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    印度Dega Aashirvad

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 印度Dega Aashirvad倡议旨在通过授权数百万印度人以不同的方式看待受人尊敬的婚礼习俗,并通过这样做来帮助数千人生活在贫困中,从而实现行为改变。该倡议恳求印度人参加他们都熟悉的神圣活动,婚礼。使用婚礼和活动作为推动影响生活在贫困条件下的数百万人生活的行为改变的工具,使得这项工作与媒体类别相关。 背景 印度是一个以坚持其神圣传统为荣的国家。每年举行 1000万多场婚礼。大米是每个婚礼的一个极其吉祥的部分。每一个参加婚礼的客人都会得到一拳头米饭,作为他们祝福的象征。每次婚礼至少用 2 到 5 公斤大米,加起来每年总共 20 到 5000万公斤。一旦洗澡,这种米饭就会被卷走并扔掉。 在同一个印度,每天有 1.95亿人营养不良,难以找到食物。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 印度Dega Aashirvad是一项倡议,旨在通过一种简单的方式来维护这一神圣传统,同时帮助生活在贫困中的数百万人。 我们制作了特殊的包装,每个包装都装满了一撮大米,可以分发给婚礼嘉宾,而不是装满大米的拳头。因此,让客人可以选择淋浴包装中的少量大米,或者只是触摸包装作为他们祝福的象征。 订婚的夫妇、家庭或婚礼策划者可以登录www.indiadegaashirvad.com,在那里可以买到这些包,以换取大米,否则这些大米将在婚礼期间用来淋浴。 选定的包装被送到婚礼现场,作为回报收集的大米被变成为弱势群体的饭菜。 未开封的包装也被收集并保持流通。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 因此,我们决定从接触该国最受欢迎的婚礼策划者和场地开始。鼓励他们在婚礼套餐中提供这些套餐作为可选套餐。 他们通过登录网站并选择与参加婚礼的客人数量相等的包装来鼓励夫妇及其家人成为这一运动的一部分。 作为回报,他们不得不捐赠购买的大米,放在一边洗澡,作为仪式期间祝福的象征。 然后,预购的包装由India Gate Basmati Rice送到婚礼场地,捐赠的大米被移交给印度。谁把米饭变成饭菜,分发给贫困阶层。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 总共创建了 4 个包装设计,从包含印度不同地区文化和传统的标志性符号中汲取灵感。 每包都装满了名义上的大米,背面有一个强有力的信息,恳求婚礼宾客理解这个习俗的含义。同时鼓励他们加入运动,以一种独特的方式祝福这对新婚夫妇,让他们成为仪式的一部分,同时帮助数百万需要帮助的人。 在indiadegaashirvad.com,一个特殊的计算决定了夫妇或家庭必须捐赠多少大米来换取他们想要的包装数量。 该网站允许他们在婚礼地点下订单,并给出未使用的包装可以收集的日期。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 在短短两周内 -144 婚礼注册在短短两周 -10,000 承诺不淋浴米 -赚了价值 2000000 美元的媒体 -超过 1500 公斤。收集的大米 -为贫困阶层提供了 7500 顿饭 -这个国家离成为一个没有饥饿的印度又近了一步

