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    The Marathon for Water短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 想象一下,为了到达最基本的东西,比如水,必须走相当于马拉松的路。这是吉内-比绍妇女的例行公事。葡萄牙的连锁超市 Lidl 决定做些什么来改变这一点。首先,我们邀请了吉内-比绍的一名村长参加葡萄牙最大的马拉松比赛,向世界展示她的日常生活。马拉松赛结束后,玛丽亚继续在每一个 LIDL 寻求帮助,在那里人们可以捐给一个基金,在吉内建造自流水井。公关首先被用来引起葡萄牙媒体和舆论制定者的兴趣。通过这种方式,葡萄牙人民更好地理解了马拉松赛到来那天吉内的艰辛。在整个项目期间,公关保持了项目的势头,并创造了捐赠的大幅增长。Viva 项目的结果是,将在吉内建造 15 口自流井。它们将有助于延长成千上万人的生命。作为一场公关活动,Viva 项目帮助巩固了 LIDL 作为一家始终以人为本的公司的地位,并表现出真诚和强烈的团结精神。 描述客户的简报: 我们创建了一个项目 (VIVA),在这个项目中,我们从吉内带来了一个村庄领袖,参加里斯本最大的马拉松。通过这样做,向世界展示她在吉内每天马拉松的日常生活和艰辛。通过 VIVA 项目,Lidl 的目标是做一些永远缩短这些距离的事情。 结果: 我们的目标是建造 5 口自流井,为吉内数千人提供服务。但是由于葡萄牙人民的慷慨和对这场运动的回应,将建造 15 口井,帮助数千人。更重要的是,缩短这些距离,结束马拉松比赛。对 Lidl 来说,Viva 项目被证明不仅仅是一种社会努力,而是一种团结的行为,它将永远改变我们的世界不知道存在的世界。作为一场公关活动,它帮助 Lidl 与其消费者建立了关系。对于 Viva 项目,Lidl 再次被证明是一家总是以人为本的公司。今天,对消费者来说,没有什么比真正做事而不仅仅是说说而已的公司更重要的了。Viva 项目不仅在公关方面取得了成功,还改变了吉内的生活。并且肯定会让公众越来越多地把 Lidl 视为关心它所做一切的公司。 执行: 马拉松比赛的同一天,在葡萄牙各地,一场筹集资金在吉内建造自流水井的运动在 200 多家 Lidl 超市开始。直接营销发挥了重要作用,因为它很好地向媒体和公众展示了详细的信息。 情况: 在非洲的吉内-比绍,妇女必须步行相当于马拉松才能到达最基本的东西,如水、 42千米、 195米。一种不属于奥林匹克历史的运动,而是一种生活方式。Lidl,一家在葡萄牙拥有 200 多家商店的德国超市,决定做些什么来改变这一点,并永远缩短这些女性的距离。公关对于在媒体中建立 Viva 项目至关重要。因为正是公关为葡萄牙人民开始理解吉内的问题奠定了基础。公关对于在媒体中建立 Viva 项目至关重要。因为正是公关为葡萄牙人民开始理解吉内的问题奠定了基础。 战略: 吉恩村的村长玛丽亚 · 布宁 42 年来第一次离开了她的国家,12月6日,她向葡萄牙展示了她的日常生活。玛丽亚用一瓶空水握在胸前参加马拉松比赛,向世界展示了她的生活,也展示了成千上万和她一样的生活。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Imagine what it is like to have to walk the equivalent of a Marathon to reach the most basic things such as water. That's the routine for the women in Guiné-Bissau. Lidl, a supermarket chain in Portugal decided to do something to change this. First we invited a village leader from Guiné-Bissau to participate in Portugal's biggest marathon, by doing so, show her routine to the world. After the Marathon, Maria's quest continued at every LIDL where one could donate to a fund to build artesian water wells in Guiné. PR was used first to generate interest from the media and opinion makers in Portugal. This way, the Portuguese people better understood the hardships of Guiné by the day the Marathon arrived. During the duration of the whole Project, PR kept the project's momentum and created substantial growth in donations. As a result from Project Viva, fifteen artesian water wells are going to be built in Guiné. And they will help to lengthen the lives of thousands. As a PR Campaign, Project Viva helped solidify LIDL's position as a company that always puts people first and showed a genuine and strong act of solidarity. Describe the brief from the client: We created a Project (VIVA) where we brought from Guiné, a village leader to participate in Lisbon's biggest Marathon. By doing so, show the world her routine and hardships of her daily marathons in Guiné. With Project VIVA, Lidl aimed to do something that would forever shorten these distances. Results: We had as a goal, the building of 5 artesian water wells to serve thousands in Guiné. But due to the Portuguese people's generosity and response to the campaign 15 wells are going to be built that will help thousands. And more importantly, shorten these distances and put and end to the marathons. For Lidl, Project Viva proved to be more than a social endeavor, but an act of solidarity that will forever change a world that OUR world had no idea existed. As a PR campaign, it helped build Lidl's relationship with its consumers. For with Project Viva, Lidl once again proved to be a company that always puts people first. And today there's nothing more important to the consumer than a company that really does things and not just says them. More than a PR success, Project Viva changed lives in Guiné. And will certainly give the public an ever increasing view of Lidl as corporation that cares for everything it does. Execution: That same day of the marathon, across all Portugal, a campaign to collect funds to build artesian water wells in Guiné started in over 200 Lidl supermarkets. Direct Marketing played an important role as it served well to display detailed information to the media and general public. The Situation: In Guiné-Bissau in Africa, women have to walk the equivalent of a marathon to reach the most basic things such as water, 42km, 195 meters. A routine that is not a sport with Olympic history, but one that is a means to live. Lidl, a German supermarket with over 200 stores in Portugal decided to do something to change this, and forever shorten these women's distances. PR was essential to establish Project Viva in the Media. For it was PR that set the stage for the people in Portugal to start to understand the problems in Guiné. PR was essential to establish Project Viva in the Media. For it was PR that set the stage for the people in Portugal to start to understand the problems in Guiné. The Strategy: Maria Buinen, the village leader from Guiné left her country for the first time in 42 years and on December 6th, she showed Portugal her routine. By participating in the marathon with an empty bottle of water grasped to her chest, Maria showed the world her life and that of thousands just like her.

