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    # 你的计划在哪里

    案例简介:兰金 (RANKIN) 与理查德·柯蒂斯 (Richard Curtis) 联手制作了《灭绝叛乱》电影,要求各国政府在大选季节开始时使用 # WhereIsYourPlan,这是自英国议会宣布环境和气候紧急状态以来的六个月,刚刚庆祝成立一周年的灭绝叛乱正在发布一部短片,呼吁每个人都要求他们的政府解决危机的计划……# WhereIsYourPlan通过代表一生的声音,年龄在8至80岁之间,这部电影要求世界各地的领导人应对气候和生态紧急情况采取行动,包括停止破坏我们的森林,海洋和野生动植物,减少零碳排放作为紧急事项,并投资绿色经济。这部具有全球意义的电影背后的概念-展现了气候运动和灭绝革命的要求-由电影制片人理查德·柯蒂斯 (Richard Curtis) 开发,并由兰金 (RANKIN) 进行了提炼,拍摄和制作,兰金是一家由英国摄影师和文化挑衅者领导的机构同名。但是高调的支持并没有止步于此...该视频以从唐顿庄园到爱情岛的面孔为特色,包括埃莉·古尔丁、黛西·洛、海梅·温斯顿、克里斯·帕克汉姆、伊梅达·斯汤顿、吉姆·卡特和斯蒂芬·弗雷尔斯等人,展示了一系列短片,其中每一代人的声音代表了一生,对政府应对紧急情况的计划提出情感要求。由兰金 (RANKIN) 的乔丹·罗西 (Jordan Rossi) 执导,这部电影表明,尽管我们的种族,年龄或性别,但人们需要团结起来应对全球变暖危机的威胁。不管你是谁,这是一个会影响每个人的问题,视频反映了我们最后一次有所作为。现在是时候采取规模尚未见的积极行动了。现在是当权者倾听的时候了,也是他们和我们现在采取行动保护地球上所有生命的时候了。# Exceterisyourplan灭绝叛乱的联合创始人盖尔·布拉德布鲁克 (Gail Bradbrook) “如果英国政府要在我们拥有的所谓碳预算范围内减少碳排放,我们将需要从1.5% 年削减到大约24% 年。这需要一个严肃的计划。我们的孩子、我们的未来和我们的野生动物需要我们的政府站出来面对现实。它现在正在行动,否则将面临地球上生命几乎无法想象的后果。所以如果零钱的司机在方向盘上睡着了,现在是时候用一只手握手并唤醒他们,让自己有能力与另一只手做出我们自己的分歧。“。杰米·温斯顿 (Jaime Winstone) '这部电影必须到达各国政府,敲响警钟,现在就应对我们都生活在的气候危机采取行动。我们都必须问他们 # 你的计划在哪里 '科菲·克鲁,停止Maangamizi/XR国际团结网络 “这清楚地表明,为确保世界各地的良心人民日益多样化而付出的辛勤工作使XR在国际上引发叛乱,并公平地扩大了应对气候崩溃的紧迫性,这是我们所有人在全球范围内的最高统一问题。气候和生态危机升级的危险时刻!"Daze Aghaji,灭绝叛乱青年 “作为年轻人,制定计划对于我们的未来充满希望至关重要。我们需要各国政府立即采取行动,认真对待气候和生态紧急情况。我们需要积极参与我们的民主,并询问政府 # wherisyourplan ”MassiveMusic的制片人詹姆斯·巴金特 (James Bargent)“ 灭绝叛乱处于我们这个时代最重要的主题之一的前线,我们很高兴以与他们的事业一样直接的配乐来扩大他们的信息。”XR的医生Vishal Chauhan博士 “政府未能制定一项计划,以通过这场危机来维护我们的健康和安全。作为医生,我们有责任为了所有人和地球的最大利益而反抗政府。“贝拉·拉克 (Bella Lack),16岁的环保主义者,青年总监Reserva YLT,《生态学家》的作家,《天生自由FDN》和《简·古道尔研究所》的青年大使。我们这一代人被赋予了一个充满灭绝和贪婪的星球。如果我们的物种要在残骸中找到一点希望,我们必须自己创造它,我们必须通过行动创造它。黛西·库珀 (Daisy Cooper),13岁的环保主义者气候变化正在发生,无论您是否喜欢它。问题是,政府是否愿意为此做些事情,或者他们是否准备面对未来的后果?社交媒体标签: # 你的计划在哪里 # 灭绝叛乱 @ RankinPhoto @ 灭绝

