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    艺术总监俱乐部德国 “养活你的创造力”

    案例简介:概要 对于 2018 ADC 节,必须开展一项活动,为 “初级竞争” 、 “ADC 竞争” 和 “ADC 节” 三个交流阶段讲述一个连续的故事。总体目标是创造一个新的品牌形象,并增加提交和门票销售。因此,该活动需要适应各种各样的沟通渠道,包括现场直播和归属品牌。为了实现这些目标,该活动回到了 ADC 的核心,并以强大而简单的座右铭 “激发你的创造力”。 结果 综合活动和座右铭 “滋养你的创造力” 为 ADC 提供了一个新的、可识别的外观和故事情节。它满足了不同沟通阶段的要求,并与消费者一起工作了几个月。此外,提交作品和门票销售的关键目标也非常顺利,使电影节取得了巨大成功。 执行 该活动的实施基于两个主要元素 -- 手工插图和手绘字体 -- 100% 是手工制作的。每个布局都是单独设计的,不遵循任何严格的规则,包括八种颜色以及黑色文本和轮廓。此外,设计保持非常粗糙、有机的,并专注于填充整个布局。这些风格元素贯穿整个活动,从社交媒体帖子、海报、平面广告、节日标志、网站、动画电影以及 t恤等广告材料开始, 手提袋和别针。此外,这一座右铭甚至在过去几年的插图活动中被手工制作的饼干变成了现实。 活动描述 再次关注 ADC 的核心,开发了简单但强有力的座右铭 “滋养你的创造力”。这一座右铭提供了将 ADC 的外观变成一个非常丰富多彩、轻松愉快的身份的可能性,这是基于手绘字体和俏皮的插图,这些插图将主题灵感置于食物的环境中。每道菜都是单独制作的,代表了电影、声音、摄影或促销等竞争对手的一个类别。最后一道菜,它的准备也是这部电影的故事情节,通过结合几个菜肴的元素,将整个菜单四舍五入。活动的目标受众是所有 ADC 成员、提交者 (机构、青年、客户) 、展览参观者、营销人员、媒体和政治家。

    艺术总监俱乐部德国 “养活你的创造力”

    案例简介:Synopsis For the ADC Festival 2018 a campaign had to be developed that tells a continuous story for the three communication phases “Junior competition”, “ADC competition” and “ADC Festival”. The overall aim was to create a new brand identity and to increase the submissions and ticket sales. Therefore, the campaign needed to be adaptable for a high variety of communication channels, including a live event and the belonging branding on site. To achieve these objectives, the campaign went back to the core of the ADC with the strong and simple motto “Feed your creativity”. Outcome The integrated campaign and the motto “Feed your creativity” provided a new and strongly recognizable look and storyline to the ADC. It fulfilled the requirements of the different communication phases and went along with the consumer for several months. Also the key objective of generating submissions and ticket sales went very well and turned the festival into a huge success. Execution The execution of the campaign is based on two main elements – handcrafted illustrations and hand-drawn typography – and is 100% handmade. Each layout is individually designed and does not follow any strict rules expect from a defined range of eight colors as well as black text and outlines. Moreover, the design is kept really rough, organic and focused on filling in the entire layout. These style elements ran though the entire campaign, starting from social media posts, posters, print ads, festival signage, website, an animated film as well as advertising material like t-shirts, tote bags and pins. Furthermore, the motto was even turned into reality with handmade cookies in shape of illustrated campaigns of the last years. CampaignDescription Focusing on ADC’s core again, the simple but strong motto “Feed your creativity” was developed. This motto offered the possibility to change ADC’s look into a very colorful and lighthearted identity, based on hand-drawn typography and playful illustrations that set the topic inspiration into the context of food. Each dish was individually crafted and represented one of the competiton categories like film, sound, photography or promotion. One final course, whose preparation was also the storyline of the film, rounded of the whole menu by combining elements of several dishes. Target audience of the campaign are all ADC members, submitter (agencies, juniors, clients), exhibition visitors, marketer, press and politicians.

