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    The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library短视频广告营销案例



    每日秀礼物: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆

    案例简介:概要 自富兰克林 · D · 罗斯福以来,每一位总统都有幸获得了精心策划的纪念图书馆,纪念他作为自由世界领导人期间制作的具有历史价值的文件。继续这个神圣的传统,没有必要等他离开办公室, 《每日秀》以一种展示我们的总司令与公众交流的首选船只 -- 他的推特提要的方式来纪念我们的现任总统。因此,我们开始了创建 “每日秀礼物: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆” 的旅程,这是同类图书馆中的第一个。目标是建立一种身临其境的互动体验,让 @ realDonaldTrump 的推特在现实世界中栩栩如生,在日常节目中产生社交轰动,并巩固节目在拥挤人群中的地位深夜/讽刺新闻竞争集。 战略 该策略是针对政治参与的消费者和政治讽刺的粉丝来推动社交对话。这是通过深思熟虑的位置选择来实现的,确保所选择的城市会对激活的政治性质做出积极反应。在纽约,这种经历发生在离第五大道特朗普大厦一个街区的地方。需要广泛的研究来梳理成千上万条推特,建立分组,并选择最有趣的帖子。作为一个博物馆环境,我们确保激活不仅仅是通过实施额外的技术、布景、品牌大使、互动视频元素和每日秀独特的编辑视角来阅读推特。为了吸引粉丝并产生兴奋,主持人特雷弗 · 诺亚在《每日秀》以及他们的社交和数字渠道中推广了这种体验,同时利用了特雷弗独特的受欢迎程度, 讽刺了总统的社交媒体。 相关性 通过与特雷弗 · 诺亚一起制作的每日秀的艺术镜头,“每日秀呈现: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆” 是一种深思熟虑的品牌体验。巨大的讽刺活动是免费的,向公众开放。图书馆模仿一个真正的博物馆,敦促客人 “探索历史, 特朗普推文的科学和艺术 -- 从他最早试图用粗短的手指打电话到他成为我们时代杰出的社交媒体革命者。 “来自《每日秀》和《喜剧中心》背后的参与者,他们正在享受一种高度沉浸式的体验。 结果 纽约的盛大开幕非常受欢迎,以至于有 7 个多小时的等待来体验。为了容纳成千上万的等待者,我们延长了图书馆的开放时间,以确保尽可能多的人能够体验到激活 -- 然而我们仍然不得不把人们拒之门外。这种激活为《每日秀》带来了巨大的轰动,数百家新闻媒体前来报道图书馆并亲自体验。它还通过社交媒体在实地和社交媒体上产生了大量的互动,超过 480 个数字互动,336 个数字印象,在脸谱网、推特上有 43 个提到, 还有不到 48 小时的 Instagram《华盛顿邮报》称图书馆为 “轰动一时”, 《赫芬顿邮报》认为它是 “迄今为止对本届政府最令人印象深刻的讽刺”,《洛杉矶时报》称它在 “医疗和学术水平上发挥了作用。” 执行 图书馆通过这个空间变得栩栩如生。激活站促使消费者与显示器互动,并在社交媒体上发布体验。纽约和芝加哥的空间都是开放和原始的 -- 这是建造和安装我们的支持元素、展品和技术的完美环境。我们的设计团队利用每个城市的现有空间来加强图书馆的设计,建立像昵称生成器、保护特朗普纳税申报单的金库、椭圆形办公室这样的激活, 特朗普的实时推特订阅警报,混合了大型墙壁图形,包括推特、报价、文字云和他的推特时间表。此外,《每日秀》的主持人特雷弗 · 诺亚在纽约主持了剪彩仪式,同时该剧的记者给媒体和著名朋友参观。为了接触那些无法参观图书馆的粉丝,我们还在 www.thedailyshow.com/trumplibrary 创建了一个 360 * 的虚拟空间之旅 活动描述 这个创意来自不断的对话和对特朗普总统推特的骚动。总统在推特上交流如此频繁 (而且不稳定),以至于前白宫新闻秘书肖恩 · 斯派塞证实他的推特是 “白宫官方声明”。“每日秀希望确保这些推文是在一个值得的环境中联系在一起的 -- 一个每个人都可以欣赏它们的地方,一个向总统和他的历史性的 140 人物作品致敬的地方,这些作品将通过视觉装置、独家视频和体验体验 (适用于各种尺寸的手)。娱乐体验以最先进的视觉装置和完全互动的动手激活为特色。有足够的空间让游客四处走动,有不同类型的技术可以互动 (从 iPad 昵称生成器、 “经过验证的幸存者” 录音、以每日秀评论员为特色的视频, 和两种类型的创建自己的推文游戏),和信息斑块。

