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    # Romanovs100: 4,000 张照片。4 社交网络。1 个家庭。

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? # Romanovs100 是一个由视觉数据驱动的在线纪录片项目,建立在对 20 世纪初俄罗斯最后一个皇室拍摄的数千张照片的分析之上。 为了在社交媒体领域创造历史,我们与俄罗斯国家档案馆合作,将存储在私人罗曼诺夫家庭相册中的 4,000 多张模拟图像数字化。 我们的品牌内容项目旨在使学习历史成为一个引人入胜的 “UX之旅”,将纪录片讲故事与交互式数字格式相结合,如 3D图像、 360 VR视频、AR体验、数字色彩竞赛等。 背景 罗曼诺夫夫妇是摄影先驱 -- 在 20 世纪初,他们拥有世界上第一台便携式相机,捕捉他们生活中几乎每一个有意义的事件。 1918年7月17日,俄罗斯帝国的最后一位沙皇尼古拉斯 · 罗曼诺夫,他的妻子和五个孩子被布尔什维克处决。为了向这个家庭致敬,我们将大量视觉数据与transmedia故事合并,以拼出 “失落的俄罗斯” 的大图景。成千上万的罗曼诺夫的图像被转换成特定于平台的社交媒体叙事在脸书、YouTube、推特、Instagram上,每个网络上的账户都展示了独特的格式和内容。 目标: -创造一种身临其境的教育体验,可以与完全适应社交媒体的 “新一代” 产生共鸣 -转换内容的交互式AR书,使学习成为历史的情感之旅 -引入新的方法,可以有效地用于历史教育课程 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 罗马诺夫档案馆也许是历史上第一部吹嘘如此细节和范围的私人照片编年史。我们想向最后一个统治家庭 “现场” 致敬,给这些照片 -- 曾经保存在家庭相册里 -- 在社交网络中创造第二次数字生活。 数据收集包括多个阶段: 将数千张百年历史的模拟图片收集到在线档案中; 视觉数据的识别、标记和管理; 通过几十个来源进行研究和分析,将每张照片都定位在事实历史背景中。 与研究人员和历史学家合作,我们设法调查和验证了几乎所有的图像。为了将视觉数据与历史事实联系起来,并为社交媒体帖子创造叙事,我们使用了数十种不同的来源,从尼古拉斯二世本人的个人日记和信件,致他同时代人写的回忆录以及俄罗斯和外国历史学家的大量工作。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 媒体规划是数据管理过程中最大的挑战之一 -- 任务是保持每个社交媒体账户的叙事独特和原创。在每个特定网络及其受众的具体情况指导下,该团队在YouTube、Facebook、Twitter和Instagram之间选择并引导内容。这为创建全面的多媒体跨平台内容奠定了基础: 为脸谱网提供更多复杂的文本帖子,为Instagram提供更快的视觉效果,在推特上提供第一人称讲故事,在YouTube上提供信息视频。 2018年持续了 100 天,该项目的主要讲故事支柱包括: 100 岁的镜头转变为 3D和 180 度的脸书体验; 纪录片风格的YouTube剪辑; 实时推特博客 -- 历史人物的帖子; 罗曼诺夫狗的POV Instagram视角; 著名艺术家玛丽娜 · 阿马拉尔评判的数字色彩化比赛;由俄罗斯著名音乐家Peter Nalitch创作的原创配乐; 将Romanov的照片集成到 360 度VR动画中的音乐视频; 与AR tech混合照片的打印版本。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 2018年持续了 100 天,该项目的主要讲故事支柱包括: 100 岁的镜头转变为 3D和 180 度的脸书体验; 纪录片风格的YouTube剪辑; 实时推特博客 -- 历史人物的帖子; 由著名艺术家玛丽娜 · 阿马拉尔评判的数字色彩竞赛; 由著名俄罗斯音乐家彼得 · 纳利奇创作的原创配乐;音乐视频将Romanov的照片集成到 360 度VR动画中; 与AR tech混合照片的打印版。 # Romanovs100 以增强学习历史体验的AR相册而告终。AR的目的是通过印刷和社交媒体隐含的限制来扩展讲故事,并允许读者成为展开故事的积极共同创作者。该应用程序提供了一个身临其境的历史之旅,触发了多种互动: 3D动画模型、可滑动图库、AR信息图、滚动在照片中的短视频纪录片。 另一种身临其境的方法是 360 度冒险进入年轻的Tsarevich的梦想: VR动画 列出结果 (30% 的选票) # Romanovs100 广受教育工作者、历史学家和研究人员的好评。该项目是入选美国最大的创意节 -- 奥斯汀SXSW 2019 的官方教育项目,我们在那里首映了AR图书。教育工作者和学生的反应是压倒性的: 书籍被寻找并交付给公共图书馆、德克萨斯州、凤凰城、纽约、康奈尔大学和许多其他教育中学机构的大学。 总的来说,# Romanovs100 在社交媒体上有着显著的影响。该项目产生了超过 2500万的印象,并聚集了约 55,000 粉丝和追随者。社交媒体帖子产生了 100万多次参与。 # Romanovs100 成为romanovs去世一百周年期间在Twitter上的关键标签,该项目的标签出现在博物馆,历史杂志,出版商,历史学家,学生和教育工作者的推文中。 该项目获得了全球媒体的报道,刊登在《历史附加杂志》、《英国广播公司新闻小时》、《Tatler》、《天空新闻》、《每日邮报》上。

