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    卫生棉条书 | The Tampon Book: a book against tax discrimination海报/平面广告营销案例



    案例简介:背景 鱼子酱、松露甚至油画 -- 在德国,许多奢侈品的税率只有 7%,而卫生棉和其他女性卫生用品的最高增值税税率为 19%。所谓的卫生棉条税近年来引发了国际抗议,已经在加拿大、肯尼亚等国家甚至美国一些州被废除。然而,在德国,卫生棉仍被征税,因为奢侈品和政治家拒绝采取行动。这家销售有机女性卫生用品的网上商店女性公司希望在反对卫生棉条税的女权运动中处于领先地位。 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 我们把卫生棉包装在一本书里,因此以 7% 的较低税率出售。换句话说: 我们用法律本身胜过法律。但是卫生棉条书不仅仅是一个入侵德国税收系统的智能包装。卫生棉条书有 45 页,有大胆的插图和关于月经、禁忌和女权主义的赋权故事,并宣传了一份请愿书,敦促德国议会讨论废除卫生棉条税。 描述执行情况 (40% 的选票) 这种包装应该使产品更便宜-而不是更贵。所以我们将其减少到最大值,但同时坚持最高的可持续性标准-就像它包含的 15 个有机卫生棉条一样。卫生棉条书印在回收纸上,有 45 页,根据德国法律,这是有资格成为一本书的最低页数。它以黑白打印,在选定的页面上有红色亮点。它由Ana cubelo以大胆而不妥协的风格进行说明,描绘了女性,男性和非二进制人物的真实身体类型。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 卫生棉条书的第一版一天就卖完了,第二版一周就卖完了。我们把这本书寄给了 100 名政治家和 100 名有影响力的人,他们中的许多人在社交媒体上免费分享了我们的故事。我们在Youtube、Facebook和最重要的Instagram上的预告片被浏览了 1050万多次 -- 媒体预算绝对为零。主流媒体,如德国最大的两个电视网络RTL和Pro7/Sat1,报道了这个故事,国家报纸如柏林日报,几乎所有德语女权主义者的博客都在卫生棉条书上报道。两周内,媒体压力迫使几个反对党的政治家做出反应,邀请女性公司的创始人联手。我们的请愿书得到了必要的 150,000 个签名,以敦促德国议会讨论废除卫生棉条税。

    案例简介:Background Caviar, Truffles and even oil paintings – in Germany many luxury goods are taxed with the reduced rate of only 7 percent while tampons and other female sanitary products attract the top value added tax rate of 19 percent. The so-called tampon tax provoked international protests in recent years and has already been abolished in countries like Canada and Kenya and even some US-States. However, in Germany, tampons are still taxed as luxury goods and politicians refused to act. The Female Company, an online shop which sells organic female sanitary products wanted to take the lead in the feminist movement against the tampon tax. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) We packaged tampons in a book and, thus, sold them with the lower tax rate of seven percent. In other words: We outsmarted the law with the law itself. But The Tampon Book is much more than a smart packaging that hacked the German tax system. The Tampon Book contains 45 pages with bold illustrations and empowering stories about menstruation, taboo and feminism and promotes a petition which urges the German parliament to discuss the abolition of the tampon tax. Describe the execution (40% of vote) This packaging was supposed to make the product cheaper – not more expensive. So we reduced it to the max, but at the same time adhered to highest sustainability standards – just like the 15 organic tampons it contains. The Tampon Book is printed on recycling paper and has 45 pages, which is the minimum number of pages to qualify as a book according to German law. It is printed in black and white with red highlights on selected pages. It was illustrated by Ana Cuberlo in a bold and uncompromising style, depicting women, men and non-binary characters with real body types. List the results (20% of vote) The first edition of The Tampon Book sold out in a day, the second edition in a week. We sent the book to 100 politicians and 100 influencers, many of whom shared our story on social media for absolutely free. Our trailer film on Youtube, Facebook and, most importantly, Instagram was viewed more than 10.5 million times – with a media budget of absolutely zero. Mainstream media, like Germany’s two largest TV Networks RTL and Pro7/Sat1 picked up the story, national newspapers like Berliner Zeitung and virtually every feminist blog in the German language reported on The Tampon Book. Within two weeks, the media pressure forced politicians from several oppositional parties to react and invite the founders of The Female Company to join forces. Our petition got the necessary 150,000 signatures to urge the German parliament to discuss the abolition of the tampon tax.

