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    The Salt You Can See短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:观众 虽然没有年龄或性别限制, 这项预防性运动旨在提高那些没有心脏病的人的认识,他们仍然有时间减少膳食中的盐含量。那些有高血压或正在接受治疗的人被直接禁止食用盐。 客户简报或目标 非政府组织 fundaci ó n Favaloro 是一家专注于预防医学的大学医院。它是阿根廷最大的心脏病研究所。在阿根廷,过度食用盐是高血压的主要危险因素,是过早死亡的主要原因,也是心脏病等非传染性疾病导致残疾的次要原因,中风和肾脏疾病。解决问题的第一步是能够看到它。这就是为什么,我们在世界盐意识周期间与 Favoloro # LaSalQueSeVe 基金会一起发起: 4 种不同颜色的盐,帮助我们意识到我们在食物中放入的盐的量。基于与我们的目标的直接接触,并利用 abling people 的信息,将这些彩色盐瓶带到他们的日常生活中,Fundacion Favaloro 实现了在这些人的每一个家庭安装预防信息。 执行 这就是为什么,我们在世界盐意识周期间与 Favoloro # LaSalQueSeVe 基金会一起发起: 4 种不同颜色的盐,帮助我们意识到我们在食物中放入的盐的量。在世界盐意识周的时间范围内,人们能够在基金会进行免费的医疗测试,并得到一个盐瓶。我们把这个想法带到超市、餐馆、公共场所和社交网络。这个想法产生了如此巨大的影响,以至于当地媒体和许多国际媒体发布了这条新闻。 结果 16,122,951 媒体印象。 # LaSalQueSeVe 是推特的热门话题。基金会在 FB 上的平均参与率令人怀疑。仅仅两天就有 920,000 名 FB 用户。超过 18,000,000 人通过无线电和电话联系到。五。在 Instagram 上,100 多名名人发布了他们的 # salfieEven 梅西通过他的基金会宣传这个想法。 概要 过度摄入盐是高血压的主要危险因素,是过早死亡的主要原因,也是心脏病、中风和肾病等非传染性疾病致残的次要原因。世卫组织建议每天食用 5 克,而在阿根廷,根据卫生部公布的数据,每日盐消耗量约为 15 克。为了帮助减少人们消费的盐的数量,我们必须考虑到有一个预先存在的问题: 人们没有意识到他们消耗的盐的量,因为他们看不到。


    案例简介:Audience Although there were no age or gender restrictions, this preventive campaign was intended to raise awareness in those who did do not suffer from heart problems and still had time to reduce the amount of salt they have in their meals. Those who have high blood pressure or are under treatment are directly forbidden from consuming salt. Client Brief Or Objective The NGO Fundación Favaloro is a university hospital focused on preventive medicine. It is the largest Institute of Cardiology in Argentina.The excessive consumption of salt, in Argentina, is the main risk factor for hypertension and is the leading cause of premature death and the secondary cause of disability from non-contagious diseases like heart attacks, strokes and kidney diseases.The first step in resolving a problem is by being able to see it. That’s why, we launched with the Fundación Favoloro #LaSalQueSeVe, during the World Salt Awareness Week: 4 strikingly different coloured salts that help us to become aware of the amount of salt we put in our food. Based on direct contact with our target and leveraging the message by abling people to take those colourful salt shakers to their everyday lives, the Fundacion Favaloro achieved installing the prevention message in every home of those people. Execution That’s why, we launched with the Fundación Favoloro #LaSalQueSeVe, during the World Salt Awareness Week: 4 strikingly different coloured salts that help us to become aware of the amount of salt we put in our food. During the timeframe of the World Salt Awareness Week, people were able to have free medical tests at the Foundation and to get a salt shaker. We took this idea to supermarkets, restaurants, public places, and the social networks. The idea had such dramatic repercussions that the local media and many international ones published the news. Outcome 16,122,951 media impressions.#LaSalQueSeVe was a trending topic in TwitterThe average Foundation’s engagement rate on FB was doubled.920,000 FB users were reached in just 2 days.More than 18,000,000 people were reached via radio and T.V.On Instagram, more than 100 celebrities posted their #salfieEven Messi took up the cause by promoting the idea via his foundation. Synopsis The excessive consumption of salt is the main risk factor for hypertension and the leading cause of premature death and the secondary cause of disability from non-contagious diseases like heart attacks, strokes and kidney diseases.The WHO recommends the daily consumption of 5g, while in Argentina, according to figures released by the Ministry of Health, the daily salt consumption is around 15g. In order to help reduce the amount of salt people consume, we had to take into account that there was a pre-existing problem: people do not realise the amount of salt they consume because they can’t see it.

