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    案例简介:设计工作室Gretel今天在总部位于纽约的Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup成立20周年之前,为总部的Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup推出了改牌的面纱。Gretel的重新品牌集中在一种新的设计语言上,它抓住了SND独特的运动风格。它是新鲜但经典,灵活但单一,并提供了一个辉煌的蓝图,为文化组织的艺术作品如何转化为智能,适应性强的设计和品牌系统。反映艺术SND在2019年接触了格雷特,希望增加他们在纽约艺术界的影响力,并更清楚地将SND与其舞蹈节目非常成功的子品牌dance Italia之间的点联系起来。Gretel以其在包括Vice、Netflix和Nike在内的全球品牌工作而闻名,为该项目带来了深入战略和卓越设计的承诺。Gretel创始人格雷格 · 哈恩 (Greg Hahn) 表示: “无论是为文化机构还是为全球科技品牌设计,我们总是在寻找独特、美丽的作品,最重要的是,无论是我们为谁设计。”即使对于像SND这样的较小的客户,我们也在提供独特身份的基础上,对他们的业务运作方式,他们向世界展示自己的方式,他们说话的方式,提供了宝贵的见解。“对称和不对称形成品牌的支柱,Gretel基于SND的扩展馆藏档案表演摄影,设计了一个抽象的图形形式库。哈恩说: “我们被Stefanie的作品中的优雅和尴尬之间的紧张关系所吸引: 安静的冥想和爆炸性的动作。对称和不对称。硬软形式。即使在静止的摄影中,你也可以感觉到这一切。“。使用硬线和软线相呼应的舞者的动作,格莱特创造了一种形状的语言,作为灵活但牢固的身份的基础。“这些形状可以起到补充或增强照片的作用,” 哈恩说,“它们本身就成为一种字形语言,因为它们是基于SND表演者的。” 埃兰 · 伯恩 (Elaan Bourn) 说: “这个项目的目标是模仿运动,并以一种个性化的、特定于SND的方式进行设计,” 埃兰 · 伯恩 (Elaan Bourn) 说。Gretel在SND项目上的设计领导。“通过创建一个图形库,展示和抽象出燕姿作品的前卫、当代和充满活力的自然,我们能够想象重塑品牌的精神。” 和谐的层次 “从一开始我们就意识到如何为意大利舞创造一种次要语言,用不同的语调,但它与SND共享DNA,“哈恩说。“我们希望确保这个品牌的所有层次都可以自己工作,也可以和谐地工作。” 为了实现这一点,Gretel使用负面的空间和颜色,将SND和意大利舞链接在一起,同时将它们分开。一个柔和的蜡笔,坚实的形式执行SND允许更复杂,精致的视觉效果为母公司。大纲形式与充满活力的黄色允许更有趣的构图,有助于模仿意大利舞蹈的教育计划的精神。最高设计标准SND创始人Stefanie Nelson评论说: “我们与Gretel配对,调查我们公司的核心价值,并在我们的宣传材料中反映出最高的设计标准。由此产生的作品是我们过去的精彩视觉反映,也是我们未来的战略跳板。”这种对SND重新品牌的整体方法表明,深度战略方法如何能够将文化品牌的艺术审美与高度功能的设计相结合,以清晰、有效、真实地与长时间的顾客和新观众联系起来。哈恩说: “我们为这次改牌而创作的作品非常适合SND -- 它符合Stefanie的个性,也说明了她工作的本质。”正因为如此,公众将在有机会观看演出之前对SND有更直观的了解。“。Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup和Dance Italia的改牌将在未来几个月在数字接触点和所有宣传材料上推出。


