能在法罗群岛访问的应用程序,推送通知被发送给在线志愿者。然后,翻译人员用手机中的相机进行视频翻译。视频翻译完成后,它们会自动翻译成 26 种不同的语言,并上传到画廊和 YouTube。用户可以将他们的翻译发送到他们的电子邮件中,并注册一个电子邮件流,其中包含关于法罗群岛文化和语言的电影。 活动描述 法罗群岛总理给谷歌发了一封公开信,要求他们在谷歌翻译中加入法罗群岛。谷歌忽略了那封信。这意味着,我们面临着一个我们必须自己解决的问题。我们开发了一份谷歌翻译,尽管有一个主要的不同。你得到的不是自动生成的翻译,而是一部电影,一部法罗群岛志愿者翻译你输入的文本; 世界上第一个实时视频翻译系统。这些电影被存储在一个数据库中,随着每一次新的翻译,数据库都会继续增长。自然,输入之前已经翻译过的文本的用户会看到为该翻译制作的电影。该系统自动 -- 有些矛盾的是 -- 使用谷歌翻译将所有用户的文本翻译成英语,这意味着法罗语翻译人员会收到用英语传递的俄语和汉语翻译请求。


    案例简介:Synopsis BACKGROUND Google Street View didn’t exist in the Faroe Islands. But in 2017 the Faroe Islands launched Sheep View to create Street View. The project succeeded. Now one year later Faroese sheep, with the help from Google, have added both roads and trails to Street View. The campaign made headlines all over the world and resulted in a significant increase in tourism. CHALLENGE Sheep View solved one challenge, but created a new one. There are now twice as many tourists visiting the eighteen small islands as there are Faroese residents. And naturally the tourists do not speak Faroese. The tourists increase the existing threat against the small language spoken by less than 80,000 people. But the tourists do actually want to learn a bit of the local language when they visit the Faroe Islands. They just don’t have the possibility. Because Google Translate does not translate Faroese. Strategy With a total media budget of $0, we had to rely completely on PR and gained viral spread. We sent out individualized press releases with custom-made video translations to twenty of the world’s leading news media. Within a day the story about the Faroese struggle against Google made headlines all over the world. We followed up with stories about the Faroese language and the translations being made. Making new headlines like: “Learn the 40 Faroese words for fog”, “Make a Faroese say anything”, “Volunteers have translated 40% of the Faroese language in a week”. The news stories kickstarted the traffic to the website. Then the website’s natural virality took over. A constant stream of translation films being spread through social media generated new visitors, who requested new translation films, which again generated more traffic. A good circle. Relevancy We had no media budget so we only made the campaign to get PR. Ignored by Google Translate we made the first LIVE video translation system ever made in the world and engaged the population of the Faroe Islands in a campaign to save their language. This was the core of the PR campaign which generated awareness all over the world of the little known Faroe Islands, their language and their culture. Outcome The PR initiative achieved a global reach of 1.4 billion people distributed across more than 200 stories/articles in the news media. Faroe Islands Translate has approx. 611,000 mentions online, and the estimated PR value amounts to DKK 150 million. The system generated over 1.3 million translations for people in 181 different countries, and 41% of the total population of the Faroe Islands were involved in the campaign. The number of visitors to the Faroe Islands from the 4th of October to today, measured through airport users, has increased by 29% compared to the previous year. Finally – and perhaps best of all – the massive international news coverage and interest was enough to get Google’s attention. We are now working together to add Faroese to Google Translate. All the film translations are still available online, meaning that people will always be able to experience the Faroese language on FaroeIslandsTranslate.com Execution FaroeIslandstranslate.com looks like Google translate, only people get live video translations instead of text. Below the textboxes is a gallery of video translations that automatically adjust to fit what a person requested to be translated. When a translation is requested, the request is automatically translated into English using Google Translate so the volunteers can understand the request. The request is sent to an app that can only be accessed in the Faroe Islands and push notifications are sent to online volunteers. The translators then make the video translations with the camera in their mobile phone. After the video translations have been made they are automatically translated into 26 different languages and uploaded to the gallery and to YouTube. The users can get their translations sent to their e-mail and sign up to an e-mail flow with films about the Faroese culture and language. CampaignDescription The Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands sent an open letter to Google, requesting that they add Faroese to Google Translate. Google ignored that letter. This meant that, we were faced with a problem we had to solve on our own. We developed a copy of Google Translate, albeit with one major difference. Instead of getting back an auto-generated translation, you get a film in which a Faroese volunteer translates the text you entered; the world’s first LIVE video translation system. The films are stored in a database which continues to grow with every new translation. Naturally, users who enter a text that has been translated before are shown the film that was made for that translation. The system automatically – and somewhat paradoxically – uses Google Translate to translate all the users’ texts into English, meaning the Faroese translators get Russian and Chinese translation requests delivered in English.

