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    Carsales AutoAds短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 Carsales.com.au 是澳大利亚最大的二手车在线分类广告。他们的挑战?澳大利亚的新车销量名列前茅。创纪录的低利率使得新车变得更加容易获得,因为澳大利亚人正在用他们辛苦赚来的钱升级到 “新车的气味”。事实上,在过去的三年里,每年新车销量都达到创纪录的高度,使澳大利亚成为世界上人均汽车市场最大的国家之一。毫不奇怪,全球汽车品牌继续在大型电视活动和更大的媒体预算上大手笔。你的日常乔试图卖掉他们的二手车没有机会。直到 carsales.com.au 决定用他们的大电视广告来对付那些大品牌,给每个二手车销售商他们自己的昂贵的感觉,个性化的汽车广告。 战略 销售汽车的过程既艰苦又令人沮丧。你创建了一个列表,添加了细节,拍了一些业余照片,然后希望能在其他二手车的海洋中找到。在过去的 20 年里,这个类别唯一的创新是你现在可以在网上做 -- 澳大利亚领先的在线汽车分类平台 carsales 做得非常好。最重要的是,随着汽车制造商的大预算广告活动和不断的零售交易,新车变得比以往任何时候都更有吸引力。虽然二手卖家显然无法满足他们的预算,但我们可以通过让事情变得更加个人化和娱乐化来帮助他们公平竞争。进入 carsales 的 AutoAds -- 一个定制的工具,让每个人都出售他们自己的个性化、昂贵的汽车广告。 相关性 AutoAds 与 Direct 相关,因为它是视频个性化的一个突破性例子。我们创建了一个平台,在这个平台上,任何试图出售二手车的人都会得到一个独一无二的、感觉昂贵的汽车广告。免费的。在像往常一样列出他们的车后,数据 (他们输入的关于他们心爱的二手车的信息) 被无缝地用来制作一个独特的电视广告。卖家收到一封电子邮件,其中包含五个他们可以在社交网站上与世界分享的个性化汽车广告。 结果 活动开始一周后,产生了 435,215 多个汽车广告。每天仍有超过 5,000 个自动广告在生成。在一个人口刚刚超过 2400万的国家,我们通过收入 (PR) 和付费媒体 (TV) 成功接触到了 1680万人。卡罗尔 · 史密斯为她的 2001 丰田卡罗拉的广告被播送到澳大利亚数百万间休息室。这一定是有史以来最深远的二手车广告! 执行 我们为每一个试图出售二手车的澳大利亚人制作了大型的、昂贵的、独一无二的汽车广告。每个广告都播放了一个经典的汽车广告主题: 冒险、豪华、城市、艰难和家庭。在这些独一无二的广告背后,是一系列定制的算法,这些算法刮掉了卖家填写的分类表格。当他们开始按键时,算法开始在后台工作,自动将输入到我们的视频制作平台。这些数据帮助生成了 5,000 多个音频和视频剪辑。每张照片,每一个可能的里程表读数,每一个卖家的名字,每一个价格变量都存储在一个巨大的库中,准备等待我们专门设计的技术实时生成下一个广告。其结果是一个元素库,可以无缝拼接,以创建 1.2万亿种可能的汽车广告组合。 活动描述 介绍,carsales 的 AutoAds,一个平台,任何试图出售二手车的人都会得到一个独一无二的、感觉昂贵的汽车广告。免费的。Carsales AutoAds 是一个基于云的广告生成平台,它使用汽车列表数据自动创建汽车广告。卖家不必动一根手指。他们所要做的就是像往常一样列出他们的车,这些数据 (他们输入的关于他们心爱的二手车的信息) 被无缝地用来制作一个独特的电视广告。上市后,卖家收到了一封电子邮件,其中包含五个个性化汽车广告。每一个都是基于陈词滥调的汽车商业类型。艰难,城市,冒险,家庭和奢华。AutoAds 平台能够产生 1.2万亿多种可能的组合,确保没有两个广告是相同的。