    # 你的计划在哪里

    案例简介:RANKIN joins forces with Richard Curtis to create film for Extinction Rebellion, demanding from Governments #WhereIsYourPlan As General Election season begins and marking six months since the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency, Extinction Rebellion - which has just celebrated its first year anniversary - is releasing a short film calling for everyone to demand their government's plan to address the crisis ... #WhereIsYourPlan Through voices representing a lifetime, aged 8 to 80, the film demands that leaders around the world act on the climate and ecological emergency, including stopping the destruction of our forests, our oceans and our wildlife, reducing zero carbon emissions as a matter of urgency and investing in a green economy. The concept behind this globally significant film - presenting the demands of the climate movement and extinction revolution - was developed by filmmaker Richard Curtis, and refined, shot and produced by RANKIN, an agency headed up by the British photographer and cultural provocateur of its namesake. But the high profile support didn’t stop there ... featuring faces from Downton Abbey to Love Island, and including the likes of Ellie Goulding, Daisy Lowe, Jaime Winstone, Chris Packham, Imelda Staunton, Jim Carter and Stephen Frears, the video showcases a series of short clips where voices from every generation, representing a lifetime, make an emotive demand to governments for their plan to address the emergency. Directed by Jordan Rossi of RANKIN, the film shows that despite our race, age or gender, people need to unite against the threat of the global warming crisis. No matter who you are, this is an issue that will affect everyone, and the video reflects our last shot at making a difference. Now is the time for positive action on a scale as yet unseen. It’s time for the people in power to listen, and it’s time for them, as well as us, to act now, to protect all life on our planet. #WhereIsYourPlan Gail Bradbrook, cofounder of Extinction Rebellion “If the British Government were to cut carbon emissions within the so called carbon budget we have, we would need to go from 1.5% annual cut to about 24%. That needs a serious plan. Our children, our future and our wildlife need our Government to step up and face reality. “ Chris Packham “Time has run out. It’s act now or face almost unimaginable consequences for life on Earth. So if the drivers of change are asleep at the wheel, it’s time to shake and wake them with one hand and to empower ourselves to make our own differences with the other.” Jaime Winstone ‘This film must reach governments and ring the alarm bell to act now on the climate crisis we are all living in. We must all ask of them #WhereIsYourPlan’ Kofi Klu, Stop the Maangamizi / XR International Solidarity Network "This clearly demonstrates the hard work being put into ensuring a growing diversity of Peoples of Conscience voices from all over the World back XR up in internationally catalysing Rebellion and equitably amplifying the urgency of tackling Climate Breakdown as the topmost globally unifying matter for us all at this increasingly dangerous time of escalating Climate and Ecological Crises!" Daze Aghaji, Extinction Rebellion Youth “As young people, having a plan is vital for having hope for our futures. We need governments to act now and take the climate and ecological emergency seriously. We need to be active in our democracy and ask the government #WhereIsYourPlan” James Bargent, Producer at MassiveMusic "Extinction Rebellion are on the front line of one of the most important subjects of our time and we're pleased to be amplifying their message with a soundtrack as immediate as their cause." Dr Vishal Chauhan, Doctors for XR “The Government has failed to produce a plan to safeguard our health and safety through this crisis. As doctors we have a duty to rebel against the government in the best interest of all people and the planet." Bella Lack, 16 year old Environmentalist, Youth director Reserva YLT, Writer for The Ecologist, Youth Ambassador for Born Free FDN and Jane Goodall Institute. My generation is being handed a planet riddled with extinction and infested with greed. If our species is to find a sliver of hope among the wreckage, we must create it ourselves, and we must create it through action. Daisy Cooper, 13 year old Environmentalist Climate change is happening whether you like it or not. The question is, are governments willing to do something about it or are they prepared to face the consequences in the future? Social Media Tags: #WhereIsYourPlan #ExtinctionRebellion @RankinPhoto @ExtinctionR


