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    JFK Unsilenced短视频广告营销案例



    JFK 保持沉默

    案例简介:罗斯科给人们机会听肯尼迪在达拉斯的演讲,如果他没有被暗杀 都柏林,3月16日星期五: 《泰晤士报》委托创意机构罗斯科庆祝肯尼迪在他出生百年前的遗产。 他们发布了 “jfk unsilenced”,这是一场使用专业人工智能技术的运动,以再现这位 35 岁的美国总统本应在达拉斯发表的演讲, 在他被暗杀的那天 -- 达拉斯贸易中心的演讲。 《泰晤士报》的理查德 · 奥克利评论道: “《泰晤士报》相信给新闻带来新的视角。即使这条新闻是人们认为他们知道的关于它的一切的一个新的视角。" 他的潜台词触及了自由、权力、智慧和克制等话题: “在这个国家,在这一代, 是 -- 命运而不是选择 -- 世界自由墙上的守望者。因此,我们要求我们能够配得上我们的力量和责任,我们能够以智慧和克制来行使我们的力量, 我们可以在我们的时代和所有的时间里实现 “地球上的和平,对人类的善意” 的古老愿景。' 为了让总统说出他准备发表的 22 分钟的话语,罗斯科和科技公司 Cereproc 利用人工智能完全从数据中构建了独白。这是世界上第一次用总统的声音重新创作演讲,并通过分析模拟录音精心拼凑而成。音频在后期制作公司 Screen Scene 完成。 复杂的过程包括: 隔离美国英语的 41 个音素 (可以用来制造任何单词的声音) 把小的演讲单元拼接在一起。 回顾 831 份 JFK 演讲和采访的模拟录音。 分析演讲中的噪音、串扰和潜在采样率。 应用音频处理来去除噪音。 应用频谱分析工具改善声学环境并将其匹配 样品。 然后仔细分析声音的音调、能量和光谱特征。 人工智能技术,如深度神经网络 (DNNs) 被应用于学习 JFK 的模型 音频,以及他在演讲中如何使用语调 在合成时,使用 DNN 模型和高维搜索来找到最佳集 单位创建新的语音音频。 然后演讲通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程得到增强 -- 让我们 终于听到了用 JFK 自己的声音发表的商业集市演讲。 “作为埃森哲互动的一部分,我们真的相信现在是创意创意成为世界级品牌体验的时候了。我们都渴望伟大的体验,所以像《泰晤士报》这样拥抱消费者想要的品牌将会收获回报。” ROTHCO 的执行创意总监艾伦 · 凯利评论道: “当我们深入研究 JFK 为沃尔玛演讲写的词时, 我们发现它们不仅在当时令人心酸,而且在今天非常相关。通过让他的声音复活来发表这次演讲,这个信息更加强大: “我们不能指望每个人,用十年前的一句话, 威尔 “向美国人民讲道理。但是我们可以希望更少的人会听废话。这个国家正通过赤字走向失败,或者力量只是口号的问题,这种想法只不过是无稽之谈。"

    JFK 保持沉默

    案例简介:ROTHCO give people the chance to hear the speech JFK would have made in Dallas had he not been assassinated Dublin, Friday 16th March: The Times commissioned creative agency, ROTHCO to celebrate the legacy of JFK in the lead up to the end of the centenary of his birth. They released ‘JFK Unsilenced’, a campaign that uses specialist AI technology, to recreate the speech the 35th US president was meant to make in Dallas, on the day he was assassinated - The Dallas Trade Mart speech. Richard Oakley, The Times comments: “The Times believes in bringing new perspectives to the news. Even if that news is a new perspective on something people thought they knew everything there was to know about it.” His unspoken speech touches on topics such as freedom, power, wisdom and restraint: ‘We in this country, in this generation, are--by destiny rather than choice--the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of "peace on earth, good will toward men”.’ In order to put the President’s voice to the 22-minutes of words he had prepared to deliver, ROTHCO and tech company Cereproc built the monologue entirely out of data, using AI. It is a world first for the speech to be recreated in the President’s voice and was meticulously pieced together by analysing analogue recordings. The audio was then finessed at post production company, Screen Scene. The intricate process involved: Isolating 41 phonemes for American English (the sounds that can be used to make any word) and stitching the small units of speech back together. Reviewing 831 analogue recordings of JFK speeches and interviews. Analysing speeches for noise, crosstalk and underlying sample rate. Applying audio processing to remove noise. Applying spectrum analysis tools to improve acoustic environment and match them across samples. Sounds are then carefully analysed for pitch, energy, and spectral features. AI techniques such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are applied to learn a model of JFK's audio, and how he uses intonation in his speech At synthesis time, DNN models and high-dimensional search are used to find the best set of units to create new speech audio. Then the speech is enhanced by months of painstaking sound engineering - allowing us to finally hear the Trade Mart Speech delivered in JFK’s own voice. “As part of Accenture Interactive, we really believe that now is the time for creative ideas to become world class brand experiences. We all crave great experiences, so brands like The Times that embrace this consumer want, will reap the rewards” Patrick Hickey, CEO ROTHCO Alan Kelly, Executive Creative Director at ROTHCO, comments: “When we delved into the words JFK had written for the Trade Mart speech, we found they were not only poignant for the time but strikingly relevant today. By bringing his voice back to life to deliver this speech, the message is even more powerful: 'We cannot expect that everyone, to use the phrase of a decade ago, will “talk sense to the American people.” But we can hope that fewer people will listen to nonsense. And the notion that this Nation is headed for defeat through deficit, or that strength is but a matter of slogans, is nothing but just plain nonsense.'”

