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    Healist Identity

    案例简介:健康初创公司Present Life推出Healist Advanced Naturals,一个临床支持的CBD系列,以切入的品牌战略,通过机器人食品将科学和自然结合起来。自从欧洲和北美取消了对大麻二酚 (大麻的非醉人成分) 的使用限制以来,CBD健康部门出现了爆炸式增长。分析师现在预测,到2026年,全球市场将超过720亿英镑-基于CBD的产品在零售领域的销售将是这一增长的主要驱动力。因此,市场变得越来越拥挤和混乱,香脂,油和酊剂的数量不同,希望补救任何数量的健康问题。Present Life希望创建一个产品线,利用这一行业的增长,但以一种方式,改变了CBD产品的叙述,消除了混乱,展示了完整性,并使健康益处清晰地为消费者。机器人食品被与机器人食品公司联系,深入研究并确定机会,然后制定战略对策,将Healist定位为以利益为重点的旗舰品牌,并考虑多渠道销售。由此产生的工作使Healist能够切掉所有的白噪声。消费者对产品的高质量特性感到放心,并且能够轻松地导航范围,以找到适合自己需求的变体。“法规和消费者心态的转变推动了CBD类别的大幅增长,因此我们需要创建一个具有独特切入的品牌。重要的是要消除与CBD产品相关的典型障碍,建立信任并使之成为主流,“机器人食品” 的执行创意总监兼创始人西蒙 · 福斯特 (Simon Forster) 说。该策略的一个关键部分是展示在现代科学和植物技术诀窍相遇的地方找到的好处,并展示这种婚姻如何帮助消费者恢复平衡并 “100% 收回”。为此,融合信息在消费者旅程中的每个接触点都很明显。定制的包装形式使科学和自然故事的真正美德,并专注于成分的有效性。一个带有diecut 'H' 的实验室白色的 “科学” 袖子被移除以显示 “自然” 层,以展示活性成分的植物插图为特色,具有四种颜色,因此消费者可以快速区分四种主要益处 (平静,睡眠,健康,缓解)。“'H' 品牌抓住了Healist的精神。“一个支柱代表科学,另一个本质,而一个中心点加入这两者,是平衡的象征,” Robot Food的设计总监Steph Oglesby说。机器人食品创建了一个品牌世界和声音基调,以支持USP并激发信任,其中包括英雄声明,如: “突破性的科学。它是在我们的自然 “和” 有效的天然成分。从包装到品牌传播策略,科学线索,包括注释线和植物插图,创造了一种结构,当与科学方法相融合时,可以增强自然的力量。福斯特说: “我们在机器人食品公司创建并推出了自己的品牌,因此我们能够在市场上找到更广泛的机会。”“大多数CBD品牌将他们的方法集中在CBD石油的百分比上,或者与特定的生活方式保持一致。与Healist一起,我们将消费者放在首位,在品牌架构中创造了以利益为主导的解决方案,该品牌架构提供了科学和福祉的桥梁。Healist的联合创始人兼全球首席营销官Michael Bryce表示: “与Robot Food合作帮助我们澄清并充分实现了我们独特的市场地位。作为一家机构,机器人食品的团队始终具有商业可行性以及强大的、引人入胜的设计。品牌战略可以像我们一样灵活和成长。“。与当前生活的持续关系的一部分,机器人食品将继续支持Healist进行数字内容创建,并作为品牌守护者。Healist于3月在网上推出,计划打入美国的主流零售商,随后欧洲市场依赖于CBD法规的变化。

