营销日历 营销导航 热门搜索 使用技巧






    案例简介:背景 强加统一的社会 在日本,人们被迫遵循社会标准。行为或出现与规范不同的行为不仅令人沮丧,而且受到压迫。 它从童年开始 这种对儿童的文化压迫是巨大的。尽管欺凌是一个全球性问题,但日本的情况更加令人震惊。与其他人不同的孩子将成为目标。因此,父母告诉他们的孩子要以某种方式行事 (即使这与他们的天性不同),只是为了适应。 潘婷能做些什么来打破常规? 潘婷认为差异是值得骄傲的。差异正是使我们成为我们的原因。作为一个护发品牌,我们如何违抗规范,激励下一代父母和孩子忠于自己,欣赏和热爱他们的独特性? 描述创意 (投票30%) 我们创造了一个 “多毛的故事” -- 一个庆祝差异的故事 我们找到了打破文化规范的理想发型模型。她的名字叫Baby Chanco,这是一位来自日本京都的可爱的1岁女孩,以其头发而闻名-如此丰富和奢华,使她立即成为Instagram明星。她的母亲Mami Kano一直在张贴女儿非凡的满头头发,只是因为她认为它很可爱并且喜欢它。但是一开始,她得到了许多负面评论,例如 “她应该理发” 和 “我感到抱歉,因为她受到了公众的嘲笑”。潘婷 (Pantene) 的新活动 “# HairWeGo-我的大头发使我前进”,以婴儿Chanco和她的母亲的故事为特色,以鼓励下一代父母和孩子无畏地表达自己,而不是隐藏他们或使他们正常化。 描述策略 (投票20%) 妇女习惯于避免差异。 对32,773消费者进行的一项研究表明,53% 的日本女性 (10-20岁年龄组) 说 “当我与他人不同时,我总是感到不安” (与42% 相比,男性10-20岁) 新一代父母子女是关键 这种担心他们差异的倾向是从小就建立的。特别是对于女孩,父母不断告诉他们,和谐与顺从是贤惠的。女孩长大后相信与其他人一样更好。 通过婴儿CHANCO的故事,PANTENE庆祝与众不同的美丽 潘婷认为应该庆祝差异,而不是批评。我们的差异正是使我们成为我们的原因。通过婴儿Chanco和她母亲的故事,我们传达了这样的信息: 看起来与众不同是可以的,当您爱自己的差异时,您的世界会变得更美好 描述执行 (投票20%) 多毛的故事视频 我们制作了一个可爱的图画书风格的视频,名为《多毛的故事》,《婴儿钱科的故事》,描绘了自己和她的母亲,她爱和珍惜女儿的头发,并与强迫她和其他人一样的压力作斗争。 在她生日那天发射 我们在她1岁生日的12月23日上发布了视频,在她的Instagram上,我们认识她大约。来自不同国家的300,000追随者会喜欢它并开始谈论它。 多毛的故事图画书 多毛的故事也被变成了绘本,在日本各地的学校发行。 “头发我们走” 新年决心 新年假期后的第一天,当许多日本人在社交媒体上表达新年决议时,我们将报纸广告放在了1月7日上。在 “# HairWeGo for 2019” 这句话中,我们以电视播音员佐藤·近藤 (Sato Kondo) 为特色,她因让头发变白而受到称赞。 列出结果 (投票30%) 多毛的故事成为全球文化现象 如果没有任何视频广告投放,《多毛的故事》获得了超过21.4亿个媒体印象,价值4.5毫米免费媒体。通过830毫米社交媒体互动,我们引发了一场关于与众不同重要性的对话。SNS的评论充满了感人的帖子,例如; “你让我意识到差异是非常宝贵的!”,“我哭了。我儿子也有一头蓬松的头发,我在他6个月大的时候剪了头发。我后悔了 ”,“ 我差点哭了。我希望我的孩子长大后为他们的差异感到自豪。” 多毛的故事在全国和全球范围内被发现 208日本和569国际媒体的作品类别,包括: ABC,CBS和NBC新闻,CNN,今天,华盛顿邮报,晚间标准,人物,Vogue等。 多毛的商业结果 在此期间,市场份额与1年前相比增长了112?? 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 与统一性和一致性作斗争的头发 在全球范围内,潘婷是通过头发扩大女性可能性的品牌。在日本,阻碍女性发展的最大社会压力是统一和顺从。潘婷和婴儿Chanco和她的母亲决定共同对抗规范。 不仅仅是婴儿钱。佐藤近藤是另一个图标。 使这项运动在日本空前进行对话的关键不仅是Baby Chanco,而且还有电视播音员佐藤Kondo,她因让头发变白而受到称赞。她过去常常染头发出现在电视上。利用她刚刚开始以自然的白发出现在电视上的势头,我们在视频中介绍了她作为叙述者和新年报纸广告以及Baby Chanco,这导致了媒体对208和1.5 b的报道


