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    Missing Type短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:在过去的 10 年里,献血者登记数量下降了惊人的 40%,数千人的生命处于危险之中。 为了引起人们对我们迫切缺少 A 、 B 和 O 型血液的关注,我们决定想象这个问题。 所以我们让信件从社会上消失了。 出版物、机构、品牌和名人通过参与进来发出了强有力的行动呼吁,引发了一场前所未有的社交媒体运动。 最重要的是,10 天内有 30,000 多名新捐助者登记,挽救或改善了多达 100,000 人的生命。 执行 挑逗阶段 (03/06/2015-04/06/2015) 许多合作伙伴品牌在物理世界中失去了他们的类型。捕获了中断的图像并用作媒体报道的抵押品。他们还通过品牌的社交渠道以及 Gemma Styles 等有影响力的人的神秘推特分享。揭示阶段 (05/06/2015-07/06/2015) NHS 血液和移植揭示了 # MissingType 作为行动的呼吁,而媒体关系闪电战确保了每个主要的国家印刷、广播和在线来源的报道。几个小时内,# MissingType 就像病毒一样传播开来,并促使周末的网络流量增加了 1000%,因为人们上网注册捐赠。全国血液周 (08/06/2015-14/06/2015) 势头增强,覆盖范围扩大到国家电视和广播。随着运动的发展,品牌、机构、名人和公众聚集在一起支持这项事业,从社交媒体上删除信件,并创建定制内容与追随者分享。 概要 全国血液周是国民保健系统血液和移植日历的关键日期。2015 年,迫切需要招募新一代献血者,因为在过去十年中,登记人数骤降了惊人的 40%。需要开展一场破坏性的运动,在国家一级引发对话和行为改变 -- 建立登记,而不仅仅是提高认识。献血需要重新列入公众议程。虽然所有注册对国民保健制度都有价值,但 17-24 岁的人是主要的招募目标,国家新闻报道和社交媒体对推动在线捐助者注册至关重要。上一次全国血液周产生了 10,000 多名新的捐赠者 -- 这是成功的基准。 战略 在有限的预算下,我们决定使用舞台合作伙伴内容来触发整个社交媒体的有机多米诺骨牌效应。许多病毒式的运动未能点燃,因为这个问题和行动呼吁没有在目标受众的心态中正确确立。强硬的新闻报道,加上知名品牌的社交媒体内容,对成功建立势头至关重要。因此,我们接触了知名品牌和组织 -- Odeon, o2 甚至唐宁街 -- 通过一系列上演的活动来帮助播种失踪类型的想法,这些活动既能激起公众的兴趣,又能为我们的公关团队提供新闻和社交内容国家新闻。创造性想法的简单性反映在激活的成功中: 创造期望的中断、信息传递和行动需要最少的努力, 让成千上万的个人和品牌很容易加入这项运动。 活动描述 我们需要一个真正具有破坏性的想法,但同时产生一种民族利他主义的感觉。因此,我们让血型 -- A 、 O 和 B -- 的信件从社会中消失,以想象献血的下降,并发出强有力的行动呼吁。我们的目标是创建一个简单的包容性运动,任何人,从个人到全球品牌,可以从物理和商业空间、出版物、徽标和社交媒体档案中删除信件,让信息易于理解、模仿和共享。通过利用现有资产,我们将以客户最低的成本和参与者的努力获得最大的影响。 结果 # Missing Type 被证明是一个强有力的发自内心的提醒,提醒社会有多需要这些简单的字母,它成为成千上万人的催化剂,而不仅仅是放弃他们的类型, 但是登记献血的人数创纪录: 在头 10 天就有 30,000 多名捐赠者登记。据估计,这将节省或者改善 100,000 人的生活。来自 1000 多个品牌的超过 2 亿的有机参与的总数增加了 1000%,这是有史以来最成功的全国血液周活动。 114 在竞选期间登记的 17-24 岁的捐赠者 600 件赢得的新闻报道 战略 在预算有限的情况下,我们决定使用分期合作伙伴内容来触发整个社交媒体的有机多米诺骨牌效应。许多病毒式的运动未能点燃,因为问题和行动呼吁在目标受众的心态中没有得到正确的确立。强硬的新闻报道,结合知名品牌的社交媒体内容对成功建立势头至关重要。因此,我们接触了知名品牌和组织 -- Odeon, o2 甚至唐宁街 -- 通过一系列上演的活动来帮助播种失踪类型的想法,这些活动既能激起公众的兴趣,又能为我们的公关团队提供新闻和社交内容国家新闻。创造性想法的简单性反映在激活的成功中: 创造期望的中断、信息传递和行动需要最少的努力, 让成千上万的个人和品牌很容易加入这项运动。 概要 全国血液周是国民保健系统血液和移植日历的关键日期。2015 年,迫切需要招募新一代捐助者,因为在过去十年中,登记人数骤降了惊人的 40%。需要开展一场破坏性的运动,在国家一级引发对话和行为改变 -- 建立登记,而不仅仅是提高认识。献血需要重新列入公众议程。虽然所有注册对国民保健制度都有价值,但 17-24 岁的人是主要的招募目标,国家新闻报道和社交媒体对推动在线捐助者注册至关重要。上一个国家血液周产生了 10,000 个新的捐助者 -- 这是成功的基准。 执行 挑逗阶段 (03/06/2015-04/06/2015) 许多合作伙伴品牌在物理世界中失去了他们的类型。捕获了中断的图像,并用作媒体报道的抵押品。他们还通过品牌的社交渠道以及 Gemma Styles 等有影响力的人的神秘推特分享。披露阶段 (05/06/2015-07/06/2015) NHS 血液和移植披露 # MissingType 作为行动呼吁,而媒体关系闪电战确保了覆盖全国每个主要印刷、广播和在线来源。几个小时内,# MissingType 就像病毒一样传播开来,并促使周末的网络流量增加了 1000%,因为人们上网注册捐赠。全国血液周 (08/06/2015-14/06/2015) 势头增强,覆盖范围扩大到国家电视和广播。随着运动的发展,品牌、机构、名人和公众团结起来支持这项事业,从社交媒体上删除信件,并创建定制内容与追随者分享。 结果 # MissingType 被证明是一个强有力的发自内心的提醒,提醒社会有多需要这些简单的字母,# MissingType 成为成千上万人的催化剂,而不仅仅是放弃他们的类型, 但登记以创纪录的数字献血。他们从 # Missing Type 捐赠中心分享的内容揭开了献血过程的神秘面纱,使其成为一件 “酷” 的事情。与此同时,品牌的强大影响力和影响力帮助放大了这一信息。在最初的 10 天里,超过 30,000 个捐赠者注册。…… 拯救或改善了超过 100,000 人的生命。超过 1000 个品牌访问 give blood 网站的总参与度增加了 1000%每天,218,114 名 17-24 岁的捐赠者在竞选活动中登记,600 件获得的新闻报道,14 件在国家电视上的报道,29 件在国家电台上的报道,有记录以来最成功的国家血液周运动 活动描述 我们需要一个真正具有破坏性的想法,但同时产生一种民族利他主义的感觉。因此,我们让血型 -- A 、 O 和 B -- 的信件从社会中消失,以想象献血的下降,并发出强有力的行动呼吁。我们的目标是创建一个简单的包容性运动,任何人,从个人到全球品牌,可以从物理和商业空间、出版物、徽标和社交媒体档案中删除信件,以显示他们对这项事业的支持,从而使信息易于理解, 模仿和分享。通过利用现有资产,我们将以客户最低的成本和参与者的努力获得最大的影响。