    卫生棉条书 | The Tampon Book: a book against tax discrimination

    案例简介:背景 鱼子酱、松露甚至油画 -- 在德国,许多奢侈品的税率只有 7%,而卫生棉和其他女性卫生用品的最高增值税税率为 19%。所谓的卫生棉条税近年来引发了国际抗议,已经在加拿大、肯尼亚等国家甚至美国一些州被废除。然而,在德国,卫生棉仍被征税,因为奢侈品和政治家拒绝采取行动。这家销售有机女性卫生用品的网上商店女性公司希望在反对卫生棉条税的女权运动中处于领先地位。 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 我们把卫生棉包装在一本书里,因此以 7% 的较低税率出售。换句话说: 我们用法律本身胜过法律。但是卫生棉条书不仅仅是一个入侵德国税收系统的智能包装。卫生棉条书有 45 页,有大胆的插图和关于月经、禁忌和女权主义的赋权故事,并宣传了一份请愿书,敦促德国议会讨论废除卫生棉条税。 描述执行情况 (40% 的选票) 这种包装应该使产品更便宜-而不是更贵。所以我们将其减少到最大值,但同时坚持最高的可持续性标准-就像它包含的 15 个有机卫生棉条一样。卫生棉条书印在回收纸上,有 45 页,根据德国法律,这是有资格成为一本书的最低页数。它以黑白打印,在选定的页面上有红色亮点。它由Ana cubelo以大胆而不妥协的风格进行说明,描绘了女性,男性和非二进制人物的真实身体类型。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 卫生棉条书的第一版一天就卖完了,第二版一周就卖完了。我们把这本书寄给了 100 名政治家和 100 名有影响力的人,他们中的许多人在社交媒体上免费分享了我们的故事。我们在Youtube、Facebook和最重要的Instagram上的预告片被浏览了 1050万多次 -- 媒体预算绝对为零。主流媒体,如德国最大的两个电视网络RTL和Pro7/Sat1,报道了这个故事,国家报纸如柏林日报,几乎所有德语女权主义者的博客都在卫生棉条书上报道。两周内,媒体压力迫使几个反对党的政治家做出反应,邀请女性公司的创始人联手。我们的请愿书得到了必要的 150,000 个签名,以敦促德国议会讨论废除卫生棉条税。

    卫生棉条书 | The Tampon Book: a book against tax discrimination

    案例简介:Background Caviar, Truffles and even oil paintings – in Germany many luxury goods are taxed with the reduced rate of only 7 percent while tampons and other female sanitary products attract the top value added tax rate of 19 percent. The so-called tampon tax provoked international protests in recent years and has already been abolished in countries like Canada and Kenya and even some US-States. However, in Germany, tampons are still taxed as luxury goods and politicians refused to act. The Female Company, an online shop which sells organic female sanitary products wanted to take the lead in the feminist movement against the tampon tax. Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) We packaged tampons in a book and, thus, sold them with the lower tax rate of seven percent. In other words: We outsmarted the law with the law itself. But The Tampon Book is much more than a smart packaging that hacked the German tax system. The Tampon Book contains 45 pages with bold illustrations and empowering stories about menstruation, taboo and feminism and promotes a petition which urges the German parliament to discuss the abolition of the tampon tax. Describe the execution (40% of vote) This packaging was supposed to make the product cheaper – not more expensive. So we reduced it to the max, but at the same time adhered to highest sustainability standards – just like the 15 organic tampons it contains. The Tampon Book is printed on recycling paper and has 45 pages, which is the minimum number of pages to qualify as a book according to German law. It is printed in black and white with red highlights on selected pages. It was illustrated by Ana Cuberlo in a bold and uncompromising style, depicting women, men and non-binary characters with real body types. List the results (20% of vote) The first edition of The Tampon Book sold out in a day, the second edition in a week. We sent the book to 100 politicians and 100 influencers, many of whom shared our story on social media for absolutely free. Our trailer film on Youtube, Facebook and, most importantly, Instagram was viewed more than 10.5 million times – with a media budget of absolutely zero. Mainstream media, like Germany’s two largest TV Networks RTL and Pro7/Sat1 picked up the story, national newspapers like Berliner Zeitung and virtually every feminist blog in the German language reported on The Tampon Book. Within two weeks, the media pressure forced politicians from several oppositional parties to react and invite the founders of The Female Company to join forces. Our petition got the necessary 150,000 signatures to urge the German parliament to discuss the abolition of the tampon tax.


    卫生棉条书 | The Tampon Book: a book against tax discrimination










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