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    I, Aids.短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 让我们在网上传播艾滋病,以显示他在现实生活中的危险。这个想法是把艾滋病变成一个真实的、无所不在的、愤世嫉俗的角色,它仍然存在,随时会影响你。一种和其他人使用相同工具的病毒。如果一个 3200 万受害者的连环杀手会说话,他会说什么? 战略 2015年5月1日: 艾滋病账户在社交媒体上以 # IAmHere 标签打开: 推特、 Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Tinder 、 Grindr 和 Linkedin。在 Twitter 上,用户的目标是基于他们的活动、年龄和对话。艾滋病跟随他们,向他们发送推文,并就各种趋势话题进行直播。在 Facebook 上,他分享自己的感受并加入活动。在 Grindr 和 Tinder,他在任何地方都被登记入住。在 Instagram 上,他分享了派对等的照片。在 LinkedIn 上,他解释了自己的 “专业背景”.2015年6月8日: 协会的助手们负责用红色横幅黑客攻击所有助手们的账户,邀请他们采取行动: “闭嘴: aides.org ”。这条信息通过在线视频、印刷品和海报、广播信息和横幅传递。 相关性 我们在六周的讲故事中通过多平台交流来开展这项运动: 社交媒体让他谈论艾滋病,国家媒体让他闭嘴。我们允许所有记者和公众人物与这场运动的真正广告商互动: 艾滋病自己。 执行 2015年5月1日,所有的 “我,艾滋病” 社交媒体账户都被启动,使得艾滋病在 # IAmHere 标签下发言。在 6 周内,艾滋病跟随、分享、喜欢、评论、戳、火柴和垃圾邮件人、团体和对话。6月: 6 周后,助手们协会采取行动,用全国媒体运动让他闭嘴: 户外、印刷、在线视频、广播、横幅用行动呼吁传递最好的艾滋病一字本: “让他闭嘴: aides.org”。标签 # ShutUp 是为了允许记者,人们,协会和公众人物直接与艾滋病互动,并在竞选结束前与他传递他们自己的对话…… 他们做了什么。 概要 我们不再谈论他,但艾滋病仍然存在。他每年在法国感染 6,000 人,已经杀死了 3200万人。我们能做些什么来提醒每个人 (尤其是年轻人) 他的存在?我们怎么能让每个人都意识到我们最大的敌人之一仍然活着,而且很好?由于预防信息的效率越来越低,我们决定让他存在,给他一个说话的机会。通过让他…病毒。我们的目标: 在艾滋病人和人之间建立对话,一次一个人。让 “他” 几乎但直接地与他们互动。最后,让人们明白他能够做到这一点.在现实生活中。 结果 70 多个国家媒体谈论 “我,艾滋病”。媒体的报道价值 150万欧元。在线视频的浏览量超过 500,000,没有投资。媒体不仅传达了这一信息,而且他们也参与了这一信息,因为记者与竞选背后的真正个性互动: 艾滋病本人。这种与记者 “一个接一个” 的公关活动扩大了活动范围,记者在文章中分享了自己与艾滋病对话的截图。该运动随后通过欧洲和加拿大媒体进行,所有支持抗击艾滋病的协会都支持 “@ lesida (艾滋病) # ShutUp” 的信息。推特账户是谷歌搜索 “艾滋病” 的第四个结果,排在世卫组织网站之后,领先于所有协会。艾滋病终于得到了他应得的关注。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Let's make AIDS viral online to show his danger...in real life.The idea was to turn AIDS into a real, omnipresent and cynical character that it is still around and can affect you at any moment. A virus that uses the same tools as everyone else.And, if a 32-million-victim-serial-killer could speak, what would he say? Strategy May 1st, 2015: AIDS accounts are opened under the hashtag #IAmHere on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Grindr, and Linkedin.On Twitter, users are targeted based on their activity, age, and conversations. AIDS follows them, sends them tweets and live tweets about various trending topics. On Facebook, he shares his feelings and joins events. On Grindr and Tinder, he is checked-in everywhere. On Instagram, he shares his photos from parties etc. On LinkedIn, he explains his “professional background”...June 8, 2015: the association Aides takes charge by hacking all AIDS’ accounts with a red banner inviting to take action : “To shut it up : aides.org”. This message is relayed through an online video, prints and posters, radio messages and banners. Relevancy We developed this campaign through a multi-platform communication in a six weeks storytelling : social media to make AIDS talk, and national media to shut him up.And we allowed all journalists and public figures to interact with the real advertiser of this campaign : AIDS himself. Execution On 1st may 2015, all the “I, Aids” social media accounts are launched, making AIDS speak under the hashtag #IAmHere.During 6 weeks, AIDS folllows, shares, likes, comments, pokes, matches and spams people, groups and conversations.8th june : after 6 weeks, the Aides Association takes action to shut him up with a national media campaign : outdoor, print, online video, radio, banners relay the best AIDS verbatims with the call to action : "to shut him up : aides.org".The hashtag #ShutUp is created to allow journalists, people, associations and public figures to interact directly with AIDS and relay their own conversations with him until the end of the campaign… what they did. Synopsis We don’t talk about him much anymore, but AIDS is still around. He infects 6,000 more people in France each year, and has already killed 32 million people.What can we do to remind everyone (especially young people) of his presence ? How could we make everybody aware that one of our worst enemy is still alive and well ? As prevention messages were being less and less efficient, we decided to let him exist and give him a chance to speak. By making him... viral.Our goal : creating a conversation between AIDS and people, one person at a time. Making "him" interact with them virtually but directly.And finally, making people understand he is able to do it... in real life. Outcome Over 70 national media outlets talked about “I, AIDS”. The media coverage was valued at 1.5 million euros. The online video had over 500,000 views, with no investment.Not only did the media relay the message, but they also participated in it, as journalists interacted with the real personality behind the campaign: AIDS himself. This “one by one” PR operation with journalists extended the campaign, journalists sharing screenshots of their own conversations with AIDS in their articles. The campaign was then carried on through European and Canadian media, and all associations supporting the fight against AIDS got behind the message “@lesida (AIDS) #ShutUp”. The Twitter account was the fourth result on Google for a search for “AIDS”, positioned after the WHO site and ahead of all the associations. AIDS finally got the attention he deserves.

