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    Denny's Case Study短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:丹尼超越大满贯的生活™ 帮助一个美国偶像重新找到灵魂的挑战: 2010年8月,无处不在的路边餐厅丹尼连续第五年受到顾客下降的影响。更糟糕的是,他们似乎陷入了螺旋式下降。他们没有做什么品牌建设。太多的促销。他们的客户群正在老化。为了弥补商店流量的下降,他们提高了价格。这只会把他们的工人阶级顾客推得更远。本质上,丹尼的定价是他们的市场…… 退出市场。更重要的是,比赛是吃他们的早餐。字面上。他们不仅与传统的主要竞争对手 IHOP 争夺胃,还与其他人争夺胃。现在明星雄鹿,7-11,赛百味和唐恩都乐都在争夺早餐美元。所以他们求助于高谭市来复兴这个品牌。他们需要重新向一个年轻的美国介绍自己,并重申是什么让他们变得伟大。他们需要重新找到自己的灵魂。 洞察: 虽然客户的定位是 “伟大的美国餐馆”,但我们从一个简单但明显不同的观点开始: 丹尼是美国的餐馆。毕竟,丹尼广泛的主流目标反映了光顾它的用餐者的美国人的大熔炉。但是我们仍然需要了解是什么让餐馆变得特别。它的本质是什么?通过定性和定量研究,我们深入了解了食客的传统和现代食客体验。我们发现用餐者是朴实无华的 “随你来”,服务友好。我们发现一个餐厅有一些诚实和真实的东西。它们不是一个概念或噱头,而是真实和直接的。我们发现用餐者有共同的感觉。有开放的摊位和共用的柜台,在那里你可以看到各行各业。我们发现,凭借他们的大菜单和公平的价格,食客有适合每个人的东西。最后,用餐者都是关于无障碍的。这个地方你可以在任何时候…… 在任何社区…… 吃一顿像样的饭。这正是 Denny's 成立的原因。事实证明,品牌理念正盯着我们的脸。多年来,Denny's 像任何一家好餐馆一样,高呼 “开门!打开 24/7。“但是,我们发现有更多的东西要“ 打开 ”,而不仅仅是打开。有开放。接受新想法。开放的建议。打开门,张开双臂。思想开放。开放的座位,开放的价格,对所有人开放,胃口和预算…… 所有我们发现的让晚餐很棒的事情。开放。这不是关于商店的时间…… 这是关于品牌精神。丹尼的。美国餐厅…… 总是…… 开放。它已经成为一种做生意的方式。它通知我们的每一个决定。并预示着丹尼的新开放。在员工和客户之间。总部和特许经营者之间。对创新和新鲜菜单创意的新开放。 工作: 创造性地,我们在每一点都实行开放。电视显示只有在餐馆里才会发生友好、开放的对话。我们重新设计了他们的网站,给人一种全新的感觉,使其架构公开透明。横幅、菜单、标牌都是诚实、简单、诱人的。一句话-打开。我们在数字世界中打开了这个品牌,通过社交媒体与消费者建立了开放的对话…… 邀请博客作者在推出之前来尝试新的菜肴。还有一个名为 “永远开放” 的网络系列,包括著名的好莱坞喜剧演员 (威尔 · 阿内特、莎拉 · 西尔弗曼和其他人) 这为新一代 Denny 的客户带来了开放平台。结果我们很高兴地说,开放已经为这个美国偶像注入了新的活力。Fran-chisee 大会热情拥抱了这个平台…… 使它成为几十年来最成功的一个。如果你看看丹尼餐厅的后面,你会看到每个员工都签署了一份公开宣言。更好的是,消费者已经做出了回应。在短短六周内,我们在 Facebook 上的粉丝 135% 给了我们所有其他餐馆 (包括汉堡王、麦当劳和其他餐馆) 中 “最敬业的粉丝群”。推特上的每周参与度上升了近 2,000%。正面印象得分上升超过 400% (YouGov 品牌指数)。而且,多亏了 “永远开放” 的名人网络系列,丹尼是 18-34 年演示中最热门的在线品牌。最重要的是,企业对关键指标做出了回应。流量、销售额和支票尺寸都超过了预期,2-4-6-8 美元价值菜单的订单上涨了 25%。而且,在 16 个季度中,丹尼第一次在季度销售结果中击败了 archvial IHOP。所有这些都导致丹尼的 CMO 声明: “工作是了不起的,你的团队的开放洞察力让整个公司走上了一个新的正确的道路。" 资料来源: 丹尼的销售数据,全国餐厅新闻/YouGov 品牌指数