    案例简介:兰金 (RANKIN) 与理查德·柯蒂斯 (Richard Curtis) 联手制作了《灭绝叛乱》电影,要求各国政府在大选季节开始时使用 # WhereIsYourPlan,这是自英国议会宣布环境和气候紧急状态以来的六个月,刚刚庆祝成立一周年的灭绝叛乱正在发布一部短片,呼吁每个人都要求他们的政府解决危机的计划……# WhereIsYourPlan通过代表一生的声音,年龄在8至80岁之间,这部电影要求世界各地的领导人应对气候和生态紧急情况采取行动,包括停止破坏我们的森林,海洋和野生动植物,减少零碳排放作为紧急事项,并投资绿色经济。这部具有全球意义的电影背后的概念-展现了气候运动和灭绝革命的要求-由电影制片人理查德·柯蒂斯 (Richard Curtis) 开发,并由兰金 (RANKIN) 进行了提炼,拍摄和制作,兰金是一家由英国摄影师和文化挑衅者领导的机构同名。但是高调的支持并没有止步于此...该视频以从唐顿庄园到爱情岛的面孔为特色,包括埃莉·古尔丁、黛西·洛、海梅·温斯顿、克里斯·帕克汉姆、伊梅达·斯汤顿、吉姆·卡特和斯蒂芬·弗雷尔斯等人,展示了一系列短片,其中每一代人的声音代表了一生,对政府应对紧急情况的计划提出情感要求。由兰金 (RANKIN) 的乔丹·罗西 (Jordan Rossi) 执导,这部电影表明,尽管我们的种族,年龄或性别,但人们需要团结起来应对全球变暖危机的威胁。不管你是谁,这是一个会影响每个人的问题,视频反映了我们最后一次有所作为。现在是时候采取规模尚未见的积极行动了。现在是当权者倾听的时候了,也是他们和我们现在采取行动保护地球上所有生命的时候了。# Exceterisyourplan灭绝叛乱的联合创始人盖尔·布拉德布鲁克 (Gail Bradbrook) “如果英国政府要在我们拥有的所谓碳预算范围内减少碳排放,我们将需要从1.5% 年削减到大约24% 年。这需要一个严肃的计划。我们的孩子、我们的未来和我们的野生动物需要我们的政府站出来面对现实。它现在正在行动,否则将面临地球上生命几乎无法想象的后果。所以如果零钱的司机在方向盘上睡着了,现在是时候用一只手握手并唤醒他们,让自己有能力与另一只手做出我们自己的分歧。“。杰米·温斯顿 (Jaime Winstone) '这部电影必须到达各国政府,敲响警钟,现在就应对我们都生活在的气候危机采取行动。我们都必须问他们 # 你的计划在哪里 '科菲·克鲁,停止Maangamizi/XR国际团结网络 “这清楚地表明,为确保世界各地的良心人民日益多样化而付出的辛勤工作使XR在国际上引发叛乱,并公平地扩大了应对气候崩溃的紧迫性,这是我们所有人在全球范围内的最高统一问题。气候和生态危机升级的危险时刻!"Daze Aghaji,灭绝叛乱青年 “作为年轻人,制定计划对于我们的未来充满希望至关重要。我们需要各国政府立即采取行动,认真对待气候和生态紧急情况。我们需要积极参与我们的民主,并询问政府 # wherisyourplan ”MassiveMusic的制片人詹姆斯·巴金特 (James Bargent)“ 灭绝叛乱处于我们这个时代最重要的主题之一的前线,我们很高兴以与他们的事业一样直接的配乐来扩大他们的信息。”XR的医生Vishal Chauhan博士 “政府未能制定一项计划,以通过这场危机来维护我们的健康和安全。作为医生,我们有责任为了所有人和地球的最大利益而反抗政府。“贝拉·拉克 (Bella Lack),16岁的环保主义者,青年总监Reserva YLT,《生态学家》的作家,《天生自由FDN》和《简·古道尔研究所》的青年大使。我们这一代人被赋予了一个充满灭绝和贪婪的星球。如果我们的物种要在残骸中找到一点希望,我们必须自己创造它,我们必须通过行动创造它。黛西·库珀 (Daisy Cooper),13岁的环保主义者气候变化正在发生,无论您是否喜欢它。问题是,政府是否愿意为此做些事情,或者他们是否准备面对未来的后果?社交媒体标签: # 你的计划在哪里 # 灭绝叛乱 @ RankinPhoto @ 灭绝


