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    案例简介:概要 情境: 《泰晤士报》被视为一篇思维狭隘的论文。这实际上不是真的。 《泰晤士报》以对任何特定故事有许多不同的意见和声音而自豪。 简介: 帮助《泰晤士报》向世界各地的读者和潜在读者发起 “寻找你的声音” 活动。 目标: 将《泰晤士报》重新定位为代表许多不同声音的论文。 战略 数据收集: 我们花了几个月的时间研究和收集肯尼迪音频的每一部分。最后,我们在这个过程中使用了 831 次演讲。 声音的数据解释组合是通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程来选择和平滑的 然后,我们给了我们所有的读者听完整演讲的机会。 相关性 数据聚合,是一门艺术与科学。在我们的案例中,数据通常会使故事变得清晰,这使得讲述它成为可能。 1963 年,没有人听到肯尼迪总统非常重要的贸易市场演讲。 2018,数据增强创意技术带来了他无言的演讲 引起了 10亿多人的注意。 结果 数据增强了消费者体验 -- 在肯尼迪总统去世 55 年后,读者终于可以听到沃尔玛的演讲。 数据驱动的行为变化-数千个新订阅查询 (17 k) 商业影响 -- 超过 10亿个媒体印象 & 我们的每一个竞争对手都报道了这个故事。 媒体战略 数据之旅 Dallas Trade Mart 语音是世界第一,一个完全由数百种不同质量和音频的旧语音数据制成的人工智能音频语音。 实现这一突破性技术包括智能拼接语音的小语音片段 -- 通常大约 250,000 个单独的片段,持续时间缩短到 3 毫秒。 声音的数据集成组合是通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程来选择和平滑的 应用程序这个应用程序让我们终于听到了用 JFK 自己的声音发表的贸易城演讲。 活动描述 数据洞察: 这是一个使用数据的例子,在这种情况下是 831 条音频数据,将我们的 “找到你的声音” 活动付诸实践。 创新: 使用 831 份旧总统演讲的数据创建一个新的。 独创性这是数据增强创意讲故事的世界第一。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation : The Times was seen as a paper with a narrow mindset. This wasn’t actually true. The Times prides itself on having many differing opinions and voices on any particular story. Brief : Help launch the Times ‘Find your voice campaign’ to its readers and potential readers around the world. Objectives : Reposition The Times as a paper that represents many differing voices. Strategy Data gathering : We spend months researching and collecting every single piece of Kennedy audio available. In the end we used 831 speeches in the process. Data interpretation Combinations of sounds are selected and smoothed together by months of painstaking sound engineering - Targeting We then gave all our readers the chance to hear the full speech. Relevancy Data aggregation, is an art & science. Data usually sharpens the story in our case it made it possible to tell it. In 1963 nobody got to hear President Kennedy’s hugely important Trade Mart Speech. In 2018, data enhanced creative technology brought his Unsilenced speech to the attention of over 1 billion people. Outcome Data enhanced consumer experience - Readers could finally hear The Trade Mart speech 55 years after President Kennedy’s death. Data driven behaviour change - Thousands of new subscriptions enquires (17k) Business impact - Over 1 billion media impressions & every one of our rivals covered the story. Media Strategy Data journey The Dallas Trade Mart Speech is a world first, an Ai audio speech made completely out of data from hundreds of old speeches of varying quality and audio. Implementation This breakthrough technique involves smart splicing small phonetic fragments of speech - typically around 250,000 individual segments, down to 3milliseconds in duration. Data integration Combinations of sounds are selected and smoothed together by months of painstaking sound engineering - Application The application allowed us to finally hear the Trade Mart Speech delivered in JFK’s own voice. Campaign Description Data insights : This was an example of using data, in this case 831 pieces of audio data, to bring our ‘Find your voice’ campaign to life. Innovation : Use the data from 831 old Presidential speeches to create a new one. Originality This was a world first for data enhanced creative storytelling.