    Art Directors Club Germany "Feed your creativity"

    案例简介:概要 对于 2018 ADC 节,必须开展一项活动,为 “初级竞争” 、 “ADC 竞争” 和 “ADC 节” 三个交流阶段讲述一个连续的故事。总体目标是创造一个新的品牌形象,并增加提交和门票销售。因此,该活动需要适应各种各样的沟通渠道,包括现场直播和归属品牌。为了实现这些目标,该活动回到了 ADC 的核心,并以强大而简单的座右铭 “激发你的创造力”。 结果 综合活动和座右铭 “滋养你的创造力” 为 ADC 提供了一个新的、可识别的外观和故事情节。它满足了不同沟通阶段的要求,并与消费者一起工作了几个月。此外,提交作品和门票销售的关键目标也非常顺利,使电影节取得了巨大成功。 执行 该活动的实施基于两个主要元素 -- 手工插图和手绘字体 -- 100% 是手工制作的。每个布局都是单独设计的,不遵循任何严格的规则,包括八种颜色以及黑色文本和轮廓。此外,设计保持非常粗糙、有机的,并专注于填充整个布局。这些风格元素贯穿整个活动,从社交媒体帖子、海报、平面广告、节日标志、网站、动画电影以及 t恤等广告材料开始, 手提袋和别针。此外,这一座右铭甚至在过去几年的插图活动中被手工制作的饼干变成了现实。 活动描述 再次关注 ADC 的核心,开发了简单但强有力的座右铭 “滋养你的创造力”。这一座右铭提供了将 ADC 的外观变成一个非常丰富多彩、轻松愉快的身份的可能性,这是基于手绘字体和俏皮的插图,这些插图将主题灵感置于食物的环境中。每道菜都是单独制作的,代表了电影、声音、摄影或促销等竞争对手的一个类别。最后一道菜,它的准备也是这部电影的故事情节,通过结合几个菜肴的元素,将整个菜单四舍五入。活动的目标受众是所有 ADC 成员、提交者 (机构、青年、客户) 、展览参观者、营销人员、媒体和政治家。

    Art Directors Club Germany "Feed your creativity"

    案例简介:Synopsis For the ADC Festival 2018 a campaign had to be developed that tells a continuous story for the three communication phases “Junior competition”, “ADC competition” and “ADC Festival”. The overall aim was to create a new brand identity and to increase the submissions and ticket sales. Therefore, the campaign needed to be adaptable for a high variety of communication channels, including a live event and the belonging branding on site. To achieve these objectives, the campaign went back to the core of the ADC with the strong and simple motto “Feed your creativity”. Outcome The integrated campaign and the motto “Feed your creativity” provided a new and strongly recognizable look and storyline to the ADC. It fulfilled the requirements of the different communication phases and went along with the consumer for several months. Also the key objective of generating submissions and ticket sales went very well and turned the festival into a huge success. Execution The execution of the campaign is based on two main elements – handcrafted illustrations and hand-drawn typography – and is 100% handmade. Each layout is individually designed and does not follow any strict rules expect from a defined range of eight colors as well as black text and outlines. Moreover, the design is kept really rough, organic and focused on filling in the entire layout. These style elements ran though the entire campaign, starting from social media posts, posters, print ads, festival signage, website, an animated film as well as advertising material like t-shirts, tote bags and pins. Furthermore, the motto was even turned into reality with handmade cookies in shape of illustrated campaigns of the last years. CampaignDescription Focusing on ADC’s core again, the simple but strong motto “Feed your creativity” was developed. This motto offered the possibility to change ADC’s look into a very colorful and lighthearted identity, based on hand-drawn typography and playful illustrations that set the topic inspiration into the context of food. Each dish was individually crafted and represented one of the competiton categories like film, sound, photography or promotion. One final course, whose preparation was also the storyline of the film, rounded of the whole menu by combining elements of several dishes. Target audience of the campaign are all ADC members, submitter (agencies, juniors, clients), exhibition visitors, marketer, press and politicians.

    艺术总监俱乐部德国 “养活你的创造力”


    Art Directors Club Germany "Feed your creativity"










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