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    案例简介:概要 这个故事讲述了我们如何用智慧、停止运动和大量伏特加获得 780 000 000 种有机景观。正如你可能已经注意到的,人们疯狂地使用 gif。吉菲, 世界上最大的 GIF 平台每天向用户提供 2 000 个 GIF,Tinder 报告说,使用 GIF 开始对话的用户的回复率比不使用 GIF 的用户高 30%。这些 gif 的使用方式为品牌带来了一个令人兴奋的机会,因为它们是从一个人到另一个人的一种自我表达形式。如果一个品牌可以为特定的受众创造足够相关的 GIFs,他们可以有效地将品牌注入目标受众的在线对话中,而不必依赖侵入性广告。简介和目标: 用动画 GIFs 建立绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道,互相约饮料。 战略 将 ABSOLUT 品牌注入 GIF 用户想要获得饮料的在线对话中。GIPHY 平台允许 ABSOLUTs 目标受众在许多流行服务中使用 GIFs 进行交流,如 Tinder 、 Gmail 、 Slack 、 Apple Messages 、 Facebook 等。通过在 GIPHY 上建立 ABSOLUT VODKA 频道,我们的内容将能够接触到所有这些服务的用户。然而,GIPHY 平台充斥着尖叫着吸引观众注意力的内容。为了成功实现我们的目标,我们需要创建的内容将在视觉上脱颖而出,同时传达足够相关的信息,让他们从电视上选择我们的 gif 而不是他们最喜欢的角色: “你怎么样? “除此之外,为了优化 ABSOLUT 所有在线媒体渠道中使用的内容,我们选择将文件大小限制为每资产 1,5 MB。 相关性 绝对伏特加 -- 永远不会给你 GIF 的项目是作为一种将绝对品牌注入我们目标观众在线对话的方式开始的,给他们一种方式来说: “让我们喝一杯! ”使用 gif。作为 ABSOLUT 的新媒体渠道,Giphy 平台允许我们这样做,而不必依赖侵入性广告。相反,我们的内容是由人与人分享,而不是品牌与人分享。 结果 780 000 000 + 视图 250 + 为所有 ABSOLUTs 媒体频道制作和优化的 gifs + eCRM 中的 60% 参与率 + 16% 购买意向在查看我们的 GIFs 后,Absolut 品牌的 GIFs 推动了更低版本的显著增长漏斗指标相对于平均显示广告的比较,96% 的受访者从他们的内容体验中正确地回忆了 Absolut 品牌,相比之下,只有 79% 的受访者接触到展示广告。通过创建绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道,我们超过了最初的目标和期望。绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道代表了一个新的机会,让该品牌能够接触到观众并取悦他们,同时给 GIF 用户提供完美的 GIF,以便他们下次约别人喝酒时发送。斯克尔! 执行 机智、有趣、相关和意想不到的是推动我们创造性前进的关键价值观。通过跟上在平台上实施 GIPHY 和趋势标签的服务,我们能够为我们的受众和 ABSOLUT 品牌作为一个整体创建相关内容。通过停止运动,我们能够找到一种在观众中引起深刻共鸣的风格,同时让我们脱颖而出。对于我们的大部分内容,相机中发生的事情,就是你在 GIF 中看到的。此外,通过优先考虑高质量的完成,我们进一步能够在 Giphy 上视觉上区分自己。1.5 MB 的文件大小限制,加上我们对高质量完成的痴迷,导致我们只能使用每个资产 5-10 帧。虽然有时具有挑战性,但这促使我们在讲述故事的方式上更机智、更简洁。 活动描述 Giphy 为世界上最受欢迎的在线服务提供内容。Giphy 的出现将使我们的内容可以用于 Facebook 、苹果信息、 Gmail 、 Snapchat 、 Tinder 等服务的聊天、评论和帖子。在这些中,Tinder 对我们来说很突出。不仅因为 GIFs 在平台上很受欢迎,还因为邀请某人出去的最常见方法之一是喝酒。考虑到这一点,我们在 Giphy 上寻找一种区分自己的方法。就在那时,我们意识到绝对的主要竞争对手都没有出现在平台上。此外,没有人在制作内容时特别说: “让我们喝一杯吧!”,一条绝对适合的信息,就像鸡尾酒中的伏特加一样。为了进一步确保我们能够脱颖而出,我们非常强调高质量的完成,这进一步帮助我们在平台上脱颖而出。


