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    案例简介:背景 除了在当地社区提供医疗保健服务外,计划生育是美国最大的免费性教育提供者。在不到一半的州在学校强制要求这样做的时候,这一点至关重要。 然而,最近,它面临着资金的削减。这意味着数百万人可能会失去免费资源,尤其是青少年。因此,已有100年历史的非营利组织来找我们,询问技术如何帮助扩展他们中心提供的护理和建议。 在为青少年设计和构建新的品牌数字工具时,我们有几个关键目标。 -与青少年见面。他们中有84% 的人在线获取健康信息,包括有关性病,青春期,同意和怀孕的信息。 -让他们快速得到答案,并且在他们最需要回应的时候。 -保持完全匿名。 -像计划生育中心一样,保持完全自由的判断。 描述创意 我们构思了一系列潜在的数字产品,然后与布鲁克林的一所高中合作,定义并推出了正确的数字产品。 这导致了计划生育的第一个人工智能聊天机器人Roo的创建。 Roo回答有关身体,性病,同意,人际关系等问题。内容由医生、可用24/7审查,对话100% 匿名。四个月来,我们和学生一起工作。学生帮助我们测试Roo,甚至帮助命名它-保持性别中立且吸引人。 描述策略 聊天机器人技术已经在客户服务中使用了多年,以提高效率和降低成本。但是一个陷阱是它们可能非常不人性化。 与Roo的区别?它扩展了计划生育专家的人文关怀,并在每次对话中学习。 为了确保我们交付了一款让各地青少年都能真正使用的产品,我们知道它需要移动优先,但不需要下载应用程序。消息传递是青少年的自然行为,使我们能够以轻巧,有趣,可访问的格式提供直接的指导。 描述执行情况 我们为聊天机器人开发了一个全新的品牌 -- 包括一个与它所响应的内容上下文相适应的交互式标志 -- 以及一个自定义的语调,说明机器人如何与青少年聊天。 有了Roo,您将从计划生育组织的专家那里获得与您期望的相同的准确,无判断性的信息-只是在更多的一口大小的碎片和gif中。 该工具在1月推出,目的是在全国600多个中心扩大对已经240万名女性、男性和年轻人的护理。 列出结果 Roo以数字方式扩展了计划生育的性教育计划,并每年为全国各地学校和社区的150万人提供服务。 Fast Company已经将Roo评为 “2019改变世界的想法” 和最佳消费产品2019年,同时因其在机器学习和消息传递/机器人类别中的最佳提名而被Webby Awards提名。 底线?在新的技术时代,品牌有作用。它们可以帮助确保工具和教育不会沦为精英,而是可以帮助最需要的人。


    案例简介:Background Beyond its health care services in local communities, Planned Parenthood is America’s biggest provider of free sex education. That’s critical at a time when less than half of states mandate it in schools. Recently, however, it has faced defunding. This means millions could lose free resources -- especially teens. So the 100-year old nonprofit came to us asking how technology could help extend the care and advice offered in their centers. In designing and building a new branded digital tool for teens, we had a few key aims. -- Meet teens where they already are. 84% percent of them get their health information online, including information about STDs, puberty, consent, and pregnancy. -- Get them answers fast, and at the time they’re most in need of a response. -- Keep it fully anonymous. -- Stay totally judgement free, like Planned Parenthood centers. Describe the creative idea We concepted a range of potential digital products, and then partnered with a Brooklyn High School to define and launch the right one. That led to the creation of Roo, Planned Parenthood's first AI-powered chatbot. Roo answers questions about bodies, STD’s, consent, relationships and more. Content is vetted by doctors, available 24/7, and conversations are 100% anonymous. For four months, we worked together with students. Students helped us test Roo, and even helped name it -- to be gender neutral and catchy. Describe the strategy Chatbot tech has been used for years in customer service to boost efficiency and lower costs. But one pitfall is they can be highly impersonal. The difference with Roo? It extends the human care from Planned Parenthood experts, and learns with every conversation. To ensure we delivered a product that teens everywhere can really use, we knew it needed to be mobile-first, but not require an app download. Messaging is a natural behavior for teens, enabling us to deliver straightforward guidance in a lightweight, fun, accessible format. Describe the execution We developed a fresh brand for the chatbot --including an interactive logo that contextually adapts with the content it’s responding to-- and a custom tone of voice for how the bot would chat with teens. With Roo, you’ll get the same accurate, nonjudgmental information you’ve come to expect from the experts at Planned Parenthood -- just in more bite-sized pieces and GIFs. The tool launched in January as a way to extend care for the already 2.4 million women, men, and young people at more than 600 centers nationwide. List the results Roo digitally extends Planned Parenthood's sex education programs and outreach serving 1.5 million people in schools and communities across the country every year. Fast Company already named Roo a "2019 World Changing Idea" and the best consumer product of 2019, while it was nominated by the Webby Awards for being the best in the Machine Learning Learning and Messaging / Bots category. The bottom line? In the new era of technology, brands have a role. They can help ensure tools and education are not relegated to the elite, but instead, available to help those who need it the most.


