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    Playing with Fire短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 很难想象在火灾中。对于一个孩子来说,这几乎是不可能的。尽管 90% 的致命火灾发生在家里,但 10 个孩子中只有 1 个在家里进行过消防演习。因此,Trygg-Hansa 作为瑞典一半独立保险儿童的保险提供者,决定以更现实的方式教育他们消防安全。通过虚拟现实中的 “玩火”,孩子们被教导如何在火灾发生时做出反应,而不是行动。迄今为止,已有 225 名儿童通过该倡议接受教育。 活动描述 很难想象在火灾中,压力大的情况会让我们行为不正确。通过进行消防演习,肌肉记忆受到影响,因此行为也受到影响。从孩子的角度来看,我们在一个家庭里重新创造了一个真正的火灾场景,并称之为 “玩火”。通过 360 视频,我们让孩子们体验火灾,并在真实的环境中进行消防演习,而不会受到威胁。通过在虚拟现实中积极观看教育消防演习,观众可以自己探索和发现火灾和烟雾的发展。与此同时,他们被告知如何迅速安全地离开燃烧的房子。我们设计了虚拟现实纸板耳机,并免费分发,除了开发学校材料,瑞典各地的孩子们还能够体验 “玩火” 作为学校教育的一部分。 结果 交流结果超出了预期,总覆盖面超过 1500万。迄今为止,该倡议已经产生了 100 多篇文章和五个电视广播部分。瑞典最大的媒体在该倡议的第一周就收到了消息,Trygg-Hansa 的主要发言人解释了该倡议在国家媒体中的重要性。在社交媒体上,我们联系了父母和孩子,“玩火” 成为了 2016 年最具成本效益的 Trygg-Hansa.The 交通驾驶运动,吸引了 225 多名儿童。作为下一步,瑞典消防局正在实施这一举措,他们将在预防性工作中使用 “玩火”。该倡议加强了 Trygg-Hansa 作为消防安全和儿童安全问题专家的地位。在发表的文章中,该运动有 100% 的积极趋势,pr值超过 200万。 概要 瑞典有一个具体的愿景,即任何人都不应该因住宅火灾而死亡或受重伤。但是受影响的人数并没有下降。瑞典每年大约有 23 000 起住宅火灾。12月和 1月是受影响最大的月份。压力让我们做出反应而不是行动,在这种情况下,被烟雾、火灾和刺耳的火灾探测器惊吓的孩子可能会逃跑并躲起来,而不是走向出口。为了有可能拯救生命,Trygg-Hansa 如何提高瑞典的消防安全意识,让更多的人进行消防演习? 战略 该运动的目标受众是家庭和儿童,主要是因为 Trygg-Hansa 为一半以上的瑞典儿童提供保险。“玩火” 是一项公关倡议和数字运动,旨在在火灾最严重的几个月里提高人们对消防安全的认识; 12月和 1月。我们以瑞典主要广播媒体为目标,在瑞典各地推行这一举措。Trygg-Hansa 的儿童安全和消防安全专家是该倡议的发言人。目标受众还通过 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Youtube 上的广告以及家庭部门的影响者获得。该倡议的另一个有价值的部分是 Trygg-Hansa 员工的参与,他们自愿传达信息并参与内部以及瑞典各地的学校。 执行 “玩火” 是在 12月推出的,这个月房屋火灾的风险增加了。VR-纸板耳机被分发出去。大规模使用虚拟现实作为消防安全教育的方法,在瑞典是第一次。除了 VR/360 电影,我们还制作了一部预告片来引起人们的兴趣。在发射之前,我们邀请了两个家庭尝试 “玩火”。这个实验被制作成一个案例电影,也被用于社交媒体来解释这个倡议和描述这个情况。Trygg-Hansa 员工被聘为志愿者。一个项目仍在进行中,同事仍在访问瑞典各地的学校,对儿童进行消防安全教育。“玩火” 也将被消防部门用于他们自己的预防工作。“玩火” 很快将在挪威推出。