    Faroe Islands Translate

    案例简介:概要 背景谷歌街景在法罗群岛并不存在。但是在 2017年,法罗群岛推出了绵羊景观来创造街景。项目成功了。现在,一年后,法罗羊在谷歌的帮助下,在街景中增加了道路和小径。这项运动成为世界各地的头条新闻,导致旅游业大幅增长。挑战羊视图解决了一个挑战,但创造了一个新的。现在参观 18 个小岛的游客是法罗群岛居民的两倍。游客自然不会说法罗语。游客增加了对不到 80,000 人使用的小型语言的现有威胁。但是游客在参观法罗群岛时确实想学习一点当地语言。他们只是没有这种可能性。因为谷歌翻译不翻译法罗语。 战略 媒体预算总额为 0 美元,我们不得不完全依赖公关,并获得了病毒传播。我们向 20 家世界领先的新闻媒体发送了带有定制视频翻译的个性化新闻稿。一天之内,法罗群岛与谷歌的斗争就成了全世界的头条新闻。我们接着讲述了法罗语的故事和正在进行的翻译。制作新的标题,比如: “为雾学习 40 个法罗语单词” 、 “让法罗语说任何话” 、 “志愿者在一周内翻译了 40% 的法罗语”。新闻报道启动了网站的流量。然后网站的自然病毒接管了。翻译电影不断通过社交媒体传播,产生了新的访问者,他们要求新的翻译电影,这再次产生了更多的流量。一个好的圆圈。 相关性 我们没有媒体预算,所以我们只做了公关活动。我们制造了世界上第一个实时视频翻译系统,并让法罗群岛人民参与了拯救他们语言的运动。这是公关活动的核心,它在全世界引起了人们对鲜为人知的法罗群岛及其语言和文化的认识。 结果 公关倡议在全球范围内实现了 14亿人,分布在新闻媒体的 200 多篇报道/文章中。法罗群岛翻译有大约。611,000 在网上提到,估计 pr值为 DKK 1.5亿。该系统为 130万个不同国家的人民提供了 181 多份翻译,法罗群岛总人口的 41% 参与了这项运动。从 10月4日到今天,通过机场用户衡量的法罗群岛游客人数比前一年增加了 29%。最后 -- 也许是最好的 -- 大规模的国际新闻报道和兴趣足以引起谷歌的注意。我们现在正在一起努力将 Faroese 添加到谷歌翻译中。所有的电影翻译仍然可以在网上获得,这意味着人们将永远能够在 far上体验法罗语 执行 看起来像谷歌翻译,只有人们能得到实时视频翻译而不是文本。文本框下面是一个视频翻译库,自动调整以适应一个人要求翻译的内容。当请求翻译时,使用 Google Translate 将请求自动翻译成英语,以便志愿者能够理解请求。请求被发送到一个只能在法罗群岛访问的应用程序,推送通知被发送给在线志愿者。然后,翻译人员用手机中的相机进行视频翻译。视频翻译完成后,它们会自动翻译成 26 种不同的语言,并上传到画廊和 YouTube。用户可以将他们的翻译发送到他们的电子邮件中,并注册一个电子邮件流,其中包含关于法罗群岛文化和语言的电影。 活动描述 法罗群岛总理给谷歌发了一封公开信,要求他们在谷歌翻译中加入法罗群岛。谷歌忽略了那封信。这意味着,我们面临着一个我们必须自己解决的问题。我们开发了一份谷歌翻译,尽管有一个主要的不同。你得到的不是自动生成的翻译,而是一部电影,一部法罗群岛志愿者翻译你输入的文本; 世界上第一个实时视频翻译系统。这些电影被存储在一个数据库中,随着每一次新的翻译,数据库都会继续增长。自然,输入之前已经翻译过的文本的用户会看到为该翻译制作的电影。该系统自动 -- 有些矛盾的是 -- 使用谷歌翻译将所有用户的文本翻译成英语,这意味着法罗语翻译人员会收到用英语传递的俄语和汉语翻译请求。

