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    The Life Saving Soap Operas微电影广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐相关? 这项工作与娱乐有关,因为它是一个想法,完全生活在流行文化和电视节目的世界,以达到数百万人。 在娱乐史上,第一次在不同电视剧的人物之间捐赠器官。 我们利用虚构的世界改变了成千上万人的现实。 背景 在秘鲁,它拥有拉丁美洲最少的器官捐献者。 我们如何向人们展示器官捐赠的重要性及其工作原理? 在一个有许多病人在等待永远不会到来的捐赠的国家,这是一项艰巨的任务。 目标很简单,增加该国的捐助者数量。 以及器官捐赠的数量非常低。 秘鲁电视剧的观众水平是该地区最高的。 因此,我们决定利用这一背景向人们展示作为捐赠者的重要性,这是前所未有的。 描述创意 这个想法很简单。 两个完全不同系列的角色之间的器官捐赠。 全国观众最多的两个系列。 “Ojitos Hechiceros 2” 系列的主角之一Yair去世并将他的肾脏捐赠给了 “se ñ ores Papis” 的主角Lorenzo拯救了他的生命。 从小说开始的流行文化交叉,在现实中拯救成千上万人的生命。 描述策略 该策略是吸引数百万人的注意力,因为全国最受欢迎的系列中的一个角色已经死亡。 当时,人们意识到这个角色是一个器官捐献者。 许多人开始询问谁将是器官的受益者。 几天后,在另一个完全不同的系列中,由于其他系列的角色器官的捐赠,其中一个主要角色得以保存。 这引起了数百万人的关注,对话开始在国家一级。 描述执行 处决相当复杂。 首先,我们更改了两个系列的脚本。 如果一个角色快要死了,我们必须利用这个系列的背景。 然后这一集开始了。第一个系列的角色死了,然后我们发现死者是捐赠者。 一旦发射,我们一直等到人们完全绝望地想知道器官是给谁的。 当时在一个完全不同的系列中,一个角色病得很重,另一个系列中的角色的器官救了他的命。 只有两章推出,这一消息在全国范围内变得巨大。 谈话很快在全国范围内展开。 描述结果 这一行动联系了大约 850万人。 这项运动在免费媒体上获得了 500 多万英镑。 在短短一周内,该国器官捐献者的数量在 200% 年有所增加 谈话成为该国的主要话题之一。 在短短几天内,这场运动设法挽救了 11 名病人的生命。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? This work is relevant to Entertainment because it is an idea that lives entirely in the world of Pop Culture and television programs to reach millions of people. For the first time in the history of entertainment, a donation of organs is made between characters from different TV series. We have taken advantage of the world of fiction to change the reality of thousands of people. Background In Peru, it has the lowest number of organ donors in Latin America. How do we show people the importance of organ donation and how it works? A difficult task in a country with many sick people waiting for a donation that never comes. The goal was simple, increase the number of donors in the country. As well as the numbers are very low in the donation of organs. The Peruvian TV series have the highest audience levels in the region. So we decided to take advantage of this context to show people about the importance of being a donor with an action never before done. Describe the creative idea The idea was simple. An organ donation between the characters from two totally different series. The two series with the largest audiences in the country. Yair, one of the leading characters of the series "Ojitos Hechiceros 2" died and donated his kidney to Lorenzo, the main character of "Señores Papis" saving his life. A Pop Culture Crossover that starts in fiction to save the lives of thousands of people in reality. Describe the strategy The strategy was to attract the attention of millions of people with the death of one of the characters of the most viewed series across the country. At that time, people realized that the character was an organ donor. Many people started asking about who would be the beneficiary of the organ. Some Days later, in another totally different series, one of the main characters was saved thanks to the donation of the character organ from the other series. This attracted the attention of millions of people and the conversation began at the national level. Describe the execution The execution was quite complicated. First, we changed the scripts of both series. We had to take advantage of the context of the series were a character was about to die. Then the episode was launched. The character of the first series die and in then we revealed that the deceased was a donor. Once launched, we waited until people were totally desperate to know who the organ would be for. At that time in a totally different series where a character was seriously ill, the organ of the character in the other series saved his life. With only two chapters launched, the news became giant in the whole country. The conversation quickly began throughout the entire country. Describe the outcome Approximately 8.5 million people were reached by this action. The campaign get more than 5 millions in free media. In just a week, the numbers of organ donors in the country increased in 200% The conversation became one of the main topics in the country. And in just few days, the campaign managed to save the lives of eleven patients.

