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    梵高的BnB小屋 | Van Gogh BnB短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:为了宣传芝加哥艺术学院的新梵高展览,我们重现了梵高最亲密的画作之一 “卧室”,并通过与Airbnb的合作,邀请人们在里面过夜。梵高亲自主持房间。 从艺术学院提供的原始文件中工作,工匠们花了四个星期的时间重新创建了房间。因此,人们可以住在一幅梵高的画,而不是只看一幅梵高的画,让他们比以往任何时候都更接近艺术家。 执行 为了帮助人们沉浸在梵高的生活和艺术中,我们建造了他1888卧室绘画的复制品,然后通过与Airbnb的首次合作,邀请人们在里面预订了一个夜晚。房间由梵高本人列出。“只是为了让自己保持画画,” 这位艺术家解释道。这场运动始于AIC发布的单个社交媒体帖子,宣布了房间,并告知他们的追随者,第一个为期三周的夜晚将在第二天发布。反应是立竿见影的,帖子在网络上分享。AirBnb还在他们的博客上占据了显著位置,将其直接推送给他们的追随者。其他博客、报纸和电视台拿起了这个故事,并对其进行了放大。这种放大在世界各地呈指数级增长,将房间和展览带给了大量观众。 相关性 梵高BnB是一个让人们直接参加芝加哥艺术学院 “梵高的卧室” 展览的作品。这个平台要求人们进入梵高的1888间卧室,并到博物馆参观展览。结果是,我们不需要让人们在卧室里过夜,他们是在争取一个机会。最终,成千上万的人响应了我们的邀请,导致展览的出席人数破纪录。 战略 目标受众是居住在芝加哥及其周边地区的人。我们知道艺术爱好者已经感兴趣了,所以我们的目标是与更广泛的公众建立联系。很多人熟悉梵高的画和他一生的小报式的故事,所以我们想证明这是他们从未见过的梵高的景色。一幅画只能让你离艺术家这么近。而梵高的功绩的故事只透露了关于这个人的太多。因此,我们认为人们了解梵高的生活和艺术的最真实的方式是邀请他们在这个房间里过夜。 结果 因为需求,客人只限住一晚。一次有三到四周的房间,每个街区都在几分钟内售完。展览的在线预售票增加了250%。在前六周里,平均每天有4700人参观。在这段时间里,总人数超过了200,000人的73%,“梵高卧室” 是芝加哥艺术学院15年来参加人数最高的展览。这个房间的建造成本为3100美元,并在赚取的媒体上产生了超过6万美元的收入。通过利用AirBnb,我们950% 扩大了付费媒体的影响力,并在全球范围内扩展。Van Gogh BnB已在100多个国家获得了6.23亿的媒体印象。 概要 芝加哥艺术学院正在介绍一个新的梵高展览。这不是一部广泛的回顾展,也没有包含许多梵高最著名的作品。相反,这是一场非常集中的节目,集中展示了这位艺术家在法国阿尔勒的两年生活。该节目将梵高的三幅 “卧室” 画集中在一起,这是北美的第一次。这吸引了艺术爱好者,但对普通公众的意义不大。节目和简报的意图是一样的: 让人们更接近艺术家,不仅仅是作为一个画家,而是作为一个人。我们的目标是为这次非常有重点的展览增加出席率。 市场活动描述 卧室是一个人最私人的地方。进入某人的卧室提供了偷窥的体验,将你置于他们的身体,情感和精神空间。因此,为了将人们与梵高联系起来,我们邀请他们进入他的卧室。现在,人们第一次可以住在画中,而不是只看一幅画。 战略 目标受众是居住在芝加哥及其周边地区的人。我们知道艺术爱好者已经感兴趣了,所以我们的目标是与更广泛的公众交流。这些人中的许多人都熟悉梵高的画和他生活中的小报式的故事,所以我们想证明这是他们以前从未见过的梵高的景色。一幅画只能让你离艺术家这么近。而梵高的功绩的故事只透露了关于这个人的太多。因此,我们认为人们最真实的联系梵高的生活和艺术的方式是邀请他们在这个房间里过夜。 相关性 在几乎没有媒体预算的情况下,我们将芝加哥艺术学院 “梵高的卧室” 展览的新闻带到数亿的人。梵高BnB为芝加哥艺术学院 (Art Institute of Chicago) 带来了举世瞩目,并提高了该组织作为世界级现代机构的声誉。 执行 为了帮助人们沉浸在梵高的生活和艺术中,我们建造了他1888卧室绘画的复制品。然后,通过与Airbnb的首次合作,让人们在里面预订一个晚上。房间由梵高本人列出。“只是为了让自己保持画画,” 这位艺术家解释道。这场活动始于AirBnb上的单一上市,宣布了房间。然后,AIC通过社交媒体通知他们的追随者,第一个三周的夜晚将在第二天开始使用。AirBnb也在他们的博客和社交渠道上占据了显著位置。其他博客、报纸和电视台拿起了这个故事,并对其进行了放大。这种放大在世界各地呈指数级增长,使庞大的观众意识到展览。展览的第一晚,房间就变得可用了。房间在展览的最后一天结束,当梵高离开小镇时。 市场活动描述 卧室是一个人最私人的地方。进入某人的卧室提供了偷窥的体验,把你放在他们的身体,情感和精神空间。所以,把公众与梵高联系起来,我们给了他们进入他的卧室的能力。现在,人们第一次可以住在画中,而不是只看一幅画。 概要 芝加哥艺术学院正在介绍一个新的梵高展览。这不是一部广泛的回顾展,也没有包含许多梵高最著名的作品。相反,它是一个集中在法国阿尔勒的两年的艺术家的两年的集中展示。该展览在北美首次将梵高的三幅 “卧室” 画结合在一起。这吸引了艺术爱好者,但对普通公众的意义不大。节目和简报的意图是一样的: 让人们更接近艺术家,不仅仅是作为一个画家,而是作为一个人。我们的目标是为这个非常集中的节目创造兴趣和出席。而且,因为它是一个艺术组织,所以用极其有限的预算来做。 结果 因为需求,客人被限制住一晚。房间一次提供3到4周,每个街区在几分钟内就售完。房间的建造成本为31万美元,并且在媒体上产生了超过6万美元的收入。通过利用AirBnb,我们950% 扩大了付费媒体的影响力,并在全球范围内扩展。梵高BnB已经在100多个国家获得了6.23亿的媒体印象。展览的在线预售票增加了250%。在前六周内,平均每天有4700人参观。在这段时间里,总人数超过了200,000人的73%,“梵高卧室” 是芝加哥艺术学院15年来参加人数最高的展览。

    案例简介:To promote the Art Institute of Chicago’s new Van Gogh exhibit, we recreated one of Van Gogh’s most intimate paintings, “The Bedroom” and, through a partnership with Airbnb, invited people to spend a night inside. Van Gogh hosted the room himself. Working from original documentation supplied by the Art Institute, craftsmen spent four weeks recreating the room. As a result, instead of just looking at a Van Gogh painting, people could live inside one, bringing them closer to the artist than ever before. Execution To help people immerse themselves into the life and art of Van Gogh, we built a replica of his 1888 Bedroom painting, then through a first-of-its kind partnership with Airbnb, invited people to book a night inside it. The room is listed by Van Gogh himself. “Just to keep myself in paint,” the artist explained. The campaign started with a single social media post from the AIC