    The Marathon for Water

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 想象一下,为了到达最基本的东西,比如水,必须走相当于马拉松的路。这是吉内-比绍妇女的例行公事。葡萄牙的连锁超市 Lidl 决定做些什么来改变这一点。首先,我们邀请了吉内-比绍的一名村长参加葡萄牙最大的马拉松比赛,向世界展示她的日常生活。马拉松赛结束后,玛丽亚继续在每一个 LIDL 寻求帮助,在那里人们可以捐给一个基金,在吉内建造自流水井。公关首先被用来引起葡萄牙媒体和舆论制定者的兴趣。通过这种方式,葡萄牙人民更好地理解了马拉松赛到来那天吉内的艰辛。在整个项目期间,公关保持了项目的势头,并创造了捐赠的大幅增长。Viva 项目的结果是,将在吉内建造 15 口自流井。它们将有助于延长成千上万人的生命。作为一场公关活动,Viva 项目帮助巩固了 LIDL 作为一家始终以人为本的公司的地位,并表现出真诚和强烈的团结精神。 描述客户的简报: 我们创建了一个项目 (VIVA),在这个项目中,我们从吉内带来了一个村庄领袖,参加里斯本最大的马拉松。通过这样做,向世界展示她在吉内每天马拉松的日常生活和艰辛。通过 VIVA 项目,Lidl 的目标是做一些永远缩短这些距离的事情。 结果: 我们的目标是建造 5 口自流井,为吉内数千人提供服务。但是由于葡萄牙人民的慷慨和对这场运动的回应,将建造 15 口井,帮助数千人。更重要的是,缩短这些距离,结束马拉松比赛。对 Lidl 来说,Viva 项目被证明不仅仅是一种社会努力,而是一种团结的行为,它将永远改变我们的世界不知道存在的世界。作为一场公关活动,它帮助 Lidl 与其消费者建立了关系。对于 Viva 项目,Lidl 再次被证明是一家总是以人为本的公司。今天,对消费者来说,没有什么比真正做事而不仅仅是说说而已的公司更重要的了。Viva 项目不仅在公关方面取得了成功,还改变了吉内的生活。并且肯定会让公众越来越多地把 Lidl 视为关心它所做一切的公司。 执行: 马拉松比赛的同一天,在葡萄牙各地,一场筹集资金在吉内建造自流水井的运动在 200 多家 Lidl 超市开始。直接营销发挥了重要作用,因为它很好地向媒体和公众展示了详细的信息。 情况: 在非洲的吉内-比绍,妇女必须步行相当于马拉松才能到达最基本的东西,如水、 42千米、 195米。一种不属于奥林匹克历史的运动,而是一种生活方式。Lidl,一家在葡萄牙拥有 200 多家商店的德国超市,决定做些什么来改变这一点,并永远缩短这些女性的距离。公关对于在媒体中建立 Viva 项目至关重要。因为正是公关为葡萄牙人民开始理解吉内的问题奠定了基础。公关对于在媒体中建立 Viva 项目至关重要。因为正是公关为葡萄牙人民开始理解吉内的问题奠定了基础。 战略: 吉恩村的村长玛丽亚 · 布宁 42 年来第一次离开了她的国家,12月6日,她向葡萄牙展示了她的日常生活。玛丽亚用一瓶空水握在胸前参加马拉松比赛,向世界展示了她的生活,也展示了成千上万和她一样的生活。