    案例简介:Background SOCIETY THAT IMPOSES UNIFORMITY In Japan people are pressured to follow a social standard. Behaving or appearing different from the norm is not only discouraged but oppressed. IT STARTS FROM CHILDHOOD And this cultural oppressions on children is huge. Although bullying is a global problem, the situation in Japan is more alarming. A child who is different from the others will be a target. So, parents tell their children to be or to behave in a certain way (even if it is different from their nature), just to fit in. WHAT CAN PANTENE DO TO BREAK THE NORM? Pantene believes that differences are something to be proud of. Differences are exactly what makes us who we are. As a haircare brand, how can we defy norms and inspire next generations of parents and children to be true to themselves and to appreciate and love their uniqueness? Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) WE CREATED A “HAIRY TALE” – A STORY OF CELEBRATING THE DIFFERENCE We found the ideal hair model to break the cultural norm. Her name is Baby Chanco, an adorable 1-year-old girl from Kyoto Japan who has become famous for her hair – so abundant and luxurious that it has made her an instant Instagram star. Her mother Mami Kano has kept posting her daughter’s extraordinary full head of hair just because she thinks it’s cute and loves it. But at the beginning she got many negative comments such as “she should get a haircut” and “I feel sorry because she is exposed to public ridicule”. Pantene featured the story of Baby Chanco and her mother for its new campaign “#HairWeGo – My Great Hair Moves Me Forward” to encourage next generation of parents and children to fearlessly express themselves, and not to hide them or normalize them. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) WOMEN ARE CONDITIONED TO SHUN DIFFERENCES. A research conducted with 32,773 consumers reveals that 53% of Japanese females (age group 10-20 years) say “I always feel uneasy when I am different from others” (vs. 42%, men 10-20 years) A NEW GENERATION OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN IS THE KEY This tendency of worrying about their differences is built since childhood. Especially for girls, parents keep telling them that harmony and conformity are virtuous. Girls grow up believing that it’s better to be the same as everyone else. THROUGH THE STORY OF BABY CHANCO, PANTENE CELEBRATES THE BEAUTY OF BEING DIFFERENT Pantene believes that differences should be celebrated, not criticized. Our differences are exactly what makes us who we are. Through the story of Baby Chanco and her mother, we conveyed the message that it is okay to look different, and when you love your differences your world is a better place Describe the execution (20% of vote) HAIRY TALE VIDEO We created an adorable picture-book-style video called Hairy Tale, the story of Baby Chanco, depicting herself and her mother who loves and cherishes her daughter’s hair and fights pressures of forcing her the same as others. LAUNCHED ON HER BIRTHDAY We launched the video on December 23, her 1-year-old-birthday, on her Instagram where we knew her approx. 300,000 followers from different countries would love it and start talking about it. HAIRY TALE PICTURE BOOK Hairy Tale has also been turned into a picture book, distributed in schools all over Japan. “HAIR WE GO” NEW YEAR RESOLUTION We placed the newspaper ad on Jan 7, the first day after new year vacation when many Japanese express new year resolutions on social media. With the line “#HairWeGo for 2019” we featured Baby Chanco with TV announcer Sato Kondo, who has been applauded for letting her hair grow gray. List the results (30% of vote) HAIRY TALE BECAME A GLOBAL CULTURAL PHENOMENON Without any video ad placement, Hairy Tale earned over 21.4 BILLION media impressions worth $4.5MM free media. With 830MM social media engagements, we ignited a conversation about the importance of being different. SNS comments were filled with touching posts such as; “You made me realize difference is very precious!”, “I was in tears. My son also had voluminous hair and I cut it when he was 6 months. I regret it”, “I almost cried. I want my kids to grow up being proud of their difference” HAIRY TALE WAS PICKED UP NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY 208 Japanese and 569 international media across categories featured the work, including: ABC, CBS, and NBC News, CNN, Today, Washington Post, Evening Standard, People, Vogue and more. HAIRY-TALE BUSINESS RESULT During the period, market share grew with the index of 112 vs. 1 year ago?? Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign HAIR THAT FIGHTS UNIFORMITY AND CONFORMITY Globally, Pantene is the brand to expand possibilities of women through hair. In Japan the biggest social pressure holding women back are uniformity and conformity. Pantene and Baby Chanco with her mother decided to fight together against the norm. IT’S NOT JUST BABY CHANCO. SATO KONDO IS ANOTHER ICON. The key to make this campaign unprecedentedly conversational in Japan was not only Baby Chanco but also TV announcer Sato Kondo, who has been applauded for letting her hair grow gray. She used to appear on TV with her hair dyed. Harnessing the momentum that she had just started appearing on TV with her natural gray hair, we featured her in the video as the narrator and new year’s newspaper ad together with Baby Chanco, which resulted in media coverage of 208 and 1.5 b

