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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 因为我们使用数字广告牌的目的是超越媒体本身。 这些数字广告牌是唯一的视觉媒体,在这里我们可以实时以一种有影响力的方式向救护车展示让路的重要性,在一个最相关的地方 (街道)。 背景 巴拿马城是一个非常小的城市,有 100万人口,每天有超过 600 辆汽车上街。他们中的许多人不给救护车让路。无论是由于无组织的驾驶、疏忽还是缺乏道路文化,救护车都会像其他人一样在高峰时间被卡住。 那么,我们如何提高司机的认识,提高对为什么让位于救护车如此重要的认识呢? 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们使用数字广告牌电路,显示救护车内发生的紧急情况的实时流。 我们在我们的应急单元中安装了GPS dashcams,并将它们连接到位于高流量区域的数字横幅电路上。当有紧急情况,救护车靠近他们中的任何一个时,他们会激活并中断正在播放的任何内容。 在这样做的时候,司机会感受到救护车上发生的紧急情况,同时意识到为什么让位于它很重要。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们必须联系所有司机,男女/16 岁及以上 (年龄足以获得许可证/执照)。 与司机谈论让位于救护车的重要性的最明显的地方是解决问题的地方: 街道。 我们的行动呼吁很简单: 让位于救护车,但为了让他们注意,我们使用了最强大的形象,医疗急救本身。 由于我们无法提前计算紧急情况,我们无法在传统媒体计划下实现这一想法。因此,我们需要作为广告牌提供商与Hightraffic合作。 因此,总体预算为 9,200 美元,包括记录和广播实时视频所需的设备 (22 个dahscams,16 个无线直播视频编码器) 和技术开发。 紧急情况发生时,广告商让步了。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) “Mas Vida” 是全国最大的救护车服务提供商之一,拥有 “高流量广告牌”,他们使用 13 个放置在主要街道上的数字广告牌实时播放,紧急情况发生在 16 辆救护车内。(1 个月) 为了做到这一点,我们在我们的应急单元中安装了GPS dashcams,并将它们连接到位于高流量区域的数字横幅电路上。当有紧急情况,救护车靠近他们中的任何一个时,他们会激活并中断正在播放的任何内容。 这样,在此期间,我们能够影响 250 多名司机。(超过巴拿马城人口的 25%) (2019年4月) 在接下来的几个月里,我们计划在其他城市实施这个解决方案。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) (巴拿马城是一个非常小的城市) 13 个广告牌,16 辆救护车,超过 250 名受影响的司机 (超过巴拿马城人口的 25%) 我们计划在其他城市实施这一解决方案。 我们每次都影响司机给救护车让路,比平时快得多。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Because we are using digital billboards with a purpose that transcends the medium itself. These digital billboards are the only visual media where we can show the importance of giving way to ambulances in an impactful way, in real time, and in a place where it's the most relevant (the streets). Background Panama City is a very small city, has a population of 1 million, and more than 600k vehicles out on the streets every day. Many of them don't give way to ambulances. Whether it's due to unorganized driving, negligence, or a lack of road culture, ambulances get stuck during rush hour like everyone else. So, how can we sensitize drivers and raise awareness as to why it's so important to give way to ambulances? Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We used a circuit of digital billboards, to show a live stream of the emergency that´s taking place inside the ambulances. We installed GPS dashcams in our emergency units, and hooked them up to a circuit of digital banners which are located in high traffic areas. When there's an emergency, and the ambulance is close to any of them, they will activate and interrupt whatever's playing. In doing so, drivers will experience the urgency that's taking place in the ambulance, while being sensitized as to why it's important to give way to it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We had to reach all drivers, men and women / 16 and up (old enough to get a permit/license). The most indicated place to talk to drivers about the importance of giving way to ambulances, was where the solution to the problem is: the streets. Our call to action was easy: give way to ambulances, but to make them pay attention we used the most powerful image, the medical emergency itself. Due we could not calculate a emergency in advance, we could not work the idea under a traditional media scheme. So we need to partner with Hightraffic as billboard provider. So, the overall budget was 9,200 USD that includes the equipment needed to record and broadcast realtime video (22 dahscams, 16 wireless live video encoders) and the technical development. The advertisers give in his advertising space while the emergency occurs. Describe the execution (20% of vote) "Mas Vida", one of the largest ambulance service providers in the country in parthnership with "High Traffic Billboards", they used 13 digital billboards placed on main streets to stream, in real time, the emergencies taking place inside 16 ambulances. (1 month) To do it, we installed GPS dashcams in our emergency units, and hooked them up to a circuit of digital banners which are located in high traffic areas. When there's an emergency, and the ambulance is close to any of them, they will activate and interrupt whatever's playing. That way we were able to impact more than 250k drivers during this period. (more than 25% of population of Panama City) (April 2019) In the next months, we plan to implement this solution in other cities. List the results (30% of vote) (Panama City is a very small city) 13 billboards, 16 ambulances, more than 250k impacted drivers (more than 25% of population of Panama City) we plan to implement this solution in other cities. We influenced drivers to give way to ambulances every time, clearing the way a lot faster than normal.

