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    Coral Crafters海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 《我的世界》是一种从小到大的游戏,后来变成了一种文化现象。一种文化现象,根植于人们与其他人一起建造令人惊叹的东西。现在他们想利用社区的力量来重建现实世界。 在Minecraft中存在一个社区,每个人都有权建立。游戏提供了障碍,但社区将其设置为自己的障碍。 Minecraft简单地陈述了其使命: “在我们的核心,我们在这里建立一个更美好的世界。每个玩家从放置一个方块开始。然后是另一个。还有一个。这些小动作不仅仅是它们各个部分的总和,我们也是如此。我们可以自下而上创造变化。 描述您所在地区的文化/社会/政治/环境气候以及在此背景下您的竞选活动的重要性 根据联合国的说法,在过去的30年中,气候变化,过度捕捞和污染已经杀死了地球上多达50% 的活珊瑚。如果任其发展,这些因素将摧毁世界上75% 剩余的珊瑚礁2020年,并威胁到2.75亿个依靠珊瑚礁维持生计的人的生计。 虽然政府和企业大多选择忽视这个问题,但下一代正在团结起来创造真正持久的变革。他们正在寻找帮助他们的品牌。 全球92% 都同意,我们都有责任为我们所生活的社区做出积极的贡献。 全球87% 的人认为品牌必须坚持自己的信念。 66% Z世代的美国人说,他们购买产品完全是因为一个品牌在他们关心的问题上立场。 描述创意 (投票30%) 成年人并不总是看到孩子们玩电子游戏的好处。但是游戏玩家并不是对地球最大威胁负责的人。随着Minecraft玩家的成长,他们对建立不仅仅是游戏世界感兴趣。其中社会和环境变化指数很高,因此我们创建了珊瑚工匠。该项目使玩家能够通过游戏技能改善现实世界。在发布了一个更新,使以前空无一人的数字海洋充满了海洋生物之后,Minecraft邀请其年轻的社区为地球的非数字海洋做同样的事情。结合Minecraft的顶级内容创作者,中学天才,革命性的水下技术,9100万每月活跃的玩家共同努力恢复珊瑚礁,并向世界证明视频游戏不仅仅是娱乐。他们实际上可以帮助年轻人改善他们将继承的世界。 描述策略 (投票20%) Minecraft是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一,也是唯一没有说明的游戏。玩家已经建立了一个社区来分享经验,并互相帮助。他们不仅想在游戏中建立一个新世界,他们还想在现实生活中建立一个更美好的世界。为了激发玩家对增加新的海洋功能的游戏内更新的兴趣,我们希望激发人们对70% 玩家表示深切关注的事物的渴望: 回馈社区。 描述执行 (投票20%) 珊瑚工匠授权Minecraft的社区通过利用他们的想象力来更新真实海洋中的生活来庆祝新的更新。《我的世界》来自世界各地的顶级内容创作者邀请他们的追随者帮助他们构建游戏内设计。社区最喜欢的设计是在现实生活中使用革命性的珊瑚再生技术建造的,并由当地的Minecraft教育学生在墨西哥科苏梅尔郊外的水域安装。随着时间的推移,这项技术将在Minecraft雕塑上重新培养珊瑚,创造一个可以持续数千年的新珊瑚礁。这项工作还为自然保护区释放了资金,以恢复巴哈马,多米尼加共和国和维尔京群岛的更多珊瑚礁。 描述结果/影响 (投票30%) Coral Crafters超出了上一次重大更新发布的所有基准,仅是上一个广告系列的媒体预算的一半。在发布时,Minecraft宣布了创纪录的活跃玩家增长-每月达到9100万人的历史最高水平。 社区主要通过口碑和共享来发展,因此参与任何更新活动都是至关重要的。Coral Crafters不仅与社区进行了更新,而且与社区进行了一项具有现实意义的任务,并且比上一个主要的更新活动增加了近10倍的社会参与度。 我们与Minecraft的增长引擎的联系显然有效,因为在相关的2018年7月时间框架内,Minecraft净收入随着游戏销售的同比增长而增长。