    每日秀礼物: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆

    案例简介:Synopsis Every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been honored with a meticulously curated memorial library commemorating the documents of historical value crafted during his time as leader of the free world. Continuing this hallowed tradition, and seeing no need to wait for him to leave office, The Daily Show honored our current president in a way that would showcase our Commander in Chief’s preferred vessel for communicating with the public, his Twitter feed. And so, we embarked on a journey to create “The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library,” -the first of its kind. The goal was to build an immersive and interactive experience that brought @realDonaldTrump’s twitter feed to life in the real world to generate social buzz around The Daily Show and solidify the show’s standing within the crowded late-night/satirical news competitive set. Strategy The strategy was to target politically engaged consumers and fans of political satire to drive social conversation. This was accomplished through thoughtful location choices, ensuring that the cities chosen would respond positively to the politically-charged nature of the activation. In New York, the experience took place literally one block from Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. Extensive research was required to comb through thousands of tweets, establish groupings, and select the most entertaining posts. As a museum environment, we ensured the activation was more than just reading tweets through the implementation of additional technology, sets, brand ambassadors, interactive video elements, and The Daily Show’s unique editorial perspective. To engage fans and generate excitement, host, Trevor Noah promoted the experience in episodes of The Daily Show as well as their social and digital channels while capitalizing on the popularity of Trevor's distinct, satirical take on the president’s social media presence. Relevancy Crafted through the artistic lens of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, “The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library” is a thoughtfully executed brand experience brought to life. The monumental satirical activation was free and open to the public. Mimicking a bonafide museum, the library urges guests to “explore the history, science and art of Trump's tweets - from his earliest attempts to put stubby fingers to phone to his emergence as our era's preeminent social media revolutionary.” Coming from those behind The Daily Show and Comedy Central, attendees were in for a highly immersive experience. Outcome The grand opening in NYC was so popular that there was a 7+ hour wait to enter the experience. To accommodate the thousands of people waiting, we extended the hours the library was open to ensure as many people as possible could experience the activation -- and yet we still had to turn people away. The activation generated massive buzz for The Daily Show with hundreds of press outlets coming to cover the library and experience it themselves. It also generated substantial engagement on the ground and via social media with over 480K digital engagements, 336M digital impressions, and 43K mentions across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in less than 48 hours. The Washington Post called the library a “smash hit”, The Huffington Post deemed it “the most impressive satire of the current administration to date” and The Los Angeles Times said it worked on “both a medic and scholarly level.” Execution The library was brought to life through the space. Activation stations motivated consumers to interact with the displays and post about the experience on social media. Both the New York and Chicago spaces, were open and raw - the perfect environment to build and install our supporting elements, exhibits, and technologies. Our design team utilized the existing space in each city to enhance the library’s design, building activations like the Nickname Generator, a vault guarding Trump’s tax returns, The Oval Office, and Trump’s Live Twitter Feed alarm, mixed with large scale wall graphics featuring tweets, quotes, word clouds, and his Twitter timeline. Additionally, The Daily Show’s host Trevor Noah hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in NYC while correspondents from the show gave press and famous friends tours. To reach fans who were unable to visit the library we also created a 360* virtual tour of the space at www.thedailyshow.com/trumplibrary CampaignDescription The creative idea came from constant conversation and uproar over President Trump’s tweeting. The president communicates so frequently (and erratically) on Twitter that former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, confirmed that his tweets were “official White House statements.” The Daily Show wanted to ensure that these tweets were connected in a deserving setting - a place where everyone could come to appreciate them, a tribute to the President and his historic 140-character works that would be experienced by the public via visual installations, exclusive videos, and hands on experiences (for hands of all sizes). The entertainment experience featured state-of-the-art visual installations and fully interactive, hands-on activations. There was plenty of space for visitors to move around, different types of technology to interact with (from the iPad nickname generators, “Verified Survivors” audio recordings, videos featuring The Daily Show commentators, and two types of create-your-own-tweet games), and informational plaques throughout.

