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    案例简介:没有人喜欢购物。然而。 River Mall 是基辅人口最稠密、最年轻的社区群体中的第一个此类购物中心: Poznyaki/Osokorky/Kharkivskyi。由于其各种独特的精品店,旗舰 Silpo 超市,IMAX 影院,美食广场,各种来自世界各地的美食和美丽的木板路沿着第聂伯河, 没有必要大声邀请任何人。我们可以就此止步,不再进一步工作。但不是每个人都喜欢购物中心。好吧,我们能做什么?接受挑战。 战略。 “浪费的周末最好花在对我和我的家人更合适和有用的活动上。" 很多人没有从购物中得到任何特别的乐趣,他们宁愿花时间躺在沙发上,看电影,烧烤或者去达查。 这种洞察力,加上 River Mall 的物理位置,给了我们它的定位 -- 悠闲的购物,让人们得到减压、放松、享受购物, 食物和散步以及通常与购物中心无关的一切。 不是身份。一个生态系统。 一条河和几秒钟前不一样了。每一刻,都有新的水,改变方向,不同的波浪。动植物总是在运动。 我们将这一不断变化的原则应用于河流购物中心的身份。我们不仅仅创建了一个标志。相反,我们创造了一个原则,你可以从中创建百万个标志。每个都将不同于以前。 πάντα ρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει * * 一切流动。一切都变了。 动态标识基于字体,并创建独特的、不重复的图案。它强调了一个事实,即你从来没有两次进入同一个河流购物中心。随着每一次新的旅行,一些独特的东西等着迎接你: 新的服装系列、电影首映式、特色菜肴、新鲜产品和糕点。 我们选择皇家蓝色和珊瑚红作为标志的主要版本,这与文字元素形成对比。次要颜色与主调色板间接相关,用于补充对象,并可用于强调购物中心本身通信或分区中的季节性。此外,身份设计致力于创建一个导航系统,不需要一个标志来提醒一个人他们正在与 River Mall 生态系统互动。 为了让每个人都感到舒适,我们避免为使用徽标制定任何严格的规则。相反,我们开发了一组品牌画笔,供图形编辑随意使用。这就是事实。完全自由。只有混乱的法则统治。


    案例简介:Nobody loves shopping. Yet. River Mall is the first shopping center of its kind in the most densely populated and youngest neighborhood group of Kyiv: Poznyaki/Osokorky/Kharkivskyi. Thanks to its various unique boutiques, flagship Silpo supermarket, IMAX theatre, food court with a variety of cuisines from around the world and beautiful boardwalk along the Dnipro river, there's no need to loudly invite anyone. We could just stop there and not work further. But no. Not everyone loves malls. Well, what could we do? Challenge accepted. Strategy. "Wasted weekends would be better spent on events that are more appropriate and useful for myself and my family." A large number of people don't get any particular pleasure from shopping and would rather spend their time lounging on the couch, watching movies, firing up the grill or going to the dacha. This insight, together with the physical location of River Mall, gave us its positioning— laid back shopping that allows people to get stress relief, relax, enjoy shopping, food and walks and everything that isn't normally associated with shopping malls. Not an identity. An ecosystem. A river is never same as it was a few seconds ago. With every moment, there's new water, changing directions, different waves. The flora and fauna are always in motion. We applied this principle of constant change to the River Mall identity. We didn't just create a logo. Rather, we create a principle from which you can create a million logos. And each will be different from the previous. πάντα ρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει* *Everything flows. Everything changes. The dynamic identity is based on typography and creates unique, unrepeated patterns. It underscores the fact that you never enter the same River Mall twice. With each new trip, something unique is waiting to greet you: new collections of clothes, movie premieres, speciality dishes, fresh products and pastries. We chose royal blue and coral red for the main version of the logo, which contrast with the written element. Secondary colors, which are indirectly related to the main palette, work to complement the object, and can be used to emphasize seasonality in communications or zoning in the shopping center itself. Additionally, the identity works to create a navigation system that doesn't need a logo to remind a person they're interacting with the River Mall ecosystem. To keep the identity comfortable for everyone, we avoided creating any strict rules for using the logo. Instead, we developed a set of branded brushes for graphic editors to use as they please. And that's the truth. Complete freedom. Only the laws of chaos reign.

