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    Global Handwashing Day 2012短视频广告营销案例



    全球洗手日 2012

    案例简介:每年,200万多名儿童因腹泻和肺炎而无法活到 5 岁生日。许多死亡可以通过用肥皂定期洗手的简单习惯来预防。有一致的证据表明,在关键时刻用肥皂洗手可以降低 45% 的腹泻风险。联合利华品牌 Lifebuoy 肥皂致力于通过其在 40 多个国家的开创性工作来推广这种拯救生命的习惯,作为世界上销售细菌保护肥皂的第一名,为数百万人带来健康和卫生。在 2008,Lifebuoy 于 10月15日共同创立了全球洗手日 (GHD),以提高人们对这一拯救生命的习惯的认识,并动员世界各地的人们传播这一消息。 2012 年是 GHD 的第五年。Lifebuoy 及其合作伙伴致力于通过用肥皂教洗手来帮助更多的孩子度过五岁生日。 运动目标: 提高全世界对在 GHD 上用肥皂洗手的重要性的认识,以促进洗手习惯 产生 100万个吃饭前洗手的承诺,以鼓励发展中国家的卫生实践 这场运动的核心是一个誓言技工,对于每一个誓言,救生圈及其合作伙伴都教授儿童卫生教育, 帮助阻止可预防疾病的传播,帮助发展中国家更多的儿童达到 5 岁。脸谱网是这场运动的核心,基于这样的洞察力,一个 Facebook 粉丝可以成为一个筹款人和变革的代理人。Lifebuoy 授权世界各地的母亲通过健康的习惯来拯救生命。 Facebook 上的每一个接触点都是社交的: 关键视觉: 竞选关键视觉是小孩子庆祝他们的生日 -- 这是亲密的、个人和积极的, 考虑到他们会被看到的背景。这个千伏被改编成粉丝页承诺机械师的封面,以推动与承诺的应用和对全球洗手日事业的认识 脸谱网的承诺应用: 这是竞选的核心,并针对社交进行了优化 -- 每个承诺都建立在口碑中,所以每当有人承诺它出现在他们的新闻提要中,并呼吁他们的朋友也宣誓。应用程序解释了每一个承诺在哪里以及如何帮助一个孩子接受卫生教育。 facebook 粉丝在登陆质押应用程序时体验了更有趣、更相关的内容 (视频)。特别的 Facebook 内容: 通过在每一篇内容中张贴承诺标签链接来推动承诺。每一篇内容都集中在寻找新的角度来谈论承诺,包括; 达到的数字,目标数字,承诺将做什么,承诺将帮助谁 赞助故事: 页面上最吸引人的内容是为赞助故事 facebook 广告开发的: 广告与有机内容对齐。所有广告都集中在通过标签的直接链接来推动承诺。承诺 CTA 是广告活动的焦点 推动对话的工作方式 “实时” 代理团队 一个整合的 “实时” 代理团队 (客户、 Sapient 、 Salt 、 Mindshare 、 Facebook) 在发布前一个月成立, 总部设在新加坡和伦敦,受益于不同的时区。这使我们能够随着运动的进展而改进 -- 每天发现哪些拷贝和图像做得很好,并立即赞助它们,以达到尽可能多的人。 竞选目标 在线流量 WOM 教育运动组织赞助的故事 页面 Facebook PlatformOTHER 媒体使用打印 在线 OOHCampaign 性能 本月,Lifebuoy 在 Facebook 上捕获了 130万个承诺; 3.3 个承诺中的三分之一被捕获。Lifebuoy 获得了 560,000 个新的 Facebook 粉丝,达到 1.6 百万。在印度页面上,粉丝数量从 5,000 增长到 650,000 (增长 124x)。22 个救生圈市场在 Facebook 上参与了救生圈的活动,其中 222,242 个来自印度尼西亚,147,637 个来自越南。其他承诺市场包括: 土耳其、泰国、台湾、韩国、卡塔尔、美国、西班牙、埃及、阿联酋、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、印度、孟加拉国、马来西亚、新加坡、中非、南非。 10月期间,Facebook 上的帖子被 665万人看到,3,276 人分享,2,900 人评论。有 1910 篇关于 Lifebuoy 的博客文章和 2,480 篇关于联合利华的推文提到联合利华或 Lifebuoy,涉及 270万人。近 100万次访问 Lifebuoy 的 GHD 雅虎!《卫报》等报纸报道了伙伴关系页面和救生圈承诺。2012 是 Lifebuoy 有史以来最大的全球洗手日成功,并继续成为优先平台。