    案例简介:Over the last 10 years there’s been a staggering 40% drop in blood donor registrations, putting thousands of lives at risk. To draw attention to the fact that we’re urgently missing blood types A, B and O, we decided to visualise the issue. So we made the letters disappear from society. Publications, institutions, brands and celebrities created a powerful call to action by getting involved, triggering an unprecedented social media movement. Most importantly, over 30,000 new donors registered in 10 days, saving or improving up to 100,000 lives. Execution Teaser phase (03/06/2015 - 04/06/2015)A number of partner brands lost their type in the physical world. Images of the disruption were captured and used as collateral for media coverage. They were also shared via the brands’ social channels alongside cryptic tweets from influencers such as Gemma Styles.Reveal phase (05/06/2015 – 07/06/2015)NHS Blood and Transplant revealed #MissingType as a call to action, while a media relations blitz ensured coverage appeared across every major national print, broadcast and online source. Within hours #MissingType went viral and prompted a 1000% increase in web traffic over the weekend as people went online to register to donate.National Blood Week (08/06/2015 – 14/06/2015)Momentum build, and coverage spread to National TV and Radio. As the movement grew, brands, institutions, celebrities and the public rallied to support the cause, removing letters from social media and creating bespoke content to share with their followers. Synopsis National Blood Week is a key date in NHS Blood and Transplant’s calendar. In 2015 there was an urgent need to recruit a new generation of blood donors, as registrations had plummeted a staggering 40% in the past decade. A disruptive campaign was required to spark conversation and initiate behaviour change on a national level – creating registrations, not just raising awareness. Blood donation needed to be put back on the public agenda. While all registrations are valuable to the NHS, 17-24 year olds were the primary recruitment target, with national press coverage and social media critical to driving online donor registration.The previous National Blood Week generated over 10,000 new donors – this was the benchmark for success. Strategy With limited budget, we decided to use staged partner content to trigger an organic, domino-effect across social media. Many viral campaigns fail to ignite because the issue and call to action are not properly established in the target audience’s mindset. Hard-hitting news coverage, combined with social media content from well-known brands would be critical to successfully building momentum. We therefore approached high-profile brands and organisations—Odeon, O2 and even Downing Street—to help seed the idea of Missing Type with a series of staged activities that would both stir public intrigue and provide news and social content for our PR team to sell into the National press. The simplicity of the creative idea was reflected in the success of the activation: minimal effort was required to create the desired disruption, message delivery and action, making it easy for thousands of individuals and brands to join the movement. Campaign Description We needed an idea that could be really disruptive, but at the same time generate a sense of national altruism.So we made the letters of the blood groups—A, O and B—disappear from society to visualise the fall in blood donation and create a powerful call to action.Our ambition was to create a simple inclusive movement where anyone, from individuals to global brands, could remove the letters from physical and commercial spaces, publications, logos and social media profiles, allowing