    Faroe Islands Translate

    案例简介:Synopsis BACKGROUND Google Street View didn’t exist in the Faroe Islands. But in 2017 the Faroe Islands launched Sheep View to create Street View. The project succeeded. Now one year later Faroese sheep, with the help from Google, have added both roads and trails to Street View. The campaign made headlines all over the world and resulted in a significant increase in tourism. CHALLENGE Sheep View solved one challenge, but created a new one. There are now twice as many tourists visiting the eighteen small islands as there are Faroese residents. And naturally the tourists do not speak Faroese. The tourists increase the existing threat against the small language spoken by less than 80,000 people. But the tourists do actually want to learn a bit of the local language when they visit the Faroe Islands. They just don’t have the possibility. Because Google Translate does not translate Faroese. Strategy With a total media budget of $0, we had to rely completely on PR and gained viral spread. We sent out individualized press releases with custom-made video translations to twenty of the world’s leading news media. Within a day the story about the Faroese struggle against Google made headlines all over the world. We followed up with stories about the Faroese language and the translations being made. Making new headlines like: “Learn the 40 Faroese words for fog”, “Make a Faroese say anything”, “Volunteers have translated 40% of the Faroese language in a week”. The news stories kickstarted the traffic to the website. Then the website’s natural virality took over. A constant stream of translation films being spread through social media generated new visitors, who requested new translation films, which again generated more traffic. A good circle. Relevancy We had no media budget so we only made the campaign to get PR. Ignored by Google Translate we made the first LIVE video translation system ever made in the world and engaged the population of the Faroe Islands in a campaign to save their language. This was the core of the PR campaign which generated awareness all over the world of the little known Faroe Islands, their language and their culture. Outcome The PR initiative achieved a global reach of 1.4 billion people distributed across more than 200 stories/articles in the news media. Faroe Islands Translate has approx. 611,000 mentions online, and the estimated PR value amounts to DKK 150 million. The system generated over 1.3 million translations for people in 181 different countries, and 41% of the total population of the Faroe Islands were involved in the campaign. The number of visitors to the Faroe Islands from the 4th of October to today, measured through airport users, has increased by 29% compared to the previous year. Finally – and perhaps best of all – the massive international news coverage and interest was enough to get Google’s attention. We are now working together to add Faroese to Google Translate. All the film translations are still available online, meaning that people will always be able to experience the Faroese language on FaroeIslandsTranslate.com Execution FaroeIslandstranslate.com looks like Google translate, only people get live video translations instead of text. Below the textboxes is a gallery of video translations that automatically adjust to fit what a person requested to be translated. When a translation is requested, the request is automatically translated into English using Google Translate so the volunteers can understand the request. The request is sent to an app that can only be accessed in the Faroe Islands and push notifications are sent to online volunteers. The translators then make the video translations with the camera in their mobile phone. After the video translations have been made they are automatically translated into 26 different languages and uploaded to the gallery and to YouTube. The users can get their translations sent to their e-mail and sign up to an e-mail flow with films about the Faroese culture and language. CampaignDescription The Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands sent an open letter to Google, requesting that they add Faroese to Google Translate. Google ignored that letter. This meant that, we were faced with a problem we had to solve on our own. We developed a copy of Google Translate, albeit with one major difference. Instead of getting back an auto-generated translation, you get a film in which a Faroese volunteer translates the text you entered; the world’s first LIVE video translation system. The films are stored in a database which continues to grow with every new translation. Naturally, users who enter a text that has been translated before are shown the film that was made for that translation. The system automatically – and somewhat paradoxically – uses Google Translate to translate all the users’ texts into English, meaning the Faroese translators get Russian and Chinese translation requests delivered in English.



    Faroe Islands Translate










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