    # Romanovs100: 4,000 张照片。4 社交网络。1 个家庭。

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? #Romanovs100 is an online documentary project driven by visual data and built on the analysis of thousands of photos taken by Russia’s last Royal family in the early 20th century. To bring history to life in the world of social media, we partnered with the Russian State Archive to digitize over 4,000 analogue images once stored in private Romanov family albums. Our branded content project aims to make learning history an engaging "UX journey" merging documentary storytelling with interactive digital formats like 3D images, 360 VR video, AR experiences, a digital colorization contest and more. Background The Romanovs were photography pioneers — in the early 20th century they owned the world's first portable cameras capturing almost every meaningful event in their lives. On July 17, 1918, Nicholas Romanov, last Tsar of the Russian Empire, his wife and five children were executed by the Bolsheviks. To pay tribute to the family, we merged a large set of visual data with transmedia storytelling to piece out the big picture of a "lost Russia". Thousands of the Romanov’s images were converted into platform-specific social media narratives on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram with accounts on each network showcasing unique format and content. Objectives: - create an immersive educational experience that can resonate with “new generations” fully-adapted to social media - transform content for an interactive AR book which makes learning an emotional journey into history - introduce new approaches which can be effectively used in history education courses Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) The Romanov archive is perhaps the first private photo chronicle in history to boast such detail and scope. We wanted to pay a "live" tribute to the last ruling family, giving these photographs - once kept in family albums - a second, digital life in social networks. Data gathering comprised multiple stages: collecting thousands of century-old analogue pictures into an online archive; identification, tagging & curation of visual data; research & analysis through dozens of sources to locate every photo in its factual historical context. Collaborating with researchers & historians we managed to investigate and verify almost all of the images. To link visual data to historical facts and create narratives for social media posts, we used dozens of different sources, ranging from personal diaries and letters by Nicholas II himself, to memoirs written by his contemporaries and extensive work by Russian and foreign historians. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Media planning was among the biggest challenges during data curation process - the task was to keep the narrative unique and original for every social media account. Guided by the specifics of every particular network and their audiences, the team selected and channeled the content between YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This laid the ground for creating comprehensive multimedia cross-platform content: more text-sophisticated posts for Facebook, snappy visuals for Instagram, first-person storytelling on Twitter, informational videos on YouTube. Running for 100 days in 2018, the project's key storytelling pillars comprised: 100-year-old shots transformed into 3D & 180-degree Facebook experiences; documentary-style YouTube cuts; real-time Twitter blog-posts by historical characters; POV Instagram perspective by the Romanov's dog; Digital colorization contest judged by renowned artist Marina Amaral; Original soundtrack composed by renowned Russian musician Peter Nalitch; Music video integrating Romanov's photos into 360-degree VR Animation; Print edition mixing photos with AR tech. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Running for 100 days in 2018, the project's key storytelling pillars comprised: 100-year-old shots transformed into 3D & 180-degree Facebook experiences; documentary-style YouTube cuts; real-time Twitter blog-posts by historical characters; Digital colorization contest judged by renowned artist Marina Amaral; Original soundtrack composed by renowned Russian musician Peter Nalitch; Music video integrating Romanov's photos into 360-degree VR Animation; Print edition mixing photos with AR tech. #Romanovs100 culminated in an AR photo album which enhances this experience of learning history. The purpose of AR is to extend the storytelling through limitations implied by print & social media, and to allow readers become active co-creators of the unfolding story. The app offers an immersive journey into history triggering multiple interactions: 3D animation-models, swipeable galleries, AR infographic, short video documentaries rolling inside photos. Another immersive approach is a 360-degree adventure into a dream of young Tsarevich: VR animation List the results (30% of vote) #Romanovs100 is widely acclaimed by educators, historians and researchers. The project was selected for the official educational program at America's biggest creative festival - SXSW 2019 in Austin where we premiered the AR book. The response from educators and students was overwhelming: books were sought and delivered to public libraries, universities in Texas, Phoenix, New York, Cornell and many other educational secondary institutions. In general, #Romanovs100 had a remarkable impact across social media. The project generated over 25 million impressions & gathered around 55,000 fans & followers. Social media posts generated over 1 million engagements. #Romanovs100 became the key hashtag during the centenary of the Romanovs' death on Twitter worldwide with the project's tag featured in tweets by museums, history magazines, publishers, historians, students and educators. The project received global media coverage, featuring in The History Extra magazine, BBC News Hour, Tatler, Sky News, Daily Mail.

