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    The Blind Votes海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 我们利用了该国最受关注的事件,即选举日,来改变许多以色列人的生活,他们从未在谨慎的民主选举中投票,也没有要求别人投票给他们。为什么?因为以色列人仍在通过写有候选人名字的纸质笔记投票。 我们的创新创造了巨大的媒体影响和报道,零预算用于媒体 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 我们的产品没有任何限制 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 我们的产品和工作使盲人和视力受损的人能够在以色列首次自行投票。 背景 挑战: 大多数盲人没有接触到最新的技术更新,很难接触到他们。 机会: 我们利用了该国最受关注的事件,即选举日,来改变许多以色列人的生活,他们从未在谨慎的民主选举中投票,也没有要求别人投票给他们。为什么?因为以色列人仍在通过写有候选人名字的纸质笔记投票。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 这个想法: 我们与以色列政府合作,在以色列各地的投票中心放置了MyEye装置,视力受损的人可以在投票后自己佩戴,私下听到每一张投票记录。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们基本上利用了该国最受报道的事件 (选举),并与以色列政府合作。 我们与全国选举委员会组织了一次联合新闻发布会,宣布由于我们的创新,这次选举,盲人和受损人士可以第一次在没有援助的情况下投票。 为了我们自己的利益,我们利用了巨大的选举覆盖面 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们与以色列政府合作,在以色列各地的投票中心放置了MyEye装置,视力受损的人可以在投票后自己佩戴,私下听到每一张投票记录。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 我们立即在所有主要媒体广播公司、博客和报纸上获得了本地和全球的报道。 我们的活动打破了所有传统的广告界限。 所有来投票的盲人和视力受损的公民都使用我们的产品,并首次在无人协助的情况下投票


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it. Our innovation created huge media impact and coverage with zero budget spent on media Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: There is no restrictions regarding our product Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Our product and work enabled blind and impaired vision people to vote on their own for the first time ever in Israel Background The Challenge: Most of the blind people are not exposed to the latest technological updates and it's extremely difficult to reach them. The Opportunity: We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Idea: In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We basically used the most covered event in the country (The elections) and collaborated with the Israeli government. We organized a joint press conference with the national elections comity to announce that this elections, blind and impaired people can vote unassisted for the first time thanks to our innovation. We exploited the huge elections coverage for our own good Describe the execution (20% of vote) In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: We got immediate local and global coverage in all the major media broadcasters, blogs and newspapers. Our campaign broke all traditional advertising boundaries. All blind and visually impaired citizens who came to vote used our product and voted unassisted for the first time

    The Blind Votes

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 我们利用了该国最受关注的事件,即选举日,来改变许多以色列人的生活,他们从未在谨慎的民主选举中投票,也没有要求别人投票给他们。为什么?因为以色列人仍在通过写有候选人名字的纸质笔记投票。 我们的创新创造了巨大的媒体影响和报道,零预算用于媒体 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 我们的产品没有任何限制 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 我们的产品和工作使盲人和视力受损的人能够在以色列首次自行投票。 背景 挑战: 大多数盲人没有接触到最新的技术更新,很难接触到他们。 机会: 我们利用了该国最受关注的事件,即选举日,来改变许多以色列人的生活,他们从未在谨慎的民主选举中投票,也没有要求别人投票给他们。为什么?因为以色列人仍在通过写有候选人名字的纸质笔记投票。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 这个想法: 我们与以色列政府合作,在以色列各地的投票中心放置了MyEye装置,视力受损的人可以在投票后自己佩戴,私下听到每一张投票记录。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们基本上利用了该国最受报道的事件 (选举),并与以色列政府合作。 我们与全国选举委员会组织了一次联合新闻发布会,宣布由于我们的创新,这次选举,盲人和受损人士可以第一次在没有援助的情况下投票。 为了我们自己的利益,我们利用了巨大的选举覆盖面 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们与以色列政府合作,在以色列各地的投票中心放置了MyEye装置,视力受损的人可以在投票后自己佩戴,私下听到每一张投票记录。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: 我们立即在所有主要媒体广播公司、博客和报纸上获得了本地和全球的报道。 我们的活动打破了所有传统的广告界限。 所有来投票的盲人和视力受损的公民都使用我们的产品,并首次在无人协助的情况下投票

    The Blind Votes

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it. Our innovation created huge media impact and coverage with zero budget spent on media Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: There is no restrictions regarding our product Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Our product and work enabled blind and impaired vision people to vote on their own for the first time ever in Israel Background The Challenge: Most of the blind people are not exposed to the latest technological updates and it's extremely difficult to reach them. The Opportunity: We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) The Idea: In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We basically used the most covered event in the country (The elections) and collaborated with the Israeli government. We organized a joint press conference with the national elections comity to announce that this elections, blind and impaired people can vote unassisted for the first time thanks to our innovation. We exploited the huge elections coverage for our own good Describe the execution (20% of vote) In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: We got immediate local and global coverage in all the major media broadcasters, blogs and newspapers. Our campaign broke all traditional advertising boundaries. All blind and visually impaired citizens who came to vote used our product and voted unassisted for the first time



    The Blind Votes










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