    案例简介:Synopsis This is the story of how we got 780 000 000 organic views using wit, stop motion and a lot of vodka. As you may have noticed, people use GIFs like crazy. Giphy, the world’s largest GIF platform serves 2 000 000 000 gifs to users on a daily basis and Tinder reports that users who start conversations using GIFs have a 30% higher reply rate than those who don’t. The way these GIFs are used poses an exciting opportunity for brands as they’re shared as a form of self-expression from one person to another. If a brand could create GIFs relevant enough for a certain audience, they could effectively inject the brand into their target audiences’ online conversations without having to rely on intrusive ads. Brief and Objectives: Establish the ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel with animated GIFs to ask each other out for drinks. Strategy Inject the ABSOLUT brand into the online conversations of GIF-users who want to get drinks. The GIPHY platform allows ABSOLUTs target audiences to communicate using GIFs in a number of popular services such as Tinder, Gmail, Slack, Apple Messages, Facebook and many more. By establishing the ABSOLUT VODKA channel on GIPHY, our content would be able to reach users of all these services. However, the GIPHY platform is swamped with content screaming for our audience’s attention. To succeed with our objectives we needed to create content would stand out visually from the rest, while communicating messages relevant enough to get them to choose our GIFs over their favourite character from TV saying: “How you doin?” On top of this, to optimise the content for use in all of ABSOLUT’s online media channels we chose to restrict file sizes to 1,5 MB per asset. Relevancy The ABSOLUT VODKA - Never Gonna GIF You Up project was started as a means to inject the ABSOLUT brand into our target audiences’ online conversations by giving them a way to say: “Let’s grab a drink!” using GIFs. The Giphy platform as a new media channel for ABSOLUT allows us to do this without having to rely on intrusive ads. Instead, our content is shared from person to person, rather than brand to person. Outcome 780 000 000 + views 250 + gifs produced and optimised for all of ABSOLUTs media channels +60% engagement rates in eCRM +16% purchase intent after viewing our GIFs The Absolut branded GIFs drove significant increases across lower funnel metrics relative to comparison display advertising On average, 96% of respondents correctly recalled the Absolut brand from their content experience, compared to just 79% exposed to display advertising. By creating the ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel, we more than exceeded our initial objectives and expectations. The ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel represents a new opportunity for the brand to reach and delight audiences while giving GIF-users that perfect GIF to send for the next time they ask someone out for drinks. Skål! Execution Witty, funny, relevant and unexpected are the key values that drive our creative forward. By keeping up with services that implement GIPHY and trending tags on the platform we were able to create relevant content for our audiences and the ABSOLUT brand as a whole. With stop-motion we were able to find a style that resonated deeply with our audience while letting us stand out of the crowd. For most of our content, what happened in the camera, is what you see in the GIF. Additionally, by prioritising a high-quality finish, we were further able to visually differentiate ourselves on Giphy. The 1.5MB file size restriction coupled with our obsession towards high quality finish led to us only being able to use 5-10 frames per asset. While challenging at times this drove us to be wittier and more concise in the way we told our stories. CampaignDescription Giphy serves content to the world’s most popular online services. A presence on Giphy would make our content available for use in chats, comments and posts on services like Facebook, Apple Messages, Gmail, Snapchat, Tinder and many more. Out of these, Tinder stood out to us. Not only because GIFs are popular on the platform, but because one of the most common ways to ask someone out is to get drinks. With this in mind we looked for a way to differentiate ourselves on Giphy. That’s when we realised that none of ABSOLUT’s main competitors were present on the platform. Additionally, no one was making content that specifically said: “Let’s grab a drink!”, a message that fits ABSOLUT like vodka in a cocktail. To further secure that we would stand out we put a strong emphasis on High-Quality finish which further helped us differentiate ourselves on the platform.