announcing the room and, informing their followers that the first three-week block of nights would become available the next day. The reaction was immediate and the post was shared across the web. AirBnb also featured it prominently on their blog, pushing it out directly to their followers. Other blogs, newspapers and TV stations picked up the story and amplified it. This amplification continued exponentially around the world, bringing the room and the exhibit to a huge audience. Relevancy Van Gogh BnB was a creation that allowed people to directly participate with the “Van Gogh’s Bedrooms” exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. The platform called for people to enter into Van Gogh’s 1888 bedroom and to come visit the exhibit at the museum.As it turned out, we didn’t have to ask people to spend a night in the bedroom; they we’re fighting for a chance to. In the end, thousands of people responded to our invitation, resulting in record-breaking attendance for the exhibit. Strategy The target audience was people living in and around Chicago. We knew art-enthusiasts would already be interested so we aimed to connect with the wider public. Many people are familiar with Van Gogh’s painting and the tabloid-esque stories of his life, so we wanted to demonstrate that this was a view of Van Gogh they had never seen before. A painting can only get you so close to an artist. And the stories of Van Gogh’s exploits only reveal so much about the man. So we thought the truest way for people to get to know Van Gogh’s life and art was to invite them to spend a night inside this room. Outcome Because of demand, guests were limited to one-night stays. Rooms were made available three or four weeks at a time, with each of these blocks selling out within minutes.Online pre-sale tickets for the exhibit were up 250%.On average 4700 people visited every day over the first six weeks. Total attendance during this time was more than 200,000–beating business targets by 73%.“Van Gogh Bedrooms” was the Art Institute of Chicago’s highest-attended exhibit in 15 years. The room cost $31k to build, and generated over $6M in earned media. By leveraging AirBnb, we amplified our paid media reach by 950%, scaling it globally.Van Gogh BnB has been covered in more than 100 countries, gaining 623 million earned media impressions. Synopsis The Art Institute of Chicago was introducing a new Van Gogh exhibit. It wasn’t a wide retrospective, and it didn’t contain many of Van Gogh’s most famous works. Instead it was a very focused show, concentrating on the artist’s two years living in Arles France.The show brought Van Gogh’s three “Bedroom” paintings together for the first time in North America. This appealed to art-enthusiasts, but meant less to the general public. The intent of the show and the brief were the same: Bring people closer to the artist, not just as a painter, but as a person. The objective was to build attendance for this very focused exhibit. Campaign Description A bedroom is a person’s most personal place. Entering someone’s bedroom provides a voyeuristic experience, placing you in their physical, emotional and mental space.So, to connect people with Van Gogh we invited them to enter his bedroom. Now for the first time, instead of just looking at a painting, people could live inside one. Strategy The target audience was people living in and around Chicago. We knew art-enthusiasts would already be interested so we aimed to communicate with the wider public. Many