    The Hairy Tale

    案例简介:背景 强加统一的社会 在日本,人们被迫遵循社会标准。行为或出现与规范不同的行为不仅令人沮丧,而且受到压迫。 它从童年开始 这种对儿童的文化压迫是巨大的。尽管欺凌是一个全球性问题,但日本的情况更加令人震惊。与其他人不同的孩子将成为目标。因此,父母告诉他们的孩子要以某种方式行事 (即使这与他们的天性不同),只是为了适应。 潘婷能做些什么来打破常规? 潘婷认为差异是值得骄傲的。差异正是使我们成为我们的原因。作为一个护发品牌,我们如何违抗规范,激励下一代父母和孩子忠于自己,欣赏和热爱他们的独特性? 描述创意 (投票30%) 我们创造了一个 “多毛的故事” -- 一个庆祝差异的故事 我们找到了打破文化规范的理想发型模型。她的名字叫Baby Chanco,这是一位来自日本京都的可爱的1岁女孩,以其头发而闻名-如此丰富和奢华,使她立即成为Instagram明星。她的母亲Mami Kano一直在张贴女儿非凡的满头头发,只是因为她认为它很可爱并且喜欢它。但是一开始,她得到了许多负面评论,例如 “她应该理发” 和 “我感到抱歉,因为她受到了公众的嘲笑”。潘婷 (Pantene) 的新活动 “# HairWeGo-我的大头发使我前进”,以婴儿Chanco和她的母亲的故事为特色,以鼓励下一代父母和孩子无畏地表达自己,而不是隐藏他们或使他们正常化。 描述策略 (投票20%) 妇女习惯于避免差异。 对32,773消费者进行的一项研究表明,53% 的日本女性 (10-20岁年龄组) 说 “当我与他人不同时,我总是感到不安” (与42% 相比,男性10-20岁) 新一代父母子女是关键 这种担心他们差异的倾向是从小就建立的。特别是对于女孩,父母不断告诉他们,和谐与顺从是贤惠的。女孩长大后相信与其他人一样更好。 通过婴儿CHANCO的故事,PANTENE庆祝与众不同的美丽 潘婷认为应该庆祝差异,而不是批评。我们的差异正是使我们成为我们的原因。通过婴儿Chanco和她母亲的故事,我们传达了这样的信息: 看起来与众不同是可以的,当您爱自己的差异时,您的世界会变得更美好 描述执行 (投票20%) 多毛的故事视频 我们制作了一个可爱的图画书风格的视频,名为《多毛的故事》,《婴儿钱科的故事》,描绘了自己和她的母亲,她爱和珍惜女儿的头发,并与强迫她和其他人一样的压力作斗争。 在她生日那天发射 我们在她1岁生日的12月23日上发布了视频,在她的Instagram上,我们认识她大约。来自不同国家的300,000追随者会喜欢它并开始谈论它。 多毛的故事图画书 多毛的故事也被变成了绘本,在日本各地的学校发行。 “头发我们走” 新年决心 新年假期后的第一天,当许多日本人在社交媒体上表达新年决议时,我们将报纸广告放在了1月7日上。在 “# HairWeGo for 2019” 这句话中,我们以电视播音员佐藤·近藤 (Sato Kondo) 为特色,她因让头发变白而受到称赞。 列出结果 (投票30%) 多毛的故事成为全球文化现象 如果没有任何视频广告投放,《多毛的故事》获得了超过21.4亿个媒体印象,价值4.5毫米免费媒体。通过830毫米社交媒体互动,我们引发了一场关于与众不同重要性的对话。SNS的评论充满了感人的帖子,例如; “你让我意识到差异是非常宝贵的!”,“我哭了。我儿子也有一头蓬松的头发,我在他6个月大的时候剪了头发。我后悔了 ”,“ 我差点哭了。我希望我的孩子长大后为他们的差异感到自豪。” 多毛的故事在全国和全球范围内被发现 208日本和569国际媒体的作品类别,包括: ABC,CBS和NBC新闻,CNN,今天,华盛顿邮报,晚间标准,人物,Vogue等。 多毛的商业结果 在此期间,市场份额与1年前相比增长了112?? 请告诉我们激发您竞选活动的社会行为和/或文化见解 与统一性和一致性作斗争的头发 在全球范围内,潘婷是通过头发扩大女性可能性的品牌。在日本,阻碍女性发展的最大社会压力是统一和顺从。潘婷和婴儿Chanco和她的母亲决定共同对抗规范。 不仅仅是婴儿钱。佐藤近藤是另一个图标。 使这项运动在日本空前进行对话的关键不仅是Baby Chanco,而且还有电视播音员佐藤Kondo,她因让头发变白而受到称赞。她过去常常染头发出现在电视上。利用她刚刚开始以自然的白发出现在电视上的势头,我们在视频中介绍了她作为叙述者和新年报纸广告以及Baby Chanco,这导致了媒体对208和1.5 b的报道

