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    Why? Why Not?短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:观众 如上所述,我们的目标受众是双重的 -- 世界儿童和世界领导人。两者都需要激发观众的灵感,但原因不同。世界领导人需要受到激励,致力于有意义的气候行动。为了有效地做到这一点,我们需要激励这一代人从他们的决定中获得最大的胜利或失败,成为一个团结和普遍的声音。 客户简报或目标 为什么?为什么不呢?活动有两个需要与 “直接” 交流的受众 -- 全球 13 岁至 21 岁的年轻人。以及世界的领导人。对于我们雇佣的前者:-Youtube 上有针对性的招聘视频。-目标受众中有大量追随者的有影响力的 vloggers。-有针对性的 facebook 活动。在与世界领导人沟通时,我们使用了最直接的渠道 -- 纽约联合国大会, 在 2014 届联合国气候峰会期间。 执行 首先,我们在网上发布了一个全球邀请 -- 在 Youtube 上发布了招聘视频。通过来自目标中有大量追随者的 vloggers 的呼喊。在 87 个国家的孩子上传了数千个视频后,我们向大会发表讲话的请求是联合国无法拒绝的。在世界上最著名的气候十字军 -- 副总统阿尔·戈尔 -- 的有力帮助下,我们挑选了最后的 8 人,并让他们飞往 2014 届联合国气候峰会。用他们挑衅性的问题来挑战聚集在那里的 160 世界领导人。 结果 仅 Youtube 招募和 vlogger 电影在头四天就达到了 1000万的浏览量。AskWhyWhyNot?登陆页面获得了超过 200万次点击和在线活动,超过 4.5亿次印象。这场运动吸引了全球媒体的关注,吸引了 9500万人。在峰会前几天,它在曼哈顿 80 个街区举行了一次 400,000 人的集会。而且,催生了一种由后代带头并针对气候不作为的审讯意识形态。 概要 2014年9月23日,世界各国领导人齐聚纽约,出席联合国气候峰会。议程上的是保护地球和人类未来所需的紧急行动。我们创建了一个全球运动,旨在使其不像以前的任何其他全球峰会。有史以来第一次,我们给了一个从讨论和决定中获得最多胜利或失败的群体 -- 我们的孩子 -- 一个声音。


    案例简介:Audience As mentioned above, our target audience was twofold – the world’s children and the world’s leaders. Both, audiences needed to be inspired, but for different reasons. The world’s leaders needed to be inspired to commit to meaningful climate action. To do this effectively, we needed to galvanise the generation with the most to win or lose from their decisions, into a united and universal voice. Client Brief Or Objective The ‘Why? Why Not? campaign had two audiences that needed to be communicated with ‘directly’ – young people around the globe, between the ages of 13 and 21. As well as, the leaders of the world. For the former we employed: - targeted recruitment videos on Youtube. - influential vloggers with massive followings among the target audience. - And targeted facebook campaign. When it came to communicating with the world’s leaders, we employed the most direct channel available – the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, while it was in session for the 2014 UN Climate Summit. Execution First, we launched a global invitation online - With recruitment videos on Youtube. Via rallying cries from vloggers with massive followings among the target. And, with a targeted facebook campaign.After thousands of videos were uploaded by kids from 87 countries, our request to address the General Assembly was something the UN couldn’t refuse. With some powerful help from the world’s most famous climate crusader – Vice President Al Gore – we picked the final 8 and flew them to the 2014 UN Climate Summit. To challenge the 160 world leaders assembled there with their provocative questions. Outcome The Youtube recruitment and vlogger films alone reached 10 million views in the first four days. The AskWhyWhyNot? landing page received more than 2 million clicks and the online activity, over 450 million impressions. The campaign attracted global media attention, reaching 95 million people. It armed a 400,000-strong rally that stretched 80 blocks of Manhattan in the days before the Summit. And, gave birth to an ideology of interrogation, spearheaded by future generations and directed at climate inaction. Synopsis On the 23rd of September 2014, the world’s leaders gathered in New York, to attend the United Nations Climate Summit. On the agenda was the urgent action needed to preserve the planet and the future of mankind. We created a global campaign designed to make it unlike any other global summit before. For the first time ever, we gave a voice to a group that has the most to win or lose from the discussions and decisions that are arrived at – our kids.

    Why? Why Not?