    #Romanovs100: 4,000 photos. 4 social networks. 1 family.

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? # Romanovs100 是一个由视觉数据驱动的在线纪录片项目,建立在对 20 世纪初俄罗斯最后一个皇室拍摄的数千张照片的分析之上。 为了在社交媒体领域创造历史,我们与俄罗斯国家档案馆合作,将存储在私人罗曼诺夫家庭相册中的 4,000 多张模拟图像数字化。 我们的品牌内容项目旨在使学习历史成为一个引人入胜的 “UX之旅”,将纪录片讲故事与交互式数字格式相结合,如 3D图像、 360 VR视频、AR体验、数字色彩竞赛等。 背景 罗曼诺夫夫妇是摄影先驱 -- 在 20 世纪初,他们拥有世界上第一台便携式相机,捕捉他们生活中几乎每一个有意义的事件。 1918年7月17日,俄罗斯帝国的最后一位沙皇尼古拉斯 · 罗曼诺夫,他的妻子和五个孩子被布尔什维克处决。为了向这个家庭致敬,我们将大量视觉数据与transmedia故事合并,以拼出 “失落的俄罗斯” 的大图景。成千上万的罗曼诺夫的图像被转换成特定于平台的社交媒体叙事在脸书、YouTube、推特、Instagram上,每个网络上的账户都展示了独特的格式和内容。 目标: -创造一种身临其境的教育体验,可以与完全适应社交媒体的 “新一代” 产生共鸣 -转换内容的交互式AR书,使学习成为历史的情感之旅 -引入新的方法,可以有效地用于历史教育课程 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 罗马诺夫档案馆也许是历史上第一部吹嘘如此细节和范围的私人照片编年史。我们想向最后一个统治家庭 “现场” 致敬,给这些照片 -- 曾经保存在家庭相册里 -- 在社交网络中创造第二次数字生活。 数据收集包括多个阶段: 将数千张百年历史的模拟图片收集到在线档案中; 视觉数据的识别、标记和管理; 通过几十个来源进行研究和分析,将每张照片都定位在事实历史背景中。 与研究人员和历史学家合作,我们设法调查和验证了几乎所有的图像。为了将视觉数据与历史事实联系起来,并为社交媒体帖子创造叙事,我们使用了数十种不同的来源,从尼古拉斯二世本人的个人日记和信件,致他同时代人写的回忆录以及俄罗斯和外国历史学家的大量工作。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 媒体规划是数据管理过程中最大的挑战之一 -- 任务是保持每个社交媒体账户的叙事独特和原创。在每个特定网络及其受众的具体情况指导下,该团队在YouTube、Facebook、Twitter和Instagram之间选择并引导内容。