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    The Voice of Art短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 赢得价值 330万美元的媒体; 50 多个当地和国际公关故事,包括巴西领先的软新闻电视节目的 4 分钟片段; 最高有机覆盖范围 (+ 1 万) 以及 IBM 巴西 Facebook 页面的历史参与率 (37% -- 我们的平均水平是 3%);到目前为止,YouTube 和 Facebook 上的 + 6m 浏览量,是 + 280K 有机浏览量; 皮纳科特卡的访客数量每周增加 340%; 由于其巨大的成功, 该项目又延长了两个月。但更重要的是,它已经交付了业务成果: 为 IBM 提供了 4 个新的客户机会,包括另一个大型博物馆,这证明了这些成果在不同领域都是积极的。 概要 人工智能的市场估计为 12亿美元,为 2017,是新技术的前沿。IBM 拥有世界上最先进的人工智能平台沃森,该平台一直在扰乱医疗保健、教育和金融等行业。然而,在巴西,与其他国家相比,人们对人工智能的熟悉程度仍然肤浅。此外,像微软和谷歌这样的品牌在这个类别中有很高的知名度,尽管它是开创性的,但却威胁着 IBM。因此,将 IBM 品牌定位为人工智能领域的领导者,也是唯一一个能够让它起死回生的品牌,已经成为一个优先事项,特别是今年,当 IBM 在巴西庆祝百年庆典时。要做到这一点,传统的广告活动是不够的。与沃森的难忘经历对于让人们感受到人工智能和沃森能给他们的生活带来的影响以及它如何改变企业至关重要。 执行 皮纳科特卡的策展人从博物馆的永久收藏中挑选了一批艺术作品,这些作品涵盖了巴西艺术的历史。与沃森团队一起,策展人花了 6 个月时间教这个系统关于艺术作品的一切: 历史、作者、好奇心、背景,与今天的事件等有关,我们开发了一个具有沃森认知能力的应用程序,并通过信标系统识别用户在哪里以及与哪个艺术品交谈。应用程序和博物馆内的所有体验都是为了更广泛的观众而创建的,所以它可以被任何人使用: 从 10 岁到 100 岁。沃森学习并没有在项目发布时停止 -- 它将在 Pinacoteca 提供的整个期间继续与用户学习。 战略 该策略是将沃森的所有认知能力投入到皮纳科特卡博物馆的游客可以使用的移动应用程序中。这个应用程序使用几个沃森 api 来识别访问者的问题,识别这些问题的意图,并提供具体的答案。此外,我们在博物馆建筑中加入了一个系统,该系统识别艺术品前面的访问者的存在,并开始与他们手中的应用程序进行交互。这是一种新的工具,让游客有一种全新的体验,并将博物馆变成一个技术实验的地方。 活动描述 72% 的巴西人从未去过博物馆或艺术机构,因为他们不了解艺术。然后,我们创建了 “艺术之声”,这是一个与圣保罗最古老的博物馆皮纳科特卡合作的项目,以其创新精神而闻名。最初两个月,Pinacoteca 的访问者可以使用一个独家应用程序与收藏的七件艺术品进行对话,询问他们想要的任何东西,他们想要的方式; 沃森通过巴西的实时声音和自然语言给出了回应,解释主题,如作品背后的历史、艺术技巧和造型,甚至与当前主题的关系。这是一个创造性的、前所未有的想法,不仅将博物馆参观者的体验提升到了一个新的水平,并提高了沃森的意识: 它还让巴西人对艺术更加开放和感兴趣。