the message to be easily understood, imitated and shared. By piggybacking existing assets, we would gain maximum impact with minimum cost for the client, and effort from participants. Outcome Proving to be a strong visceral reminder of how much society needs those simple letters, #Missing Type became a catalyst for tens of thousands of people not just dropping their type, but registering to donate blood in record numbers: Over 30,000 donor registrations in the first 10 days.It is estimated that this will save or improve over 100,000 lives.A total reach of over 2 billionOrganic participation from over 1000 brandsVisits to the give blood website increased by 1000% by day 2The most successful National Blood Week Campaign on record18,114 17-24 year old donors registered during the campaignOver 600 pieces of earned news coverage14 items on National Television29 items on National Radio Strategy With limited budget, we decided to use staged partner content to trigger an organic, domino-effect across social media. Many viral campaigns fail to ignite because the issue and call to action are not properly established in the target audience’s mind-set. Hard-hitting news coverage, combined with social media content from well-known brands would be critical to successfully building momentum. We therefore approached high-profile brands and organisations—Odeon, O2 and even Downing Street—to help seed the idea of Missing Type with a series of staged activities that would both stir public intrigue and provide news and social content for our PR team to sell into the National press. The simplicity of the creative idea was reflected in the success of the activation: minimal effort was required to create the desired disruption, message delivery and action, making it easy for thousands of individuals and brands to join the movement. Synopsis National Blood Week is a key date in NHS Blood and Transplant’s calendar. In 2015 there was an urgent need to recruit a new generation of donors, as registrations had plummeted a staggering 40% in the past decade. A disruptive campaign was required to spark conversation and initiate behaviour change on a national level – creating registrations, not just raising awareness. Blood donation needed to be put back on the public agenda. While all registrations are valuable to the NHS, 17-24 year olds were the primary recruitment target, with national press coverage and social media critical to driving online donor registration.The previous National Blood Week generated 10,000 new donors – this was the benchmark for success. Execution Teaser phase (03/06/2015 - 04/06/2015)A number of partner brands lost their type in the physical world. Images of the disruption were captured and used as collateral for media coverage. They were also shared via the brands’ social channels alongside cryptic tweets from influencers such as Gemma Styles.Reveal phase (05/06/2015 – 07/06/2015)NHS Blood and Transplant revealed #MissingType as a call to action, while a media relations blitz ensured coverage appeared across every major national print, broadcast and online source. Within hours #MissingType went viral and prompted a 1000% increase in web traffic over the weekend as people went online to register to donate.National Blood Week (08/06/2015 – 14/06/2015)Momentum build, and coverage spread to National TV and Radio. As the movement grew, brands, institutions, celebrities and the public rallied to support