这为创建全面的多媒体跨平台内容奠定了基础: 为脸谱网提供更多复杂的文本帖子,为Instagram提供更快的视觉效果,在推特上提供第一人称讲故事,在YouTube上提供信息视频。 2018年持续了 100 天,该项目的主要讲故事支柱包括: 100 岁的镜头转变为 3D和 180 度的脸书体验; 纪录片风格的YouTube剪辑; 实时推特博客 -- 历史人物的帖子; 罗曼诺夫狗的POV Instagram视角; 著名艺术家玛丽娜 · 阿马拉尔评判的数字色彩化比赛;由俄罗斯著名音乐家Peter Nalitch创作的原创配乐; 将Romanov的照片集成到 360 度VR动画中的音乐视频; 与AR tech混合照片的打印版本。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 2018年持续了 100 天,该项目的主要讲故事支柱包括: 100 岁的镜头转变为 3D和 180 度的脸书体验; 纪录片风格的YouTube剪辑; 实时推特博客 -- 历史人物的帖子; 由著名艺术家玛丽娜 · 阿马拉尔评判的数字色彩竞赛; 由著名俄罗斯音乐家彼得 · 纳利奇创作的原创配乐;音乐视频将Romanov的照片集成到 360 度VR动画中; 与AR tech混合照片的打印版。 # Romanovs100 以增强学习历史体验的AR相册而告终。AR的目的是通过印刷和社交媒体隐含的限制来扩展讲故事,并允许读者成为展开故事的积极共同创作者。该应用程序提供了一个身临其境的历史之旅,触发了多种互动: 3D动画模型、可滑动图库、AR信息图、滚动在照片中的短视频纪录片。 另一种身临其境的方法是 360 度冒险进入年轻的Tsarevich的梦想: VR动画 列出结果 (30% 的选票) # Romanovs100 广受教育工作者、历史学家和研究人员的好评。该项目是入选美国最大的创意节 -- 奥斯汀SXSW 2019 的官方教育项目,我们在那里首映了AR图书。教育工作者和学生的反应是压倒性的: 书籍被寻找并交付给公共图书馆、德克萨斯州、凤凰城、纽约、康奈尔大学和许多其他教育中学机构的大学。 总的来说,# Romanovs100 在社交媒体上有着显著的影响。该项目产生了超过 2500万的印象,并聚集了约 55,000 粉丝和追随者。社交媒体帖子产生了 100万多次参与。 # Romanovs100 成为romanovs去世一百周年期间在Twitter上的关键标签,该项目的标签出现在博物馆,历史杂志,出版商,历史学家,学生和教育工作者的推文中。 该项目获得了全球媒体的报道,刊登在《历史附加杂志》、《英国广播公司新闻小时》、《Tatler》、《天空新闻》、《每日邮报》上。

    #Romanovs100: 4,000 photos. 4 social networks. 1 family.