    案例简介:Relevancy It’s hard to picture being in a fire. For a child, it’s close to impossible. Despite the fact that 90% of all fatal fires occur at home, only 1 out of 10 children have performed a fire drill in their homes. Therefore, Trygg-Hansa, being the insurance provider for half of all individually insured children in Sweden, decided to educate them about fire safety in a more realistic fashion. Through ‘Playing with Fire’ in Virtual Reality, children are taught how to react, instead of act, in case of a fire. So far, 225 000 children have been educated through the initiative. CampaignDescription It’s hard to picture being in a fire, and stressful situations can make us act incorrectly. By conducting a fire drill, muscle memory is affected and therefore, so is behavior. We recreated a real fire situation, from a child’s perspective, in a family home and called it ‘Playing with Fire’. Via a 360° video, we let children experience a fire and perform a fire drill in an authentic environment, without being put at risk. Through actively watching an educational fire drill in VR, viewers could explore and detect fire and smoke development by themselves. Meanwhile, they were being instructed on how to act rapidly and safely exit the burning house. We designed VR-cardboard headsets and handed them out for free and, in addition to developing school material, children all around Sweden were able to experience ‘Playing with Fire’ as part of their school education. Outcome The communicative results exceeded expectations with a total reach of over 15 million. So far, the initiative has resulted in over 100 articles and five TV broadcast segments. The largest media outlet in Sweden picked up the news of the initiative during its first week, and the main spokesperson from Trygg-Hansa explained the importance of the initiative in national media. On social media, we reached out to parents and children and ‘Playing with Fire’ became 2016’s most cost-effective traffic-driving campaign for Trygg-Hansa.The campaign reached over 225 000 children. As a next step, the initiative is being implemented by the Swedish fire department who will use ‘Playing with Fire’ in their preventative work. The initiative strengthens Trygg-Hansa’s position as the expert in issues regarding fire safety and child safety. In published articles the campaign has a 100 % positive tendency and a PR value of over 2 million. Synopsis Sweden has a concrete vision that no one should have to die or be seriously injured by residential fires. But the number of people affected has not dropped. Every year, about 23 000 residential fires break out in Sweden. December and January are the most affected months. Stress makes us react instead of act and in such situations, children frightened by smoke, fire and screeching fire detectors might run and hide instead of heading for the exit. With the objective to potentially save lives, how could Trygg-Hansa increase awareness around fire safety in Sweden and get more people to perform a fire drill? Strategy The target audience for the campaign was families and children, mainly because Trygg-Hansa is providing insurances for over half of Swedish children. ‘Playing with Fire’ was a PR initiative and a digital campaign to create awareness around fire safety during the most affected months of fire break outs; December and January. We targeted major Swedish broadcast media outlets to get the initiative out across Sweden. Trygg-Hansa’s experts in children’s safety and fire safety were the spokespersons for the initiative. The target audience was also reached through ads on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, as well as through influencers within the family segment. Another valuable part of the initiative was the involvement of Trygg-Hansa employees who volunteered to get the message out and engage internally, as well as in schools around Sweden. Execution ‘Playing with Fire’ was launched in December, the month when there’s an increased risk of house fires. VR-cardboard headsets were handed out. Using VR on a mass scale, as the method for education on fire safety, was the first of its kind in Sweden.Along with the VR/360 film, we also produced a trailer to generate interest. Prior to the launch, we invited two families to try ‘Playing with Fire’. The experiment was made into a case film which was also used on social media to explain the initiative and describe the situation. Trygg-Hansa employees were engaged to act as volunteers. A project still ongoing and in which co-workers still visit schools all over Sweden to educate children on fire safety. ‘Playing with Fire’ is also to be used by the fire department in their own preventative work. ‘Playing with Fire’ is soon to be launched in Norway.