    案例简介:Background Minecraft is game that started small and turned into a cultural phenomenon. A cultural phenomenon that is rooted in people working with other people to build amazing things. And now they want to use the power of the community to rebuild the real world. Within Minecraft exists a community where every individual is empowered to build. The game provides the blocks, but the community makes it their own. Minecraft states its mission simply: “At our core, we are here to Build a Better World. Each player starts by placing one block. Then another. And another. These small actions are more than the sum of their parts, and so are we. We can create change from the bottom up. Describe the cultural/social/political/environmental climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context According to the UN, climate change, overfishing, and pollution have killed up to 50% of Earth’s living coral over the last 30 years. If left unchecked, these factors will destroy 75% of the world’s remaining coral reefs by 2020, and threaten the livelihood of 275 million people who rely on reefs for sustenance. While governments and corporations have mostly chosen to ignore the problem, the next generation is banding together to create real and lasting change. And they’re looking for brands to help them. 92% globally agree that we all have a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the community we live in. 87% of people globally believe that brands must stand up for what they believe in. 66% of Gen Z Americans say they have bought a product solely because a brand took a stand on an issue they care about. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Adults don’t always see the good in kids playing video games. But gamers aren’t the ones responsible for the greatest threat to the planet. As Minecraft players have grown up, they’ve become interested in building more than just game worlds. Social and environmental change indexes very high among them, so we created Coral Crafters. A project that enabled players to improve the real world with their gaming skills. After releasing an update that filled its previously-empty digital oceans with marine life, Minecraft enlisted its young community to do the same for Earth’s non-digital oceans. Combining Minecraft’s top content creators, middle-school genius, revolutionary underwater technology, 91 million monthly active players worked together to restore coral reefs and prove to the world that video games are more than entertainment. They can actually help young people improve the world they will inherit. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world, and the only one without instructions. Players have built a community to share experiences and help each other craft and build. They don’t just want to build new worlds in the game, they want to build a better world in real life. To excite players about an in-game update that added new ocean features, we looked to spark desire around something that 70% of players said they cared about deeply: giving back to their community. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Coral Crafters empowered Minecraft’s community to celebrate a new update by using their imaginations to update life in real oceans. Minecraft’s top content creators from around the world invited their followers to help them build in-game designs. The community’s favorite designs were built in real life using a revolutionary coral-regrowth technology, and installed by local Minecraft Education students in the waters outside Cozumel, Mexico. Over time, this technology will regrow coral atop the Minecraft sculptures, creating a new coral reef that could last for thousands of years. The effort also unlocked funding for The Nature Conservancy to restore more reefs in the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and Virgin Islands. Describe the results/impact (30% of vote) Coral Crafters exceeded all benchmarks established by the last major update launched, with just half the media budget of its previous campaign. At launch Minecraft announced record-breaking increases in active players - hitting an all-time high of 91 million people playing every month. The community grows primarily through Word-of-Mouth and sharing, so engagement with any update campaign is crucial. Coral Crafters engaged the community not just with an update, but with a mission that has real-world implications and racked up nearly 10x more social engagement than the last major update campaign. Our connection to Minecraft’s engine of growth clearly worked, as within the associated time-frame of July 2018, Minecraft net revenue jumped along with year-over-year game sales.

    Coral Crafters

    案例简介:背景 《我的世界》是一种从小到大的游戏,后来变成了一种文化现象。一种文化现象,根植于人们与其他人一起建造令人惊叹的东西。现在他们想利用社区的力量来重建现实世界。 在Minecraft中存在一个社区,每个人都有权建立。游戏提供了障碍,但社区将其设置为自己的障碍。 Minecraft简单地陈述了其使命: “在我们的核心,我们在这里建立一个更美好的世界。每个玩家从放置一个方块开始。然后是另一个。还有一个。这些小动作不仅仅是它们各个部分的总和,我们也是如此。我们可以自下而上创造变化。 描述您所在地区的文化/社会/政治/环境气候以及在此背景下您的竞选活动的重要性 根据联合国的说法,在过去的30年中,气候变化,过度捕捞和污染已经杀死了地球上多达50% 的活珊瑚。如果任其发展,这些因素将摧毁世界上75% 剩余的珊瑚礁2020年,并威胁到2.75亿个依靠珊瑚礁维持生计的人的生计。 虽然政府和企业大多选择忽视这个问题,但下一代正在团结起来创造真正持久的变革。他们正在寻找帮助他们的品牌。 全球92% 都同意,我们都有责任为我们所生活的社区做出积极的贡献。 全球87% 的人认为品牌必须坚持自己的信念。 66% Z世代的美国人说,他们购买产品完全是因为一个品牌在他们关心的问题上立场。 描述创意 (投票30%) 成年人并不总是看到孩子们玩电子游戏的好处。但是游戏玩家并不是对地球最大威胁负责的人。随着Minecraft玩家的成长,他们对建立不仅仅是游戏世界感兴趣。其中社会和环境变化指数很高,因此我们创建了珊瑚工匠。该项目使玩家能够通过游戏技能改善现实世界。在发布了一个更新,使以前空无一人的数字海洋充满了海洋生物之后,Minecraft邀请其年轻的社区为地球的非数字海洋做同样的事情。结合Minecraft的顶级内容创作者,中学天才,革命性的水下技术,9100万每月活跃的玩家共同努力恢复珊瑚礁,并向世界证明视频游戏不仅仅是娱乐。他们实际上可以帮助年轻人改善他们将继承的世界。 描述策略 (投票20%) Minecraft是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一,也是唯一没有说明的游戏。玩家已经建立了一个社区来分享经验,并互相帮助。他们不仅想在游戏中建立一个新世界,他们还想在现实生活中建立一个更美好的世界。为了激发玩家对增加新的海洋功能的游戏内更新的兴趣,我们希望激发人们对70% 玩家表示深切关注的事物的渴望: 回馈社区。 描述执行 (投票20%) 珊瑚工匠授权Minecraft的社区通过利用他们的想象力来更新真实海洋中的生活来庆祝新的更新。《我的世界》来自世界各地的顶级内容创作者邀请他们的追随者帮助他们构建游戏内设计。社区最喜欢的设计是在现实生活中使用革命性的珊瑚再生技术建造的,并由当地的Minecraft教育学生在墨西哥科苏梅尔郊外的水域安装。随着时间的推移,这项技术将在Minecraft雕塑上重新培养珊瑚,创造一个可以持续数千年的新珊瑚礁。这项工作还为自然保护区释放了资金,以恢复巴哈马,多米尼加共和国和维尔京群岛的更多珊瑚礁。 描述结果/影响 (投票30%) Coral Crafters超出了上一次重大更新发布的所有基准,仅是上一个广告系列的媒体预算的一半。在发布时,Minecraft宣布了创纪录的活跃玩家增长-每月达到9100万人的历史最高水平。 社区主要通过口碑和共享来发展,因此参与任何更新活动都是至关重要的。Coral Crafters不仅与社区进行了更新,而且与社区进行了一项具有现实意义的任务,并且比上一个主要的更新活动增加了近10倍的社会参与度。 我们与Minecraft的增长引擎的联系显然有效,因为在相关的2018年7月时间框架内,Minecraft净收入随着游戏销售的同比增长而增长。