    案例简介:背景 除了在当地社区提供医疗保健服务外,计划生育是美国最大的免费性教育提供者。在不到一半的州在学校强制要求这样做的时候,这一点至关重要。 然而,最近,它面临着资金的削减。这意味着数百万人可能会失去免费资源,尤其是青少年。因此,已有100年历史的非营利组织来找我们,询问技术如何帮助扩展他们中心提供的护理和建议。 在为青少年设计和构建新的品牌数字工具时,我们有几个关键目标。 -与青少年见面。他们中有84% 的人在线获取健康信息,包括有关性病,青春期,同意和怀孕的信息。 -让他们快速得到答案,并且在他们最需要回应的时候。 -保持完全匿名。 -像计划生育中心一样,保持完全自由的判断。 描述创意 我们构思了一系列潜在的数字产品,然后与布鲁克林的一所高中合作,定义并推出了正确的数字产品。 这导致了计划生育的第一个人工智能聊天机器人Roo的创建。 Roo回答有关身体,性病,同意,人际关系等问题。内容由医生、可用24/7审查,对话100% 匿名。四个月来,我们和学生一起工作。学生帮助我们测试Roo,甚至帮助命名它-保持性别中立且吸引人。 描述策略 聊天机器人技术已经在客户服务中使用了多年,以提高效率和降低成本。但是一个陷阱是它们可能非常不人性化。 与Roo的区别?它扩展了计划生育专家的人文关怀,并在每次对话中学习。 为了确保我们交付了一款让各地青少年都能真正使用的产品,我们知道它需要移动优先,但不需要下载应用程序。消息传递是青少年的自然行为,使我们能够以轻巧,有趣,可访问的格式提供直接的指导。 描述执行情况 我们为聊天机器人开发了一个全新的品牌 -- 包括一个与它所响应的内容上下文相适应的交互式标志 -- 以及一个自定义的语调,说明机器人如何与青少年聊天。 有了Roo,您将从计划生育组织的专家那里获得与您期望的相同的准确,无判断性的信息-只是在更多的一口大小的碎片和gif中。 该工具在1月推出,目的是在全国600多个中心扩大对已经240万名女性、男性和年轻人的护理。 列出结果 Roo以数字方式扩展了计划生育的性教育计划,并每年为全国各地学校和社区的150万人提供服务。 Fast Company已经将Roo评为 “2019改变世界的想法” 和最佳消费产品2019年,同时因其在机器学习和消息传递/机器人类别中的最佳提名而被Webby Awards提名。 底线?在新的技术时代,品牌有作用。它们可以帮助确保工具和教育不会沦为精英,而是可以帮助最需要的人。


    案例简介:Background Beyond its health care services in local communities, Planned Parenthood is America’s biggest provider of free sex education. That’s critical at a time when less than half of states mandate it in schools. Recently, however, it has faced defunding. This means millions could lose free resources -- especially teens. So the 100-year old nonprofit came to us asking how technology could help extend the care and advice offered in their centers. In designing and building a new branded digital tool for teens, we had a few key aims. -- Meet teens where they already are. 84% percent of them get their health information online, including information about STDs, puberty, consent, and pregnancy. -- Get them answers fast, and at the time they’re most in need of a response. -- Keep it fully anonymous. -- Stay totally judgement free, like Planned Parenthood centers. Describe the creative idea We concepted a range of potential digital products, and then partnered with a Brooklyn High School to define and launch the right one. That led to the creation of Roo, Planned Parenthood's first AI-powered chatbot. Roo answers questions about bodies, STD’s, consent, relationships and more. Content is vetted by doctors, available 24/7, and conversations are 100% anonymous. For four months, we worked together with students. Students helped us test Roo, and even helped name it -- to be gender neutral and catchy. Describe the strategy Chatbot tech has been used for years in customer service to boost efficiency and lower costs. But one pitfall is they can be highly impersonal. The difference with Roo? It extends the human care from Planned Parenthood experts, and learns with every conversation. To ensure we delivered a product that teens everywhere can really use, we knew it needed to be mobile-first, but not require an app download. Messaging is a natural behavior for teens, enabling us to deliver straightforward guidance in a lightweight, fun, accessible format. Describe the execution We developed a fresh brand for the chatbot --including an interactive logo that contextually adapts with the content it’s responding to-- and a custom tone of voice for how the bot would chat with teens. With Roo, you’ll get the same accurate, nonjudgmental information you’ve come to expect from the experts at Planned Parenthood -- just in more bite-sized pieces and GIFs. The tool launched in January as a way to extend care for the already 2.4 million women, men, and young people at more than 600 centers nationwide. List the results Roo digitally extends Planned Parenthood's sex education programs and outreach serving 1.5 million people in schools and communities across the country every year. Fast Company already named Roo a "2019 World Changing Idea" and the best consumer product of 2019, while it was nominated by the Webby Awards for being the best in the Machine Learning Learning and Messaging / Bots category. The bottom line? In the new era of technology, brands have a role. They can help ensure tools and education are not relegated to the elite, but instead, available to help those who need it the most.













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