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    SickKids VS: #10年挑战

    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 该活动的重点是向现有捐助者展示他们的捐款如何对SickKids医院的患者产生改变生活的影响。在这样做的过程中,我们正在参与并鼓励他们继续提供支持,并参与与儿童疾病的斗争。 背景 我们的研究表明,关注医院社交媒体页面的病童捐赠者试图看到他们捐赠的力量。我们的目标是向SickKids追随者展示他们的捐赠对SickKids患者的许多生活的影响。 我们想向捐赠者展示他们的支持正在取得什么,没有比展示一个快乐健康的孩子的照片更有力的证据了,如果不是为了SickKids及其捐赠者,他今天可能没有来过这里。 使用 #10YearChallenge是一种特殊而有影响力的方式,可以展示SickKids患者在与疾病作斗争中的不可思议的转变。 描述创意 (投票30%) 10年挑战一夜之间成为社交媒体热潮。所有主要社交媒体网络上的数百万人分享了两张相隔十年的并排照片; 一张2009年和一张2019年。 我们认为这是SickKids将他们的事业与这一年之交的病毒趋势联系起来的机会,并吸引他们对社交媒体页面的有机关注。 我们创建了 # SickKidsVS #10年挑战: 一个独特而简单的内容游戏,展示了SickKids医院的变革性。在一系列的社交帖子中,我们讲述了过去10年来,由于SickKids的护理,他们的生活发生了变化的前患者的成功故事。每个社交帖子都以 “区别在于生病的孩子” 结尾。 描述策略 (投票20%) 对我们的捐助者基础的研究表明,他们继续支持的一个重要动机是看到他们的捐赠对生病的孩子产生的持久影响。 此外,他们中的许多人关注SickKids社交媒体页面,以了解我们的患者如何勇敢地克服世界上最棘手的疾病。这激发了我们寻找特殊的方式来向我们的核心支持者展示他们的帮助如何改变成千上万的生活。 通过社交媒体收听,我们观察到世界各地数百万人在 #10年挑战下并排张贴自己十年前的照片和今天的照片。 我们意识到,如果挑战是通过SickKids的镜头来接受的,我们可以给它一个全新的目的。使用相同的两种图像格式,我们能够立即讲述SickKids患者转型的故事,以及捐赠者如何帮助实现这一目标。 描述执行 (投票20%) #10YearChallenge是提供及时响应的机会,该响应既简单又有效。这个想法在短短一天内就从受孕到执行。我们知道,我们必须迅速采取行动,以捕捉趋势话题的势头。 我们选择了四个最引人注目的故事,讲述了十年前与改变生活的医疗状况作斗争的病童患者,但他们克服了每一个独特的挑战。 例如,一篇帖子分享了一位前病人马迪·斯科特 (Madi Scott) 的故事,他是埃隆大学舞蹈队的队长,准备以两个学位毕业,十年前,他是一名癌症患者,面临着不确定的未来。 在一天 (2019年1月18日) 中,我们在Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上发布了我们的故事。 列出结果 (投票30%) 在不到24小时的时间里,我们为SickKids基金会创建了迄今为止表现最好的社交帖子。每个帖子不仅被广泛分享和喜欢,而且还启发和鼓励许多人在回复和评论中与SickKids和他们自己的 #10YearChallenge照片分享他们的家庭经历。 主要亮点: 在媒体上花费了 $0的439,000多人 帖子参与度比SickKids基金会的Facebook页面平均水平高15倍 -平均 = 每个职位332个聘用 -实现 = 4,989约定 帖子参与度比SickKids基金会的Instagram页面平均值高6倍 -平均 = 每个职位1,300个聘用 -实现 = 8,065约定

