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    案例简介:Serviceplan西班牙的 “情感” 活动突出了巴伦西亚的帕劳·德·莱斯艺术作为大流行时期文化中心的重要性 OOH Campaign在瓦伦西亚的Palau de les Arts外安装了10个底座,为单词E-M-O-C-I- Ó -N-a-T-E的每个字母都创造了不同的创造力。每个字母对应于本赛季节目的标题和不同的艺术学科。 巴伦西亚,2021年2月23日-El Palau de Les Arts (Les Arts) 是全球公认的文化建筑,也是巴伦西亚的标志性艺术中心。Les Arts位于瓦伦西亚的艺术与科学城,是世界级建筑师圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦 (Santiago Calatrava) 最伟大的建筑瑰宝之一,无疑是瓦伦西亚和西班牙文化和旅游革命的重要组成部分。 然而,尽管每年有超过几人参观科学城地区-包括半球电影院 (IMAX电影院),科学博物馆和oceanogr à fic (欧洲最大的水族馆之一),但Les Arts计划仍然未知许多巴伦西亚公民和游客。 尽管Les Arts大楼被视为瓦伦西亚最具标志性的建筑符号之一,但其高质量和多样化的节目-与欧洲一流的歌剧院和剧院相提并论-没有得到应有的认可。Serviceplan Spain开展了一项运动,通过使人们更接近空间本身的内容,使人们更多地接触Les Arts及其无与伦比的文化计划。因此,emoci ó nate en Les Arts活动的构想是为了传达Les arts人们可以使用的各种表演艺术和文化产品,并且还由传统的离线和数字广告和动作组成。Emoci ó nate的翻译是 “感受情感”。 该活动的核心是一个装置,该装置涉及在Les Arts之外放置10个大型支撑,该支撑位于与科学城游客经常光顾的其他地方最近的长廊上,以使其从各个角度可见。 对于构成单词E-M-O-C-I-Ó-N-A-T-E的10个字母中的每一个,都采用了代表Les Arts文化计划不同艺术学科的视觉效果来装饰字母。这些字母具有醒目的设计,并用光反应的 “虹彩” 墨水制成,因此当夜幕降临时,整个单词都被照亮了,并且在城市的不同地方都可以从远处看到,从而吸引了更多的游客进入建筑物,就像飞蛾扑火一样。10个支持中的每一个还包含一个QR码,路人可以扫描该QR码,该QR码链接到Les Arts文化计划中的表演视频,以及一个Spotify码,使人们能够收听与该计划相关的音乐。 为了进一步鼓励市民靠近建筑物本身的区域,在Palau de les Arts周围设置了不同的战略要点,邀请市民从创意合奏的这些特殊可见点拍摄自己的照片或自拍照。 因此,通过这种简单的创造力,在更广泛的传播活动中,Les Arts通过这个壮观而引人注目的OOH活动成为其产品的第一个展示,该活动专注于建筑物环境中的伟大人物和表演,构思了emoci ó nate活动,以告知现有观众,同时吸引新的观众,通过可视化每个节目的联合或单独报价,以及传统的离线和数字广告和数字动作。