    The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library

    案例简介:概要 自富兰克林 · D · 罗斯福以来,每一位总统都有幸获得了精心策划的纪念图书馆,纪念他作为自由世界领导人期间制作的具有历史价值的文件。继续这个神圣的传统,没有必要等他离开办公室, 《每日秀》以一种展示我们的总司令与公众交流的首选船只 -- 他的推特提要的方式来纪念我们的现任总统。因此,我们开始了创建 “每日秀礼物: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆” 的旅程,这是同类图书馆中的第一个。目标是建立一种身临其境的互动体验,让 @ realDonaldTrump 的推特在现实世界中栩栩如生,在日常节目中产生社交轰动,并巩固节目在拥挤人群中的地位深夜/讽刺新闻竞争集。 战略 该策略是针对政治参与的消费者和政治讽刺的粉丝来推动社交对话。这是通过深思熟虑的位置选择来实现的,确保所选择的城市会对激活的政治性质做出积极反应。在纽约,这种经历发生在离第五大道特朗普大厦一个街区的地方。需要广泛的研究来梳理成千上万条推特,建立分组,并选择最有趣的帖子。作为一个博物馆环境,我们确保激活不仅仅是通过实施额外的技术、布景、品牌大使、互动视频元素和每日秀独特的编辑视角来阅读推特。为了吸引粉丝并产生兴奋,主持人特雷弗 · 诺亚在《每日秀》以及他们的社交和数字渠道中推广了这种体验,同时利用了特雷弗独特的受欢迎程度, 讽刺了总统的社交媒体。 相关性 通过与特雷弗 · 诺亚一起制作的每日秀的艺术镜头,“每日秀呈现: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆” 是一种深思熟虑的品牌体验。巨大的讽刺活动是免费的,向公众开放。图书馆模仿一个真正的博物馆,敦促客人 “探索历史, 特朗普推文的科学和艺术 -- 从他最早试图用粗短的手指打电话到他成为我们时代杰出的社交媒体革命者。 “来自《每日秀》和《喜剧中心》背后的参与者,他们正在享受一种高度沉浸式的体验。 结果 纽约的盛大开幕非常受欢迎,以至于有 7 个多小时的等待来体验。为了容纳成千上万的等待者,我们延长了图书馆的开放时间,以确保尽可能多的人能够体验到激活 -- 然而我们仍然不得不把人们拒之门外。这种激活为《每日秀》带来了巨大的轰动,数百家新闻媒体前来报道图书馆并亲自体验。它还通过社交媒体在实地和社交媒体上产生了大量的互动,超过 480 个数字互动,336 个数字印象,在脸谱网、推特上有 43 个提到, 还有不到 48 小时的 Instagram《华盛顿邮报》称图书馆为 “轰动一时”, 《赫芬顿邮报》认为它是 “迄今为止对本届政府最令人印象深刻的讽刺”,《洛杉矶时报》称它在 “医疗和学术水平上发挥了作用。” 执行 图书馆通过这个空间变得栩栩如生。激活站促使消费者与显示器互动,并在社交媒体上发布体验。纽约和芝加哥的空间都是开放和原始的 -- 这是建造和安装我们的支持元素、展品和技术的完美环境。我们的设计团队利用每个城市的现有空间来加强图书馆的设计,建立像昵称生成器、保护特朗普纳税申报单的金库、椭圆形办公室这样的激活, 特朗普的实时推特订阅警报,混合了大型墙壁图形,包括推特、报价、文字云和他的推特时间表。此外,《每日秀》的主持人特雷弗 · 诺亚在纽约主持了剪彩仪式,同时该剧的记者给媒体和著名朋友参观。为了接触那些无法参观图书馆的粉丝,我们还在 www.thedailyshow.com/trumplibrary 创建了一个 360 * 的虚拟空间之旅 活动描述 这个创意来自不断的对话和对特朗普总统推特的骚动。总统在推特上交流如此频繁 (而且不稳定),以至于前白宫新闻秘书肖恩 · 斯派塞证实他的推特是 “白宫官方声明”。“每日秀希望确保这些推文是在一个值得的环境中联系在一起的 -- 一个每个人都可以欣赏它们的地方,一个向总统和他的历史性的 140 人物作品致敬的地方,这些作品将通过视觉装置、独家视频和体验体验 (适用于各种尺寸的手)。娱乐体验以最先进的视觉装置和完全互动的动手激活为特色。有足够的空间让游客四处走动,有不同类型的技术可以互动 (从 iPad 昵称生成器、 “经过验证的幸存者” 录音、以每日秀评论员为特色的视频, 和两种类型的创建自己的推文游戏),和信息斑块。