    Absolut Vodka - Never Gonna GIF You Up

    案例简介:概要 这个故事讲述了我们如何用智慧、停止运动和大量伏特加获得 780 000 000 种有机景观。正如你可能已经注意到的,人们疯狂地使用 gif。吉菲, 世界上最大的 GIF 平台每天向用户提供 2 000 个 GIF,Tinder 报告说,使用 GIF 开始对话的用户的回复率比不使用 GIF 的用户高 30%。这些 gif 的使用方式为品牌带来了一个令人兴奋的机会,因为它们是从一个人到另一个人的一种自我表达形式。如果一个品牌可以为特定的受众创造足够相关的 GIFs,他们可以有效地将品牌注入目标受众的在线对话中,而不必依赖侵入性广告。简介和目标: 用动画 GIFs 建立绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道,互相约饮料。 战略 将 ABSOLUT 品牌注入 GIF 用户想要获得饮料的在线对话中。GIPHY 平台允许 ABSOLUTs 目标受众在许多流行服务中使用 GIFs 进行交流,如 Tinder 、 Gmail 、 Slack 、 Apple Messages 、 Facebook 等。通过在 GIPHY 上建立 ABSOLUT VODKA 频道,我们的内容将能够接触到所有这些服务的用户。然而,GIPHY 平台充斥着尖叫着吸引观众注意力的内容。为了成功实现我们的目标,我们需要创建的内容将在视觉上脱颖而出,同时传达足够相关的信息,让他们从电视上选择我们的 gif 而不是他们最喜欢的角色: “你怎么样? “除此之外,为了优化 ABSOLUT 所有在线媒体渠道中使用的内容,我们选择将文件大小限制为每资产 1,5 MB。 相关性 绝对伏特加 -- 永远不会给你 GIF 的项目是作为一种将绝对品牌注入我们目标观众在线对话的方式开始的,给他们一种方式来说: “让我们喝一杯! ”使用 gif。作为 ABSOLUT 的新媒体渠道,Giphy 平台允许我们这样做,而不必依赖侵入性广告。相反,我们的内容是由人与人分享,而不是品牌与人分享。 结果 780 000 000 + 视图 250 + 为所有 ABSOLUTs 媒体频道制作和优化的 gifs + eCRM 中的 60% 参与率 + 16% 购买意向在查看我们的 GIFs 后,Absolut 品牌的 GIFs 推动了更低版本的显著增长漏斗指标相对于平均显示广告的比较,96% 的受访者从他们的内容体验中正确地回忆了 Absolut 品牌,相比之下,只有 79% 的受访者接触到展示广告。通过创建绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道,我们超过了最初的目标和期望。绝对伏特加 Giphy 频道代表了一个新的机会,让该品牌能够接触到观众并取悦他们,同时给 GIF 用户提供完美的 GIF,以便他们下次约别人喝酒时发送。斯克尔! 执行 机智、有趣、相关和意想不到的是推动我们创造性前进的关键价值观。通过跟上在平台上实施 GIPHY 和趋势标签的服务,我们能够为我们的受众和 ABSOLUT 品牌作为一个整体创建相关内容。通过停止运动,我们能够找到一种在观众中引起深刻共鸣的风格,同时让我们脱颖而出。对于我们的大部分内容,相机中发生的事情,就是你在 GIF 中看到的。此外,通过优先考虑高质量的完成,我们进一步能够在 Giphy 上视觉上区分自己。1.5 MB 的文件大小限制,加上我们对高质量完成的痴迷,导致我们只能使用每个资产 5-10 帧。虽然有时具有挑战性,但这促使我们在讲述故事的方式上更机智、更简洁。 活动描述 Giphy 为世界上最受欢迎的在线服务提供内容。Giphy 的出现将使我们的内容可以用于 Facebook 、苹果信息、 Gmail 、 Snapchat 、 Tinder 等服务的聊天、评论和帖子。在这些中,Tinder 对我们来说很突出。不仅因为 GIFs 在平台上很受欢迎,还因为邀请某人出去的最常见方法之一是喝酒。考虑到这一点,我们在 Giphy 上寻找一种区分自己的方法。就在那时,我们意识到绝对的主要竞争对手都没有出现在平台上。此外,没有人在制作内容时特别说: “让我们喝一杯吧!”,一条绝对适合的信息,就像鸡尾酒中的伏特加一样。为了进一步确保我们能够脱颖而出,我们非常强调高质量的完成,这进一步帮助我们在平台上脱颖而出。