the cause, removing letters from social media and creating bespoke content to share with their followers. Outcome Proving to be a strong visceral reminder of how much society needs those simple letters, #MissingType became a catalyst for tens of thousands of people not just dropping their type, but registering to donate blood in record numbers. The content they shared from donor centres under #Missing Type demystified the blood donation process, making it a ‘cool’ thing to do. Meanwhile the powerful reach and influence of brands helped amplify the message. Over 30,000 donor registrations in the first 10 days.…saving or improving over 100,000 lives.A total reach of over 2 billionOrganic participation from over 1000 brandsVisits to the give blood website increased by 1000% by day 218,114 17-24 year old donors registered during the campaignOver 600 pieces of earned news coverage14 items on National Television29 items on National RadioThe most successful National Blood Week Campaign on record Campaign Description We needed an idea that could be really disruptive, but at the same time generate a sense of national altruism.So we made the letters of the blood groups—A, O and B—disappear from society to visualise the fall in blood donation and create a powerful call to action.Our ambition was to create a simple inclusive movement where anyone, from individuals to global brands, could remove the letters from physical and commercial spaces, publications, logos and social media profiles to show their support for the cause, allowing the message to be easily understood, imitated and shared. By piggybacking existing assets, we would gain maximum impact with minimum cost for the client, and effort from participants.

    Missing Type

    案例简介:在过去的 10 年里,献血者登记数量下降了惊人的 40%,数千人的生命处于危险之中。 为了引起人们对我们迫切缺少 A 、 B 和 O 型血液的关注,我们决定想象这个问题。 所以我们让信件从社会上消失了。 出版物、机构、品牌和名人通过参与进来发出了强有力的行动呼吁,引发了一场前所未有的社交媒体运动。 最重要的是,10 天内有 30,000 多名新捐助者登记,挽救或改善了多达 100,000 人的生命。 执行 挑逗阶段 (03/06/2015-04/06/2015) 许多合作伙伴品牌在物理世界中失去了他们的类型。捕获了中断的图像并用作媒体报道的抵押品。他们还通过品牌的社交渠道以及 Gemma Styles 等有影响力的人的神秘推特分享。揭示阶段 (05/06/2015-07/06/2015) NHS 血液和移植揭示了 # MissingType 作为行动的呼吁,而媒体关系闪电战确保了每个主要的国家印刷、广播和在线来源的报道。几个小时内,# MissingType 就像病毒一样传播开来,并促使周末的网络流量增加了 1000%,因为人们上网注册捐赠。全国血液周 (08/06/2015-14/06/2015) 势头增强,覆盖范围扩大到国家电视和广播。随着运动的发展,品牌、机构、名人和公众聚集在一起支持这项事业,从社交媒体上删除信件,并创建定制内容与追随者分享。 概要 全国血液周是国民保健系统血液和移植日历的关键日期。2015 年,迫切需要招募新一代献血者,因为在过去十年中,登记人数骤降了惊人的 40%。需要开展一场破坏性的运动,在国家一级引发对话和行为改变 -- 建立登记,而不仅仅是提高认识。献血需要重新列入公众议程。虽然所有注册对国民保健制度都有价值,但 17-24 岁的人是主要的招募目标,国家新闻报道和社交媒体对推动在线捐助者注册至关重要。上一次全国血液周产生了 10,000 多名新的捐赠者 -- 这是成功的基准。 战略 在有限的预算下,我们决定使用舞台合作伙伴内容来触发整个社交媒体的有机多米诺骨牌效应。许多病毒式的运动未能点燃,因为这个问题和行动呼吁没有在目标受众的心态中正确确立。强硬的新闻报道,加上知名品牌的社交媒体内容,对成功建立势头至关重要。因此,我们接触了知名品牌和组织 -- Odeon, o2 甚至唐宁街 -- 通过一系列上演的活动来帮助播种失踪类型的想法,这些活动既能激起公众的兴趣,又能为我们的公关团队提供新闻和社交内容国家新闻。创造性想法的简单性反映在激活的成功中: 创造期望的中断、信息传递和行动需要最少的努力, 让成千上万的个人和品牌很容易加入这项运动。 活动描述 我们需要一个真正具有破坏性的想法,但同时产生一种民族利他主义的感觉。因此,我们让血型 -- A 、 O 和 B -- 的信件从社会中消失,以想象献血的下降,并发出强有力的行动呼吁。我们的目标是创建一个简单的包容性运动,任何人,从个人到全球品牌,可以从物理和商业空间、出版物、徽标和社交媒体档案中删除信件,让信息易于理解、模仿和共享。通过利用现有资产,我们将以客户最低的成本和参与者的努力获得最大的影响。 结果 # Missing Type 被证明是一个强有力的发自内心的提醒,提醒社会有多需要这些简单的字母,它成为成千上万人的催化剂,而不仅仅是放弃他们的类型, 但是登记献血的人数创纪录: 在头 10 天就有 30,000 多名捐赠者登记。据估计,这将节省或者改善 100,000 人的生活。来自 1000 多个品牌的超过 2 亿的有机参与的总数增加了 1000%,这是有史以来最成功的全国血液周活动。 114 在竞选期间登记的 17-24 岁的捐赠者 600 件赢得的新闻报道 战略 在预算有限的情况下,我们决定使用分期合作伙伴内容来触发整个社交媒体的有机多米诺骨牌效应。许多病毒式的运动未能点燃,因为问题和行动呼吁在目标受众的心态中没有得到正确的确立。强硬的新闻报道,结合知名品牌的社交媒体内容对成功建立势头至关重要。