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    案例简介:奥斯汀最大的普通工厂为信用合作社 SSFCU 创建广告活动 机构转向意外和日常,传达服务中的人性 (奥斯汀-2013年5月1日) 广告代理和制作公司最大的普通工厂 (GCF) 发起了两次安全服务联邦信用联盟 (SSFCU) 运动, 突出了联邦保险和特许金融机构对其成员最高级服务的关注。 这些活动涵盖八个电视广告,包括一个针对西班牙市场的广告; 广播; 和户外元素,构成了 GCF 为信用合作社所做的第一份创造性工作, 在得克萨斯州、科罗拉多州和犹他州有 70 个服务中心。电视节目今天开始在所有三个市场轮换。SSFCU 所在的圣安东尼奥市场的媒体包括本地网络附属公司 KSAT-TV (ABC) 、 KENS-TV (CBS) 、 KABB-TV (FOX) 、 WOAI-TV (NBC) 、时代华纳有线和 KWEX-TV (Univision)。 GCF 联合创始人、创意管理合伙人兼景点总监约翰 · 特拉哈尔说,“安全服务对服务有着真正的承诺。对于银行和信用合作社来说,这说明了很多。因此,我们很高兴分享这项工作,让未来的成员知道 SSFCU 的服务是他们自己需要体验的。安全部门的每个人都真正接受了 GCF 的工作方式,他们证明了一个聪明客户的力量。" 第一场电视活动的现场展示了服务对 SSFCU 成员的意义和感觉。每个人都从一个友好的 SSFCU 代表开始,他说他可以试着描述一个服务产品,比如共享分支或移动银行,但是他对空气报价的使用表明,平淡无奇, 过度使用的话不会传达他的信用合作社提供的情感效果。“服务不是你听到的,” 他写道。“这是你的感觉。” GCF 在第一场运动中的一个亮点是人类的蒙太奇 -- 儿童、祖父母、多种族的千禧一代, 单身女士沉浸在头晕目眩的笑声中,她们忍受着可爱的狗和小狗在柔和的阳光中舔脸,在门廊和楼梯上,面对乐观的音乐。 同一活动中的另一则广告切入了一个场景,普通人加里走近一家浪漫的餐馆去见维罗妮卡,这是一场他的联盟外的网站制作的比赛。当加里遇到高大友好的美女时,一个缓慢的果酱在播放。她微笑着说出了一句没有一个与现实擦肩而过的在线达人听过的话: “你的个人资料照片对你没有好处,英俊。” “是的,感觉像那样,” 每个广告都总结道,很快又回到了安全服务发言人那里。标语: “感受银行业的感受。在安全服务联邦信用合作社,感受一下。" 安全服务联邦信贷联盟销售和营销副总裁格雷格 · 斯特劳德评论说, “我们非常兴奋地推出我们与 GCF 一起创建的新作品,并分享我们会员应得的卓越服务信息。从概念到生产一直到推出,这个过程再好不过了。我特别喜欢与 GCF 合作的是,带着这个想法来的人实际上执行了这项工作。目标和目标在整个过程中保持不变,并反映在最终产品中。" 第二次活动中的所有三个地点都以幽默、鼓励 SSFCU 员工与其客户之间的交流为特色。 在其中一个晚上,一位忙碌的母亲在她最近的一辆小型货车上与丈夫约会,带着鲜花、香槟和 “一个鸡指都没有”。一名安全部门的出纳员向她保证,她 “可以做到”,直到下周末的约会,给那个女人擦擦擦从后座扔向她的饮料。 在另一部电影中,新娘的父亲哀叹道,他女儿想要的蛋糕 “比我的第一个房子还大, 客人名单是电话簿,人们对食物过敏 -- 所以我们提供每一种食物。一名安全部门的出纳员鼓励他,“你已经为这场婚礼计划并保存了 smart;一切都会好起来的。”然后,她对自己不能出席表示哀悼,促使这位先生握住她的手说,“ 祝福你。” 这些广告中的每一个都总结道: “由成员为成员构建。我们的服务是个人化的。” 关于最大的普通工厂 GCF 作为一家制作公司和一家全方位服务的精品广告代理公司运作,因为它降低了制作障碍 (沟通、成本、时间、繁文缛节) 让我们花更多的时间创建和改进内容,减少与外部团队会面的时间。作为一个全方位服务的机构,我们可以在活动的每个阶段,从构思到执行,保持清晰、一致的品牌声音。简而言之,我们喜欢用更少的钱做更多的事情。我们喜欢制造东西。更好。要了解更多信息,请访问 http://gcfactory.com 。


    案例简介:Austin’s Greatest Common Factory Creates Ad Campaigns for Credit Union SSFCU Agency Turns to the Unexpected and the Everyday to Convey the Humanity in Service (Austin – May 1, 2013) Ad agency and production company Greatest Common Factory (GCF) has launched two campaigns for Security Service Federal Credit Union (SSFCU), spotlighting the federally insured and chartered financial institution’s focus on superlative service for its members. The campaigns – spanning eight television spots, including one for the Hispanic market; radio; and out-of-home elements – constitute GCF’s first creative work for the credit union, which has 70 service centers in Texas, Colorado and Utah. The TV spots begin rotating today in all three markets. Media in the San Antonio market, where SSFCU is based, include local network affiliates KSAT-TV (ABC), KENS-TV (CBS), KABB-TV (FOX), WOAI-TV (NBC), Time Warner Cable and KWEX-TV (Univision). GCF co-founder, creative managing partner and director of the spots John Trahar said, “Security Service has a real commitment to service. For banks and credit unions these days that is saying a lot. So we're thrilled to share the work that lets future members know that SSFCU's service is something they need to experience for themselves. Everyone at Security Service really embraced the way GCF works and they proved the power of a smart client.” The spots in the first TV campaign illustrate what service means and feels like to SSFCU members. Each begins with a friendly SSFCU rep saying he