    案例简介:Synopsis carsales.com.au is Australia’s largest online classifieds for second-hand cars. Their challenge? New car sales in Australia are off the charts. Record low interest-rates have made new cars even more accessible as Australians are using their hard-earned savings to upgrade to that ‘new car smell’. In fact, every year for the last three years, new cars sales have hit record breaking heights, making Australia one of the biggest per capita car markets in the world. Not surprisingly, the global car brands continue to spend big with big TV campaigns and even bigger media budgets. Your everyday Joe trying to sell their second-hand car doesn’t stand a chance. That was until carsales.com.au decided to take on those big brands with their big TV ads, by giving every second-hand car seller their very own expensive-feeling, personalised car ad. Strategy The process of selling a car is as laborious and frustrating as it is difficult. You create a listing, add in the details, take some amateur photos and then hope to be found within a sea of other used cars. The only innovation in the category over the past 20 years was that you could now do it online – something carsales, Australia’s leading online car classified platform, did very well. On top of that, new cars were becoming more appealing than ever with car manufacturer’s big budget ad campaigns and constant retail deals. While second-hand sellers obviously couldn’t match their budgets, we could help them level the playing field by making things hugely more personal and entertaining. Enter carsales’ AutoAds – a custom built tool that gave everyone selling their car their very own personalised, expensive-feeling car ad. Relevancy AutoAds is relevant for Direct because it’s a breakthrough example of video personalisation. We created a platform where anyone trying to sell a second-hand car got a one-of-a-kind, expensive-feeling car ad. For free. After listing their car as they normally would, the data (the information they enter about their beloved second-hand car) was seamlessly used to create a unique TV ad. Sellers received an email with five personalised car ads they could share with the world on social. Outcome A week into the campaign, over 435,215 AutoAds were generated. Over 5,000 AutoAds are still being generated every day. In a country where the population is just over 24 million, we managed to reach 16.8 million people via earned (PR) and paid media (TV). And Carole Smith’s ad for her 2001 Toyota Corolla was beamed into a million lounge rooms across Australia. It must be the most far reaching second-hand car ad ever! Execution We created big, expensive feeling, one-of-a-kind car ads for every Australian trying to sell their second-hand car. Each ad played off a classic car ad theme: Adventure, Luxury, City, Tough and Family. And behind each of these one-of-a-kind ads was a series of bespoke algorithms that scraped the classified forms sellers were filling out. As they started tapping the keys, the algorithm started working in the background, automatically ingesting inputs into our video creation platform. The data helped generate over 5,000 audio and video clips. Every photo, every possible odometer reading, every sellers’ name, every price variable was stored in a huge library, ready and waiting for our purpose-built tech to generate the next ad in real time. The result was a library of elements that could be seamlessly stitched to create 1.2 trillion possible combinations of car ads. CampaignDescription Introducing, carsales’ AutoAds, a platform where anyone trying to sell a second-hand car got a one-of-a-kind, expensive-feeling car ad. For free. carsales AutoAds is a cloud-based ad generating platform that uses car listing data to automatically create a car ad. Sellers didn’t have to lift a finger. All they had to do was list their car as they normally would and the data (the information they enter about their beloved second-hand car) was seamlessly used to create a unique TV ad. After listing their car, sellers received an email with five personalised car ads. Each was based on a clichéd car commercial genre. Tough, City, Adventure, Family and Luxury. The AutoAds platform is capable of generating over 1.2 trillion possible combinations ensuring that no two ads will ever be the same.

    Carsales AutoAds

    案例简介:概要 Carsales.com.au 是澳大利亚最大的二手车在线分类广告。他们的挑战?澳大利亚的新车销量名列前茅。创纪录的低利率使得新车变得更加容易获得,因为澳大利亚人正在用他们辛苦赚来的钱升级到 “新车的气味”。事实上,在过去的三年里,每年新车销量都达到创纪录的高度,使澳大利亚成为世界上人均汽车市场最大的国家之一。毫不奇怪,全球汽车品牌继续在大型电视活动和更大的媒体预算上大手笔。你的日常乔试图卖掉他们的二手车没有机会。直到 carsales.com.au 决定用他们的大电视广告来对付那些大品牌,给每个二手车销售商他们自己的昂贵的感觉,个性化的汽车广告。 战略 销售汽车的过程既艰苦又令人沮丧。你创建了一个列表,添加了细节,拍了一些业余照片,然后希望能在其他二手车的海洋中找到。在过去的 20 年里,这个类别唯一的创新是你现在可以在网上做 -- 澳大利亚领先的在线汽车分类平台 carsales 做得非常好。最重要的是,随着汽车制造商的大预算广告活动和不断的零售交易,新车变得比以往任何时候都更有吸引力。虽然二手卖家显然无法满足他们的预算,但我们可以通过让事情变得更加个人化和娱乐化来帮助他们公平竞争。进入 carsales 的 AutoAds -- 一个定制的工具,让每个人都出售他们自己的个性化、昂贵的汽车广告。 相关性 AutoAds 与 Direct 相关,因为它是视频个性化的一个突破性例子。我们创建了一个平台,在这个平台上,任何试图出售二手车的人都会得到一个独一无二的、感觉昂贵的汽车广告。免费的。在像往常一样列出他们的车后,数据 (他们输入的关于他们心爱的二手车的信息) 被无缝地用来制作一个独特的电视广告。卖家收到一封电子邮件,其中包含五个他们可以在社交网站上与世界分享的个性化汽车广告。 结果 活动开始一周后,产生了 435,215 多个汽车广告。每天仍有超过 5,000 个自动广告在生成。在一个人口刚刚超过 2400万的国家,我们通过收入 (PR) 和付费媒体 (TV) 成功接触到了 1680万人。卡罗尔 · 史密斯为她的 2001 丰田卡罗拉的广告被播送到澳大利亚数百万间休息室。这一定是有史以来最深远的二手车广告! 执行 我们为每一个试图出售二手车的澳大利亚人制作了大型的、昂贵的、独一无二的汽车广告。每个广告都播放了一个经典的汽车广告主题: 冒险、豪华、城市、艰难和家庭。在这些独一无二的广告背后,是一系列定制的算法,这些算法刮掉了卖家填写的分类表格。当他们开始按键时,算法开始在后台工作,自动将输入到我们的视频制作平台。这些数据帮助生成了 5,000 多个音频和视频剪辑。每张照片,每一个可能的里程表读数,每一个卖家的名字,每一个价格变量都存储在一个巨大的库中,准备等待我们专门设计的技术实时生成下一个广告。其结果是一个元素库,可以无缝拼接,以创建 1.2万亿种可能的汽车广告组合。 活动描述 介绍,carsales 的 AutoAds,一个平台,任何试图出售二手车的人都会得到一个独一无二的、感觉昂贵的汽车广告。免费的。Carsales AutoAds 是一个基于云的广告生成平台,它使用汽车列表数据自动创建汽车广告。卖家不必动一根手指。他们所要做的就是像往常一样列出他们的车,这些数据 (他们输入的关于他们心爱的二手车的信息) 被无缝地用来制作一个独特的电视广告。上市后,卖家收到了一封电子邮件,其中包含五个个性化汽车广告。每一个都是基于陈词滥调的汽车商业类型。艰难,城市,冒险,家庭和奢华。AutoAds 平台能够产生 1.2万亿多种可能的组合,确保没有两个广告是相同的。