    案例简介:Serviceplan Spain’s ‘Emociónate’ campaign Highlights Valencia’s Palau de Les Arts Importance as a Cultural Centre in Pandemic Times OOH Campaign features installation of 10 plinths outside Palau de les Arts in Valencia, with a different piece of creativity created for each of the letters of the word E-M-O-C-I- Ó -N-A-T-E. Each letter corresponding to a title and a different artistic discipline of the season's programming. Valencia, 23 February 2021 — El Palau de Les Arts (Les Arts) is a globally recognized cultural building, and an iconic art centre in Valencia. Located within Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences, one of the greatest architectural gems of world-class architect Santiago Calatrava, Les Arts has undoubtedly been an important part of the cultural and tourist revolution of Valencia and Spain. However, despite the fact that more than several people visit the City of Sciences area - comprising the Hemisferic (IMAX cinema), Science Museum and Oceanogràfic (one of the largest aquariums in Europe) annually, the Les Arts programme is still unknown to many Valencian citizens and visitors. Although the Les Arts building is seen as one of the most iconic architectural symbols of Valencia, its high quality and varied programming – which is on a par with the great European opera houses and theatres – doesn’t have the level of recognition it deserves. Serviceplan Spain developed a campaign that will give more exposure to Les Arts and its unparalleled cultural program, by bringing people closer to the content of the space itself. So the Emociónate en Les Arts campaign was conceived in order to communicate the wide variety of performing arts and cultural offerings available to people at Les Arts, and was also composed with conventional offline and digital ads and actions. The translation of Emociónate is “Feel the emotions”. At the heart of the campaign was an installation involving placing 10 large supports outside Les Arts, on the promenade closest to the other frequented by visitors to the City of Sciences, in order to make it visible from all angles. For each of the 10 letters making up the word E-M-O-C-I-Ó-N-A-T-E, visuals representing different artistic disciplines of the cultural program of Les Arts were applied to decorate the letter. The letters had a striking design and were made with a light-reactive "iridescent" ink, so that when night fell, the entire word was illuminated and was visible from a distance in different parts of the city, having the effect of drawing more visitors to the building like moths to a flame. Each of the 10 supports also incorporated a QR code which passers-by could scan that linked to videos of shows in the Les Arts cultural programme, as well as a Spotify code which enabled people to listen to music related to the programme. To further encourage citizens to get closer to the area of the building itself, different strategic points were set up around the Palau de les Arts, inviting citizens to take their own photographs or selfies from these points of special visibility of the creative ensemble. Thus, through this simple creativity, framed within a wider communication campaign, Les Arts became the first showcase of its offer through this spectacular and eye-catching OOH campaign focused on the great figures and shows in the building's environment conceived the EMOCIÓNATE campaign to inform the existing audience whilst attracting a new audience, by visualising the joint or individual offer of each show with the installation, as well as with conventional offline and digital ads and digital actions.

    Emociónate en LES ARTS

    案例简介:Serviceplan西班牙的 “情感” 活动突出了巴伦西亚的帕劳·德·莱斯艺术作为大流行时期文化中心的重要性 OOH Campaign在瓦伦西亚的Palau de les Arts外安装了10个底座,为单词E-M-O-C-I- Ó -N-a-T-E的每个字母都创造了不同的创造力。每个字母对应于本赛季节目的标题和不同的艺术学科。 巴伦西亚,2021年2月23日-El Palau de Les Arts (Les Arts) 是全球公认的文化建筑,也是巴伦西亚的标志性艺术中心。Les Arts位于瓦伦西亚的艺术与科学城,是世界级建筑师圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦 (Santiago Calatrava) 最伟大的建筑瑰宝之一,无疑是瓦伦西亚和西班牙文化和旅游革命的重要组成部分。 然而,尽管每年有超过几人参观科学城地区-包括半球电影院 (IMAX电影院),科学博物馆和oceanogr à fic (欧洲最大的水族馆之一),但Les Arts计划仍然未知许多巴伦西亚公民和游客。 尽管Les Arts大楼被视为瓦伦西亚最具标志性的建筑符号之一,但其高质量和多样化的节目-与欧洲一流的歌剧院和剧院相提并论-没有得到应有的认可。Serviceplan Spain开展了一项运动,通过使人们更接近空间本身的内容,使人们更多地接触Les Arts及其无与伦比的文化计划。因此,emoci ó nate en Les Arts活动的构想是为了传达Les arts人们可以使用的各种表演艺术和文化产品,并且还由传统的离线和数字广告和动作组成。Emoci ó nate的翻译是 “感受情感”。 该活动的核心是一个装置,该装置涉及在Les Arts之外放置10个大型支撑,该支撑位于与科学城游客经常光顾的其他地方最近的长廊上,以使其从各个角度可见。 对于构成单词E-M-O-C-I-Ó-N-A-T-E的10个字母中的每一个,都采用了代表Les Arts文化计划不同艺术学科的视觉效果来装饰字母。这些字母具有醒目的设计,并用光反应的 “虹彩” 墨水制成,因此当夜幕降临时,整个单词都被照亮了,并且在城市的不同地方都可以从远处看到,从而吸引了更多的游客进入建筑物,就像飞蛾扑火一样。10个支持中的每一个还包含一个QR码,路人可以扫描该QR码,该QR码链接到Les Arts文化计划中的表演视频,以及一个Spotify码,使人们能够收听与该计划相关的音乐。 为了进一步鼓励市民靠近建筑物本身的区域,在Palau de les Arts周围设置了不同的战略要点,邀请市民从创意合奏的这些特殊可见点拍摄自己的照片或自拍照。 因此,通过这种简单的创造力,在更广泛的传播活动中,Les Arts通过这个壮观而引人注目的OOH活动成为其产品的第一个展示,该活动专注于建筑物环境中的伟大人物和表演,构思了emoci ó nate活动,以告知现有观众,同时吸引新的观众,通过可视化每个节目的联合或单独报价,以及传统的离线和数字广告和数字动作。