    案例简介:Design studio Gretel today unveils its rebrand for the NYC based Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup in advance of the group’s 20th anniversary. The rebrand by Gretel centers on a new design language that captures the unique movement style of SND. It’s fresh but classic, flexible but singular, and offers a brilliant blueprint for how a cultural organization’s artistic work can be translated into smart, adaptable design and branding systems. Reflecting art SND reached out to Gretel in 2019, looking to increase their presence in the NYC arts world and more clearly connect the dots between SND and its highly successful sub-brand for the dance program, Dance Italia. Gretel, known for its work for global brands including Vice, Netflix, and Nike, brought a commitment to deep strategy and design excellence to the project. Gretel founder Greg Hahn says: “Whether designing for a cultural institution or a global tech brand, we’re always looking for work that’s unique, beautiful, and above all, true to whoever we’re designing for. Even for a smaller client like SND we provide valuable insights into the way their business is operating, the way they present themselves to the world, the way they speak, on top of providing a unique identity.” Symmetry and asymmetry To form the backbone of the brand, Gretel designed a library of abstracted graphic forms based on SND’s expansive collection of archival performance photography. Hahn says: “We were drawn to the tension between elegance and awkwardness in Stefanie’s work: Quiet meditations and explosive movements. Symmetry and asymmetry. Hard and soft forms. Even in still photography you could sense all of this.” Using a combination of hard and soft lines which echo the dancers’ movements, Gretel created a language of shapes as the basis of the flexible but firmly-rooted identity. “The shapes can work to supplement or enhance a photo,” says Hahn, “and on their own they become a language of glyphs, unique because they’re based on SND performers.” “The goal for this project was to mimic movement and dance through the design in a way that is personal and specific to SND,” says Elaan Bourn, Gretel’s design lead on the SND project. “By creating a graphic library of forms that represent and abstract the edgy, contemporary and energetic nature of Stefanie’s pieces, we were able to visualize the spirit of the rebrand.” Harmonious layers “From the beginning we were conscious of how to create a secondary language for Dance Italia, with a different tone of voice, but which shares DNA with SND,” says Hahn. “We wanted to make sure that all of the layers of this brand could work on their own as well as harmoniously.” To achieve this, Gretel played with negative space and color to link SND and Dance Italia together while keeping them separate. A muted pastel, solid form execution of SND allowed for more sophisticated, refined visuals for the parent company. Outline forms with a vibrant yellow allowed for more playful compositions that helped mimic the spirit of the educational program of Dance Italia. Highest design standards Stefanie Nelson, founder of SND comments: “We paired with Gretel to investigate core values of our company and have those reflected artistically to the highest design standards in our publicity materials. The resulting work is a wonderful visual reflection of our past and a strategic springboard for our future.” This holistic approach to the SND rebrand shows how a deeply strategic approach can marry a cultural brand’s artistic aesthetic with highly functional design to connect clearly, effectively, and authentically with long time patrons and new audiences. Hahn says: “The work we created for this rebrand is so fitting for SND – it suits Stefanie’s personality and speaks to the nature of her work. Because of that, the public will have a more intuitive understanding of SND before they have the opportunity to see a performance.” The rebrand of the Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup and Dance Italia will be rolled out in the coming months across digital touchpoints and all publicity materials.

    Design Studio Gretel Mimics Movement in Dance Company Rebrand

    案例简介:设计工作室Gretel今天在总部位于纽约的Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup成立20周年之前,为总部的Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup推出了改牌的面纱。Gretel的重新品牌集中在一种新的设计语言上,它抓住了SND独特的运动风格。它是新鲜但经典,灵活但单一,并提供了一个辉煌的蓝图,为文化组织的艺术作品如何转化为智能,适应性强的设计和品牌系统。反映艺术SND在2019年接触了格雷特,希望增加他们在纽约艺术界的影响力,并更清楚地将SND与其舞蹈节目非常成功的子品牌dance Italia之间的点联系起来。Gretel以其在包括Vice、Netflix和Nike在内的全球品牌工作而闻名,为该项目带来了深入战略和卓越设计的承诺。Gretel创始人格雷格 · 哈恩 (Greg Hahn) 表示: “无论是为文化机构还是为全球科技品牌设计,我们总是在寻找独特、美丽的作品,最重要的是,无论是我们为谁设计。”即使对于像SND这样的较小的客户,我们也在提供独特身份的基础上,对他们的业务运作方式,他们向世界展示自己的方式,他们说话的方式,提供了宝贵的见解。“对称和不对称形成品牌的支柱,Gretel基于SND的扩展馆藏档案表演摄影,设计了一个抽象的图形形式库。哈恩说: “我们被Stefanie的作品中的优雅和尴尬之间的紧张关系所吸引: 安静的冥想和爆炸性的动作。对称和不对称。硬软形式。即使在静止的摄影中,你也可以感觉到这一切。“。使用硬线和软线相呼应的舞者的动作,格莱特创造了一种形状的语言,作为灵活但牢固的身份的基础。“这些形状可以起到补充或增强照片的作用,” 哈恩说,“它们本身就成为一种字形语言,因为它们是基于SND表演者的。” 埃兰 · 伯恩 (Elaan Bourn) 说: “这个项目的目标是模仿运动,并以一种个性化的、特定于SND的方式进行设计,” 埃兰 · 伯恩 (Elaan Bourn) 说。Gretel在SND项目上的设计领导。“通过创建一个图形库,展示和抽象出燕姿作品的前卫、当代和充满活力的自然,我们能够想象重塑品牌的精神。” 和谐的层次 “从一开始我们就意识到如何为意大利舞创造一种次要语言,用不同的语调,但它与SND共享DNA,“哈恩说。“我们希望确保这个品牌的所有层次都可以自己工作,也可以和谐地工作。” 为了实现这一点,Gretel使用负面的空间和颜色,将SND和意大利舞链接在一起,同时将它们分开。一个柔和的蜡笔,坚实的形式执行SND允许更复杂,精致的视觉效果为母公司。大纲形式与充满活力的黄色允许更有趣的构图,有助于模仿意大利舞蹈的教育计划的精神。最高设计标准SND创始人Stefanie Nelson评论说: “我们与Gretel配对,调查我们公司的核心价值,并在我们的宣传材料中反映出最高的设计标准。由此产生的作品是我们过去的精彩视觉反映,也是我们未来的战略跳板。”这种对SND重新品牌的整体方法表明,深度战略方法如何能够将文化品牌的艺术审美与高度功能的设计相结合,以清晰、有效、真实地与长时间的顾客和新观众联系起来。哈恩说: “我们为这次改牌而创作的作品非常适合SND -- 它符合Stefanie的个性,也说明了她工作的本质。”正因为如此,公众将在有机会观看演出之前对SND有更直观的了解。“。Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup和Dance Italia的改牌将在未来几个月在数字接触点和所有宣传材料上推出。