    案例简介:Outcome Earned media valued at US$ 3.3 million; more than 50 local and international PR stories, including a 4-minute segment on Brazil’s leading soft news TV show; highest organic reach (+1M) and engagement rate (37% - our average is 3%) on the history of IBM Brazil’s Facebook page; +6M views on YouTube and Facebook to date, being +280K organic views; 340% increase on the number of Pinacoteca’s visitors week to week; due to its huge success, the project was extended for a 2 extra months. But more than that, it has already delivered business results: 4 new client opportunities for IBM, including another big museum, what proves that the results were positive in different spheres. Synopsis With a market estimated in US$ 1.2 billion for 2017, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the new technology frontier. IBM owns the most advanced A.I. platform in the world – Watson –, which has been disrupting industries such as healthcare, education and finance. However, in Brazil, people’s familiarity with A.I. is still superficial when compared to that of other countries. Also, brands such as Microsoft and Google have a high awareness in the category, threatening IBM despite its pioneering. So, positioning the IBM brand as the leader in A.I. and the only one that can bring it to life have become a priority, specially this year, when IBM celebrates its centennial in Brazil. To do so, a traditional advertising campaign wouldn’t be enough. A memorable experience with Watson would be crucial to make people feel the impact A.I. and Watson can bring to their lives and how it can transform businesses. Execution Pinacoteca’s curators picked a selection of art pieces from the permanent collection of the museum that covered the history of Brazilian Art. Together with the Watson team, the curators spent 6 months teaching the system everything about the art pieces: it’s history, authors, curiosities, context, relation to today’s events etc. We developed an app with Watson Cognitive Capabilities and through a beacon system it recognized where the users were and to which art piece to talk to. All the experience with the app and within the museum was created considering a broader audience so it could be used by anyone: from 10 to 100 years old. And Watson learning didn’t stop at the release of the project - it will continue learning with users, throughout the entire period in which it will be available at Pinacoteca. Strategy The strategy was to put all Watson's cognitive power into a mobile app made available to visitors to the Pinacoteca Museum.This application uses several Watson APIs to recognize visitors' questions, identify the intent of those questions, and deliver specific answers. In addition, we incorporate a system in the museum building that recognizes the presence of the visitor in front of the piece of art and begins the interaction with the application in their hands.It is new tool that allows the visitor to have a completely new experience and turns the museum into a place of technological experimentation. CampaignDescription 72% of Brazilians have never been to museums nor art institutes because they do not relate to or understand art. We then created “The Voice of Art”, a project in partnership with Pinacoteca, São Paulo’s oldest museum, known for its innovative vein. Initially for two months, Pinacoteca’s visitors could use an exclusive app to literally talk to seven art pieces of the collection, asking them whatever they wanted, the way they wanted; the response was given by Watson through its Brazilian voice in real time and natural language, explaining subjects such as the history behind the piece, art techniques and styling, and even the relationship with current topics. It was a creative and unprecedented idea that not only brought museum visitors’ experience to a new level and generated awareness to Watson: it also made Brazilians become more open to and interested in art.

    The Voice of Art

    案例简介:结果 赢得价值 330万美元的媒体; 50 多个当地和国际公关故事,包括巴西领先的软新闻电视节目的 4 分钟片段; 最高有机覆盖范围 (+ 1 万) 以及 IBM 巴西 Facebook 页面的历史参与率 (37% -- 我们的平均水平是 3%);到目前为止,YouTube 和 Facebook 上的 + 6m 浏览量,是 + 280K 有机浏览量; 皮纳科特卡的访客数量每周增加 340%; 由于其巨大的成功, 该项目又延长了两个月。但更重要的是,它已经交付了业务成果: 为 IBM 提供了 4 个新的客户机会,包括另一个大型博物馆,这证明了这些成果在不同领域都是积极的。 概要 人工智能的市场估计为 12亿美元,为 2017,是新技术的前沿。IBM 拥有世界上最先进的人工智能平台沃森,该平台一直在扰乱医疗保健、教育和金融等行业。然而,在巴西,与其他国家相比,人们对人工智能的熟悉程度仍然肤浅。此外,像微软和谷歌这样的品牌在这个类别中有很高的知名度,尽管它是开创性的,但却威胁着 IBM。因此,将 IBM 品牌定位为人工智能领域的领导者,也是唯一一个能够让它起死回生的品牌,已经成为一个优先事项,特别是今年,当 IBM 在巴西庆祝百年庆典时。要做到这一点,传统的广告活动是不够的。与沃森的难忘经历对于让人们感受到人工智能和沃森能给他们的生活带来的影响以及它如何改变企业至关重要。 执行 皮纳科特卡的策展人从博物馆的永久收藏中挑选了一批艺术作品,这些作品涵盖了巴西艺术的历史。与沃森团队一起,策展人花了 6 个月时间教这个系统关于艺术作品的一切: 历史、作者、好奇心、背景,与今天的事件等有关,我们开发了一个具有沃森认知能力的应用程序,并通过信标系统识别用户在哪里以及与哪个艺术品交谈。应用程序和博物馆内的所有体验都是为了更广泛的观众而创建的,所以它可以被任何人使用: 从 10 岁到 100 岁。沃森学习并没有在项目发布时停止 -- 它将在 Pinacoteca 提供的整个期间继续与用户学习。 战略 该策略是将沃森的所有认知能力投入到皮纳科特卡博物馆的游客可以使用的移动应用程序中。这个应用程序使用几个沃森 api 来识别访问者的问题,识别这些问题的意图,并提供具体的答案。此外,我们在博物馆建筑中加入了一个系统,该系统识别艺术品前面的访问者的存在,并开始与他们手中的应用程序进行交互。这是一种新的工具,让游客有一种全新的体验,并将博物馆变成一个技术实验的地方。 活动描述 72% 的巴西人从未去过博物馆或艺术机构,因为他们不了解艺术。然后,我们创建了 “艺术之声”,这是一个与圣保罗最古老的博物馆皮纳科特卡合作的项目,以其创新精神而闻名。最初两个月,Pinacoteca 的访问者可以使用一个独家应用程序与收藏的七件艺术品进行对话,询问他们想要的任何东西,他们想要的方式; 沃森通过巴西的实时声音和自然语言给出了回应,解释主题,如作品背后的历史、艺术技巧和造型,甚至与当前主题的关系。这是一个创造性的、前所未有的想法,不仅将博物馆参观者的体验提升到了一个新的水平,并提高了沃森的意识: 它还让巴西人对艺术更加开放和感兴趣。