could try to describe a service product such as shared branching or mobile banking, but his use of air quotes suggests that bland, overused words won’t convey the emotional effect of his credit union’s offerings. “Service isn’t something you hear,” he intones. “It’s something you feel.” One GCF spot in the first campaign then cuts to a montage of humans – children, grandparents, multiethnic millennials, single ladies – enraptured in giddy giggles as they endure face-licks by adorable dogs and puppies in muted sunlight, on porches and staircases against the sound of upbeat music. Another ad in the same campaign cuts to a scene of average-guy Gary approaching a romantic restaurant to meet Veronica, an out-of-his-league, website-made match. A slow jam plays as Gary meets the tall, friendly beauty. She smiles and utters a line that no online dater who has had a brush with reality has ever heard: “Your profile picture doesn’t do you justice, handsome.” “Yep, feels like that,” each commercial concludes, cutting quickly back to the Security Service spokesperson. The tagline: “Feel how banking’s supposed to feel. Feel it for yourself, at Security Service Federal Credit Union.” Greg Stroud, VP Sales and Marketing at Security Service Federal Credit Union commented, “We are very excited to launch the new work we created with GCF and to share our message of outstanding service our members deserve. From concept to production all the way to launch, the process could not have been better. What I especially like about working with GCF is that the people that come with the idea actually execute the work. The goals and objectives stay true throughout the process and are reflected in the final product.” All three spots in the second campaign feature humorous, encouraging exchanges between SSFCU employees and their customers. In one, a harried mother reflects from her minivan on a recent date night with her husband, complete with flowers, Champagne and “not a single chicken finger.” A Security Service teller assures her she “can make it” until the next weekend’s date, providing the woman with wipes to mop up the drink thrown at her from the back seat. In another, a father of the bride laments that the cake his daughter wants “is bigger than my first house, the guest list is the phone book and people are allergic to food – so we’re serving every food.” A Security Service teller encourages him, “You’ve planned and saved smart for this wedding; everything’s going to be fine.” She then expresses her condolences that she won’t be able to attend, prompting the gentleman to grasp her hands and say, “Bless you.” Each of these commercials concludes: “Built by members, for members. Our service is personal.” About Greatest Common Factory GCF operates as a production company and a full service boutique advertising agency because lowering the barriers to production (communication, cost, time, red tape) lets us spend more time creating and improving content and less time meeting with outside teams about what might be possible. As a full-service agency, we can maintain a clear, consistent brand voice through each stage of a campaign, from ideation to execution. Simply put, we like to do more with less. We like to make things. Better. To learn more, visit http://gcfactory.com.


