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    捐赠你的签名 | Donate Your Signature短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:结果 92% 的人在通过在线新闻和博客解决他们的 bill.100 + 报道时选择了捐赠。与前一年相比,个人捐赠增加了 21%。 活动描述 介绍 “捐赠你的签名”,让你通过用排斥墨水的特殊纸张制作 “不可写” 的收据来体验文盲的沮丧,这样它就不能签名了。对于发达国家的大多数人来说,很难理解不能读写的挫折感。这些能力根深蒂固,他们很少有意识地考虑这个问题。尤其是在日本,99% 的人识字。因此,我们提供 “真正” 的挫折,以提高对全球文盲的认识和捐赠。 战略 目标受众是日本所有有文化的人,尤其是作为 “有文化” 影响力的人 (如作家、编辑等)。当我们需要强调文盲的时刻时,我们创造了一个简单的解决方案,与他们在信用卡付款时不假思索地写东西的场合相关。 概要 全世界有 7.81亿文盲甚至连自己的名字都不会写。这是地球上每 6 个人中有 1 个。文盲阻碍社会向上流动,使一代又一代人陷入贫困。教科文组织非政府组织日本如何提高对这个难以感受到 “真实” 的问题的认识和捐赠? 执行 我们用排斥墨水的特殊纸张制作了 “不可写” 的收据,因此无法签名。在收据的背面,你的签名出现,并带有唤起捐赠的信息; “你想捐赠 500 英镑 (大约 5 美元) 吗?” 提高连名字都不会写的人的文化素养? 然后,客户可以勾选一个方框,这笔捐款将被添加到他们的账单中。为了使这个想法更加强大,我们与著名的 “扫盲吧” 合作,为各种形式的写作爱好者聚集。 相关性 这项工作将个人收入转化为激活大众媒体,以改善全球问题 “发展中国家的文盲”。

    案例简介:Outcome 92% of people chose to donate when settling their bill.100+ coverage by online news and blogs.21% increase in individual donations from previous year. Campaign Description Introducing 'Donate Your Signature', to let you experience the frustration of illiterate people for yourself by creating ‘unwritable’ receipts out of special paper that repels ink so it could not be signed.For most people in developed countries, it's difficult to empathize with the frustration of not being able to read or write. These abilities are so ingrained within them, they seldom consciously consider the problem. Especially in Japan a country where 99% of people are literate. So we offer the ‘real’ frustration in order to raise awareness and donation against the global illiteracy. Strategy Targets audience is all literate people in Japan, especially people who have higher literacy as 'literate' influencers (e.g. writers, editors, etc).As we needed to highlight the moments of being illiterate, we created a simple solution related to an occasion where they write something without thinking, when they sign for their credit card payments. Synopsis There are 781 million illiterate people worldwide who cannot even write their own names. That's 1 out of every 6 people on earth. Illiteracy prevents upward social mobility and keeps generation after generation trapped in poverty. How can UNESCO NGO Japan raise awareness and donation for this problem which is difficult to feel ‘real’? Execution We created 'unwritable' receipts out of special paper that repels ink so it could not be signed. On the back of the receipt, your signature appears with the message to evoke donations; ‘Would you like to donate ¥500(=about 5 dollars) to improve the literacy of people who cannot even write their name?’Customers could then tick a box and this donation would be added to their bill. And to make this idea even more powerful, we partnered with the renowned ‘Literacy Bar’ for aficionados of all forms of writing to congregate. Relevancy This work turns personal receipts into activation mass media to improve the global problem, ‘illiteracy in developing countries’.

    捐赠你的签名 | Donate Your Signature

    案例简介:结果 92% 的人在通过在线新闻和博客解决他们的 bill.100 + 报道时选择了捐赠。与前一年相比,个人捐赠增加了 21%。 活动描述 介绍 “捐赠你的签名”,让你通过用排斥墨水的特殊纸张制作 “不可写” 的收据来体验文盲的沮丧,这样它就不能签名了。对于发达国家的大多数人来说,很难理解不能读写的挫折感。这些能力根深蒂固,他们很少有意识地考虑这个问题。尤其是在日本,99% 的人识字。因此,我们提供 “真正” 的挫折,以提高对全球文盲的认识和捐赠。 战略 目标受众是日本所有有文化的人,尤其是作为 “有文化” 影响力的人 (如作家、编辑等)。当我们需要强调文盲的时刻时,我们创造了一个简单的解决方案,与他们在信用卡付款时不假思索地写东西的场合相关。 概要 全世界有 7.81亿文盲甚至连自己的名字都不会写。这是地球上每 6 个人中有 1 个。文盲阻碍社会向上流动,使一代又一代人陷入贫困。教科文组织非政府组织日本如何提高对这个难以感受到 “真实” 的问题的认识和捐赠? 执行 我们用排斥墨水的特殊纸张制作了 “不可写” 的收据,因此无法签名。在收据的背面,你的签名出现,并带有唤起捐赠的信息; “你想捐赠 500 英镑 (大约 5 美元) 吗?” 提高连名字都不会写的人的文化素养? 然后,客户可以勾选一个方框,这笔捐款将被添加到他们的账单中。为了使这个想法更加强大,我们与著名的 “扫盲吧” 合作,为各种形式的写作爱好者聚集。 相关性 这项工作将个人收入转化为激活大众媒体,以改善全球问题 “发展中国家的文盲”。

    捐赠你的签名 | Donate Your Signature

    案例简介:Outcome 92% of people chose to donate when settling their bill.100+ coverage by online news and blogs.21% increase in individual donations from previous year. Campaign Description Introducing 'Donate Your Signature', to let you experience the frustration of illiterate people for yourself by creating ‘unwritable’ receipts out of special paper that repels ink so it could not be signed.For most people in developed countries, it's difficult to empathize with the frustration of not being able to read or write. These abilities are so ingrained within them, they seldom consciously consider the problem. Especially in Japan a country where 99% of people are literate. So we offer the ‘real’ frustration in order to raise awareness and donation against the global illiteracy. Strategy Targets audience is all literate people in Japan, especially people who have higher literacy as 'literate' influencers (e.g. writers, editors, etc).As we needed to highlight the moments of being illiterate, we created a simple solution related to an occasion where they write something without thinking, when they sign for their credit card payments. Synopsis There are 781 million illiterate people worldwide who cannot even write their own names. That's 1 out of every 6 people on earth. Illiteracy prevents upward social mobility and keeps generation after generation trapped in poverty. How can UNESCO NGO Japan raise awareness and donation for this problem which is difficult to feel ‘real’? Execution We created 'unwritable' receipts out of special paper that repels ink so it could not be signed. On the back of the receipt, your signature appears with the message to evoke donations; ‘Would you like to donate ¥500(=about 5 dollars) to improve the literacy of people who cannot even write their name?’Customers could then tick a box and this donation would be added to their bill. And to make this idea even more powerful, we partnered with the renowned ‘Literacy Bar’ for aficionados of all forms of writing to congregate. Relevancy This work turns personal receipts into activation mass media to improve the global problem, ‘illiteracy in developing countries’.


    捐赠你的签名 | Donate Your Signature






    广告公司: 李奥贝纳 (日本 东京) 制作公司: Cutters


    Unwritable receipts helping people write.



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