因此,我们接触了知名品牌和组织 -- Odeon, o2 甚至唐宁街 -- 通过一系列上演的活动来帮助播种失踪类型的想法,这些活动既能激起公众的兴趣,又能为我们的公关团队提供新闻和社交内容国家新闻。创造性想法的简单性反映在激活的成功中: 创造期望的中断、信息传递和行动需要最少的努力, 让成千上万的个人和品牌很容易加入这项运动。 概要 全国血液周是国民保健系统血液和移植日历的关键日期。2015 年,迫切需要招募新一代捐助者,因为在过去十年中,登记人数骤降了惊人的 40%。需要开展一场破坏性的运动,在国家一级引发对话和行为改变 -- 建立登记,而不仅仅是提高认识。献血需要重新列入公众议程。虽然所有注册对国民保健制度都有价值,但 17-24 岁的人是主要的招募目标,国家新闻报道和社交媒体对推动在线捐助者注册至关重要。上一个国家血液周产生了 10,000 个新的捐助者 -- 这是成功的基准。 执行 挑逗阶段 (03/06/2015-04/06/2015) 许多合作伙伴品牌在物理世界中失去了他们的类型。捕获了中断的图像,并用作媒体报道的抵押品。他们还通过品牌的社交渠道以及 Gemma Styles 等有影响力的人的神秘推特分享。披露阶段 (05/06/2015-07/06/2015) NHS 血液和移植披露 # MissingType 作为行动呼吁,而媒体关系闪电战确保了覆盖全国每个主要印刷、广播和在线来源。几个小时内,# MissingType 就像病毒一样传播开来,并促使周末的网络流量增加了 1000%,因为人们上网注册捐赠。全国血液周 (08/06/2015-14/06/2015) 势头增强,覆盖范围扩大到国家电视和广播。随着运动的发展,品牌、机构、名人和公众团结起来支持这项事业,从社交媒体上删除信件,并创建定制内容与追随者分享。 结果 # MissingType 被证明是一个强有力的发自内心的提醒,提醒社会有多需要这些简单的字母,# MissingType 成为成千上万人的催化剂,而不仅仅是放弃他们的类型, 但登记以创纪录的数字献血。他们从 # Missing Type 捐赠中心分享的内容揭开了献血过程的神秘面纱,使其成为一件 “酷” 的事情。与此同时,品牌的强大影响力和影响力帮助放大了这一信息。在最初的 10 天里,超过 30,000 个捐赠者注册。…… 拯救或改善了超过 100,000 人的生命。超过 1000 个品牌访问 give blood 网站的总参与度增加了 1000%每天,218,114 名 17-24 岁的捐赠者在竞选活动中登记,600 件获得的新闻报道,14 件在国家电视上的报道,29 件在国家电台上的报道,有记录以来最成功的国家血液周运动 活动描述 我们需要一个真正具有破坏性的想法,但同时产生一种民族利他主义的感觉。因此,我们让血型 -- A 、 O 和 B -- 的信件从社会中消失,以想象献血的下降,并发出强有力的行动呼吁。我们的目标是创建一个简单的包容性运动,任何人,从个人到全球品牌,可以从物理和商业空间、出版物、徽标和社交媒体档案中删除信件,以显示他们对这项事业的支持,从而使信息易于理解, 模仿和分享。通过利用现有资产,我们将以客户最低的成本和参与者的努力获得最大的影响。

    Missing Type

    案例简介:Over the last 10 years there’s been a staggering 40% drop in blood donor registrations, putting thousands of lives at risk. To draw attention to the fact that we’re urgently missing blood types A, B and O, we decided to visualise the issue. So we made the letters disappear from society. Publications, institutions, brands and celebrities created a powerful call to action by getting involved, triggering an unprecedented social media movement. Most importantly, over 30,000 new donors registered in 10 days, saving or improving up to 100,000 lives. Execution Teaser phase (03/06/2015 - 04/06/2015)A number of partner brands lost their type in the physical world. Images of the disruption were captured and used as collateral for media coverage. They were also shared via the brands’ social channels alongside cryptic tweets from influencers such as Gemma Styles.Reveal phase (05/06/2015 – 07/06/2015)NHS Blood and Transplant revealed #MissingType as a call to action, while a media relations blitz ensured coverage appeared across every major national print, broadcast and online source. Within hours #MissingType went viral and prompted a 1000% increase in web traffic over the weekend as people went online to register to donate.National Blood Week (08/06/2015 – 14/06/2015)Momentum build, and coverage spread to National TV and Radio. As the movement grew, brands, institutions, celebrities and the public rallied to support the cause, removing letters from social media and creating bespoke content to share with their followers. Synopsis National Blood Week is a key date in NHS Blood and Transplant’s calendar. In 2015 there was an urgent need to recruit a new generation of blood donors, as registrations had plummeted a staggering 40% in the past decade. A disruptive campaign was required to spark conversation and initiate behaviour change on a national level – creating registrations, not just raising awareness. Blood donation needed to be put back on the public agenda. While all registrations are valuable to the NHS, 17-24 year olds were the primary recruitment target, with