    案例简介:Denny’s LIFE BEYOND THE GRAND SLAM™ Helping an American Icon Re-find its SoulThe Challenge: In August 2010, Denny’s, the ubiquitous roadside restaurant, was suffering its fifth straight year of declining customers. Worse than that, they seemed to be caught in a downward spiral. They had done little brand building. And too many promotions. Their customer base was aging. And to make up for declining store traffic, they increased prices. Which only pushed their working-class customers even further away. In essence, Denny’s was pricing their market…out of the market. What’s more, the competition was eating them for breakfast. Literally. They not only were battling for share of stomach with traditional archrival IHOP, but everyone else. Now Star¬bucks, 7-11, Subway and Dunkin’ Donuts were all competing for the breakfast dollar. So they turned to Gotham to revive the brand. They needed to reintroduce themselves to a younger America and reassert what made them great in the first place. They needed to re-find their soul. The Insight: While the client’s incoming positioning was, ‘The Great American Restaurant’, we began with a simple but significantly different take: that Denny’s is America’s Diner. After all, Denny’s broad, mainstream target mirrored the melting pot of Americans that patronize its diners. But we still needed to understand what exactly makes a diner special. What is its essence? Through qualitative and quantitative research we did a deep dive on the heritage of diners and the modern diner experience. We found that diners are unpretentious “come as you are” places with friendly service. We found there’s something honest and real about a diner. They are not a concept or a gimmick, but authentic and straight-forward. We found diners have a communal feeling. With open booths and a shared counter, where you see all walks of life. We found that with their big menus and fair prices, diners have something for everyone. And lastly, diners are all about accessibility. The place you can turn to at any hour… in any neighborhood…for a decent meal. It’s the very reason Denny’s was founded. Turns out, the brand idea was staring us in the face. For years, Denny’s, like any good diner, shouted that it was “Open! Open 24/7.” But, we found there’s something much more to “open” than just being open. There’s Openness. Open to new ideas. Open to suggestions. Open doors and open arms. Open-minded. Open seating, open pricing, open to all people, appetites and budgets…all the things we found that make a diner great. Openness. It’s not about store hours…it’s about a brand ethos. Denny’s. America’s Diner…is…always…OPEN. It has become a way of doing business. It informs our every decision. And has heralded a new Openness at Denny’s. Between employees and customers. Between headquarters and franchisees. A new Openness to innovation and fresh menu ideas. The Work: Creatively, we executed Openness at every point. Television shows the friendly, open conversations that only happen at a diner. We redesigned their website giving it a completely new feel, making its architecture open and transparent. Banners, menus, signage are all honest, simple, inviting. In a word — open. We opened up the brand in the digital world, creating an open dialogue with consumers through social media…inviting bloggers to come try new dishes before they launch. And with a web series, titled “Always Open,” featuring famous Hollywood comedians (Will Arnett, Sarah Silverman and others) that brings the open platform to life for a new generation of Denny’s customers. The Results We are pleased to say that Openness is already breathing new life back into this American icon. The platform was enthusiastically embraced at the Fran-chisee Convention…making it the most successful one in decades. If you look in the back of any Denny’s restaurant, you will see an Open Manifesto signed by every employee. Better yet, consumers have responded. In just six weeks, our fans on Facebook are up 135% giving us “the most engaged fan base on Facebook” amongst all other restaurants (including Burger King, McDonald’s and others). Weekly engagement on Twitter is up nearly 2,000%. Positive impression scores are up over 400% (YouGov Brand Index). And, thanks to the “Always Open” celebrity web series, Denny’s is the hottest brand online for the 18-34 demo. Best of all, the business has re¬sponded on key metrics. Traffic, Sales and Check Size are all outpacing expectation and orders of the $2-$4-$6-$8 Value Menu are up 25%. And, for the first time in 16 quarters, Denny’s beat archvial IHOP in quarterly sale results. All of which led Denny’s CMO to state: “The work is terrific and your team’s openness insight has set the whole company on a new and right course.” Sources: Denny’s Sales Data, Nation’s Restaurant News/YouGov Brand Index