    全球洗手日 2012

    案例简介:Each year, more than 2 million children don’t live to see their 5th birthday because of diarrhea and pneumonia. Many of these deaths can be prevented through the simple habit of regular handwashing with soap. There is consistent evidence that handwashing with soap at critical times can reduce diarrhoeal risk by about 45%.Unilever brand Lifebuoy soap is committed to promoting this lifesaving habit through its pioneering work in 40+ countries as the world’s #1 selling germ protection soap bringing health and hygiene to millions. In 2008, Lifebuoy co-founded Global Handwashing Day (GHD) on October 15th to drive awareness of this life-saving habit and mobilise people around the world to spread the word. 2012 was the fifth year of GHD. Lifebuoy and its partners committed to help more children reach their fifth birthday by teaching handwashing with soap. Campaign ObjectivesRaise awareness worldwide of the importance of handwashing with soap on GHD in order to promote handwashing habits Generate 1 million pledges to handwash before eating in order to encourage hygiene practices across the developing worldCampaign Execution At the heart of the campaign was a pledge mechanic which for every pledge, Lifebuoy and its partners teach a child hygiene education, helping to stop the spread of preventable illnesses and help more children in the developing world reach the age of 5.Facebook was at the heart of the campaign, based on the insight that a Facebook fan can be a fundraiser and agent for change.Lifebuoy empowered mothers everywhere to save lives through healthy habits. Every touchpoint on Facebook was social:Key Visual: the campaign key visual was of young children celebrating their birthdays – it was intimate, personal and positive, mindful of the context in which they would be seen. This KV was adapted as the cover for the fan page pledge mechanic to drive engagement with the pledge application and awareness of the Global Handwashing Day cause Facebook application to pledge: this sat at the heart of the campaign, and was optimised for social – every pledge had built in word of mouth so whenever someone pledged it appeared in their newsfeeds, and called on their friends to pledge too.The application explained where and how each and every pledge would help one more child with hygiene education.Facebook fans experienced more interesting, relevant content (video) when landing on the pledge application.Special Facebook content: geared to driving pledges by posting pledge tab link in every piece of content. Each piece of content focused on finding new angles to talk about the pledging including; numbers reached, target numbers, what the pledges will do, who the pledges would help Sponsored stories: the most engaging content on the page was developed for sponsored storiesFacebook adverts: Adverts were aligned to organic content.All adverts focused on driving pledges via direct links to tabs.The pledge CTA was the focus for the advertising campaign Ways of working to drive conversation “Real-time” agency team An integrated “real-time” agency team (client, Sapient, Salt, Mindshare, Facebook) was established one month before the launch, based in Singapore and London to benefit from the different time zones. This allowed us to refine the campaign as it progressed – spotting daily which copy and images were doing well and sponsoring them immediately to reach maximum number of people possible. CAMPAIGN GOALSAwareness Online Traffic WOM EducationCAMPAIGN COMPONENTSSponsored Stories Pages Facebook PlatformOTHER MEDIA USEDPrint Online OOHCampaign Performance 1.3 million pledges were captured on Facebook by Lifebuoy over the course of the month; a third of the 3.3 pledges captured overall. Lifebuoy gained 560,000 new Facebook fans – up to 1.6million. On the India page, the fan base grew from 5,000 to 650,000 (124x growth). Twenty-two Lifebuoy markets participated in Lifebuoy’s campaign on Facebook, with 222,242 pledges coming from Indonesia and 147,637 from Vietnam. Other markets contributing pledging included: Turkey, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Qatar, USA, Spain, Egypt, UAE, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Central Africa, South Africa.During October, posts on Facebook were seen by 6.65 million people, shared by 3,276 people and with comments by 2,900 people.There were 1910 blog posts about Lifebuoy and 2,480 for Unilever with tweets mentioning Unilever or Lifebuoy reaching 2.7 million people. Almost 1 million visits to Lifebuoy’s GHD Yahoo! partnership page and the Lifebuoy pledge was reported on by newspapers such as The Guardian. 2012 was Lifebuoy’s biggest Global Handwashing Day success ever and continues to be a priority platform.

