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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 这一想法的开始洞察植根于社交媒体和对庞大数据集的分析,以了解在线仇恨言论的符号学,从而为人工智能检测提供依据。 每一个新的评论都被提供给人工智能,使其更加准确,并通过独特的实时创意来解决。 背景 LICRA是致力于打击反犹太主义和其他形式种族主义的法国主要协会。在法国,反犹太主义和种族主义在社交网络上日益严重。 为什么?因为今天,在线表达种族主义几乎不受法律约束,可以在没有过滤器的情况下共享。关于仇恨言论的法律对数字世界来说已经过时且无效,需要改变。 LICRA的战斗是压制仇恨和种族主义的声音,并向政府施压,以改变法律并谴责网络种族主义。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 尽管时代变了,但不幸的是,有些事情仍然保持不变。后种族主义是一种人工智能,它检测并匹配今天的种族主义表达与过去的仇恨,以创建对话活动。这个想法是为了提高人们对更新法律的必要性的认识,这些法律将有助于今天打击网络仇恨。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 只有2% 的法国人认为自己是种族主义者,然而网上种族主义评论和行为的数量正在增加。仅反犹太主义一项,2018年就增加了74%。 当人们在网上发表评论时,他们和他们的目标之间存在距离和匿名性。 该策略依赖于行为偏见: 框架。 框架是一种技术,它在与原始内容不同的上下文中重新构建事件、问题或事实的框架,以便产生响应。我们想重新构建今天的在线种族主义评论,让人们意识到他们行为的严重性和造成的伤害程度。 利用社交倾听,我们意识到网上仇恨评论的程度,这导致我们选择社交媒体作为对话的媒介,帮助传播我们的信息。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 该运动的发起被认为是在不同的阶段: 4月1日至19日: A.I.的推出。 目的是回应种族主义帖子,并在公共关系启动前为我们的活动提供食物。 4月2日至29日: 法国和国际公关的发布 目的是将这场运动传播到世界各地,接触主要媒体,并强调这场运动的目的: 签署一份请愿书,改变法国法律,谴责网络种族主义。 4月3日至29日: 印刷活动 我们在不同的法国媒体媒体 (lib é ration,Le Monde,Figaro,Le Particulier.) 和法国的户外活动 (JCDecaux,ClearChannel) 中传播了我们的4张海报 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 竞选结束后,一项打击网络仇恨的新法律提案已经提交给国民议会,并将进行投票。 http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/15/propositions/pion1785.asp


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The starting insight of this idea is rooted in social media and the analysis of a huge data set to understand the semiology of hate speech online in order to feed the AI detection. Each new comment was both fed to the AI to make it more accurate and addressed with a unique real-time piece of creative. Background LICRA is the leading French association dedicated to the fight against anti-semitism and other forms of racism. In France, antisemitism and racism are growing problems on social networks. Why? Because today, online expressions of racism are virtually free from the law and can be shared without a filter. The laws on hate speech are obsolete and ineffective for the digital world, and need to be changed. LICRA’s combat is to silence voices of hate and racism and pressure the government in order to change the laws and condemn online racism. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Even though times have changed, some things unfortunately still remain the same. Post Racism is an AI that detects and matches expressions of racism from today with hate from the past, to create a conversational campaign. The idea is to raise awareness on the necessity to update laws that will help fight online hate today. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Only 2% of French people consider themselves as racists, yet the number of racist comments and acts online are increasing. Antisemitism alone increased by 74% in 2018. When people comment online there is a distance and anonymity between them and their target. The strategy relies on a behavioural bias : Framing. Framing is a technique that re-frames an event, a question or a fact in a different context to the original in order to generate a response. We wanted to re-frame todays online racist comments in a way that people would realize the gravity of their acts and the extent of the harm they were causing. Using social listening we realized the extent of hate comments online, which led us to choose social media as the medium with which to be part of the conversation and help spread our message. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The launch of the campaign was thought in different stages: 1- 19th of April: The launch of the A.I. In the aim to respond to racisms posts and also to feed our campaign before the launch of the PR. 2- 29th of April: The launch of the French & International PR The purpose was to spread the campaign all over the world to touch the major medias and to highlight the purpose of the campaign : Sign a petition to change the French law and condemn online racism. 3- 29th of April : Print campaign We diffused our 4 posters in different French Media Press (Libération, Le Monde, Figaro, Le Particulier…) and for an outdoor campaign in France (JCDecaux, ClearChannel) List the results (30% of vote) After the campaign, a new law proposal to fight online hate has been submitted to the National Assembly and is going to be voted. http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/15/propositions/pion1785.asp