    Playing with Fire

    案例简介:相关性 很难想象在火灾中。对于一个孩子来说,这几乎是不可能的。尽管 90% 的致命火灾发生在家里,但 10 个孩子中只有 1 个在家里进行过消防演习。因此,Trygg-Hansa 作为瑞典一半独立保险儿童的保险提供者,决定以更现实的方式教育他们消防安全。通过虚拟现实中的 “玩火”,孩子们被教导如何在火灾发生时做出反应,而不是行动。迄今为止,已有 225 名儿童通过该倡议接受教育。 活动描述 很难想象在火灾中,压力大的情况会让我们行为不正确。通过进行消防演习,肌肉记忆受到影响,因此行为也受到影响。从孩子的角度来看,我们在一个家庭里重新创造了一个真正的火灾场景,并称之为 “玩火”。通过 360 视频,我们让孩子们体验火灾,并在真实的环境中进行消防演习,而不会受到威胁。通过在虚拟现实中积极观看教育消防演习,观众可以自己探索和发现火灾和烟雾的发展。与此同时,他们被告知如何迅速安全地离开燃烧的房子。我们设计了虚拟现实纸板耳机,并免费分发,除了开发学校材料,瑞典各地的孩子们还能够体验 “玩火” 作为学校教育的一部分。 结果 交流结果超出了预期,总覆盖面超过 1500万。迄今为止,该倡议已经产生了 100 多篇文章和五个电视广播部分。瑞典最大的媒体在该倡议的第一周就收到了消息,Trygg-Hansa 的主要发言人解释了该倡议在国家媒体中的重要性。在社交媒体上,我们联系了父母和孩子,“玩火” 成为了 2016 年最具成本效益的 Trygg-Hansa.The 交通驾驶运动,吸引了 225 多名儿童。作为下一步,瑞典消防局正在实施这一举措,他们将在预防性工作中使用 “玩火”。该倡议加强了 Trygg-Hansa 作为消防安全和儿童安全问题专家的地位。在发表的文章中,该运动有 100% 的积极趋势,pr值超过 200万。 概要 瑞典有一个具体的愿景,即任何人都不应该因住宅火灾而死亡或受重伤。但是受影响的人数并没有下降。瑞典每年大约有 23 000 起住宅火灾。12月和 1月是受影响最大的月份。压力让我们做出反应而不是行动,在这种情况下,被烟雾、火灾和刺耳的火灾探测器惊吓的孩子可能会逃跑并躲起来,而不是走向出口。为了有可能拯救生命,Trygg-Hansa 如何提高瑞典的消防安全意识,让更多的人进行消防演习? 战略 该运动的目标受众是家庭和儿童,主要是因为 Trygg-Hansa 为一半以上的瑞典儿童提供保险。“玩火” 是一项公关倡议和数字运动,旨在在火灾最严重的几个月里提高人们对消防安全的认识; 12月和 1月。我们以瑞典主要广播媒体为目标,在瑞典各地推行这一举措。Trygg-Hansa 的儿童安全和消防安全专家是该倡议的发言人。目标受众还通过 Facebook 、 Instagram 和 Youtube 上的广告以及家庭部门的影响者获得。该倡议的另一个有价值的部分是 Trygg-Hansa 员工的参与,他们自愿传达信息并参与内部以及瑞典各地的学校。 执行 “玩火” 是在 12月推出的,这个月房屋火灾的风险增加了。VR-纸板耳机被分发出去。大规模使用虚拟现实作为消防安全教育的方法,在瑞典是第一次。除了 VR/360 电影,我们还制作了一部预告片来引起人们的兴趣。在发射之前,我们邀请了两个家庭尝试 “玩火”。这个实验被制作成一个案例电影,也被用于社交媒体来解释这个倡议和描述这个情况。Trygg-Hansa 员工被聘为志愿者。一个项目仍在进行中,同事仍在访问瑞典各地的学校,对儿童进行消防安全教育。“玩火” 也将被消防部门用于他们自己的预防工作。“玩火” 很快将在挪威推出。