    Healist Identity

    案例简介:Wellness startup Present Life launches Healist Advanced Naturals, a clinically supported CBD range, with a cut-through brand strategy that marries science and nature by Robot Food. Since restrictions on the use of cannabidiol (the non-intoxicating component of cannabis) were lifted in Europe and North America, the CBD wellness sector has exploded. Analysts are now predicting that the global market will exceed £72 billion by 2026 – and sales of CBD-based products in the retail sector will be a major driver of that growth. As a result, the market is becoming increasingly crowded and confused, with a proliferation of balms, oils, and tinctures in varying percentage strengths, promising to remedy any number of health concerns. Present Life wanted to create a product line that took advantage of this sector growth, but in a way that changes the narrative around CBD products, removes confusion, demonstrates integrity, and makes the health benefits crystal clear to the consumer. Robot Food was approached to drill down and define the opportunity, and then devise a strategic response to position Healist as a benefit-focused flagship brand with multichannel selling in mind. The resulting work has enabled Healist to cut through all the white noise. Consumers are reassured of the high-quality nature of the products, and are able to navigate the range easily to find the right variant for their needs. “A shift in regulations and consumer mindset have fuelled a sharp growth in the CBD category, so we needed to create a brand with unique cut-through. It was important to remove the typical barriers associated with CBD products, build trust and make it mainstream,” says Simon Forster, executive creative director and founder of Robot Food. A key part of the strategy was to demonstrate the benefits to be found where modern science and botanical know-how meet, and show how that marriage can help consumers regain balance and ‘reclaim their 100%’. To that end, the fusion message is evident at every touchpoint on the consumer journey. The bespoke packaging format makes a real virtue of the science and nature story and focuses on the effectiveness of the ingredients. A lab-white ‘science’ sleeve with a diecut ‘H’ is removed to reveal the ‘nature’ layer, featuring botanical illustrations that showcase active ingredients, with four colourways so consumers can quickly differentiate the four main benefits (calm, sleep, well-being, relief). “The ‘H’ marque captures Healist’s spirit. One pillar represents science, the other nature, while a central dot joins the two and is symbolic of equilibrium,” says Steph Oglesby, design director at Robot Food. Robot Food has created a brand world and tone of voice to support the USP and inspire trust, with messaging that includes hero statements like: “Ground-breaking science. It’s in our nature” and “Potent natural ingredients. Down to a science.” From packaging right through to the brand communication strategy, scientific cues, including annotation lines and botanical illustrations, create a structure that reinforces the power of nature when blended with a scientific approach. “We’ve created and launched our own brands at Robot Food, so we were able to identify the broader opportunity within the market,” says Forster. “Most CBD brands focus their approach on the percentage of CBD oil, or align to a specific lifestyle. With Healist, we placed the consumer first, creating benefit-led solutions presented in a brand architecture that bridges science and wellbeing.” Michael Bryce, co-founder and global chief marketing officer, Healist, says: “Working with Robot Food helped us clarify and fully realise our unique market position. As an agency, the team at Robot Food always has front of mind commercial viability as well as strong, engaging design. The brand strategy can flex and grow as we do too.” Part of an ongoing relationship with Present Life, Robot Food will continue to support Healist with digital content creation, and act as brand guardians. Launched online in March, Healist plans to break into mainstream retailers in the US, followed by the European market dependent on the changes to CBD regulations.

    Healist Identity

    案例简介:健康初创公司Present Life推出Healist Advanced Naturals,一个临床支持的CBD系列,以切入的品牌战略,通过机器人食品将科学和自然结合起来。自从欧洲和北美取消了对大麻二酚 (大麻的非醉人成分) 的使用限制以来,CBD健康部门出现了爆炸式增长。分析师现在预测,到2026年,全球市场将超过720亿英镑-基于CBD的产品在零售领域的销售将是这一增长的主要驱动力。因此,市场变得越来越拥挤和混乱,香脂,油和酊剂的数量不同,希望补救任何数量的健康问题。Present Life希望创建一个产品线,利用这一行业的增长,但以一种方式,改变了CBD产品的叙述,消除了混乱,展示了完整性,并使健康益处清晰地为消费者。机器人食品被与机器人食品公司联系,深入研究并确定机会,然后制定战略对策,将Healist定位为以利益为重点的旗舰品牌,并考虑多渠道销售。由此产生的工作使Healist能够切掉所有的白噪声。消费者对产品的高质量特性感到放心,并且能够轻松地导航范围,以找到适合自己需求的变体。“法规和消费者心态的转变推动了CBD类别的大幅增长,因此我们需要创建一个具有独特切入的品牌。重要的是要消除与CBD产品相关的典型障碍,建立信任并使之成为主流,“机器人食品” 的执行创意总监兼创始人西蒙 · 福斯特 (Simon Forster) 说。该策略的一个关键部分是展示在现代科学和植物技术诀窍相遇的地方找到的好处,并展示这种婚姻如何帮助消费者恢复平衡并 “100% 收回”。为此,融合信息在消费者旅程中的每个接触点都很明显。定制的包装形式使科学和自然故事的真正美德,并专注于成分的有效性。一个带有diecut 'H' 的实验室白色的 “科学” 袖子被移除以显示 “自然” 层,以展示活性成分的植物插图为特色,具有四种颜色,因此消费者可以快速区分四种主要益处 (平静,睡眠,健康,缓解)。“'H' 品牌抓住了Healist的精神。“一个支柱代表科学,另一个本质,而一个中心点加入这两者,是平衡的象征,” Robot Food的设计总监Steph Oglesby说。机器人食品创建了一个品牌世界和声音基调,以支持USP并激发信任,其中包括英雄声明,如: “突破性的科学。它是在我们的自然 “和” 有效的天然成分。从包装到品牌传播策略,科学线索,包括注释线和植物插图,创造了一种结构,当与科学方法相融合时,可以增强自然的力量。福斯特说: “我们在机器人食品公司创建并推出了自己的品牌,因此我们能够在市场上找到更广泛的机会。”“大多数CBD品牌将他们的方法集中在CBD石油的百分比上,或者与特定的生活方式保持一致。与Healist一起,我们将消费者放在首位,在品牌架构中创造了以利益为主导的解决方案,该品牌架构提供了科学和福祉的桥梁。Healist的联合创始人兼全球首席营销官Michael Bryce表示: “与Robot Food合作帮助我们澄清并充分实现了我们独特的市场地位。作为一家机构,机器人食品的团队始终具有商业可行性以及强大的、引人入胜的设计。品牌战略可以像我们一样灵活和成长。“。与当前生活的持续关系的一部分,机器人食品将继续支持Healist进行数字内容创建,并作为品牌守护者。Healist于3月在网上推出,计划打入美国的主流零售商,随后欧洲市场依赖于CBD法规的变化。