    印度Dega Aashirvad

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The India Dega Aashirvad initiative aims to bring about behavioural change by empowering millions of Indians to look at a revered wedding custom differently, and by doing so, helping thousands living in poverty. The initiative implores Indians at a sacred event they are all familiar with, the wedding ceremony. The use of a wedding ceremony and event as a vehicle to drive behavioural change that impacts the lives of millions living in underprivileged conditions makes this work relevant to the media category. Background India is a country that prides itself in upholding its sacred traditions. Over 10 million weddings take place every year. Rice is an extremely auspicious part of every wedding ceremony. Every guest who attends the wedding is given a fist full of rice to shower upon the newlyweds as a symbol of their blessing. At least 2 to 5 kilograms of rice are used at every wedding, adding up to an annual total of 20 to 50 million kilograms. Once showered, this rice is swept away and thrown. In this same India, 195 million people are left undernourished and struggle to find food every single day. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) India Dega Aashirvad is an initiative to empower millions across the country with a simple way of upholding this sacred tradition while helping millions living in poverty. We created special packs, each filled with a pinch of rice that can be distributed to wedding guests instead of a fist full of rice. Thus, giving guests a choice to either shower the small amount of rice in the pack, or merely touch the pack as a symbol of their blessing. Betrothed couples, families, or wedding planners can log on to www.indiadegaaashirvad.com, where these packs are made available in exchange for the rice that would otherwise be used to shower the couple during the wedding ceremony. The selected packs are delivered to the wedding venue, and the rice collected in return is turned into meals for the underprivileged. The unopened packs are also collected and kept in circulation. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) So we decided to start with reaching out to the most sought after wedding planners and venues in the country. Encouraging them to offer these packs as an optional offering in their wedding packages. They encouraged couples and their families to be a part of this movement by logging onto the website and selecting their choice of packs equalling to the number of guests attending the wedding. In return, they had to donate the rice purchased and kept aside to be showered as a symbol of blessing during the ceremony. The pre-ordered packs were then delivered to the wedding venue by India Gate Basmati Rice, and the donated rice was handed over to Feeding India. Who turned the rice into meals and distributed them to the underprivileged. Describe the execution (20% of vote) A total of 4 pack designs were created, drawing inspiration from iconic symbols that encapsulate the culture and traditions of the different parts of India. Each pack was filled with a nominal amount of rice and had a powerful message on the back that implored wedding guests to understand the implications of this custom. While also encouraging them to join the movement by blessing the newlywed couple in a unique way that allowed them to be a part of the ceremonial ritual, and help millions in need at the same time. On indiadegaaashirvad.com, a special calculation determined how much rice couples or families had to donate in exchange for their desired number of packs. The website allowed them to place their order, in the location of the wedding venue, and give a date for when the unused packs could be collected. List the results (30% of vote) In just two weeks - 144 wedding registrations in just two weeks - 10,000 Pledges to not shower rice - $2000000 worth of media was earned - Over 1500 kgs. of rice collected - 7500 meals were served to the underprivileged - The nation came 1 step closer to becoming a hunger-free India

    India Dega Aashirvad

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 印度Dega Aashirvad倡议旨在通过授权数百万印度人以不同的方式看待受人尊敬的婚礼习俗,并通过这样做来帮助数千人生活在贫困中,从而实现行为改变。该倡议恳求印度人参加他们都熟悉的神圣活动,婚礼。使用婚礼和活动作为推动影响生活在贫困条件下的数百万人生活的行为改变的工具,使得这项工作与媒体类别相关。 背景 印度是一个以坚持其神圣传统为荣的国家。每年举行 1000万多场婚礼。大米是每个婚礼的一个极其吉祥的部分。每一个参加婚礼的客人都会得到一拳头米饭,作为他们祝福的象征。每次婚礼至少用 2 到 5 公斤大米,加起来每年总共 20 到 5000万公斤。一旦洗澡,这种米饭就会被卷走并扔掉。 在同一个印度,每天有 1.95亿人营养不良,难以找到食物。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 印度Dega Aashirvad是一项倡议,旨在通过一种简单的方式来维护这一神圣传统,同时帮助生活在贫困中的数百万人。 我们制作了特殊的包装,每个包装都装满了一撮大米,可以分发给婚礼嘉宾,而不是装满大米的拳头。因此,让客人可以选择淋浴包装中的少量大米,或者只是触摸包装作为他们祝福的象征。 订婚的夫妇、家庭或婚礼策划者可以登录www.indiadegaashirvad.com,在那里可以买到这些包,以换取大米,否则这些大米将在婚礼期间用来淋浴。 选定的包装被送到婚礼现场,作为回报收集的大米被变成为弱势群体的饭菜。 未开封的包装也被收集并保持流通。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 因此,我们决定从接触该国最受欢迎的婚礼策划者和场地开始。鼓励他们在婚礼套餐中提供这些套餐作为可选套餐。 他们通过登录网站并选择与参加婚礼的客人数量相等的包装来鼓励夫妇及其家人成为这一运动的一部分。 作为回报,他们不得不捐赠购买的大米,放在一边洗澡,作为仪式期间祝福的象征。 然后,预购的包装由India Gate Basmati Rice送到婚礼场地,捐赠的大米被移交给印度。谁把米饭变成饭菜,分发给贫困阶层。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 总共创建了 4 个包装设计,从包含印度不同地区文化和传统的标志性符号中汲取灵感。 每包都装满了名义上的大米,背面有一个强有力的信息,恳求婚礼宾客理解这个习俗的含义。同时鼓励他们加入运动,以一种独特的方式祝福这对新婚夫妇,让他们成为仪式的一部分,同时帮助数百万需要帮助的人。 在indiadegaashirvad.com,一个特殊的计算决定了夫妇或家庭必须捐赠多少大米来换取他们想要的包装数量。 该网站允许他们在婚礼地点下订单,并给出未使用的包装可以收集的日期。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 在短短两周内 -144 婚礼注册在短短两周 -10,000 承诺不淋浴米 -赚了价值 2000000 美元的媒体 -超过 1500 公斤。收集的大米 -为贫困阶层提供了 7500 顿饭 -这个国家离成为一个没有饥饿的印度又近了一步