national press coverage and social media critical to driving online donor registration.The previous National Blood Week generated over 10,000 new donors – this was the benchmark for success. Strategy With limited budget, we decided to use staged partner content to trigger an organic, domino-effect across social media. Many viral campaigns fail to ignite because the issue and call to action are not properly established in the target audience’s mindset. Hard-hitting news coverage, combined with social media content from well-known brands would be critical to successfully building momentum. We therefore approached high-profile brands and organisations—Odeon, O2 and even Downing Street—to help seed the idea of Missing Type with a series of staged activities that would both stir public intrigue and provide news and social content for our PR team to sell into the National press. The simplicity of the creative idea was reflected in the success of the activation: minimal effort was required to create the desired disruption, message delivery and action, making it easy for thousands of individuals and brands to join the movement. Campaign Description We needed an idea that could be really disruptive, but at the same time generate a sense of national altruism.So we made the letters of the blood groups—A, O and B—disappear from society to visualise the fall in blood donation and create a powerful call to action.Our ambition was to create a simple inclusive movement where anyone, from individuals to global brands, could remove the letters from physical and commercial spaces, publications, logos and social media profiles, allowing the message to be easily understood, imitated and shared. By piggybacking existing assets, we would gain maximum impact with minimum cost for the client, and effort from participants. Outcome Proving to be a strong visceral reminder of how much society needs those simple letters, #Missing Type became a catalyst for tens of thousands of people not just dropping their type, but registering to donate blood in record numbers: Over 30,000 donor registrations in the first 10 days.It is estimated that this will save or improve over 100,000 lives.A total reach of over 2 billionOrganic participation from over 1000 brandsVisits to the give blood website increased by 1000% by day 2The most successful National Blood Week Campaign on record18,114 17-24 year old donors registered during the campaignOver 600 pieces of earned news coverage14 items on National Television29 items on National Radio Strategy With limited budget, we decided to use staged partner content to trigger an organic, domino-effect across social media. Many viral campaigns fail to ignite because the issue and call to action are not properly established in the target audience’s mind-set. Hard-hitting news coverage, combined with social media content from well-known brands would be critical to successfully building momentum. We therefore approached high-profile brands and organisations—Odeon, O2 and even Downing Street—to help seed the idea of Missing Type with a series of staged activities that would both stir public intrigue and provide news and social content for our PR team to sell into the National press. The simplicity of the creative idea was reflected in the success of the activation: minimal effort was required to create the desired disruption, message delivery and action, making it easy for thousands of individuals