    Absolut Vodka - Never Gonna GIF You Up

    案例简介:Synopsis This is the story of how we got 780 000 000 organic views using wit, stop motion and a lot of vodka. As you may have noticed, people use GIFs like crazy. Giphy, the world’s largest GIF platform serves 2 000 000 000 gifs to users on a daily basis and Tinder reports that users who start conversations using GIFs have a 30% higher reply rate than those who don’t. The way these GIFs are used poses an exciting opportunity for brands as they’re shared as a form of self-expression from one person to another. If a brand could create GIFs relevant enough for a certain audience, they could effectively inject the brand into their target audiences’ online conversations without having to rely on intrusive ads. Brief and Objectives: Establish the ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel with animated GIFs to ask each other out for drinks. Strategy Inject the ABSOLUT brand into the online conversations of GIF-users who want to get drinks. The GIPHY platform allows ABSOLUTs target audiences to communicate using GIFs in a number of popular services such as Tinder, Gmail, Slack, Apple Messages, Facebook and many more. By establishing the ABSOLUT VODKA channel on GIPHY, our content would be able to reach users of all these services. However, the GIPHY platform is swamped with content screaming for our audience’s attention. To succeed with our objectives we needed to create content would stand out visually from the rest, while communicating messages relevant enough to get them to choose our GIFs over their favourite character from TV saying: “How you doin?” On top of this, to optimise the content for use in all of ABSOLUT’s online media channels we chose to restrict file sizes to 1,5 MB per asset. Relevancy The ABSOLUT VODKA - Never Gonna GIF You Up project was started as a means to inject the ABSOLUT brand into our target audiences’ online conversations by giving them a way to say: “Let’s grab a drink!” using GIFs. The Giphy platform as a new media channel for ABSOLUT allows us to do this without having to rely on intrusive ads. Instead, our content is shared from person to person, rather than brand to person. Outcome 780 000 000 + views 250 + gifs produced and optimised for all of ABSOLUTs media channels +60% engagement rates in eCRM +16% purchase intent after viewing our GIFs The Absolut branded GIFs drove significant increases across lower funnel metrics relative to comparison display advertising On average, 96% of respondents correctly recalled the Absolut brand from their content experience, compared to just 79% exposed to display advertising. By creating the ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel, we more than exceeded our initial objectives and expectations. The ABSOLUT VODKA Giphy channel represents a new opportunity for the brand to reach and delight audiences while giving GIF-users that perfect GIF to send for the next time they ask someone out for drinks. Skål! Execution Witty, funny, relevant and unexpected are the key values that drive our creative forward. By keeping up with services that implement GIPHY and trending tags on the platform we were able to create relevant content for our audiences and the ABSOLUT brand as a whole. With stop-motion we were able to find a style that resonated deeply with our audience while letting us stand out of the crowd. For most of our content, what happened in the camera, is what you see in the GIF. Additionally, by prioritising a high-quality finish, we were further able to visually differentiate ourselves on Giphy. The 1.5MB file size restriction coupled with our obsession towards high quality finish led to us only being able to use 5-10 frames per asset. While challenging at times this drove us to be wittier and more concise in the way we told our stories. CampaignDescription Giphy serves content to the world’s most popular online services. A presence on Giphy would make our content available for use in chats, comments and posts on services like Facebook, Apple Messages, Gmail, Snapchat, Tinder and many more. Out of these, Tinder stood out to us. Not only because GIFs are popular on the platform, but because one of the most common ways to ask someone out is to get drinks. With this in mind we looked for a way to differentiate ourselves on Giphy. That’s when we realised that none of ABSOLUT’s main competitors were present on the platform. Additionally, no one was making content that specifically said: “Let’s grab a drink!”, a message that fits ABSOLUT like vodka in a cocktail. To further secure that we would stand out we put a strong emphasis on High-Quality finish which further helped us differentiate ourselves on the platform.



    Absolut Vodka - Never Gonna GIF You Up










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