    Coral Crafters

    案例简介:Background Minecraft is game that started small and turned into a cultural phenomenon. A cultural phenomenon that is rooted in people working with other people to build amazing things. And now they want to use the power of the community to rebuild the real world. Within Minecraft exists a community where every individual is empowered to build. The game provides the blocks, but the community makes it their own. Minecraft states its mission simply: “At our core, we are here to Build a Better World. Each player starts by placing one block. Then another. And another. These small actions are more than the sum of their parts, and so are we. We can create change from the bottom up. Describe the cultural/social/political/environmental climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context According to the UN, climate change, overfishing, and pollution have killed up to 50% of Earth’s living coral over the last 30 years. If left unchecked, these factors will destroy 75% of the world’s remaining coral reefs by 2020, and threaten the livelihood of 275 million people who rely on reefs for sustenance. While governments and corporations have mostly chosen to ignore the problem, the next generation is banding together to create real and lasting change. And they’re looking for brands to help them. 92% globally agree that we all have a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the community we live in. 87% of people globally believe that brands must stand up for what they believe in. 66% of Gen Z Americans say they have bought a product solely because a brand took a stand on an issue they care about. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) Adults don’t always see the good in kids playing video games. But gamers aren’t the ones responsible for the greatest threat to the planet. As Minecraft players have grown up, they’ve become interested in building more than just game worlds. Social and environmental change indexes very high among them, so we created Coral Crafters. A project that enabled players to improve the real world with their gaming skills. After releasing an update that filled its previously-empty digital oceans with marine life, Minecraft enlisted its young community to do the same for Earth’s non-digital oceans. Combining Minecraft’s top content creators, middle-school genius, revolutionary underwater technology, 91 million monthly active players worked together to restore coral reefs and prove to the world that video games are more than entertainment. They can actually help young people improve the world they will inherit. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world, and the only one without instructions. Players have built a community to share experiences and help each other craft and build. They don’t just want to build new worlds in the game, they want to build a better world in real life. To excite players about an in-game update that added new ocean features, we looked to spark desire around something that 70% of players said they cared about deeply: giving back to their community. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Coral Crafters empowered Minecraft’s community to celebrate a new update by using their imaginations to update life in real oceans. Minecraft’s top content creators from around the world invited their followers to help them build in-game designs. The community’s favorite designs were built in real life using a revolutionary coral-regrowth technology, and installed by local Minecraft Education students in the waters outside Cozumel, Mexico. Over time, this technology will regrow coral atop the Minecraft sculptures, creating a new coral reef that could last for thousands of years. The effort also unlocked funding for The Nature Conservancy to restore more reefs in the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and Virgin Islands. Describe the results/impact (30% of vote) Coral Crafters exceeded all benchmarks established by the last major update launched, with just half the media budget of its previous campaign. At launch Minecraft announced record-breaking increases in active players - hitting an all-time high of 91 million people playing every month. The community grows primarily through Word-of-Mouth and sharing, so engagement with any update campaign is crucial. Coral Crafters engaged the community not just with an update, but with a mission that has real-world implications and racked up nearly 10x more social engagement than the last major update campaign. Our connection to Minecraft’s engine of growth clearly worked, as within the associated time-frame of July 2018, Minecraft net revenue jumped along with year-over-year game sales.



    Coral Crafters






    广告公司: 麦肯 (美国 旧金山) 制作公司: Strike Anywhere




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