    SickKids VS: #10年挑战

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? The campaign focused on demonstrating to existing donors how their donations are making a life-changing impact on patients at SickKids hospital. In doing so, we are engaging and encouraging them to continue their support, and partake in the fight against child illness. Background Our research has shown that SickKids donors who follow the hospital's social media pages seek to see the power of their donations. Our objective was to demonstrate to SickKids followers the impact their donations have on the many lives of SickKids patients. We wanted to show donors what their support was achieving, and there was no more of a powerful proof than to show a photo of a happy and healthy child who may not have been here today if it was not for SickKids and its donors. Using the #10YearChallenge was an exceptional and impactful way to show the incredible transformation of SickKids patients in their battle against illness. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The #10YearChallenge became a social media craze overnight. Millions of people across all major social media networks shared two side-by-side photos of themselves ten years apart; one from 2009 and one from 2019. We saw this as an opportunity for SickKids to attach their cause to this turn-of-the-year viral trend and draw organic attention to their social media pages. We created #SickKidsVS#10YearChallenge: a unique and simple content play that showcased the transformative nature of SickKids hospital. In a series of social posts, we told success stories of former patients whose lives have transformed over the last 10 years thanks to the care they received at SickKids. Each social post ending with the line “The difference is SickKids.” Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Research into our donor base showed that an important motivator for their continued support is to see the everlasting impact their donations make on sick children. In addition, many of them follow SickKids social media pages to see how our patients are bravely overcoming some of the worlds toughest illnesses. This inspired us to look for special ways to show our core supporters how their help changes thousands of lives. Through social media listening, we observed millions of people around the world posting pictures of themselves ten years ago side by side with a picture of themselves today, under the #10YearChallenge. We realized that if the challenge is taken through the lens of SickKids, we can give it a complete new purpose. Using the same two image format we were able to instantly tell the story of patient transformation at SickKids and how donors helped make it happen. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The #10YearChallenge was an opportunity to deliver a timely response that was both on-brand and effective in its simplicity. The idea went from conception to execution in just one day. We knew that we would have to act quickly in order to capture the momentum of the trending topic. We selected four of the most compelling stories of SickKids patients who battled life-altering medical conditions a decade ago, but overcame each of their unique challenges. For example, one post shares the story of a former patient, Madi Scott, an Elon University dance team captain preparing to graduate with two degrees, who, ten years earlier, was a cancer patient facing an uncertain future. In one day (January 18, 2019), we posted our stories across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. List the results (30% of vote) In less than 24 hours, we created the best performing social posts for SickKids Foundation to date. Each post was not only widely shared and liked, but also inspired and encouraged many people to share their family experience with SickKids and their own #10YearChallenge photos in replies and comments. Key Highlights: Reached over 439,000 people with $0 spent on media 15x more post engagement than SickKids Foundation’s Facebook page average - Average = 332 engagements per post - Achieved = 4,989 engagements 6x more post engagement than SickKids Foundation’s Instagram page average - Average = 1,300 engagements per post - Achieved = 8,065 engagements

    SickKids VS: #10YearChallenge

    案例简介:描述有关您所在国家/地区的健康与健康通信的任何限制或法规,包括: 不适用 健康与保健工作必须证明它如何满足 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 该活动的重点是向现有捐助者展示他们的捐款如何对SickKids医院的患者产生改变生活的影响。在这样做的过程中,我们正在参与并鼓励他们继续提供支持,并参与与儿童疾病的斗争。 背景 我们的研究表明,关注医院社交媒体页面的病童捐赠者试图看到他们捐赠的力量。我们的目标是向SickKids追随者展示他们的捐赠对SickKids患者的许多生活的影响。 我们想向捐赠者展示他们的支持正在取得什么,没有比展示一个快乐健康的孩子的照片更有力的证据了,如果不是为了SickKids及其捐赠者,他今天可能没有来过这里。 使用 #10YearChallenge是一种特殊而有影响力的方式,可以展示SickKids患者在与疾病作斗争中的不可思议的转变。 描述创意 (投票30%) 10年挑战一夜之间成为社交媒体热潮。所有主要社交媒体网络上的数百万人分享了两张相隔十年的并排照片; 一张2009年和一张2019年。 我们认为这是SickKids将他们的事业与这一年之交的病毒趋势联系起来的机会,并吸引他们对社交媒体页面的有机关注。 我们创建了 # SickKidsVS #10年挑战: 一个独特而简单的内容游戏,展示了SickKids医院的变革性。在一系列的社交帖子中,我们讲述了过去10年来,由于SickKids的护理,他们的生活发生了变化的前患者的成功故事。每个社交帖子都以 “区别在于生病的孩子” 结尾。 描述策略 (投票20%) 对我们的捐助者基础的研究表明,他们继续支持的一个重要动机是看到他们的捐赠对生病的孩子产生的持久影响。 此外,他们中的许多人关注SickKids社交媒体页面,以了解我们的患者如何勇敢地克服世界上最棘手的疾病。这激发了我们寻找特殊的方式来向我们的核心支持者展示他们的帮助如何改变成千上万的生活。 通过社交媒体收听,我们观察到世界各地数百万人在 #10年挑战下并排张贴自己十年前的照片和今天的照片。 我们意识到,如果挑战是通过SickKids的镜头来接受的,我们可以给它一个全新的目的。使用相同的两种图像格式,我们能够立即讲述SickKids患者转型的故事,以及捐赠者如何帮助实现这一目标。 描述执行 (投票20%) #10YearChallenge是提供及时响应的机会,该响应既简单又有效。这个想法在短短一天内就从受孕到执行。我们知道,我们必须迅速采取行动,以捕捉趋势话题的势头。 我们选择了四个最引人注目的故事,讲述了十年前与改变生活的医疗状况作斗争的病童患者,但他们克服了每一个独特的挑战。 例如,一篇帖子分享了一位前病人马迪·斯科特 (Madi Scott) 的故事,他是埃隆大学舞蹈队的队长,准备以两个学位毕业,十年前,他是一名癌症患者,面临着不确定的未来。 在一天 (2019年1月18日) 中,我们在Facebook,Instagram和Twitter上发布了我们的故事。 列出结果 (投票30%) 在不到24小时的时间里,我们为SickKids基金会创建了迄今为止表现最好的社交帖子。每个帖子不仅被广泛分享和喜欢,而且还启发和鼓励许多人在回复和评论中与SickKids和他们自己的 #10YearChallenge照片分享他们的家庭经历。 主要亮点: 在媒体上花费了 $0的439,000多人 帖子参与度比SickKids基金会的Facebook页面平均水平高15倍 -平均 = 每个职位332个聘用 -实现 = 4,989约定 帖子参与度比SickKids基金会的Instagram页面平均值高6倍 -平均 = 每个职位1,300个聘用 -实现 = 8,065约定