    案例简介:概要 情境: 《泰晤士报》被视为一篇思维狭隘的论文。这实际上不是真的。 《泰晤士报》以对任何特定故事有许多不同的意见和声音而自豪。 简介: 帮助《泰晤士报》向世界各地的读者和潜在读者发起 “寻找你的声音” 活动。 目标: 将《泰晤士报》重新定位为代表许多不同声音的论文。 战略 数据收集: 我们花了几个月的时间研究和收集肯尼迪音频的每一部分。最后,我们在这个过程中使用了 831 次演讲。 声音的数据解释组合是通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程来选择和平滑的 然后,我们给了我们所有的读者听完整演讲的机会。 相关性 数据聚合,是一门艺术与科学。在我们的案例中,数据通常会使故事变得清晰,这使得讲述它成为可能。 1963 年,没有人听到肯尼迪总统非常重要的贸易市场演讲。 2018,数据增强创意技术带来了他无言的演讲 引起了 10亿多人的注意。 结果 数据增强了消费者体验 -- 在肯尼迪总统去世 55 年后,读者终于可以听到沃尔玛的演讲。 数据驱动的行为变化-数千个新订阅查询 (17 k) 商业影响 -- 超过 10亿个媒体印象 & 我们的每一个竞争对手都报道了这个故事。 媒体战略 数据之旅 Dallas Trade Mart 语音是世界第一,一个完全由数百种不同质量和音频的旧语音数据制成的人工智能音频语音。 实现这一突破性技术包括智能拼接语音的小语音片段 -- 通常大约 250,000 个单独的片段,持续时间缩短到 3 毫秒。 声音的数据集成组合是通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程来选择和平滑的 应用程序这个应用程序让我们终于听到了用 JFK 自己的声音发表的贸易城演讲。 活动描述 数据洞察: 这是一个使用数据的例子,在这种情况下是 831 条音频数据,将我们的 “找到你的声音” 活动付诸实践。 创新: 使用 831 份旧总统演讲的数据创建一个新的。 独创性这是数据增强创意讲故事的世界第一。


    案例简介:Synopsis Situation : The Times was seen as a paper with a narrow mindset. This wasn’t actually true. The Times prides itself on having many differing opinions and voices on any particular story. Brief : Help launch the Times ‘Find your voice campaign’ to its readers and potential readers around the world. Objectives : Reposition The Times as a paper that represents many differing voices. Strategy Data gathering : We spend months researching and collecting every single piece of Kennedy audio available. In the end we used 831 speeches in the process. Data interpretation Combinations of sounds are selected and smoothed together by months of painstaking sound engineering - Targeting We then gave all our readers the chance to hear the full speech. Relevancy Data aggregation, is an art & science. Data usually sharpens the story in our case it made it possible to tell it. In 1963 nobody got to hear President Kennedy’s hugely important Trade Mart Speech. In 2018, data enhanced creative technology brought his Unsilenced speech to the attention of over 1 billion people. Outcome Data enhanced consumer experience - Readers could finally hear The Trade Mart speech 55 years after President Kennedy’s death. Data driven behaviour change - Thousands of new subscriptions enquires (17k) Business impact - Over 1 billion media impressions & every one of our rivals covered the story. Media Strategy Data journey The Dallas Trade Mart Speech is a world first, an Ai audio speech made completely out of data from hundreds of old speeches of varying quality and audio. Implementation This breakthrough technique involves smart splicing small phonetic fragments of speech - typically around 250,000 individual segments, down to 3milliseconds in duration. Data integration Combinations of sounds are selected and smoothed together by months of painstaking sound engineering - Application The application allowed us to finally hear the Trade Mart Speech delivered in JFK’s own voice. Campaign Description Data insights : This was an example of using data, in this case 831 pieces of audio data, to bring our ‘Find your voice’ campaign to life. Innovation : Use the data from 831 old Presidential speeches to create a new one. Originality This was a world first for data enhanced creative storytelling.





    广告公司: Rothco (爱尔兰 都柏林) 制作公司: Cereproc , Rothco




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