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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 为了推出第二次世界大战射击游戏《战地风云5》,EA Games需要通过行业第一的激活重新吸引核心粉丝,这直接将社交热潮归因于销售。 我们的解决方案: Operation Enigma-一款绝密的多平台替代现实游戏 (ARG),使用通用ea-id跨30个不同渠道个性化体验,创建40,000个个人级别的体验。 为了与玩家交流,我们开发了一个人工智能的 “秘密代理”,使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 来阅读玩家信息,用7种不同的语言创造真正的个人体验。 参与任务的35% 名游戏玩家在发布前预先订购了《战地风云5》,带来了287% 的投资回报率。 背景 EA游戏需要通过重新吸引核心战场粉丝来抵御PubG,Fortnite和其他免费射击游戏的冲击,以在战场V发布之前建立邪教水平的兴趣。 通常,视频游戏发布的成功取决于核心粉丝的影响力和声音。作为微观影响者,他们的声音与广大公众产生共鸣和放大是推动真正需求的动力。 我们需要更进一步,并在5个月的预发行前阶段证明这次参与对战地V销售的直接归属。媒体预算为零。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 推出新的视频游戏很复杂。 就像电影首映一样,成功往往取决于核心粉丝的影响力和声音。作为微观影响者,他们的声音与公众产生共鸣和放大,推动了需求和长期玩家参与。 为了推出第二次世界大战射击游戏《战地风云5》,EA游戏需要重新点燃核心粉丝。在YouTube上观看了过去游戏中由粉丝创建的《战地》复活节彩蛋视频的10亿多次观看 (观看次数比以前所有《战地》预告片的总和还多),我们知道如何吸引这些铁杆游戏玩家-通过给他们一个诱人的秘密来解开。 这个秘密: Operation Enigma-一个绝密的多平台替代现实游戏 (ARG),涉及60个独特的谜题,隐藏在7种语言的30个不同渠道中。 该活动在《战地v》推出前5个月开始,为我们痴迷的观众提供秘密和线索,以寻找,关注,弄清楚和分享,为我们传播《战地v》的信息。 描述策略 (投票20%) 归因是证明成功的关键任务。 我们的策略特别复杂,因为我们在互联网上的30个不同技术平台上隐藏了谜题、线索和挑战。在5个月的时间里,玩家在YouTube上发布了预告片,在Spotify的乐谱中发现了秘密消息,通过Google Maps在历史悠久的第二次世界大战目的地找到了线索,并使用了诸如隐写术之类的真实间谍技术来揭示隐藏在Wikipedia中的消息。 每次互动都旨在生成可衡量的结构化或非结构化数据,从而根据玩家在旅程中的位置进行个性化响应。我们开发了一种通过通用ea-id进行编排的新方法,这使我们能够在30个渠道中个性化40,000个人。通过这种方式,我们将未知的参与玩家变成了已知的,可操作的单一客户记录。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 为了支持个人通信,我们构建了两个AI驱动的通信引擎,以便在电子邮件和Messenger聊天中提供实时响应。我们用7种不同的语言构建了这些定制引擎。 这些AI驱动的 “秘密代理” 使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 来读取和响应玩家消息,为世界各地的玩家提供真正的个人体验。我们采用结构化数据源,如总访问量、回访之间的时间和停留时间,结合非结构化数据,将其输入到我们定制的NLP算法中,实现实时功能和响应式个性化。 由AI驱动的代理托管在AWS数据环境中,以编码指令进行响应,以7种不同的语言与玩家进行交互,以根据玩家的个人旅程提供实时的一对一交互。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们的40,000位微观影响者在5个月内产生了超过7.3的印象,评论和分享。所有媒体支出为零。 但更好的是,因为我们收集,链接和跟踪每个参与者到一个唯一的ea-id,我们能够在归因中闭合循环。这表明,35% 参与Enigma行动的游戏玩家在发布前预订了《战地风云5》,带来了287% 的投资回报率,使其成为特许经营历史上最有效的营销激活。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To launch World War II shooter Battlefield V, EA Games needed to re-engage core fans with an industry-first activation that directly attributed social buzz to a sale. Our solution: Operation Enigma - a top-secret, multi-platform Alternate Reality Game (ARG) using a Universal EA-ID to personalize experiences across 30 different channels, creating 40,000 individual-level experiences. To communicate with players, we developed an AI-powered ‘secret agent’ using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read player messages, creating genuinely personal experiences in 7 different languages. 35% of gamers who engaged with the mission pre-ordered Battlefield V ahead of launch, delivering an ROI of 287%. Background EA Games needed to defend against the onslaught of PubG, Fortnite and other free-to-play shooters by re-engaging core Battlefield fans to build cult level interest ahead of the launch of Battlefield V. Typically, video game launch success is determined by the impact and voice of the core fans. As micro-influencers, their voices resonating and amplifying with the broader public is what drives real demand. We needed to go one step further and demonstrate a direct attribution to Battlefield V sales from this engagement over a 5-month pre-launch period. With zero media budget. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Launching a new video game is complex. Like movie premieres, success is often determined by the impact and voice of core fans. As micro-influencers, their voices resonating and amplifying with the public drives demand and long-term player engagement. To launch World War II shooter Battlefield V, EA Games needed to re-ignite core fans. With over 1 billion YouTube views of fan-created Battlefield Easter Egg videos from past games (more views than all previous Battlefield launch trailers combined), we knew how to engage these hardcore gamers – by giving them a tantalising secret to unravel. That secret: Operation Enigma - a top-secret, multi-platform Alternate Reality Game (ARG) involving 60 unique puzzles, hidden across 30 different channels in 7 languages. The campaign started 5 months before Battlefield V’s launch, with secrets and clues for our obsessive audiences to find, follow, figure out and share, spreading the message of Battlefield V for us. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Attribution was mission-critical to proving success. Our strategy was especially complex given we hid puzzles, clues and challenges across 30 different technology platforms across the internet. For 5 months, players Shazamed trailers in YouTube, found secret messages inside sheet music within Spotify, found clues at historic WWII destinations through Google Maps and used real spycraft techniques like steganography to reveal messages hidden within Wikipedia. Every interaction was designed to produce measurable structured or unstructured data that enabled personalized responses based on where players were in their journey. We developed a new way to orchestrate this through a Universal EA-ID which allowed us to personalize 40,000 individuals across 30 channels. Through this we turned what would have been unknown engaged players into known, actionable, single customer records. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To power individual communications we built two AI-powered communication engines to deliver real-time responses across Email & Messenger Chat. We built these bespoke engines in 7 different languages. These AI-powered ‘secret agents’ used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read and respond to player messages, enabling genuinely personal experiences for players around the world. We took structured data sources like total visits, time between return visits and dwell time, married with unstructured data, to feed into our custom-built NLP algorithm, enabling real-time capability and responsive personalisation. Hosted on an AWS data environment, the AI-powered agents responded with coded instructions, interacting with players in 7 different languages to deliver real-time, one-to-one interactions based on players’ individual journeys. List the results (30% of vote) Our 40,000 micro-influencers generated over 7.3m impressions, comments and shares over the 5-month period. All with zero media spend. But better yet, because we collected, linked and tracked every participant to a unique EA-ID we were able to close the loop in attribution. This revealed that 35% of gamers who engaged with the Operation Enigma pre-ordered Battlefield V ahead of launch, delivering an ROI of 287%, making this the most effective marketing activation in the franchise's history.

