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    Lifeboat - The Experiment海报/平面广告营销案例



    救生艇 -- 实验

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 救生艇-实验是其中一种媒体特技。无需在媒体上花费一欧元,该项目立即成为世界新闻。所有有关各方都充当了催化剂。尽管有一位获得奥斯卡提名的导演,我们还是邀请了最大报纸的记者和选定的有影响力的人参加实际的实验,将我们的信息倍增,并通过自己的渠道传播他们的第一手经验。从中国到加拿大的新闻频道都吸收了这种有机影响,覆盖了5亿人口,重新引发了公众辩论,并在社会上产生了思想转变。 背景 Sea-Watch是一个在地中海进行民间搜救行动的非营利组织。该组织在政治和宗教上独立行事。 自2014以来,海上观察组织参与拯救了37.000多条生命。尽管世界上最致命的边界沿线的地中海难民危机持续不断,但其媒体报道却大幅减少。这个话题只是失去了它的 “新闻价值”,海洋观察的愿景和正在进行的努力也因此变得沉默了。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 我们已经建立了一个独一无二的媒体特技。世界上最致命的边界沿线的地中海难民危机只是失去了它的 “新闻价值”,海洋观察的愿景和持续的努力也随之沉寂。当我们希望他们的故事再次被听到时,我们需要有人告诉我们,欧洲社会会倾听。志同道合。 5名幸存的难民向我们讲述了他们逃跑的故事,我们让40名欧洲人在模拟中体验了穿越地中海的感觉的片段。因此,实验的参与者讲述了难民的故事。一个德国难民的故事代理人。 此外,参与者在年龄、性别和职业上代表了德国社会,以最大限度地提高观众识别的潜力。所有的经历都记录在纪录片中 -- 奥斯卡提名导演天空·菲茨杰拉德的模拟 “救生艇 -- 实验” 中。一个简单的技巧: 视角的变化推动了社会的转变。 描述策略 (投票20%) 包括离线和在线媒体接触点以及选定的影响者在内的整体活动推动了我们活动网站www.lifeboatexperiment.org的流量。在这里,我们邀请人们告知,理解和感受每个旅程的折磨,以重新引发公众辩论。 为了保证对话的最初火花,我们邀请了最大报纸的记者以及选定的影响者参加实验并报道他们的第一手经验。Facebook和Instagram故事使其成为网上的热门话题,因此该问题在全球范围内得到了广泛关注。 描述执行 (投票20%) 为了使难民危机再次成为全球公认的问题,我们将其拉近了; 在地理上和情感上。基于五名幸存难民的第一手经验,该实验经过精心设计,以产生最大的沉浸式体验,服务并触发所有人类感官。我们建立了一个模拟,试图重塑真实逃生的所有条件。 在德国北部海上训练中心的波浪池中模拟了黑暗,海浪,压力,焦虑,不确定性。 奥斯卡提名导演斯凯·菲茨杰拉德 (Skye Fitzgerald) 在纪录片-短片 “救生艇-实验” 中捕捉了所有的情感和经历。该纪录片在移动设备优化的网站上托管,由选定的政治影响者和古典媒体传播到所有渠道。为了保证对话的最初火花,我们邀请了德国最大报纸的记者参加该实验。Facebook和Instagram的故事使其成为网上的热门话题,因此该问题在全球范围内得到了国际关注。 列出结果 (投票30%) 不仅仅是一个模拟 “救生艇 -- 实验”,它是一个非政府组织的游戏规则改变者,它致力于全球意识和重新获得媒体报道。 实验立即成为世界新闻。在被德国所有主要新闻频道报道后,从中国到加拿大的国际媒体纷纷报道,覆盖了5亿人, 网站流量跳闸,310% 品牌互动增加。但最重要的是,随着1100篇文章的发表,我们让遭受声音困扰的人们再次被听到。 Facebook,Instagram和twitter使其成为在线热门话题,引发了持续的对话,从而在社会上产生了思想转变。 所有这些都无需在媒体上花费一欧元。尽管这些运动只关注意识,但捐款也有所增加。