    案例简介:奥斯汀最大的普通工厂为信用合作社 SSFCU 创建广告活动 机构转向意外和日常,传达服务中的人性 (奥斯汀-2013年5月1日) 广告代理和制作公司最大的普通工厂 (GCF) 发起了两次安全服务联邦信用联盟 (SSFCU) 运动, 突出了联邦保险和特许金融机构对其成员最高级服务的关注。 这些活动涵盖八个电视广告,包括一个针对西班牙市场的广告; 广播; 和户外元素,构成了 GCF 为信用合作社所做的第一份创造性工作, 在得克萨斯州、科罗拉多州和犹他州有 70 个服务中心。电视节目今天开始在所有三个市场轮换。SSFCU 所在的圣安东尼奥市场的媒体包括本地网络附属公司 KSAT-TV (ABC) 、 KENS-TV (CBS) 、 KABB-TV (FOX) 、 WOAI-TV (NBC) 、时代华纳有线和 KWEX-TV (Univision)。 GCF 联合创始人、创意管理合伙人兼景点总监约翰 · 特拉哈尔说,“安全服务对服务有着真正的承诺。对于银行和信用合作社来说,这说明了很多。因此,我们很高兴分享这项工作,让未来的成员知道 SSFCU 的服务是他们自己需要体验的。安全部门的每个人都真正接受了 GCF 的工作方式,他们证明了一个聪明客户的力量。" 第一场电视活动的现场展示了服务对 SSFCU 成员的意义和感觉。每个人都从一个友好的 SSFCU 代表开始,他说他可以试着描述一个服务产品,比如共享分支或移动银行,但是他对空气报价的使用表明,平淡无奇, 过度使用的话不会传达他的信用合作社提供的情感效果。“服务不是你听到的,” 他写道。“这是你的感觉。” GCF 在第一场运动中的一个亮点是人类的蒙太奇 -- 儿童、祖父母、多种族的千禧一代, 单身女士沉浸在头晕目眩的笑声中,她们忍受着可爱的狗和小狗在柔和的阳光中舔脸,在门廊和楼梯上,面对乐观的音乐。 同一活动中的另一则广告切入了一个场景,普通人加里走近一家浪漫的餐馆去见维罗妮卡,这是一场他的联盟外的网站制作的比赛。当加里遇到高大友好的美女时,一个缓慢的果酱在播放。她微笑着说出了一句没有一个与现实擦肩而过的在线达人听过的话: “你的个人资料照片对你没有好处,英俊。” “是的,感觉像那样,” 每个广告都总结道,很快又回到了安全服务发言人那里。标语: “感受银行业的感受。在安全服务联邦信用合作社,感受一下。" 安全服务联邦信贷联盟销售和营销副总裁格雷格 · 斯特劳德评论说, “我们非常兴奋地推出我们与 GCF 一起创建的新作品,并分享我们会员应得的卓越服务信息。从概念到生产一直到推出,这个过程再好不过了。我特别喜欢与 GCF 合作的是,带着这个想法来的人实际上执行了这项工作。目标和目标在整个过程中保持不变,并反映在最终产品中。" 第二次活动中的所有三个地点都以幽默、鼓励 SSFCU 员工与其客户之间的交流为特色。 在其中一个晚上,一位忙碌的母亲在她最近的一辆小型货车上与丈夫约会,带着鲜花、香槟和 “一个鸡指都没有”。一名安全部门的出纳员向她保证,她 “可以做到”,直到下周末的约会,给那个女人擦擦擦从后座扔向她的饮料。 在另一部电影中,新娘的父亲哀叹道,他女儿想要的蛋糕 “比我的第一个房子还大, 客人名单是电话簿,人们对食物过敏 -- 所以我们提供每一种食物。一名安全部门的出纳员鼓励他,“你已经为这场婚礼计划并保存了 smart;一切都会好起来的。”然后,她对自己不能出席表示哀悼,促使这位先生握住她的手说,“ 祝福你。” 这些广告中的每一个都总结道: “由成员为成员构建。我们的服务是个人化的。” 关于最大的普通工厂 GCF 作为一家制作公司和一家全方位服务的精品广告代理公司运作,因为它降低了制作障碍 (沟通、成本、时间、繁文缛节) 让我们花更多的时间创建和改进内容,减少与外部团队会面的时间。作为一个全方位服务的机构,我们可以在活动的每个阶段,从构思到执行,保持清晰、一致的品牌声音。简而言之,我们喜欢用更少的钱做更多的事情。我们喜欢制造东西。更好。要了解更多信息,请访问 http://gcfactory.com 。


    案例简介:Austin’s Greatest Common Factory Creates Ad Campaigns for Credit Union SSFCU Agency Turns to the Unexpected and the Everyday to Convey the Humanity in Service (Austin – May 1, 2013) Ad agency and production company Greatest Common Factory (GCF) has launched two campaigns for Security Service Federal Credit Union (SSFCU), spotlighting the federally insured and chartered financial institution’s focus on superlative service for its members. The campaigns – spanning eight television spots, including one for the Hispanic market; radio; and out-of-home elements – constitute GCF’s first creative work for the credit union, which has 70 service centers in Texas, Colorado and Utah. The TV spots begin rotating today in all three markets. Media in the San Antonio market, where SSFCU is based, include local network affiliates KSAT-TV (ABC), KENS-TV (CBS), KABB-TV (FOX), WOAI-TV (NBC), Time Warner Cable and KWEX-TV (Univision). GCF co-founder, creative managing partner and director of the spots John Trahar said, “Security Service has a real commitment to service. For banks and credit unions these days that is saying a lot. So we're thrilled to share the work that lets future members know that SSFCU's service is something they need to experience for themselves. Everyone at Security Service really embraced the way GCF works and they proved the power of a smart client.” The spots in the first TV campaign illustrate what service means and feels like to SSFCU members. Each begins with a friendly SSFCU rep saying he could try to describe a service product such as shared branching or mobile banking, but his use of air quotes suggests that bland, overused