    Operation Enigma

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体有关? 为了推出第二次世界大战射击游戏《战地风云5》,EA Games需要通过行业第一的激活重新吸引核心粉丝,这直接将社交热潮归因于销售。 我们的解决方案: Operation Enigma-一款绝密的多平台替代现实游戏 (ARG),使用通用ea-id跨30个不同渠道个性化体验,创建40,000个个人级别的体验。 为了与玩家交流,我们开发了一个人工智能的 “秘密代理”,使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 来阅读玩家信息,用7种不同的语言创造真正的个人体验。 参与任务的35% 名游戏玩家在发布前预先订购了《战地风云5》,带来了287% 的投资回报率。 背景 EA游戏需要通过重新吸引核心战场粉丝来抵御PubG,Fortnite和其他免费射击游戏的冲击,以在战场V发布之前建立邪教水平的兴趣。 通常,视频游戏发布的成功取决于核心粉丝的影响力和声音。作为微观影响者,他们的声音与广大公众产生共鸣和放大是推动真正需求的动力。 我们需要更进一步,并在5个月的预发行前阶段证明这次参与对战地V销售的直接归属。媒体预算为零。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 推出新的视频游戏很复杂。 就像电影首映一样,成功往往取决于核心粉丝的影响力和声音。作为微观影响者,他们的声音与公众产生共鸣和放大,推动了需求和长期玩家参与。 为了推出第二次世界大战射击游戏《战地风云5》,EA游戏需要重新点燃核心粉丝。在YouTube上观看了过去游戏中由粉丝创建的《战地》复活节彩蛋视频的10亿多次观看 (观看次数比以前所有《战地》预告片的总和还多),我们知道如何吸引这些铁杆游戏玩家-通过给他们一个诱人的秘密来解开。 这个秘密: Operation Enigma-一个绝密的多平台替代现实游戏 (ARG),涉及60个独特的谜题,隐藏在7种语言的30个不同渠道中。 该活动在《战地v》推出前5个月开始,为我们痴迷的观众提供秘密和线索,以寻找,关注,弄清楚和分享,为我们传播《战地v》的信息。 描述策略 (投票20%) 归因是证明成功的关键任务。 我们的策略特别复杂,因为我们在互联网上的30个不同技术平台上隐藏了谜题、线索和挑战。在5个月的时间里,玩家在YouTube上发布了预告片,在Spotify的乐谱中发现了秘密消息,通过Google Maps在历史悠久的第二次世界大战目的地找到了线索,并使用了诸如隐写术之类的真实间谍技术来揭示隐藏在Wikipedia中的消息。 每次互动都旨在生成可衡量的结构化或非结构化数据,从而根据玩家在旅程中的位置进行个性化响应。我们开发了一种通过通用ea-id进行编排的新方法,这使我们能够在30个渠道中个性化40,000个人。通过这种方式,我们将未知的参与玩家变成了已知的,可操作的单一客户记录。 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 为了支持个人通信,我们构建了两个AI驱动的通信引擎,以便在电子邮件和Messenger聊天中提供实时响应。我们用7种不同的语言构建了这些定制引擎。 这些AI驱动的 “秘密代理” 使用自然语言处理 (NLP) 来读取和响应玩家消息,为世界各地的玩家提供真正的个人体验。我们采用结构化数据源,如总访问量、回访之间的时间和停留时间,结合非结构化数据,将其输入到我们定制的NLP算法中,实现实时功能和响应式个性化。 由AI驱动的代理托管在AWS数据环境中,以编码指令进行响应,以7种不同的语言与玩家进行交互,以根据玩家的个人旅程提供实时的一对一交互。 列出结果 (投票30%) 我们的40,000位微观影响者在5个月内产生了超过7.3的印象,评论和分享。所有媒体支出为零。 但更好的是,因为我们收集,链接和跟踪每个参与者到一个唯一的ea-id,我们能够在归因中闭合循环。这表明,35% 参与Enigma行动的游戏玩家在发布前预订了《战地风云5》,带来了287% 的投资回报率,使其成为特许经营历史上最有效的营销激活。