    Post Racism

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 这一想法的开始洞察植根于社交媒体和对庞大数据集的分析,以了解在线仇恨言论的符号学,从而为人工智能检测提供依据。 每一个新的评论都被提供给人工智能,使其更加准确,并通过独特的实时创意来解决。 背景 LICRA是致力于打击反犹太主义和其他形式种族主义的法国主要协会。在法国,反犹太主义和种族主义在社交网络上日益严重。 为什么?因为今天,在线表达种族主义几乎不受法律约束,可以在没有过滤器的情况下共享。关于仇恨言论的法律对数字世界来说已经过时且无效,需要改变。 LICRA的战斗是压制仇恨和种族主义的声音,并向政府施压,以改变法律并谴责网络种族主义。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 尽管时代变了,但不幸的是,有些事情仍然保持不变。后种族主义是一种人工智能,它检测并匹配今天的种族主义表达与过去的仇恨,以创建对话活动。这个想法是为了提高人们对更新法律的必要性的认识,这些法律将有助于今天打击网络仇恨。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 只有2% 的法国人认为自己是种族主义者,然而网上种族主义评论和行为的数量正在增加。仅反犹太主义一项,2018年就增加了74%。 当人们在网上发表评论时,他们和他们的目标之间存在距离和匿名性。 该策略依赖于行为偏见: 框架。 框架是一种技术,它在与原始内容不同的上下文中重新构建事件、问题或事实的框架,以便产生响应。我们想重新构建今天的在线种族主义评论,让人们意识到他们行为的严重性和造成的伤害程度。 利用社交倾听,我们意识到网上仇恨评论的程度,这导致我们选择社交媒体作为对话的媒介,帮助传播我们的信息。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 该运动的发起被认为是在不同的阶段: 4月1日至19日: A.I.的推出。 目的是回应种族主义帖子,并在公共关系启动前为我们的活动提供食物。 4月2日至29日: 法国和国际公关的发布 目的是将这场运动传播到世界各地,接触主要媒体,并强调这场运动的目的: 签署一份请愿书,改变法国法律,谴责网络种族主义。 4月3日至29日: 印刷活动 我们在不同的法国媒体媒体 (lib é ration,Le Monde,Figaro,Le Particulier.) 和法国的户外活动 (JCDecaux,ClearChannel) 中传播了我们的4张海报 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 竞选结束后,一项打击网络仇恨的新法律提案已经提交给国民议会,并将进行投票。 http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/15/propositions/pion1785.asp

    Post Racism

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The starting insight of this idea is rooted in social media and the analysis of a huge data set to understand the semiology of hate speech online in order to feed the AI detection. Each new comment was both fed to the AI to make it more accurate and addressed with a unique real-time piece of creative. Background LICRA is the leading French association dedicated to the fight against anti-semitism and other forms of racism. In France, antisemitism and racism are growing problems on social networks. Why? Because today, online expressions of racism are virtually free from the law and can be shared without a filter. The laws on hate speech are obsolete and ineffective for the digital world, and need to be changed. LICRA’s combat is to silence voices of hate and racism and pressure the government in order to change the laws and condemn online racism. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Even though times have changed, some things unfortunately still remain the same. Post Racism is an AI that detects and matches expressions of racism from today with hate from the past, to create a conversational campaign. The idea is to raise awareness on the necessity to update laws that will help fight online hate today. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Only 2% of French people consider themselves as racists, yet the number of racist comments and acts online are increasing. Antisemitism alone increased by 74% in 2018. When people comment online there is a distance and anonymity between them and their target. The strategy relies on a behavioural bias : Framing. Framing is a technique that re-frames an event, a question or a fact in a different context to the original in order to generate a response. We wanted to re-frame todays online racist comments in a way that people would realize the gravity of their acts and the extent of the harm they were causing. Using social listening we realized the extent of hate comments online, which led us to choose social media as the medium with which to be part of the conversation and help spread our message. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The launch of the campaign was thought in different stages: 1- 19th of April: The launch of the A.I. In the aim to respond to racisms posts and also to feed our campaign before the launch of the PR. 2- 29th of April: The launch of the French & International PR The purpose was to spread the campaign all over the world to touch the major medias and to highlight the purpose of the campaign : Sign a petition to change the French law and condemn online racism. 3- 29th of April : Print campaign We diffused our 4 posters in different French Media Press (Libération, Le Monde, Figaro, Le Particulier…) and for an outdoor campaign in France (JCDecaux, ClearChannel) List the results (30% of vote) After the campaign, a new law proposal to fight online hate has been submitted to the National Assembly and is going to be voted. http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/15/propositions/pion1785.asp



    Post Racism






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