    救生艇 -- 实验

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? LIFEBOAT -the experiment is a one of it’s kind media stunt. Without spending a single Euro in media the project instantly became world news. All parties involved acted as catalysts. Despite having an Oscar-nominated director on board, we invited Journalists of the biggest newspapers and selected influencers to participate in the actual experiment, multiplying our message and spreading their first hand experiences through their own channels. This organic reach got picked up by news channels from China to Canada, reaching half a billion people, renewing the public debate and creating a mindshift in society. Background Sea-Watch is a non-profit organization conducting civil search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea. The organization acts politically and religiously independent. Since 2014 Sea-Watch participated in saving over 37.000 lives. While the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean along the world’s deadliest border continuous, its media coverage decreased heavily. The topic simply lost its „news-value“ and with it Sea-watch’s vision and ongoing efforts fall silent. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We’ve set up a one-of-it’s kind media Stunt.The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean along the world’s deadliest border simply lost its „news-value“ and with it Sea-watch’s vision and ongoing efforts fall silent.When we want their story to be heard again, we need it to be told by someone, the European society listens to.Likeminded. 5 Refugees who survived told us their story of their escape, and we let 40 Europeans experience in a simulation only a fragment of what it feels like to cross the Mediterranean.Thereby the participants of the experiment told the story of the refugees.A German proxy for a refugee’s story. Further the participants represented the German society in age, gender & profession to maximize the potential for the viewers identification.All experiences were captured in the documentary-short of the simulation “LIFEBOAT- The experiment“ by Oscar nominated director Sky Fitzgerald.A simple trick:A change of perspective driving a mindshift in society. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) A holistic campaign including off- and online media touch points as well as selected influencer drove traffic to our campaign website www.lifeboatexperiment.org. Here we invite people to inform, understand and feel the torture of each individual journey renewing the public debate. To guarantee an initial spark of the conversation we invited journalists of the biggest newspapers as well as selected influencer to participate in the experiment and report their first hand experiences. Facebook and Instagram Stories made it a trending topic online so that the issue got picked up internationally across the globe. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To make the refugee crisis a globally recognized problem again, we brought it closer; geographically and emotionally. Based on first hand experiences of five refugees who survived, the experiment was delicately designed to generate a maximum immersive experience serving and triggering all human senses.We set up a simulation attempting to remodel all conditions of a real escape. Darkness,waves,stress,anxiety,uncertainty simulated in a wave-pool of a maritime training center in North Germany. All emotions and experiences were captured under very controlled circumstances by Oscar-nominated Director Skye Fitzgerald in the documentary-short “LIFEBOAT- The experiment”.The documentary was hosted on a mobile-optimized website, spread across all channels by selected political influencer and classical media.To guarantee an initial spark of the conversation we invited a journalist of the biggest German newspaper to participate in the experiment.Facebook and Instagram Stories made it a trending topic online so that the issue got picked up internationally across the globe. List the results (30% of vote) More than just a simulation „LIFEBOAT - The experiment“ is a game changer for a NGO reaching out for global awareness & regaining media coverage. The experiment instantly became world news. After being covered by all major German news-channels international press from China to Canada picked it up, reaching half a billion people, trippling traffic to website and increased Brand interaction by 310%. But most importantly, with +1100 articles published, we gave people who suffer a voice to be heard again. Facebook, Instagram and twitter made it a trending topic online sparking an ongoing dialogue creating a mindshift in society. All without spending a single euro in media. And even though the campaigns solely focused on awareness, donations went up, too.

    Lifeboat - The Experiment

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 救生艇-实验是其中一种媒体特技。无需在媒体上花费一欧元,该项目立即成为世界新闻。所有有关各方都充当了催化剂。尽管有一位获得奥斯卡提名的导演,我们还是邀请了最大报纸的记者和选定的有影响力的人参加实际的实验,将我们的信息倍增,并通过自己的渠道传播他们的第一手经验。从中国到加拿大的新闻频道都吸收了这种有机影响,覆盖了5亿人口,重新引发了公众辩论,并在社会上产生了思想转变。 背景 Sea-Watch是一个在地中海进行民间搜救行动的非营利组织。该组织在政治和宗教上独立行事。 自2014以来,海上观察组织参与拯救了37.000多条生命。尽管世界上最致命的边界沿线的地中海难民危机持续不断,但其媒体报道却大幅减少。这个话题只是失去了它的 “新闻价值”,海洋观察的愿景和正在进行的努力也因此变得沉默了。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 我们已经建立了一个独一无二的媒体特技。世界上最致命的边界沿线的地中海难民危机只是失去了它的 “新闻价值”,海洋观察的愿景和持续的努力也随之沉寂。当我们希望他们的故事再次被听到时,我们需要有人告诉我们,欧洲社会会倾听。志同道合。 5名幸存的难民向我们讲述了他们逃跑的故事,我们让40名欧洲人在模拟中体验了穿越地中海的感觉的片段。因此,实验的参与者讲述了难民的故事。一个德国难民的故事代理人。 此外,参与者在年龄、性别和职业上代表了德国社会,以最大限度地提高观众识别的潜力。所有的经历都记录在纪录片中 -- 奥斯卡提名导演天空·菲茨杰拉德的模拟 “救生艇 -- 实验” 中。一个简单的技巧: 视角的变化推动了社会的转变。 描述策略 (投票20%) 包括离线和在线媒体接触点以及选定的影响者在内的整体活动推动了我们活动网站www.lifeboatexperiment.org的流量。在这里,我们邀请人们告知,理解和感受每个旅程的折磨,以重新引发公众辩论。 为了保证对话的最初火花,我们邀请了最大报纸的记者以及选定的影响者参加实验并报道他们的第一手经验。Facebook和Instagram故事使其成为网上的热门话题,因此该问题在全球范围内得到了广泛关注。 描述执行 (投票20%) 为了使难民危机再次成为全球公认的问题,我们将其拉近了; 在地理上和情感上。基于五名幸存难民的第一手经验,该实验经过精心设计,以产生最大的沉浸式体验,服务并触发所有人类感官。我们建立了一个模拟,试图重塑真实逃生的所有条件。 在德国北部海上训练中心的波浪池中模拟了黑暗,海浪,压力,焦虑,不确定性。 奥斯卡提名导演斯凯·菲茨杰拉德 (Skye Fitzgerald) 在纪录片-短片 “救生艇-实验” 中捕捉了所有的情感和经历。该纪录片在移动设备优化的网站上托管,由选定的政治影响者和古典媒体传播到所有渠道。为了保证对话的最初火花,我们邀请了德国最大报纸的记者参加该实验。Facebook和Instagram的故事使其成为网上的热门话题,因此该问题在全球范围内得到了国际关注。 列出结果 (投票30%) 不仅仅是一个模拟 “救生艇 -- 实验”,它是一个非政府组织的游戏规则改变者,它致力于全球意识和重新获得媒体报道。 实验立即成为世界新闻。在被德国所有主要新闻频道报道后,从中国到加拿大的国际媒体纷纷报道,覆盖了5亿人, 网站流量跳闸,310% 品牌互动增加。但最重要的是,随着1100篇文章的发表,我们让遭受声音困扰的人们再次被听到。 Facebook,Instagram和twitter使其成为在线热门话题,引发了持续的对话,从而在社会上产生了思想转变。 所有这些都无需在媒体上花费一欧元。尽管这些运动只关注意识,但捐款也有所增加。