    Healist Identity

    案例简介:Wellness startup Present Life launches Healist Advanced Naturals, a clinically supported CBD range, with a cut-through brand strategy that marries science and nature by Robot Food. Since restrictions on the use of cannabidiol (the non-intoxicating component of cannabis) were lifted in Europe and North America, the CBD wellness sector has exploded. Analysts are now predicting that the global market will exceed £72 billion by 2026 – and sales of CBD-based products in the retail sector will be a major driver of that growth. As a result, the market is becoming increasingly crowded and confused, with a proliferation of balms, oils, and tinctures in varying percentage strengths, promising to remedy any number of health concerns. Present Life wanted to create a product line that took advantage of this sector growth, but in a way that changes the narrative around CBD products, removes confusion, demonstrates integrity, and makes the health benefits crystal clear to the consumer. Robot Food was approached to drill down and define the opportunity, and then devise a strategic response to position Healist as a benefit-focused flagship brand with multichannel selling in mind. The resulting work has enabled Healist to cut through all the white noise. Consumers are reassured of the high-quality nature of the products, and are able to navigate the range easily to find the right variant for their needs. “A shift in regulations and consumer mindset have fuelled a sharp growth in the CBD category, so we needed to create a brand with unique cut-through. It was important to remove the typical barriers associated with CBD products, build trust and make it mainstream,” says Simon Forster, executive creative director and founder of Robot Food. A key part of the strategy was to demonstrate the benefits to be found where modern science and botanical know-how meet, and show how that marriage can help consumers regain balance and ‘reclaim their 100%’. To that end, the fusion message is evident at every touchpoint on the consumer journey. The bespoke packaging format makes a real virtue of the science and nature story and focuses on the effectiveness of the ingredients. A lab-white ‘science’ sleeve with a diecut ‘H’ is removed to reveal the ‘nature’ layer, featuring botanical illustrations that showcase active ingredients, with four colourways so consumers can quickly differentiate the four main benefits (calm, sleep, well-being, relief). “The ‘H’ marque captures Healist’s spirit. One pillar represents science, the other nature, while a central dot joins the two and is symbolic of equilibrium,” says Steph Oglesby, design director at Robot Food. Robot Food has created a brand world and tone of voice to support the USP and inspire trust, with messaging that includes hero statements like: “Ground-breaking science. It’s in our nature” and “Potent natural ingredients. Down to a science.” From packaging right through to the brand communication strategy, scientific cues, including annotation lines and botanical illustrations, create a structure that reinforces the power of nature when blended with a scientific approach. “We’ve created and launched our own brands at Robot Food, so we were able to identify the broader opportunity within the market,” says Forster. “Most CBD brands focus their approach on the percentage of CBD oil, or align to a specific lifestyle. With Healist, we placed the consumer first, creating benefit-led solutions presented in a brand architecture that bridges science and wellbeing.” Michael Bryce, co-founder and global chief marketing officer, Healist, says: “Working with Robot Food helped us clarify and fully realise our unique market position. As an agency, the team at Robot Food always has front of mind commercial viability as well as strong, engaging design. The brand strategy can flex and grow as we do too.” Part of an ongoing relationship with Present Life, Robot Food will continue to support Healist with digital content creation, and act as brand guardians. Launched online in March, Healist plans to break into mainstream retailers in the US, followed by the European market dependent on the changes to CBD regulations.

    Healist Identity


    Healist Identity










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