and brands to join the movement. Synopsis National Blood Week is a key date in NHS Blood and Transplant’s calendar. In 2015 there was an urgent need to recruit a new generation of donors, as registrations had plummeted a staggering 40% in the past decade. A disruptive campaign was required to spark conversation and initiate behaviour change on a national level – creating registrations, not just raising awareness. Blood donation needed to be put back on the public agenda. While all registrations are valuable to the NHS, 17-24 year olds were the primary recruitment target, with national press coverage and social media critical to driving online donor registration.The previous National Blood Week generated 10,000 new donors – this was the benchmark for success. Execution Teaser phase (03/06/2015 - 04/06/2015)A number of partner brands lost their type in the physical world. Images of the disruption were captured and used as collateral for media coverage. They were also shared via the brands’ social channels alongside cryptic tweets from influencers such as Gemma Styles.Reveal phase (05/06/2015 – 07/06/2015)NHS Blood and Transplant revealed #MissingType as a call to action, while a media relations blitz ensured coverage appeared across every major national print, broadcast and online source. Within hours #MissingType went viral and prompted a 1000% increase in web traffic over the weekend as people went online to register to donate.National Blood Week (08/06/2015 – 14/06/2015)Momentum build, and coverage spread to National TV and Radio. As the movement grew, brands, institutions, celebrities and the public rallied to support the cause, removing letters from social media and creating bespoke content to share with their followers. Outcome Proving to be a strong visceral reminder of how much society needs those simple letters, #MissingType became a catalyst for tens of thousands of people not just dropping their type, but registering to donate blood in record numbers. The content they shared from donor centres under #Missing Type demystified the blood donation process, making it a ‘cool’ thing to do. Meanwhile the powerful reach and influence of brands helped amplify the message. Over 30,000 donor registrations in the first 10 days.…saving or improving over 100,000 lives.A total reach of over 2 billionOrganic participation from over 1000 brandsVisits to the give blood website increased by 1000% by day 218,114 17-24 year old donors registered during the campaignOver 600 pieces of earned news coverage14 items on National Television29 items on National RadioThe most successful National Blood Week Campaign on record Campaign Description We needed an idea that could be really disruptive, but at the same time generate a sense of national altruism.So we made the letters of the blood groups—A, O and B—disappear from society to visualise the fall in blood donation and create a powerful call to action.Our ambition was to create a simple inclusive movement where anyone, from individuals to global brands, could remove the letters from physical and commercial spaces, publications, logos and social media profiles to show their support for the cause, allowing the message to be easily understood, imitated and shared. By piggybacking existing assets, we would gain maximum impact with minimum cost for the client, and effort from participants.



    Missing Type





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