    Lifeboat - The Experiment

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? LIFEBOAT -the experiment is a one of it’s kind media stunt. Without spending a single Euro in media the project instantly became world news. All parties involved acted as catalysts. Despite having an Oscar-nominated director on board, we invited Journalists of the biggest newspapers and selected influencers to participate in the actual experiment, multiplying our message and spreading their first hand experiences through their own channels. This organic reach got picked up by news channels from China to Canada, reaching half a billion people, renewing the public debate and creating a mindshift in society. Background Sea-Watch is a non-profit organization conducting civil search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean Sea. The organization acts politically and religiously independent. Since 2014 Sea-Watch participated in saving over 37.000 lives. While the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean along the world’s deadliest border continuous, its media coverage decreased heavily. The topic simply lost its „news-value“ and with it Sea-watch’s vision and ongoing efforts fall silent. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We’ve set up a one-of-it’s kind media Stunt.The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean along the world’s deadliest border simply lost its „news-value“ and with it Sea-watch’s vision and ongoing efforts fall silent.When we want their story to be heard again, we need it to be told by someone, the European society listens to.Likeminded. 5 Refugees who survived told us their story of their escape, and we let 40 Europeans experience in a simulation only a fragment of what it feels like to cross the Mediterranean.Thereby the participants of the experiment told the story of the refugees.A German proxy for a refugee’s story. Further the participants represented the German society in age, gender & profession to maximize the potential for the viewers identification.All experiences were captured in the documentary-short of the simulation “LIFEBOAT- The experiment“ by Oscar nominated director Sky Fitzgerald.A simple trick:A change of perspective driving a mindshift in society. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) A holistic campaign including off- and online media touch points as well as selected influencer drove traffic to our campaign website www.lifeboatexperiment.org. Here we invite people to inform, understand and feel the torture of each individual journey renewing the public debate. To guarantee an initial spark of the conversation we invited journalists of the biggest newspapers as well as selected influencer to participate in the experiment and report their first hand experiences. Facebook and Instagram Stories made it a trending topic online so that the issue got picked up internationally across the globe. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To make the refugee crisis a globally recognized problem again, we brought it closer; geographically and emotionally. Based on first hand experiences of five refugees who survived, the experiment was delicately designed to generate a maximum immersive experience serving and triggering all human senses.We set up a simulation attempting to remodel all conditions of a real escape. Darkness,waves,stress,anxiety,uncertainty simulated in a wave-pool of a maritime training center in North Germany. All emotions and experiences were captured under very controlled circumstances by Oscar-nominated Director Skye Fitzgerald in the documentary-short “LIFEBOAT- The experiment”.The documentary was hosted on a mobile-optimized website, spread across all channels by selected political influencer and classical media.To guarantee an initial spark of the conversation we invited a journalist of the biggest German newspaper to participate in the experiment.Facebook and Instagram Stories made it a trending topic online so that the issue got picked up internationally across the globe. List the results (30% of vote) More than just a simulation „LIFEBOAT - The experiment“ is a game changer for a NGO reaching out for global awareness & regaining media coverage. The experiment instantly became world news. After being covered by all major German news-channels international press from China to Canada picked it up, reaching half a billion people, trippling traffic to website and increased Brand interaction by 310%. But most importantly, with +1100 articles published, we gave people who suffer a voice to be heard again. Facebook, Instagram and twitter made it a trending topic online sparking an ongoing dialogue creating a mindshift in society. All without spending a single euro in media. And even though the campaigns solely focused on awareness, donations went up, too.

    救生艇 -- 实验


    Lifeboat - The Experiment










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