    Denny's Case Study

    案例简介:丹尼超越大满贯的生活™ 帮助一个美国偶像重新找到灵魂的挑战: 2010年8月,无处不在的路边餐厅丹尼连续第五年受到顾客下降的影响。更糟糕的是,他们似乎陷入了螺旋式下降。他们没有做什么品牌建设。太多的促销。他们的客户群正在老化。为了弥补商店流量的下降,他们提高了价格。这只会把他们的工人阶级顾客推得更远。本质上,丹尼的定价是他们的市场…… 退出市场。更重要的是,比赛是吃他们的早餐。字面上。他们不仅与传统的主要竞争对手 IHOP 争夺胃,还与其他人争夺胃。现在明星雄鹿,7-11,赛百味和唐恩都乐都在争夺早餐美元。所以他们求助于高谭市来复兴这个品牌。他们需要重新向一个年轻的美国介绍自己,并重申是什么让他们变得伟大。他们需要重新找到自己的灵魂。 洞察: 虽然客户的定位是 “伟大的美国餐馆”,但我们从一个简单但明显不同的观点开始: 丹尼是美国的餐馆。毕竟,丹尼广泛的主流目标反映了光顾它的用餐者的美国人的大熔炉。但是我们仍然需要了解是什么让餐馆变得特别。它的本质是什么?通过定性和定量研究,我们深入了解了食客的传统和现代食客体验。我们发现用餐者是朴实无华的 “随你来”,服务友好。我们发现一个餐厅有一些诚实和真实的东西。它们不是一个概念或噱头,而是真实和直接的。我们发现用餐者有共同的感觉。有开放的摊位和共用的柜台,在那里你可以看到各行各业。我们发现,凭借他们的大菜单和公平的价格,食客有适合每个人的东西。最后,用餐者都是关于无障碍的。这个地方你可以在任何时候…… 在任何社区…… 吃一顿像样的饭。这正是 Denny's 成立的原因。事实证明,品牌理念正盯着我们的脸。多年来,Denny's 像任何一家好餐馆一样,高呼 “开门!打开 24/7。“但是,我们发现有更多的东西要“ 打开 ”,而不仅仅是打开。有开放。接受新想法。开放的建议。打开门,张开双臂。思想开放。开放的座位,开放的价格,对所有人开放,胃口和预算…… 所有我们发现的让晚餐很棒的事情。开放。这不是关于商店的时间…… 这是关于品牌精神。丹尼的。美国餐厅…… 总是…… 开放。它已经成为一种做生意的方式。它通知我们的每一个决定。并预示着丹尼的新开放。在员工和客户之间。总部和特许经营者之间。对创新和新鲜菜单创意的新开放。 工作: 创造性地,我们在每一点都实行开放。电视显示只有在餐馆里才会发生友好、开放的对话。我们重新设计了他们的网站,给人一种全新的感觉,使其架构公开透明。横幅、菜单、标牌都是诚实、简单、诱人的。一句话-打开。我们在数字世界中打开了这个品牌,通过社交媒体与消费者建立了开放的对话…… 邀请博客作者在推出之前来尝试新的菜肴。还有一个名为 “永远开放” 的网络系列,包括著名的好莱坞喜剧演员 (威尔 · 阿内特、莎拉 · 西尔弗曼和其他人) 这为新一代 Denny 的客户带来了开放平台。结果我们很高兴地说,开放已经为这个美国偶像注入了新的活力。Fran-chisee 大会热情拥抱了这个平台…… 使它成为几十年来最成功的一个。如果你看看丹尼餐厅的后面,你会看到每个员工都签署了一份公开宣言。更好的是,消费者已经做出了回应。在短短六周内,我们在 Facebook 上的粉丝 135% 给了我们所有其他餐馆 (包括汉堡王、麦当劳和其他餐馆) 中 “最敬业的粉丝群”。推特上的每周参与度上升了近 2,000%。正面印象得分上升超过 400% (YouGov 品牌指数)。而且,多亏了 “永远开放” 的名人网络系列,丹尼是 18-34 年演示中最热门的在线品牌。最重要的是,企业对关键指标做出了回应。流量、销售额和支票尺寸都超过了预期,2-4-6-8 美元价值菜单的订单上涨了 25%。而且,在 16 个季度中,丹尼第一次在季度销售结果中击败了 archvial IHOP。所有这些都导致丹尼的 CMO 声明: “工作是了不起的,你的团队的开放洞察力让整个公司走上了一个新的正确的道路。" 资料来源: 丹尼的销售数据,全国餐厅新闻/YouGov 品牌指数