    JFK Unsilenced

    案例简介:罗斯科给人们机会听肯尼迪在达拉斯的演讲,如果他没有被暗杀 都柏林,3月16日星期五: 《泰晤士报》委托创意机构罗斯科庆祝肯尼迪在他出生百年前的遗产。 他们发布了 “jfk unsilenced”,这是一场使用专业人工智能技术的运动,以再现这位 35 岁的美国总统本应在达拉斯发表的演讲, 在他被暗杀的那天 -- 达拉斯贸易中心的演讲。 《泰晤士报》的理查德 · 奥克利评论道: “《泰晤士报》相信给新闻带来新的视角。即使这条新闻是人们认为他们知道的关于它的一切的一个新的视角。" 他的潜台词触及了自由、权力、智慧和克制等话题: “在这个国家,在这一代, 是 -- 命运而不是选择 -- 世界自由墙上的守望者。因此,我们要求我们能够配得上我们的力量和责任,我们能够以智慧和克制来行使我们的力量, 我们可以在我们的时代和所有的时间里实现 “地球上的和平,对人类的善意” 的古老愿景。' 为了让总统说出他准备发表的 22 分钟的话语,罗斯科和科技公司 Cereproc 利用人工智能完全从数据中构建了独白。这是世界上第一次用总统的声音重新创作演讲,并通过分析模拟录音精心拼凑而成。音频在后期制作公司 Screen Scene 完成。 复杂的过程包括: 隔离美国英语的 41 个音素 (可以用来制造任何单词的声音) 把小的演讲单元拼接在一起。 回顾 831 份 JFK 演讲和采访的模拟录音。 分析演讲中的噪音、串扰和潜在采样率。 应用音频处理来去除噪音。 应用频谱分析工具改善声学环境并将其匹配 样品。 然后仔细分析声音的音调、能量和光谱特征。 人工智能技术,如深度神经网络 (DNNs) 被应用于学习 JFK 的模型 音频,以及他在演讲中如何使用语调 在合成时,使用 DNN 模型和高维搜索来找到最佳集 单位创建新的语音音频。 然后演讲通过几个月的艰苦的声音工程得到增强 -- 让我们 终于听到了用 JFK 自己的声音发表的商业集市演讲。 “作为埃森哲互动的一部分,我们真的相信现在是创意创意成为世界级品牌体验的时候了。我们都渴望伟大的体验,所以像《泰晤士报》这样拥抱消费者想要的品牌将会收获回报。” ROTHCO 的执行创意总监艾伦 · 凯利评论道: “当我们深入研究 JFK 为沃尔玛演讲写的词时, 我们发现它们不仅在当时令人心酸,而且在今天非常相关。通过让他的声音复活来发表这次演讲,这个信息更加强大: “我们不能指望每个人,用十年前的一句话, 威尔 “向美国人民讲道理。但是我们可以希望更少的人会听废话。这个国家正通过赤字走向失败,或者力量只是口号的问题,这种想法只不过是无稽之谈。"

    JFK Unsilenced

    案例简介:ROTHCO give people the chance to hear the speech JFK would have made in Dallas had he not been assassinated Dublin, Friday 16th March: The Times commissioned creative agency, ROTHCO to celebrate the legacy of JFK in the lead up to the end of the centenary of his birth. They released ‘JFK Unsilenced’, a campaign that uses specialist AI technology, to recreate the speech the 35th US president was meant to make in Dallas, on the day he was assassinated - The Dallas Trade Mart speech. Richard Oakley, The Times comments: “The Times believes in bringing new perspectives to the news. Even if that news is a new perspective on something people thought they knew everything there was to know about it.” His unspoken speech touches on topics such as freedom, power, wisdom and restraint: ‘We in this country, in this generation, are--by destiny rather than choice--the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of "peace on earth, good will toward men”.’ In order to put the President’s voice to the 22-minutes of words he had prepared to deliver, ROTHCO and tech company Cereproc built the monologue entirely out of data, using AI. It is a world first for the speech to be recreated in the President’s voice and was meticulously pieced together by analysing analogue recordings. The audio was then finessed at post production company, Screen Scene. The intricate process involved: Isolating 41 phonemes for American English (the sounds that can be used to make any word) and stitching the small units of speech back together. Reviewing 831 analogue recordings of JFK speeches and interviews. Analysing speeches for noise, crosstalk and underlying sample rate. Applying audio processing to remove noise. Applying spectrum analysis tools to improve acoustic environment and match them across samples. Sounds are then carefully analysed for pitch, energy, and spectral features. AI techniques such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are applied to learn a model of JFK's audio, and how he uses intonation in his speech At synthesis time, DNN models and high-dimensional search are used to find the best set of units to create new speech audio. Then the speech is enhanced by months of painstaking sound engineering - allowing us to finally hear the Trade Mart Speech delivered in JFK’s own voice. “As part of Accenture Interactive, we really believe that now is the time for creative ideas to become world class brand experiences. We all crave great experiences, so brands like The Times that embrace this consumer want, will reap the rewards” Patrick Hickey, CEO ROTHCO Alan Kelly, Executive Creative Director at ROTHCO, comments: “When we delved into the words JFK had written for the Trade Mart speech, we found they were not only poignant for the time but strikingly relevant today. By bringing his voice back to life to deliver this speech, the message is even more powerful: 'We cannot expect that everyone, to use the phrase of a decade ago, will “talk sense to the American people.” But we can hope that fewer people will listen to nonsense. And the notion that this Nation is headed for defeat through deficit, or that strength is but a matter of slogans, is nothing but just plain nonsense.'”

    JFK 保持沉默


    JFK Unsilenced


    广告公司: Rothco (爱尔兰 都柏林) 制作公司: Cereproc , Rothco


    ROTHCO & The Times Use AI to Unsilence JFK To Make Greatest Speech Never Made



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