    案例简介:RANKIN joins forces with Richard Curtis to create film for Extinction Rebellion, demanding from Governments #WhereIsYourPlan As General Election season begins and marking six months since the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency, Extinction Rebellion - which has just celebrated its first year anniversary - is releasing a short film calling for everyone to demand their government's plan to address the crisis ... #WhereIsYourPlan Through voices representing a lifetime, aged 8 to 80, the film demands that leaders around the world act on the climate and ecological emergency, including stopping the destruction of our forests, our oceans and our wildlife, reducing zero carbon emissions as a matter of urgency and investing in a green economy. The concept behind this globally significant film - presenting the demands of the climate movement and extinction revolution - was developed by filmmaker Richard Curtis, and refined, shot and produced by RANKIN, an agency headed up by the British photographer and cultural provocateur of its namesake. But the high profile support didn’t stop there ... featuring faces from Downton Abbey to Love Island, and including the likes of Ellie Goulding, Daisy Lowe, Jaime Winstone, Chris Packham, Imelda Staunton, Jim Carter and Stephen Frears, the video showcases a series of short clips where voices from every generation, representing a lifetime, make an emotive demand to governments for their plan to address the emergency. Directed by Jordan Rossi of RANKIN, the film shows that despite our race, age or gender, people need to unite against the threat of the global warming crisis. No matter who you are, this is an issue that will affect everyone, and the video reflects our last shot at making a difference. Now is the time for positive action on a scale as yet unseen. It’s time for the people in power to listen, and it’s time for them, as well as us, to act now, to protect all life on our planet. #WhereIsYourPlan Gail Bradbrook, cofounder of Extinction Rebellion “If the British Government were to cut carbon emissions within the so called carbon budget we have, we would need to go from 1.5% annual cut to about 24%. That needs a serious plan. Our children, our future and our wildlife need our Government to step up and face reality. “ Chris Packham “Time has run out. It’s act now or face almost unimaginable consequences for life on Earth. So if the drivers of change are asleep at the wheel, it’s time to shake and wake them with one hand and to empower ourselves to make our own differences with the other.” Jaime Winstone ‘This film must reach governments and ring the alarm bell to act now on the climate crisis we are all living in. We must all ask of them #WhereIsYourPlan’ Kofi Klu, Stop the Maangamizi / XR International Solidarity Network "This clearly demonstrates the hard work being put into ensuring a growing diversity of Peoples of Conscience voices from all over the World back XR up in internationally catalysing Rebellion and equitably amplifying the urgency of tackling Climate Breakdown as the topmost globally unifying matter for us all at this increasingly dangerous time of escalating Climate and Ecological Crises!" Daze Aghaji, Extinction Rebellion Youth “As young people, having a plan is vital for having hope for our futures. We need governments to act now and take the climate and ecological emergency seriously. We need to be active in our democracy and ask the government #WhereIsYourPlan” James Bargent, Producer at MassiveMusic "Extinction Rebellion are on the front line of one of the most important subjects of our time and we're pleased to be amplifying their message with a soundtrack as immediate as their cause." Dr Vishal Chauhan, Doctors for XR “The Government has failed to produce a plan to safeguard our health and safety through this crisis. As doctors we have a duty to rebel against the government in the best interest of all people and the planet." Bella Lack, 16 year old Environmentalist, Youth director Reserva YLT, Writer for The Ecologist, Youth Ambassador for Born Free FDN and Jane Goodall Institute. My generation is being handed a planet riddled with extinction and infested with greed. If our species is to find a sliver of hope among the wreckage, we must create it ourselves, and we must create it through action. Daisy Cooper, 13 year old Environmentalist Climate change is happening whether you like it or not. The question is, are governments willing to do something about it or are they prepared to face the consequences in the future? Social Media Tags: #WhereIsYourPlan #ExtinctionRebellion @RankinPhoto @ExtinctionR

    # 你的计划在哪里








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