    I, Aids.

    案例简介:活动描述 让我们在网上传播艾滋病,以显示他在现实生活中的危险。这个想法是把艾滋病变成一个真实的、无所不在的、愤世嫉俗的角色,它仍然存在,随时会影响你。一种和其他人使用相同工具的病毒。如果一个 3200 万受害者的连环杀手会说话,他会说什么? 战略 2015年5月1日: 艾滋病账户在社交媒体上以 # IAmHere 标签打开: 推特、 Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Tinder 、 Grindr 和 Linkedin。在 Twitter 上,用户的目标是基于他们的活动、年龄和对话。艾滋病跟随他们,向他们发送推文,并就各种趋势话题进行直播。在 Facebook 上,他分享自己的感受并加入活动。在 Grindr 和 Tinder,他在任何地方都被登记入住。在 Instagram 上,他分享了派对等的照片。在 LinkedIn 上,他解释了自己的 “专业背景”.2015年6月8日: 协会的助手们负责用红色横幅黑客攻击所有助手们的账户,邀请他们采取行动: “闭嘴: aides.org ”。这条信息通过在线视频、印刷品和海报、广播信息和横幅传递。 相关性 我们在六周的讲故事中通过多平台交流来开展这项运动: 社交媒体让他谈论艾滋病,国家媒体让他闭嘴。我们允许所有记者和公众人物与这场运动的真正广告商互动: 艾滋病自己。 执行 2015年5月1日,所有的 “我,艾滋病” 社交媒体账户都被启动,使得艾滋病在 # IAmHere 标签下发言。在 6 周内,艾滋病跟随、分享、喜欢、评论、戳、火柴和垃圾邮件人、团体和对话。6月: 6 周后,助手们协会采取行动,用全国媒体运动让他闭嘴: 户外、印刷、在线视频、广播、横幅用行动呼吁传递最好的艾滋病一字本: “让他闭嘴: aides.org”。标签 # ShutUp 是为了允许记者,人们,协会和公众人物直接与艾滋病互动,并在竞选结束前与他传递他们自己的对话…… 他们做了什么。 概要 我们不再谈论他,但艾滋病仍然存在。他每年在法国感染 6,000 人,已经杀死了 3200万人。我们能做些什么来提醒每个人 (尤其是年轻人) 他的存在?我们怎么能让每个人都意识到我们最大的敌人之一仍然活着,而且很好?由于预防信息的效率越来越低,我们决定让他存在,给他一个说话的机会。通过让他…病毒。我们的目标: 在艾滋病人和人之间建立对话,一次一个人。让 “他” 几乎但直接地与他们互动。最后,让人们明白他能够做到这一点.在现实生活中。 结果 70 多个国家媒体谈论 “我,艾滋病”。媒体的报道价值 150万欧元。在线视频的浏览量超过 500,000,没有投资。媒体不仅传达了这一信息,而且他们也参与了这一信息,因为记者与竞选背后的真正个性互动: 艾滋病本人。这种与记者 “一个接一个” 的公关活动扩大了活动范围,记者在文章中分享了自己与艾滋病对话的截图。该运动随后通过欧洲和加拿大媒体进行,所有支持抗击艾滋病的协会都支持 “@ lesida (艾滋病) # ShutUp” 的信息。推特账户是谷歌搜索 “艾滋病” 的第四个结果,排在世卫组织网站之后,领先于所有协会。艾滋病终于得到了他应得的关注。