    Carsales AutoAds

    案例简介:Synopsis carsales.com.au is Australia’s largest online classifieds for second-hand cars. Their challenge? New car sales in Australia are off the charts. Record low interest-rates have made new cars even more accessible as Australians are using their hard-earned savings to upgrade to that ‘new car smell’. In fact, every year for the last three years, new cars sales have hit record breaking heights, making Australia one of the biggest per capita car markets in the world. Not surprisingly, the global car brands continue to spend big with big TV campaigns and even bigger media budgets. Your everyday Joe trying to sell their second-hand car doesn’t stand a chance. That was until carsales.com.au decided to take on those big brands with their big TV ads, by giving every second-hand car seller their very own expensive-feeling, personalised car ad. Strategy The process of selling a car is as laborious and frustrating as it is difficult. You create a listing, add in the details, take some amateur photos and then hope to be found within a sea of other used cars. The only innovation in the category over the past 20 years was that you could now do it online – something carsales, Australia’s leading online car classified platform, did very well. On top of that, new cars were becoming more appealing than ever with car manufacturer’s big budget ad campaigns and constant retail deals. While second-hand sellers obviously couldn’t match their budgets, we could help them level the playing field by making things hugely more personal and entertaining. Enter carsales’ AutoAds – a custom built tool that gave everyone selling their car their very own personalised, expensive-feeling car ad. Relevancy AutoAds is relevant for Direct because it’s a breakthrough example of video personalisation. We created a platform where anyone trying to sell a second-hand car got a one-of-a-kind, expensive-feeling car ad. For free. After listing their car as they normally would, the data (the information they enter about their beloved second-hand car) was seamlessly used to create a unique TV ad. Sellers received an email with five personalised car ads they could share with the world on social. Outcome A week into the campaign, over 435,215 AutoAds were generated. Over 5,000 AutoAds are still being generated every day. In a country where the population is just over 24 million, we managed to reach 16.8 million people via earned (PR) and paid media (TV). And Carole Smith’s ad for her 2001 Toyota Corolla was beamed into a million lounge rooms across Australia. It must be the most far reaching second-hand car ad ever! Execution We created big, expensive feeling, one-of-a-kind car ads for every Australian trying to sell their second-hand car. Each ad played off a classic car ad theme: Adventure, Luxury, City, Tough and Family. And behind each of these one-of-a-kind ads was a series of bespoke algorithms that scraped the classified forms sellers were filling out. As they started tapping the keys, the algorithm started working in the background, automatically ingesting inputs into our video creation platform. The data helped generate over 5,000 audio and video clips. Every photo, every possible odometer reading, every sellers’ name, every price variable was stored in a huge library, ready and waiting for our purpose-built tech to generate the next ad in real time. The result was a library of elements that could be seamlessly stitched to create 1.2 trillion possible combinations of car ads. CampaignDescription Introducing, carsales’ AutoAds, a platform where anyone trying to sell a second-hand car got a one-of-a-kind, expensive-feeling car ad. For free. carsales AutoAds is a cloud-based ad generating platform that uses car listing data to automatically create a car ad. Sellers didn’t have to lift a finger. All they had to do was list their car as they normally would and the data (the information they enter about their beloved second-hand car) was seamlessly used to create a unique TV ad. After listing their car, sellers received an email with five personalised car ads. Each was based on a clichéd car commercial genre. Tough, City, Adventure, Family and Luxury. The AutoAds platform is capable of generating over 1.2 trillion possible combinations ensuring that no two ads will ever be the same.



    Carsales AutoAds





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