    The Life Saving Soap Operas

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与娱乐相关? 这项工作与娱乐有关,因为它是一个想法,完全生活在流行文化和电视节目的世界,以达到数百万人。 在娱乐史上,第一次在不同电视剧的人物之间捐赠器官。 我们利用虚构的世界改变了成千上万人的现实。 背景 在秘鲁,它拥有拉丁美洲最少的器官捐献者。 我们如何向人们展示器官捐赠的重要性及其工作原理? 在一个有许多病人在等待永远不会到来的捐赠的国家,这是一项艰巨的任务。 目标很简单,增加该国的捐助者数量。 以及器官捐赠的数量非常低。 秘鲁电视剧的观众水平是该地区最高的。 因此,我们决定利用这一背景向人们展示作为捐赠者的重要性,这是前所未有的。 描述创意 这个想法很简单。 两个完全不同系列的角色之间的器官捐赠。 全国观众最多的两个系列。 “Ojitos Hechiceros 2” 系列的主角之一Yair去世并将他的肾脏捐赠给了 “se ñ ores Papis” 的主角Lorenzo拯救了他的生命。 从小说开始的流行文化交叉,在现实中拯救成千上万人的生命。 描述策略 该策略是吸引数百万人的注意力,因为全国最受欢迎的系列中的一个角色已经死亡。 当时,人们意识到这个角色是一个器官捐献者。 许多人开始询问谁将是器官的受益者。 几天后,在另一个完全不同的系列中,由于其他系列的角色器官的捐赠,其中一个主要角色得以保存。 这引起了数百万人的关注,对话开始在国家一级。 描述执行 处决相当复杂。 首先,我们更改了两个系列的脚本。 如果一个角色快要死了,我们必须利用这个系列的背景。 然后这一集开始了。第一个系列的角色死了,然后我们发现死者是捐赠者。 一旦发射,我们一直等到人们完全绝望地想知道器官是给谁的。 当时在一个完全不同的系列中,一个角色病得很重,另一个系列中的角色的器官救了他的命。 只有两章推出,这一消息在全国范围内变得巨大。 谈话很快在全国范围内展开。 描述结果 这一行动联系了大约 850万人。 这项运动在免费媒体上获得了 500 多万英镑。 在短短一周内,该国器官捐献者的数量在 200% 年有所增加 谈话成为该国的主要话题之一。 在短短几天内,这场运动设法挽救了 11 名病人的生命。

    The Life Saving Soap Operas

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? This work is relevant to Entertainment because it is an idea that lives entirely in the world of Pop Culture and television programs to reach millions of people. For the first time in the history of entertainment, a donation of organs is made between characters from different TV series. We have taken advantage of the world of fiction to change the reality of thousands of people. Background In Peru, it has the lowest number of organ donors in Latin America. How do we show people the importance of organ donation and how it works? A difficult task in a country with many sick people waiting for a donation that never comes. The goal was simple, increase the number of donors in the country. As well as the numbers are very low in the donation of organs. The Peruvian TV series have the highest audience levels in the region. So we decided to take advantage of this context to show people about the importance of being a donor with an action never before done. Describe the creative idea The idea was simple. An organ donation between the characters from two totally different series. The two series with the largest audiences in the country. Yair, one of the leading characters of the series "Ojitos Hechiceros 2" died and donated his kidney to Lorenzo, the main character of "Señores Papis" saving his life. A Pop Culture Crossover that starts in fiction to save the lives of thousands of people in reality. Describe the strategy The strategy was to attract the attention of millions of people with the death of one of the characters of the most viewed series across the country. At that time, people realized that the character was an organ donor. Many people started asking about who would be the beneficiary of the organ. Some Days later, in another totally different series, one of the main characters was saved thanks to the donation of the character organ from the other series. This attracted the attention of millions of people and the conversation began at the national level. Describe the execution The execution was quite complicated. First, we changed the scripts of both series. We had to take advantage of the context of the series were a character was about to die. Then the episode was launched. The character of the first series die and in then we revealed that the deceased was a donor. Once launched, we waited until people were totally desperate to know who the organ would be for. At that time in a totally different series where a character was seriously ill, the organ of the character in the other series saved his life. With only two chapters launched, the news became giant in the whole country. The conversation quickly began throughout the entire country. Describe the outcome Approximately 8.5 million people were reached by this action. The campaign get more than 5 millions in free media. In just a week, the numbers of organ donors in the country increased in 200% The conversation became one of the main topics in the country. And in just few days, the campaign managed to save the lives of eleven patients.



    The Life Saving Soap Operas










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