    A shopping mall loved by those who hate to shop

    案例简介:没有人喜欢购物。然而。 River Mall 是基辅人口最稠密、最年轻的社区群体中的第一个此类购物中心: Poznyaki/Osokorky/Kharkivskyi。由于其各种独特的精品店,旗舰 Silpo 超市,IMAX 影院,美食广场,各种来自世界各地的美食和美丽的木板路沿着第聂伯河, 没有必要大声邀请任何人。我们可以就此止步,不再进一步工作。但不是每个人都喜欢购物中心。好吧,我们能做什么?接受挑战。 战略。 “浪费的周末最好花在对我和我的家人更合适和有用的活动上。" 很多人没有从购物中得到任何特别的乐趣,他们宁愿花时间躺在沙发上,看电影,烧烤或者去达查。 这种洞察力,加上 River Mall 的物理位置,给了我们它的定位 -- 悠闲的购物,让人们得到减压、放松、享受购物, 食物和散步以及通常与购物中心无关的一切。 不是身份。一个生态系统。 一条河和几秒钟前不一样了。每一刻,都有新的水,改变方向,不同的波浪。动植物总是在运动。 我们将这一不断变化的原则应用于河流购物中心的身份。我们不仅仅创建了一个标志。相反,我们创造了一个原则,你可以从中创建百万个标志。每个都将不同于以前。 πάντα ρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει * * 一切流动。一切都变了。 动态标识基于字体,并创建独特的、不重复的图案。它强调了一个事实,即你从来没有两次进入同一个河流购物中心。随着每一次新的旅行,一些独特的东西等着迎接你: 新的服装系列、电影首映式、特色菜肴、新鲜产品和糕点。 我们选择皇家蓝色和珊瑚红作为标志的主要版本,这与文字元素形成对比。次要颜色与主调色板间接相关,用于补充对象,并可用于强调购物中心本身通信或分区中的季节性。此外,身份设计致力于创建一个导航系统,不需要一个标志来提醒一个人他们正在与 River Mall 生态系统互动。 为了让每个人都感到舒适,我们避免为使用徽标制定任何严格的规则。相反,我们开发了一组品牌画笔,供图形编辑随意使用。这就是事实。完全自由。只有混乱的法则统治。

    A shopping mall loved by those who hate to shop

    案例简介:Nobody loves shopping. Yet. River Mall is the first shopping center of its kind in the most densely populated and youngest neighborhood group of Kyiv: Poznyaki/Osokorky/Kharkivskyi. Thanks to its various unique boutiques, flagship Silpo supermarket, IMAX theatre, food court with a variety of cuisines from around the world and beautiful boardwalk along the Dnipro river, there's no need to loudly invite anyone. We could just stop there and not work further. But no. Not everyone loves malls. Well, what could we do? Challenge accepted. Strategy. "Wasted weekends would be better spent on events that are more appropriate and useful for myself and my family." A large number of people don't get any particular pleasure from shopping and would rather spend their time lounging on the couch, watching movies, firing up the grill or going to the dacha. This insight, together with the physical location of River Mall, gave us its positioning— laid back shopping that allows people to get stress relief, relax, enjoy shopping, food and walks and everything that isn't normally associated with shopping malls. Not an identity. An ecosystem. A river is never same as it was a few seconds ago. With every moment, there's new water, changing directions, different waves. The flora and fauna are always in motion. We applied this principle of constant change to the River Mall identity. We didn't just create a logo. Rather, we create a principle from which you can create a million logos. And each will be different from the previous. πάντα ρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει* *Everything flows. Everything changes. The dynamic identity is based on typography and creates unique, unrepeated patterns. It underscores the fact that you never enter the same River Mall twice. With each new trip, something unique is waiting to greet you: new collections of clothes, movie premieres, speciality dishes, fresh products and pastries. We chose royal blue and coral red for the main version of the logo, which contrast with the written element. Secondary colors, which are indirectly related to the main palette, work to complement the object, and can be used to emphasize seasonality in communications or zoning in the shopping center itself. Additionally, the identity works to create a navigation system that doesn't need a logo to remind a person they're interacting with the River Mall ecosystem. To keep the identity comfortable for everyone, we avoided creating any strict rules for using the logo. Instead, we developed a set of branded brushes for graphic editors to use as they please. And that's the truth. Complete freedom. Only the laws of chaos reign.



    A shopping mall loved by those who hate to shop










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