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? #Romanovs100 is an online documentary project driven by visual data and built on the analysis of thousands of photos taken by Russia’s last Royal family in the early 20th century. To bring history to life in the world of social media, we partnered with the Russian State Archive to digitize over 4,000 analogue images once stored in private Romanov family albums. Our branded content project aims to make learning history an engaging "UX journey" merging documentary storytelling with interactive digital formats like 3D images, 360 VR video, AR experiences, a digital colorization contest and more. Background The Romanovs were photography pioneers — in the early 20th century they owned the world's first portable cameras capturing almost every meaningful event in their lives. On July 17, 1918, Nicholas Romanov, last Tsar of the Russian Empire, his wife and five children were executed by the Bolsheviks. To pay tribute to the family, we merged a large set of visual data with transmedia storytelling to piece out the big picture of a "lost Russia". Thousands of the Romanov’s images were converted into platform-specific social media narratives on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram with accounts on each network showcasing unique format and content. Objectives: - create an immersive educational experience that can resonate with “new generations” fully-adapted to social media - transform content for an interactive AR book which makes learning an emotional journey into history - introduce new approaches which can be effectively used in history education courses Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) The Romanov archive is perhaps the first private photo chronicle in history to boast such detail and scope. We wanted to pay a "live" tribute to the last ruling family, giving these photographs - once kept in family albums - a second, digital life in social networks. Data gathering comprised multiple stages: collecting thousands of century-old analogue pictures into an online archive; identification, tagging & curation of visual data; research & analysis through dozens of sources to locate every photo in its factual historical context. Collaborating with researchers & historians we managed to investigate and verify almost all of the images. To link visual data to historical facts and create narratives for social media posts, we used dozens of different sources, ranging from personal diaries and letters by Nicholas II himself, to memoirs written by his contemporaries and extensive work by Russian and foreign historians. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Media planning was among the biggest challenges during data curation process - the task was to keep the narrative unique and original for every social media account. Guided by the specifics of every particular network and their audiences, the team selected and channeled the content between YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This laid the ground for creating comprehensive multimedia cross-platform content: more text-sophisticated posts for Facebook, snappy visuals for Instagram, first-person storytelling on Twitter, informational videos on YouTube. Running for 100 days in 2018, the project's key storytelling pillars comprised: 100-year-old shots transformed into 3D & 180-degree Facebook experiences; documentary-style YouTube cuts; real-time Twitter blog-posts by historical characters; POV Instagram perspective by the Romanov's dog; Digital colorization contest judged by renowned artist Marina Amaral; Original soundtrack composed by renowned Russian musician Peter Nalitch; Music video integrating Romanov's photos into 360-degree VR Animation; Print edition mixing photos with AR tech. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Running for 100 days in 2018, the project's key storytelling pillars comprised: 100-year-old shots transformed into 3D & 180-degree Facebook experiences; documentary-style YouTube cuts; real-time Twitter blog-posts by historical characters; Digital colorization contest judged by renowned artist Marina Amaral; Original soundtrack composed by renowned Russian musician Peter Nalitch; Music video integrating Romanov's photos into 360-degree VR Animation; Print edition mixing photos with AR tech. #Romanovs100 culminated in an AR photo album which enhances this experience of learning history. The purpose of AR is to extend the storytelling through limitations implied by print & social media, and to allow readers become active co-creators of the unfolding story. The app offers an immersive journey into history triggering multiple interactions: 3D animation-models, swipeable galleries, AR infographic, short video documentaries rolling inside photos. Another immersive approach is a 360-degree adventure into a dream of young Tsarevich: VR animation List the results (30% of vote) #Romanovs100 is widely acclaimed by educators, historians and researchers. The project was selected for the official educational program at America's biggest creative festival - SXSW 2019 in Austin where we premiered the AR book. The response from educators and students was overwhelming: books were sought and delivered to public libraries, universities in Texas, Phoenix, New York, Cornell and many other educational secondary institutions. In general, #Romanovs100 had a remarkable impact across social media. The project generated over 25 million impressions & gathered around 55,000 fans & followers. Social media posts generated over 1 million engagements. #Romanovs100 became the key hashtag during the centenary of the Romanovs' death on Twitter worldwide with the project's tag featured in tweets by museums, history magazines, publishers, historians, students and educators. The project received global media coverage, featuring in The History Extra magazine, BBC News Hour, Tatler, Sky News, Daily Mail.

    # Romanovs100: 4,000 张照片。4 社交网络。1 个家庭。


    #Romanovs100: 4,000 photos. 4 social networks. 1 family.










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