    Livesaving Billboards

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 因为我们使用数字广告牌的目的是超越媒体本身。 这些数字广告牌是唯一的视觉媒体,在这里我们可以实时以一种有影响力的方式向救护车展示让路的重要性,在一个最相关的地方 (街道)。 背景 巴拿马城是一个非常小的城市,有 100万人口,每天有超过 600 辆汽车上街。他们中的许多人不给救护车让路。无论是由于无组织的驾驶、疏忽还是缺乏道路文化,救护车都会像其他人一样在高峰时间被卡住。 那么,我们如何提高司机的认识,提高对为什么让位于救护车如此重要的认识呢? 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们使用数字广告牌电路,显示救护车内发生的紧急情况的实时流。 我们在我们的应急单元中安装了GPS dashcams,并将它们连接到位于高流量区域的数字横幅电路上。当有紧急情况,救护车靠近他们中的任何一个时,他们会激活并中断正在播放的任何内容。 在这样做的时候,司机会感受到救护车上发生的紧急情况,同时意识到为什么让位于它很重要。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 我们必须联系所有司机,男女/16 岁及以上 (年龄足以获得许可证/执照)。 与司机谈论让位于救护车的重要性的最明显的地方是解决问题的地方: 街道。 我们的行动呼吁很简单: 让位于救护车,但为了让他们注意,我们使用了最强大的形象,医疗急救本身。 由于我们无法提前计算紧急情况,我们无法在传统媒体计划下实现这一想法。因此,我们需要作为广告牌提供商与Hightraffic合作。 因此,总体预算为 9,200 美元,包括记录和广播实时视频所需的设备 (22 个dahscams,16 个无线直播视频编码器) 和技术开发。 紧急情况发生时,广告商让步了。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) “Mas Vida” 是全国最大的救护车服务提供商之一,拥有 “高流量广告牌”,他们使用 13 个放置在主要街道上的数字广告牌实时播放,紧急情况发生在 16 辆救护车内。(1 个月) 为了做到这一点,我们在我们的应急单元中安装了GPS dashcams,并将它们连接到位于高流量区域的数字横幅电路上。当有紧急情况,救护车靠近他们中的任何一个时,他们会激活并中断正在播放的任何内容。 这样,在此期间,我们能够影响 250 多名司机。(超过巴拿马城人口的 25%) (2019年4月) 在接下来的几个月里,我们计划在其他城市实施这个解决方案。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) (巴拿马城是一个非常小的城市) 13 个广告牌,16 辆救护车,超过 250 名受影响的司机 (超过巴拿马城人口的 25%) 我们计划在其他城市实施这一解决方案。 我们每次都影响司机给救护车让路,比平时快得多。

    Livesaving Billboards

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? Because we are using digital billboards with a purpose that transcends the medium itself. These digital billboards are the only visual media where we can show the importance of giving way to ambulances in an impactful way, in real time, and in a place where it's the most relevant (the streets). Background Panama City is a very small city, has a population of 1 million, and more than 600k vehicles out on the streets every day. Many of them don't give way to ambulances. Whether it's due to unorganized driving, negligence, or a lack of road culture, ambulances get stuck during rush hour like everyone else. So, how can we sensitize drivers and raise awareness as to why it's so important to give way to ambulances? Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We used a circuit of digital billboards, to show a live stream of the emergency that´s taking place inside the ambulances. We installed GPS dashcams in our emergency units, and hooked them up to a circuit of digital banners which are located in high traffic areas. When there's an emergency, and the ambulance is close to any of them, they will activate and interrupt whatever's playing. In doing so, drivers will experience the urgency that's taking place in the ambulance, while being sensitized as to why it's important to give way to it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We had to reach all drivers, men and women / 16 and up (old enough to get a permit/license). The most indicated place to talk to drivers about the importance of giving way to ambulances, was where the solution to the problem is: the streets. Our call to action was easy: give way to ambulances, but to make them pay attention we used the most powerful image, the medical emergency itself. Due we could not calculate a emergency in advance, we could not work the idea under a traditional media scheme. So we need to partner with Hightraffic as billboard provider. So, the overall budget was 9,200 USD that includes the equipment needed to record and broadcast realtime video (22 dahscams, 16 wireless live video encoders) and the technical development. The advertisers give in his advertising space while the emergency occurs. Describe the execution (20% of vote) "Mas Vida", one of the largest ambulance service providers in the country in parthnership with "High Traffic Billboards", they used 13 digital billboards placed on main streets to stream, in real time, the emergencies taking place inside 16 ambulances. (1 month) To do it, we installed GPS dashcams in our emergency units, and hooked them up to a circuit of digital banners which are located in high traffic areas. When there's an emergency, and the ambulance is close to any of them, they will activate and interrupt whatever's playing. That way we were able to impact more than 250k drivers during this period. (more than 25% of population of Panama City) (April 2019) In the next months, we plan to implement this solution in other cities. List the results (30% of vote) (Panama City is a very small city) 13 billboards, 16 ambulances, more than 250k impacted drivers (more than 25% of population of Panama City) we plan to implement this solution in other cities. We influenced drivers to give way to ambulances every time, clearing the way a lot faster than normal.



    Livesaving Billboards






    广告公司: 奥美 (巴拿马 Panama City) 制作公司: VFX




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