    Emociónate en LES ARTS

    案例简介:Serviceplan Spain’s ‘Emociónate’ campaign Highlights Valencia’s Palau de Les Arts Importance as a Cultural Centre in Pandemic Times OOH Campaign features installation of 10 plinths outside Palau de les Arts in Valencia, with a different piece of creativity created for each of the letters of the word E-M-O-C-I- Ó -N-A-T-E. Each letter corresponding to a title and a different artistic discipline of the season's programming. Valencia, 23 February 2021 — El Palau de Les Arts (Les Arts) is a globally recognized cultural building, and an iconic art centre in Valencia. Located within Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences, one of the greatest architectural gems of world-class architect Santiago Calatrava, Les Arts has undoubtedly been an important part of the cultural and tourist revolution of Valencia and Spain. However, despite the fact that more than several people visit the City of Sciences area - comprising the Hemisferic (IMAX cinema), Science Museum and Oceanogràfic (one of the largest aquariums in Europe) annually, the Les Arts programme is still unknown to many Valencian citizens and visitors. Although the Les Arts building is seen as one of the most iconic architectural symbols of Valencia, its high quality and varied programming – which is on a par with the great European opera houses and theatres – doesn’t have the level of recognition it deserves. Serviceplan Spain developed a campaign that will give more exposure to Les Arts and its unparalleled cultural program, by bringing people closer to the content of the space itself. So the Emociónate en Les Arts campaign was conceived in order to communicate the wide variety of performing arts and cultural offerings available to people at Les Arts, and was also composed with conventional offline and digital ads and actions. The translation of Emociónate is “Feel the emotions”. At the heart of the campaign was an installation involving placing 10 large supports outside Les Arts, on the promenade closest to the other frequented by visitors to the City of Sciences, in order to make it visible from all angles. For each of the 10 letters making up the word E-M-O-C-I-Ó-N-A-T-E, visuals representing different artistic disciplines of the cultural program of Les Arts were applied to decorate the letter. The letters had a striking design and were made with a light-reactive "iridescent" ink, so that when night fell, the entire word was illuminated and was visible from a distance in different parts of the city, having the effect of drawing more visitors to the building like moths to a flame. Each of the 10 supports also incorporated a QR code which passers-by could scan that linked to videos of shows in the Les Arts cultural programme, as well as a Spotify code which enabled people to listen to music related to the programme. To further encourage citizens to get closer to the area of the building itself, different strategic points were set up around the Palau de les Arts, inviting citizens to take their own photographs or selfies from these points of special visibility of the creative ensemble. Thus, through this simple creativity, framed within a wider communication campaign, Les Arts became the first showcase of its offer through this spectacular and eye-catching OOH campaign focused on the great figures and shows in the building's environment conceived the EMOCIÓNATE campaign to inform the existing audience whilst attracting a new audience, by visualising the joint or individual offer of each show with the installation, as well as with conventional offline and digital ads and digital actions.



    Emociónate en LES ARTS










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