    India Dega Aashirvad

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? The India Dega Aashirvad initiative aims to bring about behavioural change by empowering millions of Indians to look at a revered wedding custom differently, and by doing so, helping thousands living in poverty. The initiative implores Indians at a sacred event they are all familiar with, the wedding ceremony. The use of a wedding ceremony and event as a vehicle to drive behavioural change that impacts the lives of millions living in underprivileged conditions makes this work relevant to the media category. Background India is a country that prides itself in upholding its sacred traditions. Over 10 million weddings take place every year. Rice is an extremely auspicious part of every wedding ceremony. Every guest who attends the wedding is given a fist full of rice to shower upon the newlyweds as a symbol of their blessing. At least 2 to 5 kilograms of rice are used at every wedding, adding up to an annual total of 20 to 50 million kilograms. Once showered, this rice is swept away and thrown. In this same India, 195 million people are left undernourished and struggle to find food every single day. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) India Dega Aashirvad is an initiative to empower millions across the country with a simple way of upholding this sacred tradition while helping millions living in poverty. We created special packs, each filled with a pinch of rice that can be distributed to wedding guests instead of a fist full of rice. Thus, giving guests a choice to either shower the small amount of rice in the pack, or merely touch the pack as a symbol of their blessing. Betrothed couples, families, or wedding planners can log on to www.indiadegaaashirvad.com, where these packs are made available in exchange for the rice that would otherwise be used to shower the couple during the wedding ceremony. The selected packs are delivered to the wedding venue, and the rice collected in return is turned into meals for the underprivileged. The unopened packs are also collected and kept in circulation. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) So we decided to start with reaching out to the most sought after wedding planners and venues in the country. Encouraging them to offer these packs as an optional offering in their wedding packages. They encouraged couples and their families to be a part of this movement by logging onto the website and selecting their choice of packs equalling to the number of guests attending the wedding. In return, they had to donate the rice purchased and kept aside to be showered as a symbol of blessing during the ceremony. The pre-ordered packs were then delivered to the wedding venue by India Gate Basmati Rice, and the donated rice was handed over to Feeding India. Who turned the rice into meals and distributed them to the underprivileged. Describe the execution (20% of vote) A total of 4 pack designs were created, drawing inspiration from iconic symbols that encapsulate the culture and traditions of the different parts of India. Each pack was filled with a nominal amount of rice and had a powerful message on the back that implored wedding guests to understand the implications of this custom. While also encouraging them to join the movement by blessing the newlywed couple in a unique way that allowed them to be a part of the ceremonial ritual, and help millions in need at the same time. On indiadegaaashirvad.com, a special calculation determined how much rice couples or families had to donate in exchange for their desired number of packs. The website allowed them to place their order, in the location of the wedding venue, and give a date for when the unused packs could be collected. List the results (30% of vote) In just two weeks - 144 wedding registrations in just two weeks - 10,000 Pledges to not shower rice - $2000000 worth of media was earned - Over 1500 kgs. of rice collected - 7500 meals were served to the underprivileged - The nation came 1 step closer to becoming a hunger-free India

    印度Dega Aashirvad


    India Dega Aashirvad










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