    I, Aids.

    案例简介:Campaign Description Let's make AIDS viral online to show his danger...in real life.The idea was to turn AIDS into a real, omnipresent and cynical character that it is still around and can affect you at any moment. A virus that uses the same tools as everyone else.And, if a 32-million-victim-serial-killer could speak, what would he say? Strategy May 1st, 2015: AIDS accounts are opened under the hashtag #IAmHere on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, Grindr, and Linkedin.On Twitter, users are targeted based on their activity, age, and conversations. AIDS follows them, sends them tweets and live tweets about various trending topics. On Facebook, he shares his feelings and joins events. On Grindr and Tinder, he is checked-in everywhere. On Instagram, he shares his photos from parties etc. On LinkedIn, he explains his “professional background”...June 8, 2015: the association Aides takes charge by hacking all AIDS’ accounts with a red banner inviting to take action : “To shut it up : aides.org”. This message is relayed through an online video, prints and posters, radio messages and banners. Relevancy We developed this campaign through a multi-platform communication in a six weeks storytelling : social media to make AIDS talk, and national media to shut him up.And we allowed all journalists and public figures to interact with the real advertiser of this campaign : AIDS himself. Execution On 1st may 2015, all the “I, Aids” social media accounts are launched, making AIDS speak under the hashtag #IAmHere.During 6 weeks, AIDS folllows, shares, likes, comments, pokes, matches and spams people, groups and conversations.8th june : after 6 weeks, the Aides Association takes action to shut him up with a national media campaign : outdoor, print, online video, radio, banners relay the best AIDS verbatims with the call to action : "to shut him up : aides.org".The hashtag #ShutUp is created to allow journalists, people, associations and public figures to interact directly with AIDS and relay their own conversations with him until the end of the campaign… what they did. Synopsis We don’t talk about him much anymore, but AIDS is still around. He infects 6,000 more people in France each year, and has already killed 32 million people.What can we do to remind everyone (especially young people) of his presence ? How could we make everybody aware that one of our worst enemy is still alive and well ? As prevention messages were being less and less efficient, we decided to let him exist and give him a chance to speak. By making him... viral.Our goal : creating a conversation between AIDS and people, one person at a time. Making "him" interact with them virtually but directly.And finally, making people understand he is able to do it... in real life. Outcome Over 70 national media outlets talked about “I, AIDS”. The media coverage was valued at 1.5 million euros. The online video had over 500,000 views, with no investment.Not only did the media relay the message, but they also participated in it, as journalists interacted with the real personality behind the campaign: AIDS himself. This “one by one” PR operation with journalists extended the campaign, journalists sharing screenshots of their own conversations with AIDS in their articles. The campaign was then carried on through European and Canadian media, and all associations supporting the fight against AIDS got behind the message “@lesida (AIDS) #ShutUp”. The Twitter account was the fourth result on Google for a search for “AIDS”, positioned after the WHO site and ahead of all the associations. AIDS finally got the attention he deserves.



    I, Aids.






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