of these people are familiar with Van Gogh’s painting and the tabloid-esque stories of his life, so we wanted to demonstrate that this was a view of Van Gogh they had never seen before. A painting can only get you so close to an artist. And the stories of Van Gogh’s exploits only reveal so much about the man. So we thought the truest way for people to connect to Van Gogh’s life and art was to invite them to spend a night inside this room. Relevancy With almost no media budget, we brought news of the Art Institute of Chicago’s “Van Gogh’s Bedrooms” exhibit to hundreds of millions of people. Van Gogh BnB generated both worldwide attention and record-breaking attendance for the Art Institute of Chicago, and it increased the organization's reputation as a world-class modern institution. Execution To help people immerse themselves into the life and art of Van Gogh, we built a replica of his 1888 Bedroom painting. Then, through a first-of-its kind partnership with Airbnb, let people book a night inside it. The room is listed by Van Gogh himself. “Just to keep myself in paint,” the artist explained. The campaign started with a single listing on AirBnb announcing the room. The AIC then informed their followers over social media that the first three-week block of nights would become available the next day.AirBnb also featured it prominently on their blog and social channels. Other blogs, newspapers and TV stations picked up the story and amplified it. This amplification continued exponentially around the world, making a huge audience aware of the exhibit. The room became available the first night of the exhibit. The room ends on the exhibit’s final day, when Van Gogh leaves town. Campaign Description A bedroom is a person’s most personal place. Entering someone’s bedroom provides a voyeuristic experience, placing you in their physical, emotional and mental space.So, to connect the public with Van Gogh we gave them the ability to enter his bedroom. Now for the first time, instead of just looking at a painting, people could live inside one. Synopsis The Art Institute of Chicago was introducing a new Van Gogh exhibit. It wasn’t a wide retrospective, and it didn’t contain many of Van Gogh’s most famous works. Instead it was a sharply focused show that concentrated on the artist’s two years in Arles France.The show brought Van Gogh’s three “Bedroom” paintings together for the first time in North America. This appealed to art-enthusiasts, but meant less to the general public. The intent of the show and the brief were the same: Bring people closer to the artist, not just as a painter, but as a person. The objective was to create interest and attendance for this very focused show. And, because it’s an arts organization, do it with an extremely limited budget. Outcome Because of demand, guests were limited to one night stays. Rooms were made available 3 or 4 weeks at a time, with each block selling out within minutes.The room cost $31k to build, and generated over $6M in earned media. By leveraging AirBnb, we amplified our paid media reach by 950%, scaling it globally.Van Gogh BnB has been covered in more than 100 countries, gaining 623 million earned media impressions.Online pre-sale tickets for the exhibit were up 250%.On average 4700 people visited every day over the first six weeks. Total attendance during this time was more than 200,000–beating business targets by 73%.“Van Gogh Bedrooms” was the Art Institute of Chicago’s highest-attended exhibit in 15 years.