words won’t convey the emotional effect of his credit union’s offerings. “Service isn’t something you hear,” he intones. “It’s something you feel.” One GCF spot in the first campaign then cuts to a montage of humans – children, grandparents, multiethnic millennials, single ladies – enraptured in giddy giggles as they endure face-licks by adorable dogs and puppies in muted sunlight, on porches and staircases against the sound of upbeat music. Another ad in the same campaign cuts to a scene of average-guy Gary approaching a romantic restaurant to meet Veronica, an out-of-his-league, website-made match. A slow jam plays as Gary meets the tall, friendly beauty. She smiles and utters a line that no online dater who has had a brush with reality has ever heard: “Your profile picture doesn’t do you justice, handsome.” “Yep, feels like that,” each commercial concludes, cutting quickly back to the Security Service spokesperson. The tagline: “Feel how banking’s supposed to feel. Feel it for yourself, at Security Service Federal Credit Union.” Greg Stroud, VP Sales and Marketing at Security Service Federal Credit Union commented, “We are very excited to launch the new work we created with GCF and to share our message of outstanding service our members deserve. From concept to production all the way to launch, the process could not have been better. What I especially like about working with GCF is that the people that come with the idea actually execute the work. The goals and objectives stay true throughout the process and are reflected in the final product.” All three spots in the second campaign feature humorous, encouraging exchanges between SSFCU employees and their customers. In one, a harried mother reflects from her minivan on a recent date night with her husband, complete with flowers, Champagne and “not a single chicken finger.” A Security Service teller assures her she “can make it” until the next weekend’s date, providing the woman with wipes to mop up the drink thrown at her from the back seat. In another, a father of the bride laments that the cake his daughter wants “is bigger than my first house, the guest list is the phone book and people are allergic to food – so we’re serving every food.” A Security Service teller encourages him, “You’ve planned and saved smart for this wedding; everything’s going to be fine.” She then expresses her condolences that she won’t be able to attend, prompting the gentleman to grasp her hands and say, “Bless you.” Each of these commercials concludes: “Built by members, for members. Our service is personal.” About Greatest Common Factory GCF operates as a production company and a full service boutique advertising agency because lowering the barriers to production (communication, cost, time, red tape) lets us spend more time creating and improving content and less time meeting with outside teams about what might be possible. As a full-service agency, we can maintain a clear, consistent brand voice through each stage of a campaign, from ideation to execution. Simply put, we like to do more with less. We like to make things. Better. To learn more, visit http://gcfactory.com.











    Austin’s Greatest Common Factory Creates Ad Campaigns for Credit Union SSFCU Agency Turns to the Unexpected and the Everyday to Convey the Humanity in Service



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