    案例简介:观众 如上所述,我们的目标受众是双重的 -- 世界儿童和世界领导人。两者都需要激发观众的灵感,但原因不同。世界领导人需要受到激励,致力于有意义的气候行动。为了有效地做到这一点,我们需要激励这一代人从他们的决定中获得最大的胜利或失败,成为一个团结和普遍的声音。 客户简报或目标 为什么?为什么不呢?活动有两个需要与 “直接” 交流的受众 -- 全球 13 岁至 21 岁的年轻人。以及世界的领导人。对于我们雇佣的前者:-Youtube 上有针对性的招聘视频。-目标受众中有大量追随者的有影响力的 vloggers。-有针对性的 facebook 活动。在与世界领导人沟通时,我们使用了最直接的渠道 -- 纽约联合国大会, 在 2014 届联合国气候峰会期间。 执行 首先,我们在网上发布了一个全球邀请 -- 在 Youtube 上发布了招聘视频。通过来自目标中有大量追随者的 vloggers 的呼喊。在 87 个国家的孩子上传了数千个视频后,我们向大会发表讲话的请求是联合国无法拒绝的。在世界上最著名的气候十字军 -- 副总统阿尔·戈尔 -- 的有力帮助下,我们挑选了最后的 8 人,并让他们飞往 2014 届联合国气候峰会。用他们挑衅性的问题来挑战聚集在那里的 160 世界领导人。 结果 仅 Youtube 招募和 vlogger 电影在头四天就达到了 1000万的浏览量。AskWhyWhyNot?登陆页面获得了超过 200万次点击和在线活动,超过 4.5亿次印象。这场运动吸引了全球媒体的关注,吸引了 9500万人。在峰会前几天,它在曼哈顿 80 个街区举行了一次 400,000 人的集会。而且,催生了一种由后代带头并针对气候不作为的审讯意识形态。 概要 2014年9月23日,世界各国领导人齐聚纽约,出席联合国气候峰会。议程上的是保护地球和人类未来所需的紧急行动。我们创建了一个全球运动,旨在使其不像以前的任何其他全球峰会。有史以来第一次,我们给了一个从讨论和决定中获得最多胜利或失败的群体 -- 我们的孩子 -- 一个声音。

    Why? Why Not?

    案例简介:Audience As mentioned above, our target audience was twofold – the world’s children and the world’s leaders. Both, audiences needed to be inspired, but for different reasons. The world’s leaders needed to be inspired to commit to meaningful climate action. To do this effectively, we needed to galvanise the generation with the most to win or lose from their decisions, into a united and universal voice. Client Brief Or Objective The ‘Why? Why Not? campaign had two audiences that needed to be communicated with ‘directly’ – young people around the globe, between the ages of 13 and 21. As well as, the leaders of the world. For the former we employed: - targeted recruitment videos on Youtube. - influential vloggers with massive followings among the target audience. - And targeted facebook campaign. When it came to communicating with the world’s leaders, we employed the most direct channel available – the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, while it was in session for the 2014 UN Climate Summit. Execution First, we launched a global invitation online - With recruitment videos on Youtube. Via rallying cries from vloggers with massive followings among the target. And, with a targeted facebook campaign.After thousands of videos were uploaded by kids from 87 countries, our request to address the General Assembly was something the UN couldn’t refuse. With some powerful help from the world’s most famous climate crusader – Vice President Al Gore – we picked the final 8 and flew them to the 2014 UN Climate Summit. To challenge the 160 world leaders assembled there with their provocative questions. Outcome The Youtube recruitment and vlogger films alone reached 10 million views in the first four days. The AskWhyWhyNot? landing page received more than 2 million clicks and the online activity, over 450 million impressions. The campaign attracted global media attention, reaching 95 million people. It armed a 400,000-strong rally that stretched 80 blocks of Manhattan in the days before the Summit. And, gave birth to an ideology of interrogation, spearheaded by future generations and directed at climate inaction. Synopsis On the 23rd of September 2014, the world’s leaders gathered in New York, to attend the United Nations Climate Summit. On the agenda was the urgent action needed to preserve the planet and the future of mankind. We created a global campaign designed to make it unlike any other global summit before. For the first time ever, we gave a voice to a group that has the most to win or lose from the discussions and decisions that are arrived at – our kids.



    Why? Why Not?










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