    Design Studio Gretel Mimics Movement in Dance Company Rebrand

    案例简介:Design studio Gretel today unveils its rebrand for the NYC based Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup in advance of the group’s 20th anniversary. The rebrand by Gretel centers on a new design language that captures the unique movement style of SND. It’s fresh but classic, flexible but singular, and offers a brilliant blueprint for how a cultural organization’s artistic work can be translated into smart, adaptable design and branding systems. Reflecting art SND reached out to Gretel in 2019, looking to increase their presence in the NYC arts world and more clearly connect the dots between SND and its highly successful sub-brand for the dance program, Dance Italia. Gretel, known for its work for global brands including Vice, Netflix, and Nike, brought a commitment to deep strategy and design excellence to the project. Gretel founder Greg Hahn says: “Whether designing for a cultural institution or a global tech brand, we’re always looking for work that’s unique, beautiful, and above all, true to whoever we’re designing for. Even for a smaller client like SND we provide valuable insights into the way their business is operating, the way they present themselves to the world, the way they speak, on top of providing a unique identity.” Symmetry and asymmetry To form the backbone of the brand, Gretel designed a library of abstracted graphic forms based on SND’s expansive collection of archival performance photography. Hahn says: “We were drawn to the tension between elegance and awkwardness in Stefanie’s work: Quiet meditations and explosive movements. Symmetry and asymmetry. Hard and soft forms. Even in still photography you could sense all of this.” Using a combination of hard and soft lines which echo the dancers’ movements, Gretel created a language of shapes as the basis of the flexible but firmly-rooted identity. “The shapes can work to supplement or enhance a photo,” says Hahn, “and on their own they become a language of glyphs, unique because they’re based on SND performers.” “The goal for this project was to mimic movement and dance through the design in a way that is personal and specific to SND,” says Elaan Bourn, Gretel’s design lead on the SND project. “By creating a graphic library of forms that represent and abstract the edgy, contemporary and energetic nature of Stefanie’s pieces, we were able to visualize the spirit of the rebrand.” Harmonious layers “From the beginning we were conscious of how to create a secondary language for Dance Italia, with a different tone of voice, but which shares DNA with SND,” says Hahn. “We wanted to make sure that all of the layers of this brand could work on their own as well as harmoniously.” To achieve this, Gretel played with negative space and color to link SND and Dance Italia together while keeping them separate. A muted pastel, solid form execution of SND allowed for more sophisticated, refined visuals for the parent company. Outline forms with a vibrant yellow allowed for more playful compositions that helped mimic the spirit of the educational program of Dance Italia. Highest design standards Stefanie Nelson, founder of SND comments: “We paired with Gretel to investigate core values of our company and have those reflected artistically to the highest design standards in our publicity materials. The resulting work is a wonderful visual reflection of our past and a strategic springboard for our future.” This holistic approach to the SND rebrand shows how a deeply strategic approach can marry a cultural brand’s artistic aesthetic with highly functional design to connect clearly, effectively, and authentically with long time patrons and new audiences. Hahn says: “The work we created for this rebrand is so fitting for SND – it suits Stefanie’s personality and speaks to the nature of her work. Because of that, the public will have a more intuitive understanding of SND before they have the opportunity to see a performance.” The rebrand of the Stefanie Nelson Dancegroup and Dance Italia will be rolled out in the coming months across digital touchpoints and all publicity materials.



    Design Studio Gretel Mimics Movement in Dance Company Rebrand






    广告公司: Gretel (美国 纽约)




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