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    Safe Cap短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 巴西死亡人数更多的职业是卡车司机。这些死亡的很大一部分发生是因为他们开车时睡着了,导致了许多事故。这不仅危及他们的生命,也危及道路上任何人的生命。 战略 我们寻找了一个配件,卡车司机已经在他的旅行中使用它来不让他们睡在方向盘上: 一顶帽子。我们的策略是创造一些可穿戴的东西,当他们累得无法继续驾驶时,可以提醒他们。以这种方式避免路上的酸。为了引起观众的注意,我们在拉丁美洲最大的卡车交易会芬纳特兰 2017 上推出了它。 相关性 当卡车司机太累而无法驾驶时,提醒他们的帽子通过完全定向、身临其境和创新的体验凸显了品牌的价值。一旦 cap 是卡车司机广泛使用的配件,福特卡车就把它变成了方向盘后面的安全功能。卡车司机明白的是,该品牌不仅关心销售其产品,还关心确保其目标和所有上路者的安全。 结果 SafeCap 的推出是在拉丁美洲最大的国际卡车博览会芬纳特兰 2017 开幕期间进行的。从那以后,在 40 多个国家成为新闻,有超过 437.000.000 的印象,达到 117.000.000 人,超过 21.000.000 美元的收入媒体。 执行 制造配件的第一步是进行一项研究,以确定卡车司机与正常工作程序和睡眠相关的动作。然后,这个数据库被转移到安装在 cap 中的软件上,该软件连接到加速度计和陀螺仪来识别每种情况。每当帽子识别出昏昏欲睡的行为时,它会用声音、光线和振动提醒司机。 活动描述 我们开发了一个帽子,里面有一个软件,使用加速度计和陀螺仪来识别卡车司机头部的运动,并在昏昏欲睡的情况下提醒他们。


    案例简介:Synopsis The profession with more deaths in Brazil is the truck driver. And big part of these deaths happen because they fall asleep while driving, causing many accidents. Which puts in risk not only their lives, but also the lives of anyone on the roads. Strategy We looked to an accessory that the truckers already use in his trips to don’t let them sleep at the wheel: a cap. Our strategy was to create something wearable capable to alert them when they are too tired to continue driving. And in this way avoid acidentes on the roads. And to get the audience's attention, we launched it at Fenatran 2017, the largest truck trade show in Latin America. Relevancy A cap that alerts the truckers when they are too tired to drive highlights the values of the brand through a totally directed, immersive and innovative experience. Once cap is a widely used accessory for truckers, Ford Trucks has turned it into a safety feature behind the wheel. What became clear for truckers is that the brand is not only concerned about selling its products, but also concerned about ensuring the safety of its target and of all those who hit the road. Outcome The launch of SafeCap took place during the opening of FENATRAN 2017, the largest international truck fair in Latin America. And since then, became news in more than 40 countries, had over 437.000.000 impressions, a reach of 117.000.000 people and over $21.000.000 in earned media. Execution The first step in the creation of the accessory was to carry out a study to identify the movements of the truck driver related to his normal work routine and those that indicate sleep. This database was then transferred to a software installed in the cap, which works connected to an accelerometer and a gyroscope to identify each type of situation. Whenever the cap identifies a sleepy behaviour, it alerts the driver with sound, light and vibration. CampaignDescription We developed a cap with a software inside that uses an accelerometer and a gyroscope to identify the movements of the truck driver’s head and alert them in case of sleepy behaviour.

    Safe Cap

    案例简介:概要 巴西死亡人数更多的职业是卡车司机。这些死亡的很大一部分发生是因为他们开车时睡着了,导致了许多事故。这不仅危及他们的生命,也危及道路上任何人的生命。 战略 我们寻找了一个配件,卡车司机已经在他的旅行中使用它来不让他们睡在方向盘上: 一顶帽子。我们的策略是创造一些可穿戴的东西,当他们累得无法继续驾驶时,可以提醒他们。以这种方式避免路上的酸。为了引起观众的注意,我们在拉丁美洲最大的卡车交易会芬纳特兰 2017 上推出了它。 相关性 当卡车司机太累而无法驾驶时,提醒他们的帽子通过完全定向、身临其境和创新的体验凸显了品牌的价值。一旦 cap 是卡车司机广泛使用的配件,福特卡车就把它变成了方向盘后面的安全功能。卡车司机明白的是,该品牌不仅关心销售其产品,还关心确保其目标和所有上路者的安全。 结果 SafeCap 的推出是在拉丁美洲最大的国际卡车博览会芬纳特兰 2017 开幕期间进行的。从那以后,在 40 多个国家成为新闻,有超过 437.000.000 的印象,达到 117.000.000 人,超过 21.000.000 美元的收入媒体。 执行 制造配件的第一步是进行一项研究,以确定卡车司机与正常工作程序和睡眠相关的动作。然后,这个数据库被转移到安装在 cap 中的软件上,该软件连接到加速度计和陀螺仪来识别每种情况。每当帽子识别出昏昏欲睡的行为时,它会用声音、光线和振动提醒司机。 活动描述 我们开发了一个帽子,里面有一个软件,使用加速度计和陀螺仪来识别卡车司机头部的运动,并在昏昏欲睡的情况下提醒他们。

    Safe Cap

    案例简介:Synopsis The profession with more deaths in Brazil is the truck driver. And big part of these deaths happen because they fall asleep while driving, causing many accidents. Which puts in risk not only their lives, but also the lives of anyone on the roads. Strategy We looked to an accessory that the truckers already use in his trips to don’t let them sleep at the wheel: a cap. Our strategy was to create something wearable capable to alert them when they are too tired to continue driving. And in this way avoid acidentes on the roads. And to get the audience's attention, we launched it at Fenatran 2017, the largest truck trade show in Latin America. Relevancy A cap that alerts the truckers when they are too tired to drive highlights the values of the brand through a totally directed, immersive and innovative experience. Once cap is a widely used accessory for truckers, Ford Trucks has turned it into a safety feature behind the wheel. What became clear for truckers is that the brand is not only concerned about selling its products, but also concerned about ensuring the safety of its target and of all those who hit the road. Outcome The launch of SafeCap took place during the opening of FENATRAN 2017, the largest international truck fair in Latin America. And since then, became news in more than 40 countries, had over 437.000.000 impressions, a reach of 117.000.000 people and over $21.000.000 in earned media. Execution The first step in the creation of the accessory was to carry out a study to identify the movements of the truck driver related to his normal work routine and those that indicate sleep. This database was then transferred to a software installed in the cap, which works connected to an accelerometer and a gyroscope to identify each type of situation. Whenever the cap identifies a sleepy behaviour, it alerts the driver with sound, light and vibration. CampaignDescription We developed a cap with a software inside that uses an accelerometer and a gyroscope to identify the movements of the truck driver’s head and alert them in case of sleepy behaviour.



    Safe Cap





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