    The Salt You Can See

    案例简介:观众 虽然没有年龄或性别限制, 这项预防性运动旨在提高那些没有心脏病的人的认识,他们仍然有时间减少膳食中的盐含量。那些有高血压或正在接受治疗的人被直接禁止食用盐。 客户简报或目标 非政府组织 fundaci ó n Favaloro 是一家专注于预防医学的大学医院。它是阿根廷最大的心脏病研究所。在阿根廷,过度食用盐是高血压的主要危险因素,是过早死亡的主要原因,也是心脏病等非传染性疾病导致残疾的次要原因,中风和肾脏疾病。解决问题的第一步是能够看到它。这就是为什么,我们在世界盐意识周期间与 Favoloro # LaSalQueSeVe 基金会一起发起: 4 种不同颜色的盐,帮助我们意识到我们在食物中放入的盐的量。基于与我们的目标的直接接触,并利用 abling people 的信息,将这些彩色盐瓶带到他们的日常生活中,Fundacion Favaloro 实现了在这些人的每一个家庭安装预防信息。 执行 这就是为什么,我们在世界盐意识周期间与 Favoloro # LaSalQueSeVe 基金会一起发起: 4 种不同颜色的盐,帮助我们意识到我们在食物中放入的盐的量。在世界盐意识周的时间范围内,人们能够在基金会进行免费的医疗测试,并得到一个盐瓶。我们把这个想法带到超市、餐馆、公共场所和社交网络。这个想法产生了如此巨大的影响,以至于当地媒体和许多国际媒体发布了这条新闻。 结果 16,122,951 媒体印象。 # LaSalQueSeVe 是推特的热门话题。基金会在 FB 上的平均参与率令人怀疑。仅仅两天就有 920,000 名 FB 用户。超过 18,000,000 人通过无线电和电话联系到。五。在 Instagram 上,100 多名名人发布了他们的 # salfieEven 梅西通过他的基金会宣传这个想法。 概要 过度摄入盐是高血压的主要危险因素,是过早死亡的主要原因,也是心脏病、中风和肾病等非传染性疾病致残的次要原因。世卫组织建议每天食用 5 克,而在阿根廷,根据卫生部公布的数据,每日盐消耗量约为 15 克。为了帮助减少人们消费的盐的数量,我们必须考虑到有一个预先存在的问题: 人们没有意识到他们消耗的盐的量,因为他们看不到。

    The Salt You Can See

    案例简介:Audience Although there were no age or gender restrictions, this preventive campaign was intended to raise awareness in those who did do not suffer from heart problems and still had time to reduce the amount of salt they have in their meals. Those who have high blood pressure or are under treatment are directly forbidden from consuming salt. Client Brief Or Objective The NGO Fundación Favaloro is a university hospital focused on preventive medicine. It is the largest Institute of Cardiology in Argentina.The excessive consumption of salt, in Argentina, is the main risk factor for hypertension and is the leading cause of premature death and the secondary cause of disability from non-contagious diseases like heart attacks, strokes and kidney diseases.The first step in resolving a problem is by being able to see it. That’s why, we launched with the Fundación Favoloro #LaSalQueSeVe, during the World Salt Awareness Week: 4 strikingly different coloured salts that help us to become aware of the amount of salt we put in our food. Based on direct contact with our target and leveraging the message by abling people to take those colourful salt shakers to their everyday lives, the Fundacion Favaloro achieved installing the prevention message in every home of those people. Execution That’s why, we launched with the Fundación Favoloro #LaSalQueSeVe, during the World Salt Awareness Week: 4 strikingly different coloured salts that help us to become aware of the amount of salt we put in our food. During the timeframe of the World Salt Awareness Week, people were able to have free medical tests at the Foundation and to get a salt shaker. We took this idea to supermarkets, restaurants, public places, and the social networks. The idea had such dramatic repercussions that the local media and many international ones published the news. Outcome 16,122,951 media impressions.#LaSalQueSeVe was a trending topic in TwitterThe average Foundation’s engagement rate on FB was doubled.920,000 FB users were reached in just 2 days.More than 18,000,000 people were reached via radio and T.V.On Instagram, more than 100 celebrities posted their #salfieEven Messi took up the cause by promoting the idea via his foundation. Synopsis The excessive consumption of salt is the main risk factor for hypertension and the leading cause of premature death and the secondary cause of disability from non-contagious diseases like heart attacks, strokes and kidney diseases.The WHO recommends the daily consumption of 5g, while in Argentina, according to figures released by the Ministry of Health, the daily salt consumption is around 15g. In order to help reduce the amount of salt people consume, we had to take into account that there was a pre-existing problem: people do not realise the amount of salt they consume because they can’t see it.



    The Salt You Can See





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