    梵高的BnB小屋 | Van Gogh BnB

    案例简介:为了宣传芝加哥艺术学院的新梵高展览,我们重现了梵高最亲密的画作之一 “卧室”,并通过与Airbnb的合作,邀请人们在里面过夜。梵高亲自主持房间。 从艺术学院提供的原始文件中工作,工匠们花了四个星期的时间重新创建了房间。因此,人们可以住在一幅梵高的画,而不是只看一幅梵高的画,让他们比以往任何时候都更接近艺术家。 执行 为了帮助人们沉浸在梵高的生活和艺术中,我们建造了他1888卧室绘画的复制品,然后通过与Airbnb的首次合作,邀请人们在里面预订了一个夜晚。房间由梵高本人列出。“只是为了让自己保持画画,” 这位艺术家解释道。这场运动始于AIC发布的单个社交媒体帖子,宣布了房间,并告知他们的追随者,第一个为期三周的夜晚将在第二天发布。反应是立竿见影的,帖子在网络上分享。AirBnb还在他们的博客上占据了显著位置,将其直接推送给他们的追随者。其他博客、报纸和电视台拿起了这个故事,并对其进行了放大。这种放大在世界各地呈指数级增长,将房间和展览带给了大量观众。 相关性 梵高BnB是一个让人们直接参加芝加哥艺术学院 “梵高的卧室” 展览的作品。这个平台要求人们进入梵高的1888间卧室,并到博物馆参观展览。结果是,我们不需要让人们在卧室里过夜,他们是在争取一个机会。最终,成千上万的人响应了我们的邀请,导致展览的出席人数破纪录。 战略 目标受众是居住在芝加哥及其周边地区的人。我们知道艺术爱好者已经感兴趣了,所以我们的目标是与更广泛的公众建立联系。很多人熟悉梵高的画和他一生的小报式的故事,所以我们想证明这是他们从未见过的梵高的景色。一幅画只能让你离艺术家这么近。而梵高的功绩的故事只透露了关于这个人的太多。因此,我们认为人们了解梵高的生活和艺术的最真实的方式是邀请他们在这个房间里过夜。 结果 因为需求,客人只限住一晚。一次有三到四周的房间,每个街区都在几分钟内售完。展览的在线预售票增加了250%。在前六周里,平均每天有4700人参观。在这段时间里,总人数超过了200,000人的73%,“梵高卧室” 是芝加哥艺术学院15年来参加人数最高的展览。这个房间的建造成本为3100美元,并在赚取的媒体上产生了超过6万美元的收入。通过利用AirBnb,我们950% 扩大了付费媒体的影响力,并在全球范围内扩展。Van Gogh BnB已在100多个国家获得了6.23亿的媒体印象。 概要 芝加哥艺术学院正在介绍一个新的梵高展览。这不是一部广泛的回顾展,也没有包含许多梵高最著名的作品。相反,这是一场非常集中的节目,集中展示了这位艺术家在法国阿尔勒的两年生活。该节目将梵高的三幅 “卧室” 画集中在一起,这是北美的第一次。这吸引了艺术爱好者,但对普通公众的意义不大。节目和简报的意图是一样的: 让人们更接近艺术家,不仅仅是作为一个画家,而是作为一个人。我们的目标是为这次非常有重点的展览增加出席率。 市场活动描述 卧室是一个人最私人的地方。进入某人的卧室提供了偷窥的体验,将你置于他们的身体,情感和精神空间。因此,为了将人们与梵高联系起来,我们邀请他们进入他的卧室。现在,人们第一次可以住在画中,而不是只看一幅画。 战略 目标受众是居住在芝加哥及其周边地区的人。我们知道艺术爱好者已经感兴趣了,所以我们的目标是与更广泛的公众交流。这些人中的许多人都熟悉梵高的画和他生活中的小报式的故事,所以我们想证明这是他们以前从未见过的梵高的景色。一幅画只能让你离艺术家这么近。而梵高的功绩的故事只透露了关于这个人的太多。因此,我们认为人们最真实的联系梵高的生活和艺术的方式是邀请他们在这个房间里过夜。 相关性 在几乎没有媒体预算的情况下,我们将芝加哥艺术学院 “梵高的卧室” 展览的新闻带到数亿的人。梵高BnB为芝加哥艺术学院 (Art Institute of Chicago) 带来了举世瞩目,并提高了该组织作为世界级现代机构的声誉。 执行 为了帮助人们沉浸在梵高的生活和艺术中,我们建造了他1888卧室绘画的复制品。然后,通过与Airbnb的首次合作,让人们在里面预订一个晚上。房间由梵高本人列出。“只是为了让自己保持画画,” 这位艺术家解释道。这场活动始于AirBnb上的单一上市,宣布了房间。然后,AIC通过社交媒体通知他们的追随者,第一个三周的夜晚将在第二天开始使用。AirBnb也在他们的博客和社交渠道上占据了显著位置。其他博客、报纸和电视台拿起了这个故事,并对其进行了放大。这种放大在世界各地呈指数级增长,使庞大的观众意识到展览。展览的第一晚,房间就变得可用了。房间在展览的最后一天结束,当梵高离开小镇时。 市场活动描述 卧室是一个人最私人的地方。进入某人的卧室提供了偷窥的体验,把你放在他们的身体,情感和精神空间。所以,把公众与梵高联系起来,我们给了他们进入他的卧室的能力。现在,人们第一次可以住在画中,而不是只看一幅画。 概要 芝加哥艺术学院正在介绍一个新的梵高展览。这不是一部广泛的回顾展,也没有包含许多梵高最著名的作品。相反,它是一个集中在法国阿尔勒的两年的艺术家的两年的集中展示。该展览在北美首次将梵高的三幅 “卧室” 画结合在一起。这吸引了艺术爱好者,但对普通公众的意义不大。节目和简报的意图是一样的: 让人们更接近艺术家,不仅仅是作为一个画家,而是作为一个人。我们的目标是为这个非常集中的节目创造兴趣和出席。而且,因为它是一个艺术组织,所以用极其有限的预算来做。 结果 因为需求,客人被限制住一晚。房间一次提供3到4周,每个街区在几分钟内就售完。房间的建造成本为31万美元,并且在媒体上产生了超过6万美元的收入。通过利用AirBnb,我们950% 扩大了付费媒体的影响力,并在全球范围内扩展。梵高BnB已经在100多个国家获得了6.23亿的媒体印象。展览的在线预售票增加了250%。在前六周内,平均每天有4700人参观。在这段时间里,总人数超过了200,000人的73%,“梵高卧室” 是芝加哥艺术学院15年来参加人数最高的展览。

    梵高的BnB小屋 | Van Gogh BnB

    案例简介:To promote the Art Institute of Chicago’s new Van Gogh exhibit, we recreated one of Van Gogh’s most intimate paintings, “The Bedroom” and, through a partnership with Airbnb, invited people to spend a night inside. Van Gogh hosted the room himself. Working from original documentation supplied by the Art Institute, craftsmen spent four weeks recreating the room. As a result, instead of just looking at a Van Gogh painting, people could live inside one, bringing them closer to the artist than ever before. Execution To help people immerse themselves into the life and art of Van Gogh, we built a replica of his 1888 Bedroom painting, then through a first-of-its kind partnership with Airbnb, invited people to book a night inside it. The room is listed by Van Gogh himself. “Just to keep myself in paint,” the artist explained. The campaign started with a single social media post from the AIC announcing the room and, informing their followers that the first three-week