    The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library

    案例简介:Synopsis Every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been honored with a meticulously curated memorial library commemorating the documents of historical value crafted during his time as leader of the free world. Continuing this hallowed tradition, and seeing no need to wait for him to leave office, The Daily Show honored our current president in a way that would showcase our Commander in Chief’s preferred vessel for communicating with the public, his Twitter feed. And so, we embarked on a journey to create “The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library,” -the first of its kind. The goal was to build an immersive and interactive experience that brought @realDonaldTrump’s twitter feed to life in the real world to generate social buzz around The Daily Show and solidify the show’s standing within the crowded late-night/satirical news competitive set. Strategy The strategy was to target politically engaged consumers and fans of political satire to drive social conversation. This was accomplished through thoughtful location choices, ensuring that the cities chosen would respond positively to the politically-charged nature of the activation. In New York, the experience took place literally one block from Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. Extensive research was required to comb through thousands of tweets, establish groupings, and select the most entertaining posts. As a museum environment, we ensured the activation was more than just reading tweets through the implementation of additional technology, sets, brand ambassadors, interactive video elements, and The Daily Show’s unique editorial perspective. To engage fans and generate excitement, host, Trevor Noah promoted the experience in episodes of The Daily Show as well as their social and digital channels while capitalizing on the popularity of Trevor's distinct, satirical take on the president’s social media presence. Relevancy Crafted through the artistic lens of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, “The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library” is a thoughtfully executed brand experience brought to life. The monumental satirical activation was free and open to the public. Mimicking a bonafide museum, the library urges guests to “explore the history, science and art of Trump's tweets - from his earliest attempts to put stubby fingers to phone to his emergence as our era's preeminent social media revolutionary.” Coming from those behind The Daily Show and Comedy Central, attendees were in for a highly immersive experience. Outcome The grand opening in NYC was so popular that there was a 7+ hour wait to enter the experience. To accommodate the thousands of people waiting, we extended the hours the library was open to ensure as many people as possible could experience the activation -- and yet we still had to turn people away. The activation generated massive buzz for The Daily Show with hundreds of press outlets coming to cover the library and experience it themselves. It also generated substantial engagement on the ground and via social media with over 480K digital engagements, 336M digital impressions, and 43K mentions across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in less than 48 hours. The Washington Post called the library a “smash hit”, The Huffington Post deemed it “the most impressive satire of the current administration to date” and The Los Angeles Times said it worked on “both a medic and scholarly level.” Execution The library was brought to life through the space. Activation stations motivated consumers to interact with the displays and post about the experience on social media. Both the New York and Chicago spaces, were open and raw - the perfect environment to build and install our supporting elements, exhibits, and technologies. Our design team utilized the existing space in each city to enhance the library’s design, building activations like the Nickname Generator, a vault guarding Trump’s tax returns, The Oval Office, and Trump’s Live Twitter Feed alarm, mixed with large scale wall graphics featuring tweets, quotes, word clouds, and his Twitter timeline. Additionally, The Daily Show’s host Trevor Noah hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in NYC while correspondents from the show gave press and famous friends tours. To reach fans who were unable to visit the library we also created a 360* virtual tour of the space at www.thedailyshow.com/trumplibrary CampaignDescription The creative idea came from constant conversation and uproar over President Trump’s tweeting. The president communicates so frequently (and erratically) on Twitter that former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, confirmed that his tweets were “official White House statements.” The Daily Show wanted to ensure that these tweets were connected in a deserving setting - a place where everyone could come to appreciate them, a tribute to the President and his historic 140-character works that would be experienced by the public via visual installations, exclusive videos, and hands on experiences (for hands of all sizes). The entertainment experience featured state-of-the-art visual installations and fully interactive, hands-on activations. There was plenty of space for visitors to move around, different types of technology to interact with (from the iPad nickname generators, “Verified Survivors” audio recordings, videos featuring The Daily Show commentators, and two types of create-your-own-tweet games), and informational plaques throughout.

    每日秀礼物: 唐纳德 · 特朗普总统推特图书馆


    The Daily Show Presents: The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library










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