    Operation Enigma

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? To launch World War II shooter Battlefield V, EA Games needed to re-engage core fans with an industry-first activation that directly attributed social buzz to a sale. Our solution: Operation Enigma - a top-secret, multi-platform Alternate Reality Game (ARG) using a Universal EA-ID to personalize experiences across 30 different channels, creating 40,000 individual-level experiences. To communicate with players, we developed an AI-powered ‘secret agent’ using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read player messages, creating genuinely personal experiences in 7 different languages. 35% of gamers who engaged with the mission pre-ordered Battlefield V ahead of launch, delivering an ROI of 287%. Background EA Games needed to defend against the onslaught of PubG, Fortnite and other free-to-play shooters by re-engaging core Battlefield fans to build cult level interest ahead of the launch of Battlefield V. Typically, video game launch success is determined by the impact and voice of the core fans. As micro-influencers, their voices resonating and amplifying with the broader public is what drives real demand. We needed to go one step further and demonstrate a direct attribution to Battlefield V sales from this engagement over a 5-month pre-launch period. With zero media budget. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Launching a new video game is complex. Like movie premieres, success is often determined by the impact and voice of core fans. As micro-influencers, their voices resonating and amplifying with the public drives demand and long-term player engagement. To launch World War II shooter Battlefield V, EA Games needed to re-ignite core fans. With over 1 billion YouTube views of fan-created Battlefield Easter Egg videos from past games (more views than all previous Battlefield launch trailers combined), we knew how to engage these hardcore gamers – by giving them a tantalising secret to unravel. That secret: Operation Enigma - a top-secret, multi-platform Alternate Reality Game (ARG) involving 60 unique puzzles, hidden across 30 different channels in 7 languages. The campaign started 5 months before Battlefield V’s launch, with secrets and clues for our obsessive audiences to find, follow, figure out and share, spreading the message of Battlefield V for us. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Attribution was mission-critical to proving success. Our strategy was especially complex given we hid puzzles, clues and challenges across 30 different technology platforms across the internet. For 5 months, players Shazamed trailers in YouTube, found secret messages inside sheet music within Spotify, found clues at historic WWII destinations through Google Maps and used real spycraft techniques like steganography to reveal messages hidden within Wikipedia. Every interaction was designed to produce measurable structured or unstructured data that enabled personalized responses based on where players were in their journey. We developed a new way to orchestrate this through a Universal EA-ID which allowed us to personalize 40,000 individuals across 30 channels. Through this we turned what would have been unknown engaged players into known, actionable, single customer records. Describe the execution (20% of vote) To power individual communications we built two AI-powered communication engines to deliver real-time responses across Email & Messenger Chat. We built these bespoke engines in 7 different languages. These AI-powered ‘secret agents’ used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to read and respond to player messages, enabling genuinely personal experiences for players around the world. We took structured data sources like total visits, time between return visits and dwell time, married with unstructured data, to feed into our custom-built NLP algorithm, enabling real-time capability and responsive personalisation. Hosted on an AWS data environment, the AI-powered agents responded with coded instructions, interacting with players in 7 different languages to deliver real-time, one-to-one interactions based on players’ individual journeys. List the results (30% of vote) Our 40,000 micro-influencers generated over 7.3m impressions, comments and shares over the 5-month period. All with zero media spend. But better yet, because we collected, linked and tracked every participant to a unique EA-ID we were able to close the loop in attribution. This revealed that 35% of gamers who engaged with the Operation Enigma pre-ordered Battlefield V ahead of launch, delivering an ROI of 287%, making this the most effective marketing activation in the franchise's history.



    Operation Enigma






    广告公司: Digitas (澳大利亚 悉尼) 制作公司: Digitas




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