block of nights would become available the next day. The reaction was immediate and the post was shared across the web. AirBnb also featured it prominently on their blog, pushing it out directly to their followers. Other blogs, newspapers and TV stations picked up the story and amplified it. This amplification continued exponentially around the world, bringing the room and the exhibit to a huge audience. Relevancy Van Gogh BnB was a creation that allowed people to directly participate with the “Van Gogh’s Bedrooms” exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. The platform called for people to enter into Van Gogh’s 1888 bedroom and to come visit the exhibit at the museum.As it turned out, we didn’t have to ask people to spend a night in the bedroom; they we’re fighting for a chance to. In the end, thousands of people responded to our invitation, resulting in record-breaking attendance for the exhibit. Strategy The target audience was people living in and around Chicago. We knew art-enthusiasts would already be interested so we aimed to connect with the wider public. Many people are familiar with Van Gogh’s painting and the tabloid-esque stories of his life, so we wanted to demonstrate that this was a view of Van Gogh they had never seen before. A painting can only get you so close to an artist. And the stories of Van Gogh’s exploits only reveal so much about the man. So we thought the truest way for people to get to know Van Gogh’s life and art was to invite them to spend a night inside this room. Outcome Because of demand, guests were limited to one-night stays. Rooms were made available three or four weeks at a time, with each of these blocks selling out within minutes.Online pre-sale tickets for the exhibit were up 250%.On average 4700 people visited every day over the first six weeks. Total attendance during this time was more than 200,000–beating business targets by 73%.“Van Gogh Bedrooms” was the Art Institute of Chicago’s highest-attended exhibit in 15 years. The room cost $31k to build, and generated over $6M in earned media. By leveraging AirBnb, we amplified our paid media reach by 950%, scaling it globally.Van Gogh BnB has been covered in more than 100 countries, gaining 623 million earned media impressions. Synopsis The Art Institute of Chicago was introducing a new Van Gogh exhibit. It wasn’t a wide retrospective, and it didn’t contain many of Van Gogh’s most famous works. Instead it was a very focused show, concentrating on the artist’s two years living in Arles France.The show brought Van Gogh’s three “Bedroom” paintings together for the first time in North America. This appealed to art-enthusiasts, but meant less to the general public. The intent of the show and the brief were the same: Bring people closer to the artist, not just as a painter, but as a person. The objective was to build attendance for this very focused exhibit. Campaign Description A bedroom is a person’s most personal place. Entering someone’s bedroom provides a voyeuristic experience, placing you in their physical, emotional and mental space.So, to connect people with Van Gogh we invited them to enter his bedroom. Now for the first time, instead of just looking at a painting, people could live inside one. Strategy The target audience was people living in and around Chicago. We knew art-enthusiasts would already be interested so we aimed to communicate with the wider public. Many of these people are familiar with Van Gogh’s painting and the tabloid-esque stories