    The Hairy Tale

    案例简介:Background SOCIETY THAT IMPOSES UNIFORMITY In Japan people are pressured to follow a social standard. Behaving or appearing different from the norm is not only discouraged but oppressed. IT STARTS FROM CHILDHOOD And this cultural oppressions on children is huge. Although bullying is a global problem, the situation in Japan is more alarming. A child who is different from the others will be a target. So, parents tell their children to be or to behave in a certain way (even if it is different from their nature), just to fit in. WHAT CAN PANTENE DO TO BREAK THE NORM? Pantene believes that differences are something to be proud of. Differences are exactly what makes us who we are. As a haircare brand, how can we defy norms and inspire next generations of parents and children to be true to themselves and to appreciate and love their uniqueness? Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) WE CREATED A “HAIRY TALE” – A STORY OF CELEBRATING THE DIFFERENCE We found the ideal hair model to break the cultural norm. Her name is Baby Chanco, an adorable 1-year-old girl from Kyoto Japan who has become famous for her hair – so abundant and luxurious that it has made her an instant Instagram star. Her mother Mami Kano has kept posting her daughter’s extraordinary full head of hair just because she thinks it’s cute and loves it. But at the beginning she got many negative comments such as “she should get a haircut” and “I feel sorry because she is exposed to public ridicule”. Pantene featured the story of Baby Chanco and her mother for its new campaign “#HairWeGo – My Great Hair Moves Me Forward” to encourage next generation of parents and children to fearlessly express themselves, and not to hide them or normalize them. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) WOMEN ARE CONDITIONED TO SHUN DIFFERENCES. A research conducted with 32,773 consumers reveals that 53% of Japanese females (age group 10-20 years) say “I always feel uneasy when I am different from others” (vs. 42%, men 10-20 years) A NEW GENERATION OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN IS THE KEY This tendency of worrying about their differences is built since childhood. Especially for girls, parents keep telling them that harmony and conformity are virtuous. Girls grow up believing that it’s better to be the same as everyone else. THROUGH THE STORY OF BABY CHANCO, PANTENE CELEBRATES THE BEAUTY OF BEING DIFFERENT Pantene believes that differences should be celebrated, not criticized. Our differences are exactly what makes us who we are. Through the story of Baby Chanco and her mother, we conveyed the message that it is okay to look different, and when you love your differences your world is a better place Describe the execution (20% of vote) HAIRY TALE VIDEO We created an adorable picture-book-style video called Hairy Tale, the story of Baby Chanco, depicting herself and her mother who loves and cherishes her daughter’s hair and fights pressures of forcing her the same as others. LAUNCHED ON HER BIRTHDAY We launched the video on December 23, her 1-year-old-birthday, on her Instagram where we knew her approx. 