    Playing with Fire

    案例简介:Relevancy It’s hard to picture being in a fire. For a child, it’s close to impossible. Despite the fact that 90% of all fatal fires occur at home, only 1 out of 10 children have performed a fire drill in their homes. Therefore, Trygg-Hansa, being the insurance provider for half of all individually insured children in Sweden, decided to educate them about fire safety in a more realistic fashion. Through ‘Playing with Fire’ in Virtual Reality, children are taught how to react, instead of act, in case of a fire. So far, 225 000 children have been educated through the initiative. CampaignDescription It’s hard to picture being in a fire, and stressful situations can make us act incorrectly. By conducting a fire drill, muscle memory is affected and therefore, so is behavior. We recreated a real fire situation, from a child’s perspective, in a family home and called it ‘Playing with Fire’. Via a 360° video, we let children experience a fire and perform a fire drill in an authentic environment, without being put at risk. Through actively watching an educational fire drill in VR, viewers could explore and detect fire and smoke development by themselves. Meanwhile, they were being instructed on how to act rapidly and safely exit the burning house. We designed VR-cardboard headsets and handed them out for free and, in addition to developing school material, children all around Sweden were able to experience ‘Playing with Fire’ as part of their school education. Outcome The communicative results exceeded expectations with a total reach of over 15 million. So far, the initiative has resulted in over 100 articles and five TV broadcast segments. The largest media outlet in Sweden picked up the news of the initiative during its first week, and the main spokesperson from Trygg-Hansa explained the importance of the initiative in national media. On social media, we reached out to parents and children and ‘Playing with Fire’ became 2016’s most cost-effective traffic-driving campaign for Trygg-Hansa.The campaign reached over 225 000 children. As a next step, the initiative is being implemented by the Swedish fire department who will use ‘Playing with Fire’ in their preventative work. The initiative strengthens Trygg-Hansa’s position as the expert in issues regarding fire safety and child safety. In published articles the campaign has a 100 % positive tendency and a PR value of over 2 million. Synopsis Sweden has a concrete vision that no one should have to die or be seriously injured by residential fires. But the number of people affected has not dropped. Every year, about 23 000 residential fires break out in Sweden. December and January are the most affected months. Stress makes us react instead of act and in such situations, children frightened by smoke, fire and screeching fire detectors might run and hide instead of heading for the exit. With the objective to potentially save lives, how could Trygg-Hansa increase awareness around fire safety in Sweden and get more people to perform a fire drill? Strategy The target audience for the campaign was families and children, mainly because Trygg-Hansa is providing insurances for over half of Swedish children. ‘Playing with Fire’ was a PR initiative and a digital campaign to create awareness around fire safety during the most affected months of fire break outs; December and January. We targeted major Swedish broadcast media outlets to get the initiative out across Sweden. Trygg-Hansa’s experts in children’s safety and fire safety were the spokespersons for the initiative. The target audience was also reached through ads on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, as well as through influencers within the family segment. Another valuable part of the initiative was the involvement of Trygg-Hansa employees who volunteered to get the message out and engage internally, as well as in schools around Sweden. Execution ‘Playing with Fire’ was launched in December, the month when there’s an increased risk of house fires. VR-cardboard headsets were handed out. Using VR on a mass scale, as the method for education on fire safety, was the first of its kind in Sweden.Along with the VR/360 film, we also produced a trailer to generate interest. Prior to the launch, we invited two families to try ‘Playing with Fire’. The experiment was made into a case film which was also used on social media to explain the initiative and describe the situation. Trygg-Hansa employees were engaged to act as volunteers. A project still ongoing and in which co-workers still visit schools all over Sweden to educate children on fire safety. ‘Playing with Fire’ is also to be used by the fire department in their own preventative work. ‘Playing with Fire’ is soon to be launched in Norway.



    Playing with Fire










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