    Denny's Case Study

    案例简介:Denny’s LIFE BEYOND THE GRAND SLAM™ Helping an American Icon Re-find its SoulThe Challenge: In August 2010, Denny’s, the ubiquitous roadside restaurant, was suffering its fifth straight year of declining customers. Worse than that, they seemed to be caught in a downward spiral. They had done little brand building. And too many promotions. Their customer base was aging. And to make up for declining store traffic, they increased prices. Which only pushed their working-class customers even further away. In essence, Denny’s was pricing their market…out of the market. What’s more, the competition was eating them for breakfast. Literally. They not only were battling for share of stomach with traditional archrival IHOP, but everyone else. Now Star¬bucks, 7-11, Subway and Dunkin’ Donuts were all competing for the breakfast dollar. So they turned to Gotham to revive the brand. They needed to reintroduce themselves to a younger America and reassert what made them great in the first place. They needed to re-find their soul. The Insight: While the client’s incoming positioning was, ‘The Great American Restaurant’, we began with a simple but significantly different take: that Denny’s is America’s Diner. After all, Denny’s broad, mainstream target mirrored the melting pot of Americans that patronize its diners. But we still needed to understand what exactly makes a diner special. What is its essence? Through qualitative and quantitative research we did a deep dive on the heritage of diners and the modern diner experience. We found that diners are unpretentious “come as you are” places with friendly service. We found there’s something honest and real about a diner. They are not a concept or a gimmick, but authentic and straight-forward. We found diners have a communal feeling. With open booths and a shared counter, where you see all walks of life. We found that with their big menus and fair prices, diners have something for everyone. And lastly, diners are all about accessibility. The place you can turn to at any hour… in any neighborhood…for a decent meal. It’s the very reason Denny’s was founded. Turns out, the brand idea was staring us in the face. For years, Denny’s, like any good diner, shouted that it was “Open! Open 24/7.” But, we found there’s something much more to “open” than just being open. There’s Openness. Open to new ideas. Open to suggestions. Open doors and open arms. Open-minded. Open seating, open pricing, open to all people, appetites and budgets…all the things we found that make a diner great. Openness. It’s not about store hours…it’s about a brand ethos. Denny’s. America’s Diner…is…always…OPEN. It has become a way of doing business. It informs our every decision. And has heralded a new Openness at Denny’s. Between employees and customers. Between headquarters and franchisees. A new Openness to innovation and fresh menu ideas. The Work: Creatively, we executed Openness at every point. Television shows the friendly, open conversations that only happen at a diner. We redesigned their website giving it a completely new feel, making its architecture open and transparent. Banners, menus, signage are all honest, simple, inviting. In a word — open. We opened up the brand in the digital world, creating an open dialogue with consumers through social media…inviting bloggers to come try new dishes before they launch. And with a web series, titled “Always Open,” featuring famous Hollywood comedians (Will Arnett, Sarah Silverman and others) that brings the open platform to life for a new generation of Denny’s customers. The Results We are pleased to say that Openness is already breathing new life back into this American icon. The platform was enthusiastically embraced at the Fran-chisee Convention…making it the most successful one in decades. If you look in the back of any Denny’s restaurant, you will see an Open Manifesto signed by every employee. Better yet, consumers have responded. In just six weeks, our fans on Facebook are up 135% giving us “the most engaged fan base on Facebook” amongst all other restaurants (including Burger King, McDonald’s and others). Weekly engagement on Twitter is up nearly 2,000%. Positive impression scores are up over 400% (YouGov Brand Index). And, thanks to the “Always Open” celebrity web series, Denny’s is the hottest brand online for the 18-34 demo. Best of all, the business has re¬sponded on key metrics. Traffic, Sales and Check Size are all outpacing expectation and orders of the $2-$4-$6-$8 Value Menu are up 25%. And, for the first time in 16 quarters, Denny’s beat archvial IHOP in quarterly sale results. All of which led Denny’s CMO to state: “The work is terrific and your team’s openness insight has set the whole company on a new and right course.” Sources: Denny’s Sales Data, Nation’s Restaurant News/YouGov Brand Index



    Denny's Case Study










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