300,000 followers from different countries would love it and start talking about it. HAIRY TALE PICTURE BOOK Hairy Tale has also been turned into a picture book, distributed in schools all over Japan. “HAIR WE GO” NEW YEAR RESOLUTION We placed the newspaper ad on Jan 7, the first day after new year vacation when many Japanese express new year resolutions on social media. With the line “#HairWeGo for 2019” we featured Baby Chanco with TV announcer Sato Kondo, who has been applauded for letting her hair grow gray. List the results (30% of vote) HAIRY TALE BECAME A GLOBAL CULTURAL PHENOMENON Without any video ad placement, Hairy Tale earned over 21.4 BILLION media impressions worth $4.5MM free media. With 830MM social media engagements, we ignited a conversation about the importance of being different. SNS comments were filled with touching posts such as; “You made me realize difference is very precious!”, “I was in tears. My son also had voluminous hair and I cut it when he was 6 months. I regret it”, “I almost cried. I want my kids to grow up being proud of their difference” HAIRY TALE WAS PICKED UP NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY 208 Japanese and 569 international media across categories featured the work, including: ABC, CBS, and NBC News, CNN, Today, Washington Post, Evening Standard, People, Vogue and more. HAIRY-TALE BUSINESS RESULT During the period, market share grew with the index of 112 vs. 1 year ago?? Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign HAIR THAT FIGHTS UNIFORMITY AND CONFORMITY Globally, Pantene is the brand to expand possibilities of women through hair. In Japan the biggest social pressure holding women back are uniformity and conformity. Pantene and Baby Chanco with her mother decided to fight together against the norm. IT’S NOT JUST BABY CHANCO. SATO KONDO IS ANOTHER ICON. The key to make this campaign unprecedentedly conversational in Japan was not only Baby Chanco but also TV announcer Sato Kondo, who has been applauded for letting her hair grow gray. She used to appear on TV with her hair dyed. Harnessing the momentum that she had just started appearing on TV with her natural gray hair, we featured her in the video as the narrator and new year’s newspaper ad together with Baby Chanco, which resulted in media coverage of 208 and 1.5 b



    The Hairy Tale






    广告公司: 葛瑞 (日本 东京) 制作公司: C3 Film




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