    The Voice of Art

    案例简介:Outcome Earned media valued at US$ 3.3 million; more than 50 local and international PR stories, including a 4-minute segment on Brazil’s leading soft news TV show; highest organic reach (+1M) and engagement rate (37% - our average is 3%) on the history of IBM Brazil’s Facebook page; +6M views on YouTube and Facebook to date, being +280K organic views; 340% increase on the number of Pinacoteca’s visitors week to week; due to its huge success, the project was extended for a 2 extra months. But more than that, it has already delivered business results: 4 new client opportunities for IBM, including another big museum, what proves that the results were positive in different spheres. Synopsis With a market estimated in US$ 1.2 billion for 2017, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the new technology frontier. IBM owns the most advanced A.I. platform in the world – Watson –, which has been disrupting industries such as healthcare, education and finance. However, in Brazil, people’s familiarity with A.I. is still superficial when compared to that of other countries. Also, brands such as Microsoft and Google have a high awareness in the category, threatening IBM despite its pioneering. So, positioning the IBM brand as the leader in A.I. and the only one that can bring it to life have become a priority, specially this year, when IBM celebrates its centennial in Brazil. To do so, a traditional advertising campaign wouldn’t be enough. A memorable experience with Watson would be crucial to make people feel the impact A.I. and Watson can bring to their lives and how it can transform businesses. Execution Pinacoteca’s curators picked a selection of art pieces from the permanent collection of the museum that covered the history of Brazilian Art. Together with the Watson team, the curators spent 6 months teaching the system everything about the art pieces: it’s history, authors, curiosities, context, relation to today’s events etc. We developed an app with Watson Cognitive Capabilities and through a beacon system it recognized where the users were and to which art piece to talk to. All the experience with the app and within the museum was created considering a broader audience so it could be used by anyone: from 10 to 100 years old. And Watson learning didn’t stop at the release of the project - it will continue learning with users, throughout the entire period in which it will be available at Pinacoteca. Strategy The strategy was to put all Watson's cognitive power into a mobile app made available to visitors to the Pinacoteca Museum.This application uses several Watson APIs to recognize visitors' questions, identify the intent of those questions, and deliver specific answers. In addition, we incorporate a system in the museum building that recognizes the presence of the visitor in front of the piece of art and begins the interaction with the application in their hands.It is new tool that allows the visitor to have a completely new experience and turns the museum into a place of technological experimentation. CampaignDescription 72% of Brazilians have never been to museums nor art institutes because they do not relate to or understand art. We then created “The Voice of Art”, a project in partnership with Pinacoteca, São Paulo’s oldest museum, known for its innovative vein. Initially for two months, Pinacoteca’s visitors could use an exclusive app to literally talk to seven art pieces of the collection, asking them whatever they wanted, the way they wanted; the response was given by Watson through its Brazilian voice in real time and natural language, explaining subjects such as the history behind the piece, art techniques and styling, and even the relationship with current topics. It was a creative and unprecedented idea that not only brought museum visitors’ experience to a new level and generated awareness to Watson: it also made Brazilians become more open to and interested in art.



    The Voice of Art


    广告公司: 奥美 (巴西 圣保罗) 制作公司: Bando Studio




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