of his life, so we wanted to demonstrate that this was a view of Van Gogh they had never seen before. A painting can only get you so close to an artist. And the stories of Van Gogh’s exploits only reveal so much about the man. So we thought the truest way for people to connect to Van Gogh’s life and art was to invite them to spend a night inside this room. Relevancy With almost no media budget, we brought news of the Art Institute of Chicago’s “Van Gogh’s Bedrooms” exhibit to hundreds of millions of people. Van Gogh BnB generated both worldwide attention and record-breaking attendance for the Art Institute of Chicago, and it increased the organization's reputation as a world-class modern institution. Execution To help people immerse themselves into the life and art of Van Gogh, we built a replica of his 1888 Bedroom painting. Then, through a first-of-its kind partnership with Airbnb, let people book a night inside it. The room is listed by Van Gogh himself. “Just to keep myself in paint,” the artist explained. The campaign started with a single listing on AirBnb announcing the room. The AIC then informed their followers over social media that the first three-week block of nights would become available the next day.AirBnb also featured it prominently on their blog and social channels. Other blogs, newspapers and TV stations picked up the story and amplified it. This amplification continued exponentially around the world, making a huge audience aware of the exhibit. The room became available the first night of the exhibit. The room ends on the exhibit’s final day, when Van Gogh leaves town. Campaign Description A bedroom is a person’s most personal place. Entering someone’s bedroom provides a voyeuristic experience, placing you in their physical, emotional and mental space.So, to connect the public with Van Gogh we gave them the ability to enter his bedroom. Now for the first time, instead of just looking at a painting, people could live inside one. Synopsis The Art Institute of Chicago was introducing a new Van Gogh exhibit. It wasn’t a wide retrospective, and it didn’t contain many of Van Gogh’s most famous works. Instead it was a sharply focused show that concentrated on the artist’s two years in Arles France.The show brought Van Gogh’s three “Bedroom” paintings together for the first time in North America. This appealed to art-enthusiasts, but meant less to the general public. The intent of the show and the brief were the same: Bring people closer to the artist, not just as a painter, but as a person. The objective was to create interest and attendance for this very focused show. And, because it’s an arts organization, do it with an extremely limited budget. Outcome Because of demand, guests were limited to one night stays. Rooms were made available 3 or 4 weeks at a time, with each block selling out within minutes.The room cost $31k to build, and generated over $6M in earned media. By leveraging AirBnb, we amplified our paid media reach by 950%, scaling it globally.Van Gogh BnB has been covered in more than 100 countries, gaining 623 million earned media impressions.Online pre-sale tickets for the exhibit were up 250%.On average 4700 people visited every day over the first six weeks. Total attendance during this time was more than 200,000–beating business targets by 73%.“Van Gogh Bedrooms” was the Art Institute of Chicago’s highest-attended exhibit in 15 years.


    梵高的BnB小屋 | Van Gogh BnB










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