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    TIger Beer老虎啤酒 《AIR INK》TVC,短视频广告营销案例





    TIger Beer老虎啤酒 《AIR INK》


    TIger Beer老虎啤酒 《AIR INK》



    TIger Beer老虎啤酒 《AIR INK》








    2016-2017戛纳狮 - 产品设计类   金奖 2016-2017戛纳创新狮 -创新类   入围奖 2016-2017   戛纳狮  -  促销类    入围奖 工业的发展,不可避免会带来空气污染。很长一段时间人们也未能想出一个理想的解决方法。现在老虎牌啤酒提出了一个大胆的想法——将空气中的二氧化碳收集起来,经过加工提炼制造出墨水进行再利用,这样即净化了空气,也产出了商品,一举两得。 AIR-INK HEINEKEN ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. | MARCEL SYDNEY | 2017Outdoor - D06 Transit Brief Explanation Innovative devices were fitted to a fleet of Tiger delivery trucks, capturing 95% of their pollution before it reached the air. The harvested carbon was purified and turned into safe, high-quality ink. Air–Ink pens and markers were sent to street artists and activists around the world. They used them to reclaim the streets, using prominent roadside billboards in major cities around the world, buildings, posters and petitions. The fleet of Tiger delivery trucks also served as mobile posters for the campaign as they harvested the pollution live on the streets of London.   Entry Summary Air pollution already kills 3.3 million people a year and that number could double by 2050. It’s a global problem affecting major cities on every continent, but Asia is by far the worst hit with Asian cities massively over-represented in WHO most polluted cities lists. Tiger beer is directly impacted. It is Asia’s number 1 beer, and is widely known as “the beer of the streets” in light of its long association with street level art and culture and dependence on street-food tables, street bars or other outdoor venues (62% sales).   Contributing Companies Role Company Name City Country Entrant 相关评论 回复  X-man   COOL! 发表评论 我也参与了该片 邀请创作者认领 本片创作者   0 暂无创作者 类似视频 盛堡啤酒TVC 30s 闫斌 968 plays AirAsia 亞航 【飛台十週年篇】 莊志文 1197 plays 新武侠精神 《倚天屠龙记》公益先导片 (导演版) 肖田 1498 plays 青岛啤酒 X 天猫 《夜猫子的歌》奇幻短片 肖田 1580 plays Blue Moon啤酒 《Routine》 X-man 828 plays 查看更多视频 × 请选择邀请方式 微信扫一扫邀请作者认领 其它方式邀请作者认领 var curl =window.location.href; var wei_xin = document.getElementById('weixin'); $(document).ready(function() { $("#qrcodeCanvas").qrcode({ render : "canvas", //设置渲染方式,有table和canvas,使用canvas方式渲染性能相对来说比较好 text :curl+"&data_invite=2", //扫描二维码后显示的内容,可以直接填一个网址,扫描二维码后自动跳向该链接 width : "200", //二维码的宽度 height : "180", //二维码的高度 background : "#ffffff", //二维码的后景色 foreground : "#000000", //二维码的前景色 src: '/static/desktop/image/wei_xin.png' //二维码中间的图片 }); 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