    SickKids VS: #10YearChallenge

    案例简介:Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: N/A Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? The campaign focused on demonstrating to existing donors how their donations are making a life-changing impact on patients at SickKids hospital. In doing so, we are engaging and encouraging them to continue their support, and partake in the fight against child illness. Background Our research has shown that SickKids donors who follow the hospital's social media pages seek to see the power of their donations. Our objective was to demonstrate to SickKids followers the impact their donations have on the many lives of SickKids patients. We wanted to show donors what their support was achieving, and there was no more of a powerful proof than to show a photo of a happy and healthy child who may not have been here today if it was not for SickKids and its donors. Using the #10YearChallenge was an exceptional and impactful way to show the incredible transformation of SickKids patients in their battle against illness. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) The #10YearChallenge became a social media craze overnight. Millions of people across all major social media networks shared two side-by-side photos of themselves ten years apart; one from 2009 and one from 2019. We saw this as an opportunity for SickKids to attach their cause to this turn-of-the-year viral trend and draw organic attention to their social media pages. We created #SickKidsVS#10YearChallenge: a unique and simple content play that showcased the transformative nature of SickKids hospital. In a series of social posts, we told success stories of former patients whose lives have transformed over the last 10 years thanks to the care they received at SickKids. Each social post ending with the line “The difference is SickKids.” Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Research into our donor base showed that an important motivator for their continued support is to see the everlasting impact their donations make on sick children. In addition, many of them follow SickKids social media pages to see how our patients are bravely overcoming some of the worlds toughest illnesses. This inspired us to look for special ways to show our core supporters how their help changes thousands of lives. Through social media listening, we observed millions of people around the world posting pictures of themselves ten years ago side by side with a picture of themselves today, under the #10YearChallenge. We realized that if the challenge is taken through the lens of SickKids, we can give it a complete new purpose. Using the same two image format we were able to instantly tell the story of patient transformation at SickKids and how donors helped make it happen. Describe the execution (20% of vote) The #10YearChallenge was an opportunity to deliver a timely response that was both on-brand and effective in its simplicity. The idea went from conception to execution in just one day. We knew that we would have to act quickly in order to capture the momentum of the trending topic. We selected four of the most compelling stories of SickKids patients who battled life-altering medical conditions a decade ago, but overcame each of their unique challenges. For example, one post shares the story of a former patient, Madi Scott, an Elon University dance team captain preparing to graduate with two degrees, who, ten years earlier, was a cancer patient facing an uncertain future. In one day (January 18, 2019), we posted our stories across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. List the results (30% of vote) In less than 24 hours, we created the best performing social posts for SickKids Foundation to date. Each post was not only widely shared and liked, but also inspired and encouraged many people to share their family experience with SickKids and their own #10YearChallenge photos in replies and comments. Key Highlights: Reached over 439,000 people with $0 spent on media 15x more post engagement than SickKids Foundation’s Facebook page average - Average = 332 engagements per post - Achieved = 4,989 engagements 6x more post engagement than SickKids Foundation’s Instagram page average - Average = 1,300 engagements per post - Achieved = 8,065 engagements

    SickKids VS: #10年挑战


    SickKids VS: #10YearChallenge










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