    The Marathon for Water

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: Imagine what it is like to have to walk the equivalent of a Marathon to reach the most basic things such as water. That's the routine for the women in Guiné-Bissau. Lidl, a supermarket chain in Portugal decided to do something to change this. First we invited a village leader from Guiné-Bissau to participate in Portugal's biggest marathon, by doing so, show her routine to the world. After the Marathon, Maria's quest continued at every LIDL where one could donate to a fund to build artesian water wells in Guiné. PR was used first to generate interest from the media and opinion makers in Portugal. This way, the Portuguese people better understood the hardships of Guiné by the day the Marathon arrived. During the duration of the whole Project, PR kept the project's momentum and created substantial growth in donations. As a result from Project Viva, fifteen artesian water wells are going to be built in Guiné. And they will help to lengthen the lives of thousands. As a PR Campaign, Project Viva helped solidify LIDL's position as a company that always puts people first and showed a genuine and strong act of solidarity. Describe the brief from the client: We created a Project (VIVA) where we brought from Guiné, a village leader to participate in Lisbon's biggest Marathon. By doing so, show the world her routine and hardships of her daily marathons in Guiné. With Project VIVA, Lidl aimed to do something that would forever shorten these distances. Results: We had as a goal, the building of 5 artesian water wells to serve thousands in Guiné. But due to the Portuguese people's generosity and response to the campaign 15 wells are going to be built that will help thousands. And more importantly, shorten these distances and put and end to the marathons. For Lidl, Project Viva proved to be more than a social endeavor, but an act of solidarity that will forever change a world that OUR world had no idea existed. As a PR campaign, it helped build Lidl's relationship with its consumers. For with Project Viva, Lidl once again proved to be a company that always puts people first. And today there's nothing more important to the consumer than a company that really does things and not just says them. More than a PR success, Project Viva changed lives in Guiné. And will certainly give the public an ever increasing view of Lidl as corporation that cares for everything it does. Execution: That same day of the marathon, across all Portugal, a campaign to collect funds to build artesian water wells in Guiné started in over 200 Lidl supermarkets. Direct Marketing played an important role as it served well to display detailed information to the media and general public. The Situation: In Guiné-Bissau in Africa, women have to walk the equivalent of a marathon to reach the most basic things such as water, 42km, 195 meters. A routine that is not a sport with Olympic history, but one that is a means to live. Lidl, a German supermarket with over 200 stores in Portugal decided to do something to change this, and forever shorten these women's distances. PR was essential to establish Project Viva in the Media. For it was PR that set the stage for the people in Portugal to start to understand the problems in Guiné. PR was essential to establish Project Viva in the Media. For it was PR that set the stage for the people in Portugal to start to understand the problems in Guiné. The Strategy: Maria Buinen, the village leader from Guiné left her country for the first time in 42 years and on December 6th, she showed Portugal her routine. By participating in the marathon with an empty bottle of water grasped to her chest, Maria showed the world her life and that of thousands just like her.



    The Marathon for Water










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