    Global Handwashing Day 2012

    案例简介:每年,200万多名儿童因腹泻和肺炎而无法活到 5 岁生日。许多死亡可以通过用肥皂定期洗手的简单习惯来预防。有一致的证据表明,在关键时刻用肥皂洗手可以降低 45% 的腹泻风险。联合利华品牌 Lifebuoy 肥皂致力于通过其在 40 多个国家的开创性工作来推广这种拯救生命的习惯,作为世界上销售细菌保护肥皂的第一名,为数百万人带来健康和卫生。在 2008,Lifebuoy 于 10月15日共同创立了全球洗手日 (GHD),以提高人们对这一拯救生命的习惯的认识,并动员世界各地的人们传播这一消息。 2012 年是 GHD 的第五年。Lifebuoy 及其合作伙伴致力于通过用肥皂教洗手来帮助更多的孩子度过五岁生日。 运动目标: 提高全世界对在 GHD 上用肥皂洗手的重要性的认识,以促进洗手习惯 产生 100万个吃饭前洗手的承诺,以鼓励发展中国家的卫生实践 这场运动的核心是一个誓言技工,对于每一个誓言,救生圈及其合作伙伴都教授儿童卫生教育, 帮助阻止可预防疾病的传播,帮助发展中国家更多的儿童达到 5 岁。脸谱网是这场运动的核心,基于这样的洞察力,一个 Facebook 粉丝可以成为一个筹款人和变革的代理人。Lifebuoy 授权世界各地的母亲通过健康的习惯来拯救生命。 Facebook 上的每一个接触点都是社交的: 关键视觉: 竞选关键视觉是小孩子庆祝他们的生日 -- 这是亲密的、个人和积极的, 考虑到他们会被看到的背景。这个千伏被改编成粉丝页承诺机械师的封面,以推动与承诺的应用和对全球洗手日事业的认识 脸谱网的承诺应用: 这是竞选的核心,并针对社交进行了优化 -- 每个承诺都建立在口碑中,所以每当有人承诺它出现在他们的新闻提要中,并呼吁他们的朋友也宣誓。应用程序解释了每一个承诺在哪里以及如何帮助一个孩子接受卫生教育。 facebook 粉丝在登陆质押应用程序时体验了更有趣、更相关的内容 (视频)。特别的 Facebook 内容: 通过在每一篇内容中张贴承诺标签链接来推动承诺。每一篇内容都集中在寻找新的角度来谈论承诺,包括; 达到的数字,目标数字,承诺将做什么,承诺将帮助谁 赞助故事: 页面上最吸引人的内容是为赞助故事 facebook 广告开发的: 广告与有机内容对齐。所有广告都集中在通过标签的直接链接来推动承诺。承诺 CTA 是广告活动的焦点 推动对话的工作方式 “实时” 代理团队 一个整合的 “实时” 代理团队 (客户、 Sapient 、 Salt 、 Mindshare 、 Facebook) 在发布前一个月成立, 总部设在新加坡和伦敦,受益于不同的时区。这使我们能够随着运动的进展而改进 -- 每天发现哪些拷贝和图像做得很好,并立即赞助它们,以达到尽可能多的人。 竞选目标 在线流量 WOM 教育运动组织赞助的故事 页面 Facebook PlatformOTHER 媒体使用打印 在线 OOHCampaign 性能 本月,Lifebuoy 在 Facebook 上捕获了 130万个承诺; 3.3 个承诺中的三分之一被捕获。Lifebuoy 获得了 560,000 个新的 Facebook 粉丝,达到 1.6 百万。在印度页面上,粉丝数量从 5,000 增长到 650,000 (增长 124x)。22 个救生圈市场在 Facebook 上参与了救生圈的活动,其中 222,242 个来自印度尼西亚,147,637 个来自越南。其他承诺市场包括: 土耳其、泰国、台湾、韩国、卡塔尔、美国、西班牙、埃及、阿联酋、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、阿根廷、巴西、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、印度、孟加拉国、马来西亚、新加坡、中非、南非。 10月期间,Facebook 上的帖子被 665万人看到,3,276 人分享,2,900 人评论。有 1910 篇关于 Lifebuoy 的博客文章和 2,480 篇关于联合利华的推文提到联合利华或 Lifebuoy,涉及 270万人。近 100万次访问 Lifebuoy 的 GHD 雅虎!《卫报》等报纸报道了伙伴关系页面和救生圈承诺。2012 是 Lifebuoy 有史以来最大的全球洗手日成功,并继续成为优先平台。

    Global Handwashing Day 2012

    案例简介:Each year, more than 2 million children don’t live to see their 5th birthday because of diarrhea and pneumonia. Many of these deaths can be prevented through the simple habit of regular handwashing with soap. There is consistent evidence that handwashing with soap at critical times can reduce diarrhoeal risk by about 45%.Unilever brand Lifebuoy soap is committed to promoting this lifesaving habit through its pioneering work in 40+ countries as the world’s #1 selling germ protection soap bringing health and hygiene to millions. In 2008, Lifebuoy co-founded Global Handwashing Day (GHD) on October 15th to drive awareness of this life-saving habit and mobilise people around the world to spread the word. 2012 was the fifth year of GHD. Lifebuoy and its partners committed to help more children reach their fifth birthday by teaching handwashing with soap. Campaign ObjectivesRaise awareness worldwide of the importance of handwashing with soap on GHD in order to promote handwashing habits Generate 1 million pledges to handwash before eating in order to encourage hygiene practices across the developing worldCampaign Execution At the heart of the campaign was a pledge mechanic which for every pledge, Lifebuoy and its partners teach a child hygiene education, helping to stop the spread of preventable illnesses and help more children in the developing world reach the age of 5.Facebook was at the heart of the campaign, based on the insight that a Facebook fan can be a fundraiser and agent for change.Lifebuoy empowered mothers everywhere to save lives through healthy habits. Every touchpoint on Facebook was social:Key Visual: the campaign key visual was of young children celebrating their birthdays – it was intimate, personal and positive, mindful of the context in which they would be seen. This KV was adapted as the cover for the fan page pledge mechanic to drive engagement with the pledge application and awareness of the Global Handwashing Day cause Facebook application to pledge: this sat at the heart of the campaign, and was optimised for social – every pledge had built in word of mouth so whenever someone pledged it appeared in their newsfeeds, and called on their friends to pledge too.The application explained where and how each and every pledge would help one more child with hygiene education.Facebook fans experienced more interesting, relevant content (video) when landing on the pledge application.Special Facebook content: geared to driving pledges by posting pledge tab link in every piece of content. Each piece of content focused on finding new angles to talk about the pledging including; numbers reached, target numbers, what the pledges will do, who the pledges would help Sponsored stories: the most engaging content on the page was developed for sponsored storiesFacebook adverts: Adverts were aligned to organic content.All adverts focused on driving pledges via direct links to tabs.The pledge CTA was the focus for the advertising campaign Ways of working to drive conversation “Real-time” agency team An integrated “real-time” agency team (client, Sapient, Salt, Mindshare, Facebook) was established one month before the launch, based in Singapore and London to benefit from the different time zones. This allowed us to refine the campaign as it progressed – spotting daily which copy and images were doing well and sponsoring them immediately to reach maximum number of people possible. CAMPAIGN GOALSAwareness Online Traffic WOM EducationCAMPAIGN COMPONENTSSponsored Stories Pages Facebook PlatformOTHER MEDIA USEDPrint Online OOHCampaign Performance 1.3 million pledges were captured on Facebook by Lifebuoy over the course of the month; a third of the 3.3 pledges captured overall. Lifebuoy gained 560,000 new Facebook fans – up to 1.6million. On the India page, the fan base grew from 5,000 to 650,000 (124x growth). Twenty-two Lifebuoy markets participated in Lifebuoy’s campaign on Facebook, with 222,242 pledges coming from Indonesia and 147,637 from Vietnam. Other markets contributing pledging included: Turkey, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Qatar, USA, Spain, Egypt, UAE, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Central Africa, South Africa.During October, posts on Facebook were seen by 6.65 million people, shared by 3,276 people and with comments by 2,900 people.There were 1910 blog posts about Lifebuoy and 2,480 for Unilever with tweets mentioning Unilever or Lifebuoy reaching 2.7 million people. Almost 1 million visits to Lifebuoy’s GHD Yahoo! partnership page and the Lifebuoy pledge was reported on by newspapers such as The Guardian. 2012 was Lifebuoy’s biggest Global Handwashing Day success ever and continues to be a priority platform.

    全球洗手日 2012


    Global Handwashing Day 2012










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